
Chapter XVI


THE Sawbuck wagon was creaking into Bowie again. Chalk Whipple sat on the seat in Maverick’s place. The four men who rode ahead of the wagon with Tascosa were all new hands. The outfit was on its way north once more from another drive to the Nations, the Chickasaw country this time.

Seven weeks to a day had passed since the fight at Cain Springs.

Sam Swift sat under the wooden awning of the Bowie House, talking to Heck Short, the U. S. marshal, as the little outfit passed. Sam hailed Tascosa. His men went on, but the old man turned into the hitch-rail and climbed out of his saddle.

“Glad to see you, Tas,” said Heck. “Take a chair and sit down!”

Short was a chunky man with the pink, unwrinkled cheeks of a child. His voice was strangely mild for a man of his formidable reputation. There were no notches in his guns—that was something he said he preferred to forget—but on the side of the law he had engaged in a hundred gun fights. His placid countenance suggested that he and Sam were only sitting there passing the time of day, for he was of that indomitable, bulldog breed of men who were slowly but surely bringing law and order to Oklahoma, and doing it without any flourish.

“Felt my ears burnin’ as I rode in,” Tascosa grinned. “You boys talkin’ about me?”

“Talkin’ about the bunch that used to draw their wages from you,” said Sam. “They’ve just cracked a bank.” He turned to Short for verification.

“No!” Tascosa shook his head forlornly. “Is that a fact, Heck?”

“Yeh, they rode into Reed City, across the Kansas line, day before yesterday in broad daylight, shot up the town and hoisted the bank. Apparently they made a clean get-away.”

He supplied the details as he had heard them.

“That’s too bad,” Tas sighed. “I knew it was bound to happen. If a man is pushed outside the law there’s nothin’ for him to do but follow his trade. I know those boys is wild and reckless, but they were all square-shooters. I never found a wrong drop of blood in ’em.”

Heck nodded. “I agree with you it’s too bad,” he said. “If they’d only held off I could have squared the trouble they had with Beaudry. The law’s got a grudge against them now that can’t be overlooked.”

“Well, I’ll say this for ’em,” Sam volunteered, “when they get strong enough they’ll do you a favor.”

“How come?” Heck questioned.

“They’ll wipe out the Sontags. With a bankroll and some reputation, Little Bill won’t have any trouble buildin’ up his gang.”

“He’s been doing that already,” Short remarked with a preoccupied air. “He had eight men in his bunch when he rode into Reed City.”

They talked on for half an hour. Sam went down the street then. A few minutes later Tascosa got to his feet. He appeared his usual imperturbable self. Actually, life for him had lost its zest with the breaking up of the old Sawbuck outfit, a fact which he would have denied vehemently. It followed that the news he had just received was more disturbing than he let on.

“Don’t be in a hurry,” Heck murmured, motioning him back to his chair. “I want to talk to you.”

“Private, yuh mean?”

The marshal nodded.

“Suppose we step inside,” Tascosa suggested.

“No, I want to keep my eye on the sheriff’s office. I’ve got some business with Beaudry.”

Something in his tone said it was business of an unpleasant nature for Cash. Tascosa raised his eyebrows sharply and shot a glance across the street at the sheriff’s office. Beaudry was apparently seated at his desk, for the crown of his hat was visible through the window.

“Yuh havin’ some trouble with him?” he asked frankly.

“I don’t expect to have very much trouble with him,” Heck smiled. “I arrested Blackie Chilton, his chief deputy this mornin’.”

“You did?” Tas gasped, unable to conceal his surprise.

“Yeh, I’ve got him chained to the safe down at the depot right now. He’s a federal prisoner and I’m taking him back to Guthrie tonight.”

“Well, I do be damned!” the old man exclaimed. “Have yuh got a real case against him, Heck?”

“Air tight.” The marshal crossed his legs to a more comfortable position. “When I came over here on that Rock Island stick-up, I recognized Chilton … You’ve heard of Black-faced Charlie, haven’t you?”

“Him that used to run with Smoke and the old Wild Bunch before there was a Sontag gang?”

“They’re the same,” said Heck. “I’ve been spending a lot of time around Bowie the past weeks. I gave out that it was the Rock Island job had me here; I’ve really been watching Chilton and Beaudry. It’s getting pretty close to home when the chief deputy of a man who has been suspected right and left of being hand in glove with the Sontags turns out to be a proven outlaw and the former running-mate of Smoke himself.”

“I should think it was!” Tascosa bit savagely into his plug of Honey Dew. “You’re gittin’ somewhere now, Heck. Did that lizard make a break that told you anythin’?”

“No, he didn’t, Tas; but I’ve been making a little headway just the same. I found out that he knew the money was coming through on Number Nine that night. Somebody sent him a mysterious telegram the previous day; I got a copy of it.”

“Then it was Beaudry who tipped off the Sontags! Bill said it was!” Tas slapped his leg a whack to better express his satisfaction. “What’s he got to say about you arrestin’ Chilton?”

“He hasn’t said a word up to now. I’ve been sitting here for an hour, waiting for him to step over and have his say.”

“Mebbe he’d prefer to do his talkin’ in his own office,” Tas suggested.

“Maybe,” Heck smiled. “Suppose we walk over and hear what he has on his mind.”

On crossing the road they found Beaudry’s door locked. They exchanged a glance of mild surprise. Heck used his fist in a sharp knock. It brought no answer.

“He must be in there,” Tas said. “I could see him from the porch.” He tried to peer through the window but it was a foot or so too high for him from where he stood. “Give him a yell,” he suggested.

“No, let’s try the back way,” Heck said. “It’s just a step.”

“Why, dammit, ain’t no one here!” Tascosa exclaimed as they came through the rear door. “Looks like a cyclone had hit this place!”

Papers littered the floor. The drawers of Beaudry’s desk stood pulled out, looking as though they had been rifled hurriedly. Short’s only comment was an amused grunt. Tas shot a keen glance at him.

“You don’t seem surprised,” he said. “What do yuh make of it, Heck?”

“I take it that Beaudry has said good-bye to Bowie.”

“What?” Tas gasped. “You mean that?”

“That’s exactly what I mean,” Heck declared. “He evidently figured things were getting too hot for him.” He walked over to where Cash’s familiar Stetson stood propped up on a pile of books so that it could be seen from across the street. “That was kinda clever of him,” he smiled.

His utter lack of disappointment in finding that Beaudry had flown puzzled old Tas.

“Mebbe I’m thick,” he grumbled, “but you sound as though you’d expected to find him gone.”

“I hoped I would,” Heck corrected. “I sure gave him every chance to get away.”

“Mebbe that makes sense, but I don’t git it,” the old man got out crustily.

“Perhaps I can explain,” Short smiled. “You know that it’s only the guilty who run. I had the goods on Beaudry. It might have taken me a long time to prove it though. As sheriff of the county he could use his official position to slow me up in a number of ways. I’ve got him out on the end of a limb now.”

“You may find it’s a pretty long one before you git him to drop into your basket,” Tascosa argued pessimistically. “Sure as fate he won’t stop runnin’ until he joins up with Smoke’s bunch.”

“I hope so,” the marshal said with feeling. “It will answer a question or two that have been worrying me for the past few weeks.”

He didn’t offer to say what they were. For a few minutes he examined the litter on the floor and in the desk. Tascosa dropped into a chair and watched him for a while.

“I reckon it won’t be no blow to this county to learn that the office of sheriff is vacant,” he said heavily. “Mebbe it’ll teach folks that if they won’t take time to bother with votin’, that a few blacklegs can soon git the run of things.”

“There’s something in that all right,” Short agreed absent-mindedly as he closed the desk drawers. “I’ll come back and look this stuff over later. The thing to do now is to drop into the courthouse and tell the county commissioners what’s happened.”

“Yeah,” Tascosa muttered bitterly. “It won’t take them no time to appoint someone to the job, but they’ll never undo the damage Beaudry did. I tell yuh, Heck, it makes my blood boil when I think of them boys of mine bein’ pushed outside the law by that skunk. Now they’re robbin’ banks. One job will lead to another.”

“I know it,” Heck acknowledged with deep concern. “It’s as mean a thing as I ever heard of. Worst of it is, nothing can be done about it now. You know what the Kansas courts are. If they gave themselves up and made restitution they wouldn’t get off with less than five years apiece. I know Bill would never listen to that. As long as he figures he’s got something to square he’ll never let anything get in the way of it.”

The news that Beaudry had flown quite overshadowed word of the robbery at Reed City. It might not have been the case had Bowie suspected that Little Bill and his long riders were within fifteen miles of town at the time. Unmolested, they had crossed the Cimarron and were moving up the valley of the Skull.

As the afternoon began to wane they came in sight of the old Texas trail. Their horses were weary. Even the big gelding had a jaded look.

“We better pull up,” Bill suggested. “We got water and grass here, and it’s just as safe as any place we’ll hit before dark.”

The others were willing enough to climb out of their saddles. Several hours back they had butchered a yearling steer. Luther gathered wood and started a fire as Maverick cut thick steaks from the hindquarter of beef he had packed for miles.

“It was just seven weeks ago that we changed our minds about stayin’ the night here,” Link volunteered. “Things have changed considerable with us since then.”

“They sure have,” Little Bill murmured. Unconsciously his tone was sad. In common with the rest his face had a strained, gaunt look. In forty-eight hours they had not tasted a morsel of food. For a moment or two he gazed at the overcast sky.

“Goin’ to rain,” Scotty declared.

“Yeh, and blow too,” Bill observed. “This slope in back of us has quite an overhang in places. We’ll eat and then move up where we can be dry and comfortable. If it don’t rain too long we’ll wait it out here.”

“You been right so far; I hope you ain’t wrong now,” Cherokee grumbled. Latch had put a tobacco poultice on his injured ear. It seemed to be having the desired effect.

They could hardly contain themselves as the appetizing odors from the fire began to assail their nostrils. For once it was not necessary for Maverick to tell them to come and get it.

While they ate, the skies darkened ominously. The horses began to raise their heads nervously.

“This may be a twister,” said Latch. “It looks pritty bad, off there to the west.”

“I don’t like the way she’s coolin’ off so sudden,” Bill acknowledged.

The tree tops were beginning to thresh in the rising gale. Before they had finished eating, it was spitting rain.

“If we’re goin’ up the slope we better be about it,” Luther urged. “That pocket right above us is cut back pretty deep. We won’t find a better place.”

“Reckon not,” Bill agreed. “We’ll take the horses up too and hobble ’em. We’ll have to keep our eye on ’em if this storm breaks as bad as it looks.”

The wind was blowing a gale by the time they reached the pocket, which they found to be big enough to afford shelter for their horses as well as themselves.

In a few seconds the rain began to drive down in sheets. They were warm and dry, however, and they soon had the air blue with the pleasant haze of tobacco smoke.

Their retreat was high enough to give them a commanding view of the country to the south and west on a clear day, but with the storm closing down on them like an opaque blanket their field of vision narrowed until they could see only several hundred yards beyond the creek.

Latch lay sprawled out beside Bill, watching the play of lightning about them. Once or twice it struck uncomfortably close.

“It’s a freak storm,” Latch mused aloud. “Lightnin’ ain’t clearin’ the air a bit.”

Bill didn’t answer. Latch glanced at him and saw that he was staring at something off beyond the creek. He tried to follow his gaze and saw a black, funnel-shaped cloud racing toward them at express-train speed. He expressed his surprise in a long-drawn whistle that brought the others to attention.

“There’s hell and high water for someone!” he exclaimed shrilly. “She’ll blow your freckles off when she tears up this creek! If that ain’t a twister I never—”

“Latch,” Bill interrupted, “do you see what I do—out there beyond the creek half a mile or so? Ain’t that a herd of steers comin’ up the old trail?”

“Wal, it sure is! That outfit must know they’re in fer it the way they’re hazin’ ’em along. Watch the whole bunch stampede when that twister slashes through here!”

“They’re bad off, sure enough!” Luther got out soberly. “I don’t know what outfit it is. They seem to have four or five men.”

“Whoever they are they know their business,” Link declared. “They’re tryin’ to make the creek bottom. I hope they make it. It’s goin’ to be close.”

Scotty and Tonto echoed his thought. In the excitement of the moment they were forgetting that they were no longer cowboys. It remained for Cherokee to remind them of it.

“Are the bunch of yuh losin’ your wits?” he snarled at them. “What do yuh mean, you hope they’ll make this creek bottom? You better pull yourselves together! If you’ve got any worryin’ to do, do it about our own outfit!”

“That’s one way of lookin’ at it,” Bill answered him. “But men trailin’ beef don’t mean us no harm. If they makes the bottoms and hold that herd right below they’ll do their damnedest not to see anythin’ they shouldn’t. I’ve been on both sides of the fence in a situation like this and I know what I’m talkin’ about.”

The Kid was silenced, though his glance was murderous.

Ignoring him, they turned to stare fixedly at the funnel of destruction that must tear a wide swath down the valley in another few seconds. It had grown so dark that night seemed to be closing down. The air was charged with electricity.

The little cow outfit below had reached the bend where, weeks past, Tascosa had hoped to find a way of getting his wagon down to the creek. It promised some protection from the tornado, if they could move down fast enough.

Suddenly it was so black they lost sight of the cattle altogether. With a wild, soprano scream the twister struck. Trees rocketed into the air. The dead brush and debris left behind by previous storms shot into the sky. Down along the stream itself the green willows were being slashed off as though some super-giant were wielding a mighty scythe. Boulders the size of a man’s hand rained down on the little pocket on the slope. The eight men had all they could do to hold the snorting, panic-stricken horses. The little valley of the Skull was being scoured clean and made over, and in the bedlam of violence, of crackling lightning and crashing trees, of thudding boulders, they caught the bellowing of fear-crazed cattle.

The tornado was only a few seconds in venting its real venom. As it passed down the creek the skies lightened. The Skull was over its banks. Below them the old channel was so blocked with brush and down timber that it was making a new course.

It was not the ravages of the storm, however, that claimed their attention. They were looking for the outfit that had been caught on the bottoms. Scotty was the first to locate it.

“There’s their wagon—pitched over just below the trail!” He pointed it out. “The horses are gone—”

“So are their steers I” Bill cried. “Look at ’em! They’re high-tailin’ it up the creek, hell bent for election! Those boys ain’t got a chance of roundin’ ’em up!”

“They sure ain’t!” Luther agreed.

Little Bill’s mouth tightened as he made a sudden decision. “Boys, I’m for givin’ ’em a hand!”

There was an instant response from the others, with the exception of Cherokee.

“Say, this ain’t none of our put in!” he burst out angrily.

“It won’t hurt us none,” Latch growled back at him. “It may make us some friends, and in this business yuh never know when you’re goin’ to need one.”

“That may be,” the Kid retorted, “but I don’t want none of it!”

Little Bill whirled on him furiously, every inch of him bristling.

“Cherokee, you been gettin’ under my hide all day!” he rasped. “I’m givin’ the orders here. I said we was givin’ these boys a hand. I’m sayin’ it again—and I ain’t tellin’ yuh a third time! …”

Their eyes struck fire as they faced each other. For a moment anything was possible. The Kid shrugged his shoulders then and turned away with a sneering laugh.

“All right, you’re boss, Bill,” he muttered. “I only hope you don’t find those gents are a rustlin’ bunch that ain’t lookin’ for help.”