Glossary of Acronyms

CCE: Command and Control Element (Special Forces)

COS: Chief of Station (CIA)

CT: Counterterrorism

CTC: Counterterrorist Center (CIA)

CTC/SO: Counterterrorist Center/Special Operations

DCOS: Deputy Chief of Station

DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency

DOD: Department of Defense

ISI: Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (Pakistan)

MEU: Marine Expeditionary Unit

MRE: Meal Ready to Eat

NALT: Northern Alliance Liaison Team

NE Div.: Near East and South Asia Division (CIA)

ODA: Operational Detachment Alpha (Special Forces “A” Team)

OTS: Office of Technical Services (CIA)

PM: Paramilitary

RPG: Rocket Propelled Grenade

SAD: Special Activities Division (CIA)

SF: Special Forces (Green Berets)

SO: Special Operations

SOFLAM: Special Operations Forces Laser Marker

TDY: Temporary Duty