As long as parents are not talking to each other, kids will have too much power. For example, they will come home saying they are the only kid who has to be home by 11 P.M., and you feel pressured to change the curfew. The reality is usually that only one parent allows a curfew of eleven while all the other parents have set the curfew at ten. Parents don’t know this unless they are in communication with one another. Talking with other parents helps you figure out appropriate limits for your children and helps parents maintain control.

Start a monthly support group, read from Children Are from Heaven, and discuss the current issues you are having with your children. Talking about your issues and hearing what others are going through as well not only brings greater clarity, but also makes parenting easier. It becomes unnecessarily difficult when you feel alone. Parents need support, just as kids do. When you get the support of other parents, your children will get the support they need.

When you feel the support of other parents, it becomes much easier to maintain strong control and leadership while also giving your children permission to resist. With the support of others who share your commitment and insight, you will most effectively put the five positive messages into practice.