Prophet of the New World


On December 8, 1875, Riel attended mass at St. Patrick’s Church in Washington, D.C. As he followed the beloved words of the mass, he could not help thinking wistfully that it was six years to the day since he had proclaimed the provisional government in Red River. Suddenly a feeling of extreme joy seized him, and an ecstatic smile spread across his face. A small boy beside him stared up at him wide-eyed, so Louis covered his mouth and cheeks with his handkerchief. Moments later, his mood swung into sorrow so deep that he struggled to suppress tears and keep from crying out. In minutes that feeling, too, passed.

Riel was sure this experience was the beginning of his new mission. Over the next few days, he had other powerful spiritual feelings. He believed the Holy Spirit spoke to him, and he saw a vision of the Virgin Mary. Usually quiet and devout, he burned with excitement and became very talkative.