Certainly there will be times when a parent loses control and gets upset while making commands. As with all the skills of positive parenting, you don’t have to be perfect for the program to work. But it is important to try. When you make mistakes by forgetting to hold back your emotions or you just lose control, the solution is to apologize later. It is okay to make mistakes.
Children don’t need perfect parents, but they do need parents who do their best and take responsibility for their mistakes.
A little apology later on makes a big difference. It might sound like this, “I apologize for yelling at you. You did not deserve to be yelled at. Yelling is not a good way to communicate. I made a mistake.”
Another way to apologize is by saying, “I apologize for getting so upset with you. I needed your cooperation, but didn’t mean to get so upset with you. I was so upset because other things were bothering me as well. It wasn’t your fault that I got so upset.”