Parenting has always been a challenge, but positive parenting is an even greater challenge. Although it takes extra time and effort in the beginning to learn, it is well worth it. In the long run, not only does parenting become easier, but your children benefit as well. As your children move through their different stages of growth, you will be prepared at each turn.

As you apply the new skills of positive parenting, you will occasionally trip and fall, but everyone does. Soon you will feel confident and at peace, because you will know you are giving your children what they need. You cannot change their inner destiny or take away their unique problems, but you can give them the required parental support to face adversity and achieve increasing success.

As with any new skill, there is a learning curve. Before it gets easier, it becomes more difficult. As soon as you think you have it working, there is a setback, and you don’t know what to do. When your approach doesn’t seem to be working, or you don’t know what to do, that is the time to review Children Are from Heaven. In a short time, you will rediscover what you forgot. By once again applying the five skills of positive parenting, you will be back on track.

Even if you do everything right, remember that children are not perfect. They need to make mistakes and experience setbacks. They need problems and challenges in life to forge their unique character and set of strengths. Although your support is greatly needed, they come into this world with what they need to learn their lessons and do what they are here to do.

Just as you can’t expect your children to be perfect, don’t expect yourself to be perfect either. Making mistakes is a part of growing up, and it is a part of successful parenting. Children cannot grow strong if everything is too easy. Children cannot accept their imperfections if they haven’t had many opportunities to forgive their parents for their mistakes and imperfections.