Description: Chapter Header 8 |

Konrad Residence
Berlin, Nazi Germany 


Maximilian’s shoulders shook as he sobbed in his bed, his uniform still on, his pillow held tightly over his head. He had disappointed his father. He had embarrassed him on what was the most important night he could remember. Never before had he been witness to so many senior officers, so many women in dresses. Never before had he seen so many servants, so many fancy cars.

It had all been so exciting, something he had been looking forward to for days, his father putting so much trust in him to be on his best behavior.

And he had laughed.

It was wrong. He knew it. He should never have laughed at the corporal vomiting, but he couldn’t’ help it.

It was so funny!

He growled at his mattress in frustration. It was that corporal’s fault.

I hate him!

A floorboard creaked in the hall and he froze, listening for any evidence as to who it was. It could be a servant, but it could be his mother, coming to see how he was doing after his admonishment, delivered by the help of all things.

Another creak, farther away, had his chest aching as it was obvious his mother wasn’t coming to console him.

But who was it?

He rolled out of bed and opened the door slightly, his eyes widening at the sight of his brother slinking down the hallway toward the back stairs.

“Joachim! What are you doing?” he hissed.

His brother spun, his eyes wide with surprise, then glared at him angrily. He held a finger to his lips. “Go to bed,” he whispered harshly.

Maximilian frowned but retreated back into his room, leaving the door open a sliver, his eye pressed against the crack that remained. His brother disappeared down the stairs.

Why does he get to rejoin the party?

He gently opened the door, then, spotting no one, sprinted toward the back stairs and after his brother. He descended the first flight then pressed against the window with a view of the corner of the house. The vomiting corporal was there, still on the side of the house where he had seen him earlier. He was about to resume his pursuit when his jaw dropped at the sight of his brother running along the rear of the house.

What’s he doing outside?

His eyes bulged as Joachim drew a gun from his pocket.

Oh no!