
Birchardville really is real.

Though everyone in this story is fictional, the town does exist. I wrote the first half of this book there in January of 2017, spending my mornings wandering the hills and the afternoons wrapped in a duvet and curled up next to a pellet stove with a computer in my lap.

Thanks to all my Pennsylvania friends for supporting this project and contributing to its success. First and foremost, to Alissa Birchard Lozano for being an amazing friend and for introducing me to your improbable hometown; to Marsha for hosting my writing retreat and providing ongoing (and vital!) assistance throughout the process; and, of course, to Buzz for cheerfully instigating the whole idea.

Thanks also to Bethany, Matt, and the girls for letting me crash family events. I love you all!

To Dawn Zalewski for patiently answering questions about police, fire, and emergency response in Susquehanna County.

To Rob and Sylinda Alfred for driving me up Birchardville Hill on a snowy afternoon, for clarifying local history, and—most importantly—for not batting an eye when I asked if I could severely damage a character on your property.

To Lynne Manzek for graciously allowing me to re-open The Olde Birchardville Store and set vital scenes there.

Finally, a big thank you everyone who cares for the Birchardville Cemetery. Although Betsy E’s headstone exists, the crumbling monolith does not: the entire property is meticulously maintained.

Thank you to Dreah Jin Stratton for years of friendship spanning two continents. Your Mandarin expertise is much appreciated. 谢谢!

Many thanks to my Florida support group—especially the crew on the other side of the wall. Thanks to Podlings 1 and 2 for the miscommunication that led to Podling 2 and I being stuck on the island with two hours to kill last February. Because of you, I wrote those stressful snow storm scenes while lounging on the beach in the winter sun. Awesome irony, right?

As always, thanks to my stellar beta team: Beef, Janiece, Marsha, Jodee, and Alissa. It’s only down to you that Johnson actually got caught.

To Nicola Martinez and my very own editor and brain twin Megan Lee: this book is stronger because of you. Rather than dreading your edit requests, I look forward to them. Thank you.

And to Jesus my King: thank you for saving me. I pray that the Holy Spirit continues to teach me how best to glorify the Father by living out the Gospel.