When parents learn how to accept and nurture the different temperaments, they naturally transform and flower. Some children may start out with a little of all four types and gradually move through them all throughout their lives. When a temperament is nurtured, at least for a while, it will transform into the next. These are some of the transformations to be expected:

Sensitive children, who have stronger feelings, go deeper, and are more serious, gradually lighten up, and have lots of fun and laughter along with being original. Sensitive children become more responsive. When a serious child feels heard, he or she will tend to become light and cheery for a while.

Responsive children, who are bright, light, and need more stimulation while moving from one thing to another, gradually learn to focus, be disciplined, and fully commit themselves in relationships and work. Responsive children become more receptive. When responsive children get to do many things, they begin to find something they really like and become more focused for a while.

Receptive children, who are well mannered and cooperative, and follow instructions well, but resist change, gradually become self-motivated, wise, adaptive, and flexible. Receptive children become more active. When receptive children have a regular routine, they feel safe enough to take risks and try new things.

Active children, who have strong wills, take risks, and want to be the center of attention, gradually become cooperative and compassionate in service to others. Active children become more sensitive. When active children get enough structure and guidance to feel competent or successful in achieving their goals, they become more sensitive and aware of the needs of others and wish to serve.