Fathers often alienate their daughters by giving solutions and not asking enough questions. Men commonly don’t understand the female need to talk and share, even when their daughters are not looking for advice or help. Men mistakenly assume that their job is always to fix things, when much of the time a little girl, teenager, or woman will just want to talk and be heard.

Since fathers tend to be more concerned with providing for the family, they are often less involved with the day-today details of raising the children. Often this gives little girls the message that their father just doesn’t care.

The truth is, a father cares about his daughter’s well being, and that is one of the reasons why he works so hard. At the same time, since he is not involved with the details, he doesn’t care much about the little things. He is concerned about her general well being, but whether she wears jeans and a ponytail or a skirt with matching barrettes is not that important to him.

This is unfortunate, because when he doesn’t care about the details of her life, she gets the message that he doesn’t care about her. To bond with his daughter, a father needs to put in time asking informed questions and to practice listening without always offering advice.