Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Acheson, Dean, 245
African-Americans, 21–22, 25, 187–190
American Birth Control League, 182
American Peace Award, 263
Astor, William B. Jr., Mrs., 27, 36
Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt, The, 213
Babies—Just Babies, 161
Baruch, Bernard, 185–186
Bay of Pigs invasion, 257
Bill of Rights, 183–184, 268
Bleak House, 73
Bok, Edward, 263
Bourjaily, Monte, 208
Bradley, Harold Whitman, 22
Brains Trust, 157, 163, 181
Brands, H. W., 108, 149, 171
Broun, Heywood, 163
Brown v. the Board of Education, 211
Browning, Robert, 27–28
Bulloch, Mrs. James, 4
Campbell, Mary Branch, 200, 227
Caraway, Hattie, 96
Castro, Fidel, 211
Chiang Kai-shek, 211
Child Labor Amendment, 183
Christian Science Monitor, 263
Churchill, Allen, 107–108
Churchill, Winston, 214
Civil War, 21
Claney, Howard, 263
Cold War, 209, 240
Collier, Peter, 63
Continental Congress, 235
Cook, Blanche Wiesen, 14, 49, 71, 86, 96–97, 108, 118, 121, 154–157, 181, 185, 188, 201–202
Cook, Nancy, 166
Coolidge, Calvin, 133
Cosgrove, Mr., 174
Cosmopolitan, 212
Cox, James M., 133, 182
Cuban Missile Crisis, 259
Current History, 212
Datebook, 65, 71, 87, 190
de Medici, Catherine, 44
Dewson, Molly, 157, 185
Dickens, Charles, 4, 54, 59, 73, 178, 179
Dickerman, Marion, 166
Einstein, Albert, 210, 214
Eisenhower, Dwight, 189–190, 242, 246, 255–256
Eleanor and Anna Roosevelt Show, 214
Eleanor Roosevelt Encyclopedia, The, 161
Eleanor Roosevelt: Reluctant First Lady, 92
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 104
Evans, Mrs., 170, 175, 177, 191, 231, 247, 252
Faubus, Orval, 190
Ferguson, Helen, 126
Ferguson, Ronald, 126
“First Lady of the World,” 264
Frankfurter, Felix, 186
Freeholder, The, xviii
Furman, Bess, 97
Gagarin, Yuri, 210
Gandhi, Mahatma, 211, 245
Gardner, Richard N., xxi, 268
Garfunkel, Art, 261–262
Gilded Age, The, 24
Go Set a Watchman, 187
Golden Lad, The, xx
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 122
Gracie, James King, 46, 79, 249, 250
Graduate, The, 261–263
Great Depression, 155–162, 209, 212
Gurewitsch, David, 258–259
Hall, Anna Rebecca Ludlow. See also Roosevelt, Anna Rebecca Hall
courtship of, 33–42
early years of, 19, 21–31
marriage of, 43–53
Hall, Grandmother, 86–87, 176, 196, 204, 221–225, 229, 232, 247
Hall, Mary Livingston Ludlow, 33, 44, 86
Hall, Valentine, 30–31, 44, 222–223, 250
Halsted, James, 258
Hard Times, 178, 196
Harding, Warren G., 133
Harriman, Daisy, 9
Harvard Crimson, 264
Hickok, Lorena, 92–93, 140, 162
Hitler, Adolf, 185–187, 236, 242
Hoffa, Jimmy, 210
Holocaust, 185, 236
Hoover, Herbert, 135, 139, 159
Hopkins, Harry, 240
Horowitz, David, 63
Howe, Louis, 132, 134–135, 137, 157, 182, 216
Hudson Valley Regional Review, The, xviii, 8
Hugo, Victor, 72
Human rights, xxi–xxiii, 234–237, 243, 256–257, 267–269
Hunting Big Game in the Eighties: The Letters of Elliott Roosevelt, Sportsman, 154
Hunting Trips of a Ranchman, 7, 17
Ickes, Harold, 162
International Congress for Women Workers, 184
James, Henry, 26
John Birch Society, 210
Kaplan, Fred, 24
Kaplan, Justin, 24
Keeley, Lesley, 151–152
“Keeley Cure,” 148, 151–152, 170
Kelley, Florence, 182
Kennedy, Bobby, 257
Kennedy, John F., 256–257
Khrushchev, Nikita, 241–244, 257
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 257
Ladies’ Home Journal, 263
Lane, Franklin K., 130–131
Lape, Esther, 157, 159
Lash, Joseph, 9, 26, 34, 80, 160–165, 197, 201, 223–225, 241, 253–254, 264
League of Girls’ Clubs, 184
League of Nations, 136, 159
League of Women Voters, 136–138, 184
Lee, Harper, 187
Lenin, Vladimir, 241
Look, 212
Magna Carta, 267
Mann, Elliott Roosevelt, 174–178
Mann, Katy, 152, 170–178, 252–253
Marié, Peter, 26
Marshall, George, 268
McCall’s, 212
McCullough, David, 13, 26, 37
Mercer, Lucy, 81–82, 154, 162, 165
Mexican War, 114
Miller, Arthur, 266
Miller, Earl, 157
Miller, Nathan, 30, 111, 196
Moley, Ray, 163
Morgan, J. P., 44
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 186
Morris, Edmund, 116, 174
Mussolini, Benito, 187
National Consumers League, 182–183
National Press Club, 263
National Recovery Administration, 183
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 245
New Deal, 156–157
New York Herald, 43, 135, 145, 147, 250
New York League of Girls’ Clubs, 184
New York Times, xxi, xxiii, 43, 146, 222–223, 234, 249, 251, 268
New York Times Magazine, 213
New York World, 250
Newspaper Guild, 163
Nichols, Mike, 262
North American Review, 212
O’Connor, Doe, 162–163
Old Curiosity Shop, The, 4, 54, 178
Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, 244
Pavlov, Alexei, 236
Pavlov, Ivan, 241
Peace Corps, 257
Polio, 133–134
Pottker, Jan, 70, 90–91
Prohibition, 158–159
Prospects of Mankind, 214
Read, Elizabeth, 157
Red Cross, 128–129
Redbook, 212
Richmond Times-Dispatch, xviii
Robbins, Warren Delano, 161
Robinson, Douglas, Jr., 41, 178, 191, 197, 249
Roosevelt, Alice, 63–64, 87
Roosevelt, Anna Rebecca Hall
concerns of, 57, 63, 67–68, 75, 78–82, 118–121, 147–149, 174–176, 200–204
death of, 221–222, 250
early years of, 19, 21–31, 33–54
illnesses of, 220–221
marriage of, 43–54, 149–152
Roosevelt, Corinne, 9, 13–14, 41, 115, 178, 191, 228–229, 251–252
Roosevelt, Curtis, 122
Roosevelt, Edith, 58, 176
Roosevelt, Eleanor
childhood of, 3–5, 9–14, 17–18, 25–31, 48–54, 67–84
“coldness” of, 95–99
courtship of, 60–63
death of, 259–260
early years of, 3–5, 9–14, 17–18, 25–31, 48–54, 67–84, 117–118, 121–131
education of, 136, 141–142
fears of, 77–84
as first lady, 71, 92, 97–98, 105, 139–140, 153–167, 182–190, 264
“homeliness” of, 57–65
honoring, 261–265
human rights and, xxii–xxiii, 234–237, 243, 256–257, 267–268
illnesses of, 234–235, 258–259
influence on, xviii–xx, 3–5, 64–65, 76–79, 82–83, 103–105
legacy of, 261–265
loneliness of, 85–93
marriage of, 71
nickname of, 54
political interests of, 136–140, 182–183
roles of, xxii–xxiii, 125–132, 136–140, 153–167, 181–190, 208–214, 233–246, 255–270
shyness of, 67–76
tribute to father, 153–155
voting rights and, 136–138, 184
women’s rights and, 136, 158–165, 182–185, 208–214, 234, 263
writing endeavors of, 137–138, 160–161, 208–213, 218, 234, 240
Roosevelt, Elliott
alcoholism of, 116, 120–123, 143–145, 151–152, 174, 221–222, 249–251
courtship of, 33–42
death of, 249–250
drug addiction of, 123, 143–144, 148–152, 249
early years of, xviii–xx, 3–19, 21–31, 34–54, 67–69, 107–108
education of, 109–115
exile from family, xviii, 169–170, 191–206, 227–232, 269
family of, xvii, xx, 3–9
funeral of, 252–253
illnesses of, 108–113, 116–119, 249
influence on Eleanor, xviii–xx, 3–5, 64–65, 76–79, 82–83, 103–105
institutionalization of, 117–119, 143–152
legacy of, 265–266
marriage of, 43–53, 149–152
parents of, 3–4, 12–13
probation for, 149–150
seizures of, 108–109, 113, 116, 249
tribute to, 153–155
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
campaign of, 137–138
career of, 125–127, 132–135
courtship of, 60–63
death of, 166
early years of, 18
gravesite of, 243
illness of, 133–134
marriage of, 71
polio in, 133–134
as president, xxiii, 98–99, 139–140, 155–166
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Jr., 90
Roosevelt, Gracie, 11
Roosevelt, Hall, 86, 118–120, 141, 144, 171, 176, 203–205, 220–221, 227–228
Roosevelt, Martha Bulloch, 4
Roosevelt, Quentin, xx
Roosevelt, Sara, 37, 90
Roosevelt, Theodore
concerns of, 38, 110–111, 122–124, 147–148, 169–178, 231–232
early years of, 11–14, 17
family of, xvii, xx, 4–9, 58, 63, 108–109, 145–147, 222, 251
Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr., 10–11, 13, 70, 109–113, 123
Rosenman, Sam, 162–163, 186
Rowley, Hazel, 86, 119
Schaefer, Dr., 52
Selassie, Haile, 245
Sherman, Florence Bagley, 150–151, 169–170, 177, 191, 231, 247, 251–252
Simon, Paul, 261–262
Simon Boccanegra, 155
Slaying the Dragon, 151
Smith, Al, 135, 137
Smith, Jean Edward, 123, 127
Social Security Administration, 211
Souvestre, Marie, 88
Spanish Civil War, 211
Spencer, Constance, 41
Stead, W. T., 25
Stevenson, Adlai, 255–256, 260
Steward, Sarah, 41
Stewart, Florence, 188
Stix, Thomas L., 214–215
Success, 212
Svenska Dagbladet, 238
Taft-Hartley Act, 210
Tammany Hall, 159–160
This I Remember, 213
This Is My Story, 62, 124, 132, 189, 213, 264
Thompson, Malvina “Tommy,” 157, 208
Tito, Marshall, 239
To Kill a Mockingbird, 187
Truman, Harry, 209, 256
Tugwell, Rexford G., 163
Twain, Mark, 24, 25
Tweed, William Marcy “Boss,” 159–160
Unger, Art, 65, 71, 87, 190
United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 234–237
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, xxii–xxiii, 235–236, 243, 257, 267–268
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 45
Vedder, Sophie, 29, 30
Vietnam War, 257
Voting rights, 136–138, 184
Vyshinsky, Andrei, 214
Warner, Charles, Dudley, 24, 25
Washington, George, 10
White, Mason, 18, 192
White, William H., 151
Wilder, Thornton, 85
Wilmerding, Lucius, Mrs., 27
Wilson, Woodrow, 126
Wise, John S., 8
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, 158
Women’s Democratic News, 138, 212–213, 234
Women’s rights, 136, 158–165, 182–185, 208–214, 234, 263
Women’s Trade Union League,
Woolf, S. J., 213
World War I, 81, 104, 125–131,
World War II, 209, 214, 240, 268