{Avalon, NJ – June 1985}
Mark Sanders awoke at eight a.m. to his children’s loud voices. Wayne and Johnny could be heard urging their sister to “hurry up” as they stood outside the upstairs bathroom door. Turning to face his wife, Mark rolled his eyes and smiled.
“Our kids are louder than any alarm clock!”
Liz sluggishly responded, “I wouldn’t be surprised if they just woke up the entire island,” as she buried her head under her pillow.
With the sun streaming through their bedroom window, Mark sensed it was going to be a very hot day. He followed his regular morning custom while at the shore; he headed downstairs and straight to the outdoor shower. He always enjoyed using the large private shower on the bayside of the house. Mark believed that the pulsating spray from the open-air ceiling was one of the real joys of the shore. He claimed that an outdoor rinse made him feel more alert and energized, whereas most islanders understood that outside showers were practical for washing away saltwater and beach sand. Either way, Mark definitely loved the outdoor shower.
Mark, Liz, and her parents had planned a surprise for the children that morning. The adults wanted the summer to begin on a high note, so they decided to give the kids a few special gifts that they would appreciate and use often while they were at the shore.
After breakfast, the adults presented Lisa with a brand-new Ross Signature road bicycle. Lisa was thrilled, yelling, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” as she gave everyone heartfelt hugs. “This is just what I need to go back and forth to work this summer!”
The excitement did not stop there. The boys received Super Soaker 200 water guns and floating water polo goals. The boys were ecstatic!
Holding one of the Super Soakers high into the air, Johnny added, “Wow, this looks like it’s from the new James Bond movie, A View to a Kill.”
Wayne was even more excited about the water polo goals. While the entire family always enjoyed summer water polo games in the lagoon, the boys liked it so much, they joined a local competitive water polo team last fall. Of the two boys, Wayne was the more gifted athlete and he loved playing all kinds of sports, including swimming, surfing, waterskiing, volleyball, and soccer. But since starting league play, Wayne’s favorite activity was definitely this fun action-packed aquatic team sport.
Admiring the new goals, Wayne rejoiced, “Wow! This summer is going to be a blast!”
Johnny added, “These gifts are awesome.” The boys then hugged their parents and grandparents as they shouted in unison, “Thank you!”
A short time later, Lisa rode her new red bike to her girlfriend Amy’s house while Wayne and Johnny played outside with their new water guns. They had a blast pretending to be characters from the James Bond movie, and within no time at all, they were both drenched and very happy!
While the kids played with their latest prized possessions, Mark and Elizabeth sat on the back deck and quietly relaxed. Mark commented, “The kids really like their gifts. And your folks truly seem happy … and they look amazing too!”
Liz agreed. She told Mark how relieved she was that her parents’ home did not sustain extensive damage from the latest storm, “other than the minor bulkhead damage.”
The couple spent the rest of the afternoon together, simply mesmerized by the wonderful island views and weather.
That evening, Mark, Liz, and the boys walked from the house to Avalon’s main business district on Dune Drive. As they passed the town’s large pavilion at 21st Street, near the popular eatery, The Princeton, they observed Avalon’s mayor speaking to a large gathering.
“As you all realize, our town has once again been hit by a significant storm, and some of you have suffered extensive damage to your homes and businesses. For anyone who does not have adequate insurance to cover your losses, please note that we are expecting to receive state and federal emergency aid. If you need assistance, please stop by the Municipal Building tomorrow morning with an itemized list of damages and repair estimates. We will have application forms for you to complete in order to be considered for the emergency aid.”
Liz told Mark that she hadn’t realized that the recent storm had caused so much damage on the island. “I really feel bad. Some of the islanders are really suffering.”
As they continued walking, Mayor Carrington concluded his speech by saying, “While insurance may pay for some of the damages, and the government’s aid will definitely help, the reality is that these funds still may not be enough to fix everything. With this in mind, the local American Legion Post has set up a collection table behind the pavilion where it is seeking donations for this good cause. If you are able, please contribute generously to help those in need as we take strides to restore our island community. Thank you, and have a nice evening.”
Mark turned to his wife and said, “When we went on the boat ride yesterday, I was stunned by the extent of the damage to the bridge. And the significant damage to low-lying houses and buildings all around the island was upsetting. Let’s make a donation.”
Mark and Liz made a sizable donation and then continued their walk. A short time later, they stopped at the Paper Peddler bookstore, where Liz purchased a book written by the famous British author Jack Higgins. With the book Confessional in hand, Liz turned to her husband and said, “This is for Dad. You know how much he enjoys reading espionage novels!”
After leaving the store, Mark headed to the corner of 23rd and Dune Drive, which happened to be where the Avalon Freeze establishment was located. With a grin on his face, he said, “Who’s up for ice cream?” He began laughing as the boys darted toward the shop’s order window. The family always enjoyed the cool and delicious soft-serve cones while at the shore, especially on warm summer evenings.
Their final destination that evening was their favorite beach and toy store, Hoy’s 5 & 10. After a quick visit to purchase two T-shirts for her sons, they returned to the house, where they relaxed in the large family room. Noticing that her two boys looked very tired and were both yawning, Liz said, “OK, boys, I think it’s time for bed. Say good night.” With that, everyone agreed that it had been a long day, and they headed to the upstairs bedrooms.