1.McCarthy, From the Great River, 159–160.
2.Erickson, “Repositioning the Missionary,” 132.
3.The Yukon and Alberta cases are discussed later in this chapter. For Morice, see: Gresko, “Gender and Mission,” 198.
4.For an early example of this view, see: Canada, Sessional Papers 1885, number 116, volume 13, third session of the fifth Parliament, 81, Memo: Hugh Richardson, 1 December 1879.
5.For detailed treatment of the issue, see: Chartrand, Logan, and Daniels, Métis History.
6.Levin, “Angélique Nolin and Marguerite Nolin,” 2–3; Graham, “Memorable Manitobans: Angelique Nolin (?–1869),” (accessed 14 January 2012). See also: Chaput, “Nolin, Jean-Baptiste,” (accessed 14 January 2012); Chartrand, “Métis Residential School Participation,” 32; Daniels, “Ancestral Pain,” 114; Reardon, “George Anthony Belcourt,” 75–89; Lemieux, “Provencher, Joseph-Norbert,” (accessed 14 January 2012).
7.Beaumont, “Origins and Influences,” 167–168, 169, 183–184, 189; Library and Archives Canada, RG15-D-II-8-a, volume 1319, FIND015/31496, MIKAN no. 1499849, “Scrip affidavit for Budd, Alice, H.M., born: 19 September, 1862; father: Henry Budd; mother: Elizabeth Budd = Demande de certificat pour Budd, Alice, H.M.; né(e): le 19 septembre, 1862; père: Henry Budd; mère: Elizabeth Budd,” a scrip for Henry Budd’s daughter. See also: Boon, “Budd, Henry,” (accessed 5 December 2011); Thomas, “Settee, James,” (accessed 9 December 2011); West, Substance of a journal, 96; Hudson’s Bay Company Archives Biographical Sheets, “Hope, James,” (accessed 19 January 2012); Stevenson, “The Red River Indian Mission School,” 129–165; Stevenson, “Journals and Voices,” 41.
8.Prud’homme, “The Life and Times of Archbishop Taché,” (accessed 28 January 2012); Erickson, “Repositioning the Missionary,” 120.
9.Van West, “Acculturation by Design,” 93.
10.Erickson, “Repositioning the Missionary,” 115–116.
1.Bird, Living Kindness, 5.
2.Bird, Living Kindness, 10.
3.Bird, Living Kindness, 7–8.
4.Bird, Living Kindness, 11.
5.Bird, Living Kindness, 11.
6.Bird, Living Kindness, 13.
7.Bird, Living Kindness, 13.
8.Bird, Living Kindness, 19.
9.Bird, Living Kindness, 21.
10.Bird, Living Kindness, 20.
11.Bird, Living Kindness, 24.
12.Bird, Living Kindness, 34.
13.Bird, Living Kindness, 85.
14.Bird, Living Kindness, 87.
15.Bird, Living Kindness, 79.
16.Bird, Living Kindness, 81.
17.Campbell, Halfbreed, 12–13; Encyclopedia of Immigration, Dominion Lands Act (Canada) (1872), (accessed 12 July 2013).
18.Campbell, Halfbreed, 17.
19.Campbell, Halfbreed, 14–15, 18.
20.Campbell, Halfbreed, 31.
21.Campbell, Halfbreed, 44.
22.Campbell, Halfbreed, 44.
23.Campbell, Halfbreed, 46.
24.Campbell, Halfbreed, 46.
25.Campbell, Halfbreed, 77.
26.Campbell, Halfbreed, 47.
27.Dempsey, Gentle Persuader, 1–10, 21.
28.Dempsey, Gentle Persuader, 12.
29.Dempsey, Gentle Persuader, 14.
30.Gladstone, “Indian School Days,” 19.
31.Dempsey, Gentle Persuader, 16–17.
32.Dempsey, Gentle Persuader, 19.
33.Gladstone, “Indian School Days,” 21–22.
34.Gladstone, “Indian School Days,” 22.
35.Gladstone, “Indian School Days,” 22–23.
36.Dempsey, Gentle Persuader, 37, 53–60.
The Métis and the early residential school system: 1883–1910
1.Davin, Report on Industrial Schools, 9.
2.Flanagan, “Hugh Richardson,” (accessed 1 August 2012).
3.Canada, Sessional Papers 1885, number 116, volume 13, third session of the fifth Parliament, 81, Memo: Hugh Richardson, 1 December 1879.
4.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3674, file 11422-1, E. Dewdney to the Superintendent General Indian Affairs, 10 November 1884.
5.Huel, Proclaiming the Gospel, 130.
6.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3675, file 11422-4, E. Dewdney to Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 27 February 1886. [PLD-009190]
7.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 114.
8.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1889, 120.
9.Marceau-Kozicki, “Onion Lake Residential Schools,” 60.
10.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, J. R. Matheson to Hayter Reed, 18 February 1895. [PAR-003580-0001]
11.Marceau-Kozicki, “Onion Lake Residential Schools,” 60–61.
12.Marceau-Kozicki, “Onion Lake Residential Schools,” 63.
13.Redford, “Attendance at Indian Residential Schools,” 38.
14.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 247.
15.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6255, file 576-1, part 1, John Semmens to E. McColl, 4 April 1895. [BRS-000177]
16.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 332.
17.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6031, “Headquarters – Admission of Half-breeds to Residential Schools,” Saskatchewan and Calgary School Division, letter, to the Department of Indian Affairs (21 July 1896), quoted in Logan, “Lost Generations,” 71.
18.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 356.
19.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6031, “Extract from a letter dated the 19th July, 1899, from the Re. Father Hugonard.”
20.Carney, “Relations in Education,” 32; McCarthy, From the Great River, 174–175.
21.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3952, file 134858, E. Grouard to Prime Minister, 1 October 1900. [FPU-001900]
22.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, R776-0-5 (RG55), volume 562, T.B. #252440, Clifford Sifton to Mr. Smart, 18 October 1899. [NPC-523981c]
23.Drouin, Joyau dans la plaine, 4–7; Devine, People Who Own Themselves, 184. See also: Pocklington, Government and Politics, 8.
24.Library and Archives Canada, RG15, D-II-1, volume 708, file 366530, part 1, Albert Lacombe, “A Philanthropic Plan to Redeem the Half-Breeds of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories.”
25.Library and Archives Canada, RG15, D-II-1, volume 708, file 360530, PC Number 3723, “Extract from a Report of the Committee of the Honourable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency on the 28th December, 1895; Annex “A” to P.C. Number 3723, 12 December 1895.
26.Stanley, “Alberta’s Half-Breed Reserve,” 82.
27.Stanley, “Alberta’s Half-Breed Reserve,” 83.
28.Library and Archives Canada, RG15, volume 708, file 360-530, “To My Dear Children and Friends Half-Breeds of Manitoba and the North-West,” A. Lacombe.
29.Stanley, “Alberta’s Half-Breed Reserve,” 84–87, 88n45; Metis Association of Alberta, et al., Metis Land Rights, 168, 170.
30.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3984, file 167719-1, FIND010/25053, MIKAN no. 2058744, J. A. Thérien to Smart, 17 February 1898.
31.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3984, file 167719-1, FIND010/25053, MIKAN no. 2058744, J. A. Thérien to Smart, 17 February 1898.
32.Library and Archives Canada, LG15, volume 708, D-II-1, file 360530, J. E. Thérien to C. Sifton, 1 February 1901.
33.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3984, file 167719-1, FIND010/25053, MIKAN no. 2058744, H. C. Ross to the Secretary, 9 March 1898.
34.Library and Archives Canada, RG15, D-II-1, volume 708, file 360530, J. Smart to F. Pedley, 13 October 1898; A. A. Ruttan to The Secretary, Department of Interior, January 1899.
35.Library and Archives Canada, RG15, D-II-1, volume 708, file 360530, J. E. Thérien to C. Sifton, 1 February 1901.
36.Stanley, “Alberta’s Half-Breed Reserve,” 86–87.
37.Stanley, “Alberta’s Half-Breed Reserve,” 93.
38.Oblates of Mary Immaculate Lacombe Canada, Grandin Province Archives, Acc. 71.200, box 132, file 5737, Louis Guillaume to Father Provincial, 12 April 1942.
39.Stanley, “Alberta’s Half-Breed Reserve,” 98.
40.Oblates of Mary Immaculate Lacombe Canada, Grandin Province Archives, Acc. 71.200, box 132, file 5737, Louis Guillaume to Father Provincial, 12 April 1942.
41.Stanley, “Alberta’s Half-Breed Reserve,” 100–104.
Forty years of haphazard policy: 1899–1937
1.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3931, file 117377-1C, D. Laird to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 15 August 1900.
2.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 30 November 1906. [KNR-000624]
3.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to the Principal of the Kenora Boarding School, 7 January 1907. [KNR-000628]
4.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6031, file 150-9, part 1, Extract from memorandum of D. C. Scott, Accountant Dated December 11, 1906, to Deputy Superintendent General, Relative to the Admission of Half-Breeds to Indian Schools.
5.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-9802, M. Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 6 May 1906. [120.00280]
6.Titley, “Dunbow Indian Industrial School,” 104.
7.Titley, “Dunbow Indian Industrial School,” 107–108.
8.United Church Archives, A. Sutherland Papers, Prairie provinces Indian missions, Red Deer Industrial School, January–March 1909, A. Barner, Principal, box 134, A. Barner to A. Sutherland, 24 March 1909, quoted in Fox, “Failure of Red Deer Industrial School,” 92.
9.United Church Archives, A. Sutherland Papers, Prairie provinces, Indian missions, Red Deer Industrial School, April 1909–1910, A. Barner, Principal, box 135, D. C. Scott to A. Sutherland, 10 May 1909, quoted in Fox, “Failure of Red Deer Industrial School,” 92.
10.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 273–274.
11.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, “Agreement in Regard to the Management of Indian Boarding Schools and Correspondence Relating Thereto, 1911,” 7. [UCA-080784]
12.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to J. A. Calder, 18 January 1911. [PLD-007440]
13.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, Assistant Deputy and Secretary to Indian Agents, 20 March 1911.
14.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, J. P. G. Day, to D. McLean, 31 March 1911.
15.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6031, file 150-9, part 1, J. A. J. McKenna, 9 November 1911.
16.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1912, 539.
17.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6031, file 150-9, part 1, Frank Pedley to Mr. Rogers, 2 May 1912.
18.Huel, Proclaiming the Gospel, 161.
19.Moine, My Life in a Residential School, n.p.
20.Moine, My Life in a Residential School, n.p.
21.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, J. Hugonnard to The Secretary, Indian Affairs, 18 January 1913. [PLD-007446]
22.TRC, NRA, Headquarters 777/25-1-007, 02/13–03/65, volume 1, HQ, E. Grouard to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 18 January 1913. [JRD-000206]
23.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6031, file 150-9, part 1, Duncan Campbell Scott, memorandum, 16 October 1913.
24.Devine, People Who Own Themselves, 172–174.
25.Marceau-Kozicki, “Onion Lake Residential Schools,” 137–138.
26.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, Augustus Ball to Indian Affairs, 1 June 1908. [BVL-000794]
27.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, Assistant Deputy and Secretary to Augustus Ball, 14 June 1918. [BVL-000795]
28.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6031, file 150-9, part 1, W. M. Graham, to Duncan Scott, 29 October 1921.
29.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1921, 27.
30.See: Obituary, “St. Pierre–Mrs. Mary,”
31.Mary St. Pierre, quoted in interview, “Norm Fleury (NF) Interview – Mary St. Pierre,”, 2.
32.Mary St. Pierre, quoted in interview, “Norm Fleury (NF) Interview – Mary St. Pierre,”, 2–3.
33.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to Reverend M. Lajeunesse, 17 September 1925. [200.4.00023]
34.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, Martin Lajeunesse to A. F. MacKenzie, 17 October 1925. [BVL-000867]
35.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to Reverend M. Lajeunesse, 17 September 1925. [BVL-000869-0001]
36.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to Reverend M. Adam, 17 December 1928. [BVL-000894]
37.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, Martin Lajeunesse, Memorandum, Re: Admission of Half-breed children into the school, 21 January 1929. [BVL-000896]
38.Provincial Archives of Alberta, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Pariosses noninventoriées: Brocket Correspondence 1922–29, Christianson to Le Vern (28 August 1934), quoted in Huel, Proclaiming the Gospel, 162.
39.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 658-10, part 3, W. M. Graham to Secretary Indian Affairs, 16 December 1929. [PAR-020862]
40.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 658-10, part 3, W. M. Graham to the Secretary of the Department of Indian Affairs, 5 December 1929.
41.Marceau-Kozicki, “Onion Lake Residential Schools,” 174.
42.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6031, file 159-9, part 1, Duncan C. Scott to Father Rieu, 31 May 1930.
43.TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Bishop of Grouard to J. J. McLellan, 3 March 1935. [GMA-005047]
44.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6258, file 576-10, part 9, D. Robinson to T. A. Crerar, 20 February 1936. [NCA-011510-0001]
45.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6258, file 576-10, part 9, A. F. MacKenzie to D. Robinson, 10 March 1936. [AEMR-010749]
46.Provincial Archives of Alberta, AN 75.75, box 2, file 8:23, Malcolm Norris, quoted in Daniels, “Ancestral Pain,” 141.
47.Wall, “Joseph Francis Dion,” (accessed 23 March 2012).
48.“Alberta Métis Settlements,” (accessed 23 March 2012).
49.Dobbin, One and a Half Men, 91–100.
50.“Reports, Evidence, etc., re: the Report of the Royal Commission to Investigate the Conditions of the Half-Breed Population of Alberta, Edmonton, Department of Lands and Forest, 1935, 543,” quoted in Dobbin, One and a Half Men, 100.
51.Alberta and Ewing, Report of the Royal Commission, 6–7.
52.Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Investigate the Conditions of the Half-Breed Population of Alberta, 1936, 6–7, as quoted in Chartrand, “Métis Residential School Participation,” 41.
53.Alberta and Ewing, Report of the Royal Commission, 11–14.
54.Martin, “Alberta Métis Settlements,” 360–361.
55.Pocklington, Government and Politics, 73.
56.Pocklington, Government and Politics, 25–26.
57.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, volume 938, file 12497, St. Paul’s Hostel – Dawson Yukon Territory, 1941–1943, T. R. L. MacInnes to Inspectors, Indian Agents, and Principals of Residential Schools, 10 December 1937. [DAW-000024]
58.Library and Archives Canada, RG85, volume 938, file 12497, St. Paul’s Hostel – Dawson Yukon Territory, 1941–1943, T. R. L. MacInnes to Inspectors, Indian Agents, and Principals of Residential Schools, 10 December 1937. [DAW-000024]
1.Armour, “Henry, Alexander,” (accessed 30 December 2011); McLennan, “Ile-a-la-Crosse,” (accessed 4 November 2014).
2.Foster, “Auld, William,” (accessed 24 December 2011).
3.Champagne, Les missions catholiques, 78n28; Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 36–37.
4.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 105–106, 203.
5.McLennan, “Ile-a-la-Crosse,” (accessed 22 December 2011); Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 41; “Chateau Saint-Jean ... Black Robes and Grey Dresses,” [part 1], Memories of Deep River website, (accessed 1 January 2012).
6.“Arrival of the Grey Nuns,” Memories of Deep River website, (accessed 23 December 2011).
7.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3666, file 10125, “Ile-a-la-Crosse Agency – Reverend Mr. Legard’s [sic: Legeard’s] Report on the School at Ile-a-la Crosse,” (1878), items 2, 8, copy of a letter from Prosper Legeard, Ile a la Crosse, 25 March 1878, to David Laird, Lieutenant Governor NWT, at Battleford.
8.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 57, 58. See also: “Arrival of the Grey Nuns,” (accessed 23 December 2011).
9.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 185–187.
10.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 60.
11.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 151–152.
12.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1882, 213; LAC, RG10, volume 3666, “Ile-a-la-Crosse Agency – Reverend Mr. Legard’s Report,” item 3. The first supervisor of the resident boys was Oblate lay brother Louis Dubé.
13.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 154.
14.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 156.
15.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 157.
16.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 74, 118, 124, 125, 127, 157–158, 161.
17.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 158.
18.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3666, “Ile-a-la-Crosse Agency – Reverend Mr. Legard’s Report,” item 3, 4; “Arrival of the Grey Nuns,” (accessed 23 December 2011).
19.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 183.
20.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 183–184.
21.Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3666, “Ile-a-la-Crosse Agency – Reverend Mr. Legard’s Report,” items, 10.
22.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 187–188.
23.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 161.
24.Provincial Archives of Manitoba, Riel Papers, Sara Riel to Louis Riel, 6 August 1874, quoted in Erickson, “‘Bury Our Sorrows,’” 34–35.
25.Erickson, “‘Bury Our Sorrows,’” 33, 38.
26.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1883, 180–181.
27.Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 193.
28.Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908. Part II, page 54, in a table, identifies Lac la Plonge as “Formerly the Ile à la Crosse boarding school.”
29.“Chateau Saint-Jean,” part 1, (accessed 1 January 2012); “Arrival of the Grey Nuns,” (accessed 23 December 2011).
30.“Chateau Saint-Jean,” part 1, (accessed 1 January 2012).
31.“Chateau Saint-Jean,” part 1, (accessed 1 January 2012).
32.Arcand, quoted in “Les Metisse,” part 2, (accessed 1 January 2012).
33.Lariviere and Arcand, quoted in “Les Metisse,” (accessed 1 January 2012).
34.Arcand, quoted in “Les Metisse,” part 2, (accessed 1 January 2012).
35.Arcand, quoted in “Les Metisse,” part 2, (accessed 1 January 2012).
36.“Arrival of the Grey Nuns,” (accessed 23 December 2011).
37.“Arrival of the Grey Nuns,” (accessed 23 December 2011).
38.Quiring, CCF Colonialism, 242–244; Barron, Walking in Indian Moccasins, 159.
39.“Arrival of the Grey Nuns,” (accessed 23 December 2011).
40.“Hospital Buildings and Health Care,” (accessed 6 January 2012); “Arrival of the Grey Nuns,” (accessed 23 December 2011).
41.Quiring, CCF Colonialism, 244.
42.“Hospital Buildings and Health Care,” (accessed 6 January 2012); “Arrival of the Grey Nuns,” (accessed 23 December 2011); “History of Language Instructions in Ile-a-la-Crosse, Saskatchewan,” Sakitawak Cultural Site, (accessed 3 January 2012).
43.Blakeney, An Honourable Calling, 110; “Ile-A-La-Crosse celebrates Bi-Centennial, Courtesy of ‘DENOSA,’” (accessed 6 January 2012).
Métis residential school education in the North
1.Carney, “Relations in Education,” 280–284.
2.Coates and Morrison, Land of the Midnight Sun, 219–220 (for examples of church provision of education, see: 213–215, 220).
3.Coates, “‘Betwixt and Between,’” 151–152.
4.Peake, Bishop Who Ate His Boots, 106, 108.
5.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, COR 255, file 15, series 1.1, Anglican Church, W. W. Williams to Bishop, 18 July 1919. [DAW-000449]
6.Peake, Bishop Who Ate His Boots, 108.
7.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6481, file 941-1, part 1, Isaac Stringer to Duncan C. Scott, 31 January 1922. [DAW-000274]
8.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6481, file 941-1, part 1, General Secretary Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada to D. C. Scott, 15 September 1922. [DAW-000288]
9.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6481, file 941-1, part 1, Clerk of the Privy Council, Report of the Committee of the Privy Council, 11 January 1923. [DAW-000300]
10.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, COR 253, file 14, series 1.1, Anglican Church, I. O. Stringer to E. J. Naftel, 7 August 1923. [DAW-000443]
11.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6481, file 941-1, part 1, John Hawksley to J. D. McLean, 4 October 1922. [DAW-000289]
12.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, COR 253, file 14, series 1.1, Anglican Church, C. F. Johnson to I. O. Stringer, 6 September 1926. [DAW-000251-0004]
13.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, COR 253, file 14, series 1.1, Anglican Church, C. F. Johnson to I. O. Stringer, 3 October 1926; [DAW-000251-0005] I. O. Stringer to C. F. Johnson, 28 December 1926. [DAW-000251-0008]
14.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, file 11, volume 3, Dawson City Hostel, 1922–1934, Anglican Church –Diocese of Yukon Records, COR 252, [box 4] series 1-1A, C. F. Johnson to I. O. Stringer, 3 October 1927. [DAW-000251-0015]
15.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, file 11, volume 3, Dawson City Hostel, 1922–1934, Anglican Church – Diocese of Yukon Records, COR 252, [box 4] series 1-1A, C. F. Johnson to I. O. Stringer, 25 November 1927. [DAW-000251-0018]
16.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, file 10227, Institutionalization in St. Paul’s Hostel, Dawson, Yukon Territory, 1939, FA 85-44, Perm. volume 902, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Report, W. W. Sutherland, 5 June 1939. [DAW-000550-0003]
17.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, volume 938, file 12497, St. Paul’s Hostel – Dawson Yukon Territory, 1941–1943, R. A. Hoey to Harold McGill, 23 January 1942. [DAW-000027-0001]
18.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, volume 938, file 12497, St. Paul’s Hostel – Dawson Yukon Territory, 1941–1943, R. A. Gibson to J. A. Jackell, 19 March 1942. [DAW-000032]
19.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, volume 938, file 12497, St. Paul’s Hostel – Dawson Yukon Territory, 1941–1943, J. A. Jackell to R. A. Gibson, 24 July 1942; [DAW-000037] Bureau of Northwest Territories and Yukon Affairs, Memorandum to Mr. Cumming, 5 May 1943. [DAW-000053]
20.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, COR 295, F. 2, 1944–1952, series III.3.c, Anglican Church, Diocese of the Yukon Records, Matron to Miss E. Adams, 15 March 1949. [DAW-000133]
21.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, COR 295, F. 4, 1946–1952, series III.3.c, Anglican Church, Diocese of the Yukon Records, Unsigned letter to B. Catteral, 14 January 1952. [DAW-000204]
22.TRC, NRA, St Paul’s Hostel, Dawson City, Yukon TC, IAP Hostel Narrative, n.d., 9. [Nar-000077]
23.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, COR 295, F. 2, 1944–1952, series III.3.c, Anglican Church, Diocese of the Yukon Records, [illegible] to A. H. Gibson, 18 October 1950. [DAW-000172]
24.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8762, file 906/25-1-001, R. J. Meek to Indian Affairs Branch, 4 February 1954. [YKS-000750]
25.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, COR 295, F. 4, 1946–1952, series III.3.c, Anglican Church, Diocese of the Yukon Records, Unsigned letter to B. Catteral, 14 January 1952. [DAW-000204]
26.TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, Northern Lights, Anglican Church of Canada, Northern Lights, Number 2, New Edition, May 1953, 3–4. [DYK-201507]
27.TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, Northern Lights, Anglican Church of Canada, “Something Attempted,” Northern Lights, Number 6, New Edition, November 1954, 3. [DYK-201511] For origins as army hut, see: “Fire Completely Destroys St. Agnes Hostel,” Northern Lights, Number 40, Spring 1947, 20. [DYK-201546]
28.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, volume 1241, file 311/200-G, part 3, School Buildings – Whitehorse, Y.T., [Construction and Maintenance], 1954–1955, Harry Thompson, Report to W. G. Brown, Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, on Dormitory Accommodation in Whitehorse for Yukon School Children, 7 May 1955. [BAP-001338]
29.TRC, NRA, Anglican Diocese of Yukon Fonds, Yukon Archives, file 3, Indian Department, 1946–1959, Anglican Church – Diocese of Yukon Records [box 14], series I-I-1.c, folder 3 of 18, COR 262, Unsigned Anglican report, 7 April 1955. [DYK-010139]
30.TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, Northern Lights, “Clara Tizya, Life Member,” Northern Lights, Number 38, Summer 1966, 10. [DYK-201544]
31.TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, 853/1-13, 1965–1967, volume 2, E. W. Johnson to Mrs. J. Lumley, 19 July 1966. [YKS-003122]
32.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, Perm. volume 1877, file 630/101-3, part 1, R.C. School Day Resolution, 1905–1944, FA 85-8, G. Breynat to O. S. Finnie, 30 June 1921. [RCN-001564-0008]
33.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, Perm. volume 1877, file 630/101-3, part 1, R.C. School Day Resolution, 1905–1944, FA 85-8, Duncan Campbell Scott to J. P. Dunne, 30 September 1921. [RCN-001565-0000]
34.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6475, file 918-1, part 1, O. S. Finnie to N. W. Cory, 17 August 1921. [FPU-000092] For creation of the Northwest Territories Branch and Finnie’s position as director, see: Dickerson, Whose North?, 31.
35.Carney, “Relations in Education,” 223, 254.
36.Carney, “Relations in Education,” 239.
37.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, Perm. volume 1879, file 630/109-2, part 2, Indian Boarding School/Hay River/St. Peter’s Mission Day School, 1924–1932, FA 85-8, J. D. McLean to A. J. Vale, 17 December 1925. [HRU-000391-0001]
38.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, Perm. volume 1877, file 630/101-3, part 1, R.C. School Day Resolution, 1905–1944, FA 85-8, G. Breynat to O. S. Finnie, 22 January 1929. [RCN-001598-0004]
39.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, Perm. volume 1877, file 630/101-3, part 1, R.C. School Day Resolution, 1905–1944, FA 85-8, O. S. Finnie to D. C. Scott, 19 February 1929. [RCN-001598-0000]
40.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG85, Perm. volume 1877, file 630/101-3, part 1, R.C. School Day Resolution, 1905–1944, FA 85-8, Chairman, Dominion Lands Board, Department of the Interior, Dominion Lands Administration to H. H. Rowatt, 23 September 1933. [RCN-001623-0001]
41.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, volume 1505, file 600-1-1, part 1, N.W.T. – General Policy File – Education and Schools, 1905–1944, J. Turner to R. A. Gibson, 15 February 1935. [FRU-000540]
42.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, Perm. volume 1883, file 630/219-2, part 3, Shingle Point Anglican School 1935–1936, FA 85-8, R. A. Gibson to J. Lorne Turner, 28 February 1935. [SPU-000278]
43.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG85, Perm. volume 1877, file 630/101-3, part 1, R.C. School Day Resolution, 1905–1944, FA 85-8, Bishop G. Breynat to Roy A. Gibson, 30 June 1941. [RCN-001697-0002]
44.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG85, Perm. volume 1877, file 630/101-3, part 1, R.C. School Day Resolution, 1905–1944, FA 85-8, R. A. Gibson to G. Breynat, 4 July 1941. [RCN-001697-0001]
45.Fumoleau, As Long as This Land Shall Last, 368.
46.TRC, NRA, RG85, volume 225, file 630/118-1, part 1, Government School – Fort McPherson – N.W.T., 1900–1950, A. L. Fleming to R. A. Gibson, 15 May 1944. [ASU-001449]
Provincial responsibility: 1940–1960
1.Saskatchewan Archives Board Education File, Add 2 file #48; Correspondence, Re: Metis, Saskatoon, University of Saskatchewan, quoted in Logan, “We Were Outsiders,” 68.
2.Saskatchewan Archives Board Education File, Add 2 file #48; Correspondence, Re: Metis, Saskatoon, University of Saskatchewan, quoted in Logan, “We Were Outsiders,” 67.
3.Barron, Walking in Indian Moccasins, 17–19.
4.TRC, NRA, Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan, Fort Vermilion file 0463, N. P. L’Heureux to J. Huguerre, 24 January 1940. [GMA-000463]
5.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6377, file 766-10, part 2, C. Pant Schmidt to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 31 January 1940. [FTV-005479]
6.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6377, file 766-10, part 2, Excerpt from letter of Doctor H. A. Hamman, Fort Vermilion, dated January 20, 1940. [FTV-071121-0001]
7.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6314, file 655-10, part 1, Samuel Lovell to Secretary Indian Affairs, 11 April 1940. [GUY-000105]
8.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6314, file 655-10, part 1, Philip Phelan to S. Lovell, 18 April 1940. [GUY-051716]
9.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6254, file 575-10, part 3, Philip Phelan to A. G. Smith, 19 September 1946. [BIR-006280]
10.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6279, file 584-10, part 4, R. S. Davis to Indian Affairs, 30 August 1951. [SBR-110937]
11.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2367, file 264-15-4, part 1, R. B. Curry to H. C. L. Gillman, 8 June 1955. [MER-003420]
12.TRC, NRA, Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan, 0200B, W. E. Frame to Henri Routhier, 2 May 1946. [GMA-000200-0002]
13.TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Henri Routhier to W. E. Frame, 30 April 1946. [GMA-002184-0000]
14.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, 205/25-1, volume II, 06/48–12/55 NAC, G. H. Gooderham to B. F. Neary, 28 January 1950. [RCA-001909]
15.TRC, NRA, Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan, 5556, Henri Routhier to C. B. Hill, 11 June 1950. [GMA-005556]
16.TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Waller, Regional School Inspector, Extracts from Inspection Report of Regional School Inspector Waller regarding his inspection of the Grouard Indian Residential School, on June 4 and June 5th, 1951. [GMA-000221-0001]
17.TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Philip Phelan to Bishop Henri Routhier, 19 October 1951. [GMA-001509-0001]
18.TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Henri Routhier to R. F. Davey, 20 February 1954. [GMA-001549]
19.TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8759, file 779/25-1, volume 1, Reverend E. Filion to P. G. Conrad, 15 January 1959. [SMD-014051-0003]
20.TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Mgr Routhier to Oscar Fadum, 2 March 1959. [GMA-000243-0002]
21.Chalmers, “Northland,” 5.
22.Chalmers, “Northland,” 7.
23.Chalmers, “Northland,” 27–31.
24.Blakeney, An Honourable Calling, 110.
25.Frontier School Division, “History” (accessed 3 August 2012).
26.Alberta Education, The Northland School Division Inquiry, 22, 30–31.
The students speak
1.Angie Crerar, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 125.
2.Theresa Meltenberger, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 27.
3.Elmer Cardinal, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 72–74.
4.Alphonse Janvier, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 19.
5.TRC, AVS, Robert Derocher, Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 21 June 2012, Statement Number: 2011-4380.
6.Theresa Meltenberger, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 27.
7.Arcand, quoted in “Les Metisse,” part 2, (accessed 1 January 2012).
8.Arcand, quoted in “Les Metisse,” part 2, (accessed 1 January 2012).
9.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 120.
10.James Thomas, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 86.
11.Martha Mercredi, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 91.
12.Magee Shaw, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 7.
13.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 13.
14.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 15.
15.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 122.
16.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 61.
17.Rita Evans, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 101.
18.Rita Evans, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 103.
19.Colin Courtoreille, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 49–50.
20.[Mike J. Durocher,] “Sandy Point,” (accessed 3 January 2012).
21.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 39.
22.George Amato, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 66.
23.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 116.
24.TRC, AVS, Robert Derocher, Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 21 June 2012, Statement Number: 2011-4380.
25.Magee Shaw, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 7.
26.“Ex-residential School Students Recall Painful Days,”
27.Alphonse Janvier, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 20, 22.
28.TRC, AVS, Allen Morin, Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Batoche, Saskatchewan, 19 July 2010, Statement Number: 01-SK-18-25JY10-002.
29.Anonymous, quoted in Chartrand, “Métis Residential School Participation,” 21.
30.“Ex-residential School Students Recall Painful Days,”; Clement Chartier, quoted in Kennedy, “News and Comment,” 11 May 2006, Turtle Island Native Network, (accessed 26 December 2011); “President Chartier Attends TRC Event in Inuvik, NWT,”
31.Durocher, “Sandy Point,” (accessed 3 January 2012).
32.TRC, AVS, Robert Derocher, Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 21 June 2012, Statement Number: 2011-4380.
33.George Amato, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 67.
34.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 42.
35.Colin Courtoreille, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 49.
36.Donna Roberts, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 52.
37.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 116–117.
38.Elmer Cardinal, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 74.
39.Anonymous, quoted in Logan, “Lost Generations,” 80.
40.Pennier, ‘Call Me Hank,’ 9–10, 13.
41.Archie Larocque, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 35, 36.
42.oUR Space: Interview: Mrs. Mary Jacobson, Saskatchewan Archives Board, Sound Archives Programme: tape no. IH-132, transcript disc 23, interview with Mary Jacobson, conducted by Carol Pearlstone, 3 August 1973, transcribed by J. Greenwood. 1–12, http://ourspace.uregina. ca/(accessed 6 November 2014).
43.Theresa Meltenberger, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 28.
44.Theresa Meltenberger, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 30.
45.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 121.
46.Donna Roberts, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 53.
47.Angie Crerar, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 126.
48.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 61.
49.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 108.
50.“Vandale: R-805A,” cited in Logan, “Lost Generations,” 80.
51.Nungak, “Part Qallunaaq,” (accessed 5 March 2012).
52.Dickson, Hey, Monias!, 86–87.
53.Dickson, Hey, Monias!, 93.
54.Alphonse Janvier, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 23.
55.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 83.
56.Alphonse Janvier, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 20.
57.Anonymous, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 38.
58.Magee Shaw, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 8.
59.George Amato, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 65.
60.Martha Mercredi, quoted in Métis Nation, Métis Memories, 91.
61.Arcand, quoted in “Les Metisse,” part 2, (accessed 1 January 2012).