Every creature in all of Tomiro holds certain beliefs of what will happen when they cease to exist in this life. Every life is carried out with those beliefs always in the back of their mind. Every good or wicked deed will be presented to their chosen god or goddess in their afterlife. This thought is rarely foremost in their minds unless another’s death or experience reminds them of those beliefs. Even the animals of the forests or farms live their life out, not knowing what’s coming, but living in the way that is expected of their kind. It is the nature of life itself.
It is known in the elven world, when an elf dies, that elf goes to be with the gods who created them. They are sent off with the respect and jealousy of the other elves as their ancestors were from the beginning of time. Once they have been sent on, the gods welcome them back with open arms, glad for their return. They are free and at peace, living in the way that it once was. Their magical abilities returned, their youth regained, all as a reward for their enslavement in the past world. An apology from the gods for having turned their backs on them in the first place.
However, there are those unfortunate ones, rare as they are, who cannot go on, but can’t fully go back either. Their curse is an attempt at what is forbidden to them. They are trapped in a world of blackness and pain. Their screams are for a quick release, while begging to be helped back into the life they once knew. Reduced to a mindless world in which nothing seems real, but the searing, soul-ripping pain. A pain so unlike anything ever experienced that it alone is the cause of death. Only when they succumb to such pain, can they truly be free and join their makers.
Only those with a strong mind and body can hold on to what was. Those few precious elves try to hang on for days or even weeks, but in the end, the results are always the same. All, but for one elf.