
ah! vs. aha!, 2728

aha! moment

and biological clock, 136

body memory and, 13440, 150, 204

and brain (see brain)

and brainstorming, 196, 251 (see also creative collaboration)

and challenge, 31, 67, 116, 144, 240, 252

and children, 32, 6066, 119, 248, 252

and computer programs, 24849

and daydreaming, 247

description of, 16, 17, 20, 10910, 12427, 13940, 146, 147, 152, 15758, 184, 19697, 202, 22021, 244, 255

and dissociation, 157, 242

expertise for, 30, 71, 73, 74, 97

and failure, 195, 244

immersionas stage of, 20, 75, 12526, 145, 240

and impasse, 24, 34, 40, 92, 103, 106, 109, 121, 124, 125, 141, 149, 173, 202, 240

incubation, 127, 158, 176, 240, 241, 252, 253

and initiative, 224, 246

and memory, 8790

and mood, 243, 251

neural signature for, 94, 103105

and opportunity, 227, 252

other names for, 17, 255

perseverance and, 160, 224, 236, 245

and play, 145, 17071, 176, 197, 240, 246, 248, 251

and practice, 34, 49, 67, 97

preparation for, 33, 43, 160, 224, 227, 236, 241, 242, 24647, 25152

prepotent candidates for, 33

researchon, 9394, 103105, 136, 14344, 24243

and role models, 248

and self-trust, 237, 248

as snaps(see snap)

and visualization, 246

Altman, Hannah (inventor), 248, 18

Andreasen, Nancy (psychiatrist), 15556, 158, 161, 242

anesthesia, 200201

anthropometry, 148

anticipation, 167

Archimedes, 1820

Aristotle, 44, 49, 113, 199

Arlow, Rick (inventor), 19395

Art, Mind, and Brain (Gardner), 72

Asch, Solomon (psychologist), 21719, 221

Asimov, Isaac (author), 19, 240

attention, 67, 118, 163, 165, 168, 169, 175, 241

bottom-up, 118

an expectation, 169, 170, 183

top-down, 11819, 158, 246

attitude (importance to aha!), 25, 3031, 34, 44, 56

Baker, David (police chief), 15255

Bell, Joseph (surgeon), 18690, 241

Benedictus, Edouard (chemist), 13132

benzene ring, 173

Berman, Josh (writer-producer), 5254, 57

Berners-Lee, Tim (programmer), 8387, 252

Besso, Michele (engineer), 196

Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche), 139

Bezos, Jeff (innovator), 18

Bhattacharya, Joydeep (researcher), 103104

“Black or White” (Jackson), 172

bliss, 4551, 56, 57, 113, 175

Bloom, Zach (inventor), 19395

body memory, 13440, 150, 204

bodymind, 137

Bohr, Niels (physicist), 197200. See also quantum physics

brain, 30, 43, 7782, 87, 97, 103105, 144, 158, 161, 165, 168, 203, 246, 252

aha! signature, 94, 103105

anterior cingulated cortex, 105

anterior superior temporal gyri, 105

association cortex, 158, 174, 24243

cerebral cortex, 158

coding, 6869, 72, 90, 93, 132

dopamine, 7782, 252, 255

feedback loops, 158

frontal lobe, 158, 242

gating effect, 106

grid cells, 13335

hippocampus, 135, 242

insula, 203

left hemisphere, 30, 106, 166, 170, 176

limbic system, 184

mirror neurons, 203204, 246

NDMA receptor, 88

neural pathways in, 97, 135, 204

neuroplasticity of, 31

nucleus accumbens, 78

occipital lobe, 158

parietal lobe, 158, 203, 242

posterior cingulated cortex, 105

right frontal cortex, 105

right hemisphere, 30, 106107, 128, 170

slippage, 166

temporal lobe, 105106, 158, 185, 242

ventral premotor cortex, 203

Branden, Nathaniel (psychologist), 44

Campbell, Joseph (folklorist), 45

Carhart, Tom (historian), 22526, 23233

Carson, Shelly (psychologist), 8081, 246

cell phone, 100102

CERN, 8385

Chabris, Christopher (psychologist), 7172, 169

challenge, 31, 67, 116, 144, 240

Chamberlain, Joshua (military officer), 23436

chaos theory, 120, 124

chess, 5968

chess masters, 6366, 6872

chunking. See memory

Cicero, 68

CitizenGroove, 245

Clasen, Pat (inventor), 14648

Close, Chuck (artist), 14142

cocaine, 200201

cognition, grounded, 135

cognitive illusions, 71, 166

cognitive map, 13233, 136, 140, 150, 160, 255

Coleridge, Samuel (poet), 15657

collaboration. See creative collaboration; entanglement

comparative remote association, 105

consciousness (levels), 11718, 12527. See also attention; body memory; focus

Cooper, Martin (innovator), 99102, 116, 117, 127, 184

courage, 74, 157, 191, 224, 227, 234

Crane, Hart (poet), 174

CREATES (Connect, Reason, Envision, Absorb, Transform, Evaluate, Stream), 8081

creative collaboration, 207, 250

Arlow and Bloom, 19395

Bohr and colleagues, 197200

brainstorming, 211

Einstein and Besso, 19597

Freud and Koller, 200201

Glessner Lee and Magrath, 20711

Knific and partners, 24345

and mirror neurons, 203204

and team building, 205206

Wiles and colleagues, 201203

creativity, 54, 140, 156, 161, 171, 183, 186, 206, 224, 242, 243, 246, 24952

Crick, Francis, 1516, 107

Crocker, Jim (engineer), 92

cross-fertilization, 175, 211, 246. See also creative collaboration; team building

Crowdy, David (mathematician), 17475

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (television series), 4042, 53, 54

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (psychologist, author), 3031, 113, 11517, 119

curiosity, 144, 157, 237, 248

Custer, George Armstrong (military officer), 22534, 236, 242

Darwin, Charles (explorer), 16061

data mining, 17778, 192, 251, 255

da Vinci, Leonardo (inventor, artist), 120, 186

Davis, Natalie (historian), 49

Descartes, René (philosopher), 137

destiny, 44, 57

Dexter F. Baker Institute, 194, 24951

digi-novel, 42, 49

Dillard, Annie (poet, author), 5556

discipline, 44, 66, 144, 236

Dixie Cup, 148

DNA, 1516, 10712, 15155. See also Jeffreys, Sir Alec; Mullis, Kary; PCR

Dodge, Wagner (firefighter), 2830, 242

“Doogie” mice, 8790

dopamine, 7782, 252, 255

dreams, 27, 156, 17273, 242, 247

Drop Dead Diva (television series), 54

Durstewitz, Daniel (neuroscientist), 93

DynaTAC, 101102

dzdock, 119

EcoTech Marine, 14648

Edison, Thomas (inventor), 240

EEG. See electroencephalograph

Einstein, Albert (physicist), 14446, 19597, 199, 219, 246

electroencephalograph (EEG), 103104, 143

embedded advertising, 239

embodied cognition. See body memory

Embracing the Wide Sky (Tammet), 170

emotional intelligence, 55

encoding. See brain, coding; memory, coding cliques

Enquire (Berners-Lee), 83

Enquire within upon Everything (no author), 83

entanglement, 193211, 224, 255

mirror neurons in, 203205

entelechy, 44, 49, 56, 113, 255

entrepreneurs, 18182, 192, 243, 245, 24851

epiphany. See aha! moment

Ericsson, Lars (researcher), 30

eureka. See aha! moment; Archimedes

Eureka! Series, 75, 24950

Experience Sampling Method, 115

expertise (effect on aha! moment), 30, 71, 73, 74, 97, 18182, 192, 243, 245, 24951

Facebook, 26

Farnsworth, Philo (inventor), 174

Fermat's last theorem, 201203

Feynman, Richard (physicist), 174

Finger Prints (Galton), 149

FIRST (For Inspirational Recognition of Science and Technology), 47

Flaherty, Alice (author), 18385

flow, 11219, 128, 255

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), 105, 185, 203, 242

focus, 6667, 81, 117, 163, 165, 170, 175, 176. See also attention

Foer, Joshua (author), 68

Freud, Sigmund (psychoanalyst), 200201

Fry, Art (inventor), 68, 174

Futrelle, Jacques (author), 16162

Gallese, Vittorio (researcher), 204

Galton, Francis (scientist), 14849

Gardner, Howard (psychologist, author), 55, 72, 206207

genius, 17, 20, 60, 66, 7273, 18586

Gettysburg, Battle of, 22436. See also Chamberlain, Joshua; Custer, George Armstrong

Getzler-Linn, Lisa (administrator), 24951

Glessner Lee, Francis (innovator), 20711

Global Positioning System (GPS), 239, 252

Goldfire, 24849

Goodyear, Charles (inventor), 16970

Google, 243, 251

Gould, Gordon (physicist), 177, 191

grid cells, 13335

Grossman, Marcel (mathematician), 197

Gruber, Howard (psychologist), 16061

Guest, George (inventor), 7577

guided imagery, 247

Gutenberg, Johannes (inventor), 239

gut feeling. See body memory

habits, 82, 119, 127, 161, 242, 247, 252. See also practice (for aha!)

Hadamard, Jacques (author), 14546

Hannah's Cool World, 248

Hawking, Stephen (physicist), 27, 253

Heisenberg, Werner (physicist), 198. See also creative collaboration; quantum physics

Henry, Edward R. (scientist), 14950

Herschel, William (scientist), 149

Holst, Victoria (psychologist), 90

Housen, Abigail (researcher), 22

HTML. See Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP. See Hypertext Transfer Protocol

hyperlink, 85, 87, 98

hypertext, 85

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 85

HypertextTransfer Protocol (HTTP), 85

illusions, 16364

and anticipation, 167

cognitive, 71, 16667

optical, 166

visual, 166, 171

immersion, 20, 75, 12526

impasse, 12, 24, 34, 40, 92, 103, 106, 109, 121, 124, 125, 141, 149, 173, 202, 240

inattentionalblindness, 16869

incubation, 127, 176

innovation, 31. See also snap

insight, 18, 27. See also aha! moment; snap

Integrated Product Development Program, 24950

Invention Machine, 24849

Jackson, Michael (singer, innovator), 17172

James, P. D. (author), 45

Jeffreys, Sir Alec (molecular biologist), 15155

Jung, Carl (psychiatrist), 134

Jung-Beeman, Mark (researcher), 104105

Kagan, Jerome (psychologist), 27

Kamen, Dean (inventor), 4547, 49, 57

Kandel, Eric (researcher), 134

Katz, Joel (educator, innovator), 2125, 15960, 205206, 24142

Keats, John (poet), 174

Keeler, George (inventor), 7477

Kekulé, Freidrich (inventor), 156, 173

Khoshbin, Shahram (educator, innovator), 22

Kierkegaard, Søren (philosopher), 197

Kipling, Rudyard (author), 174

Knific, John (inventor), 24345

Koehn, Nancy (psychologist), 18182, 243

Koller, Carl (opthamologist), 200201

Koontz, Dean (author), 114

Kounios, John (researcher), 104105

“Kubla Khan” (Coleridge), 15657

Laennec, René (physician), 26

laser, 177

lateral inhibition, 167

Lawyer, Justin (inventor), 14648

Lee, Robert E. (military general), 22425

Lehigh University, 75, 146, 19394, 249

Level 26: Dark Origins (Zuiker), 43

Lincoln, Abraham, 5152, 57, 226

Lippershay, Hans (inventor), 33

Loewi, Otto (neuroscientist), 173

Mack, Arien (psychologist), 168

Macknik, Stephen (psychologist), 16466

magic, 16368

Magrath, George Burgess, 207209, 236

Main, Hart (entrepreneur), 32

ManCan, 32

Mangano, Joy (inventor), 11617, 127

Mann Gulch Mountain, 2830

Maric, Mileva (mathematician), 197

Marks, Tim (inventor), 14648

Marrgraff, Jim (educator, innovator), 241

Marston, William (psychologist, inventor), 18

Martinez-Conde, Susana (psychologist), 16466

Marx, Groucho (comedian), 32

McCartney, Paul (composer, musician), 174

meaning units, 6970

meditation, 112, 199, 242

memory, 6772, 8798, 134

in cab drivers, 135

chunking, 6772, 255

coding cliques, 6869, 72, 90, 93, 132

and dopamine, 78

flashbulb, 89

grid cells, 13335

hippocampus, 135

long-term, 67, 135, 255

misinformationeffect, 91, 166

and patterns, 88

sensory, 67

spatial, 134

template theory, 7072, 98, 135

working (short-term), 67, 72, 82, 98, 135, 165

mental agility, 160, 161, 170, 173, 175, 176

mental flexibility, 34, 150, 157, 161, 175, 186, 233, 251, 255

mental map. See cognitive map

metaphor, 87, 140, 160, 18385, 199200

microwave, 239

Milgram, Stanley (psychologist), 21524

Miller, Alexa (curator), 22

Miller, George (psychologist), 6768

mimetic cells. See mirror neurons

MIND Institute (New Mexico), 155

Miracle Mop, 117

mirror neurons, 203204, 246

misinformationeffect, 91

mood, 243

Moonwalking with Einstein (Foer), 68

Moore, Hugh Everett (entrepreneur), 148, 156

morphing, 172

Mozart, Amadeus, 60, 61, 66, 7374, 156

Mozart, Leopold, 60, 61, 66

Mozart, Nannerl, 60

Mullis, Kary (researcher), 10712, 114, 116, 117, 127. See also DNA; PCR

multiple intelligence, 55, 72. See also Gardner, Howard

multitasking, 16061, 168

mysticism, 199

Naghshineh, Sheila (educator), 22

Napoleon, 23940

Neisser, Ulric (magician), 168

Neuman, Eric (programmer, inventor), 24445

neuromagic, 16466. See also focus, perception

neuropeptides, 137

neurotransmitters, 7778. See also brain; dopamine

Nietzsche, Friedrich (philosopher), 13840

Nobel, Alfred, 1718

NobelPrize, 16, 17, 173

novelty, 78

“Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Deaths,” 20911. See also Glessner Lee, Francis

observation, 2125, 15960, 180, 18690, 205206, 227, 246.

See also attention; Bell, Joseph;focus

“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” (Einstein), 196

Otis, Elisha (inventor), 33

paradoxical functional facilitation, 186

Pasteur, Louis, 25

Pauling, Linus, 15

PCR (polymerase chain reaction), 11012. See also Mullis, Kary

Penn & Teller (magician team), 16465, 16768

perception, 16365

perceptual set, 131150, 234

perceptual shift, 17, 2728, 3133, 143, 150, 241, 252, 255

perceptual shortcuts, 168

Père Lachaise (cemetery), 23940

Pert, Candace (neuroscientist), 137

PET (positron emission tomography), 158

Pezdek, Kathy (researcher), 90

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Dillard), 5556

Pitchfork, Colin (murderer), 155

plateau moment (impasse), 127

play, 145, 17071, 176, 197, 240, 246, 248, 251

Plotkin, Marc (musician), 243245

Poincaré, Jules Henri (mathematician), 12027, 156, 159, 169

descriptionof aha! moment, 12427

Polgár, Judit (chess player), 6366, 81, 248

Polgár, Klara, 5962

Polgár, Laszlo, 5966

Polgár, Sofia (chess player), 6366, 81, 248

Polgár, Susan (chess player), 6067, 81, 248

Polonyi, Michael (philosopher), 183

polygraph, 18

Post-It, 174

practice (for aha!), 34, 49, 67, 97, 242

printing press, 239

“Problem of Cell 13, The” (Futrelle), 162

prodigy, 7274. See also genius; Mozart, Amadeus

psychoneuroimmunology, 137

quantum physics, 197200. See also Bohr, Niels; Einstein, Albert; Heisenberg, Werner; Schrödinger, Erwin

Quinn, Moriah (educator), 159

Randi, James (magician), 164

random episodic silent thinking, 158, 242

Reaumur, René-Antoine Ferchault, de (chemist), 161

relativity, theory of, 197

Rhames, Ving (actor), 5051, 57

Rhetoric (Aristotle), 183

risk analysis, 234

Rizzolattie, Giacomo (researcher), 203204

Robbins, Apollo (magician), 164

Rock, Irvin (psychologist), 168

rolestorming, 203

Rowling, J. K. (author), 175

rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation), 18586

rubber, 16970

saccades (in perception), 164

safety glass, 13132

Salk, Jonas (inventor), 173

Sankuhler, Simone (researcher), 103

savants, 18586. See also genius; prodigy

scan, 20, 25, 34, 37129, 252, 255

Schrödinger, Erwin (physicist), 198. See also quantum physics

Seamans, Jeremy (neuroscientist), 93

Segway PT, 46

serendipity, 127, 193, 211, 240

Sharot, Talli (researcher), 80

Sheth, Bhavin (researcher), 103104

“shock box” (Milgram), 22124

sift, 20, 34, 131211, 252

Simon, Herbert A. (cognitive scientist), 206207

Simons, Daniel (psychologist), 7071, 169

6-3-5 Brainwriting, 206

SMART (Seldinger-Modified Airway Rescue Tracheotomy) device, 19395

smart mice. See “Doogie” mice

“Smooth Criminal” (Jackson), 172

snap, 18, 2526, 28, 34, 14344, 255

and brain (see aha! moment, research on)

conditions for, 16364, 252, 253

and crime solving, 42, 14950, 15355, 191, 20911

definition, 18, 2526, 158

in dreams, 27, 156, 17273, 242, 247

and invention, 20, 10910, 132, 147, 169, 177, 18081, 19395, 22021, 239, 241

and solutions, 27, 3940, 12627, 13132, 164, 173, 182, 202, 244

and strategy, 23234, 236, 251

and vision, 86, 12627, 145, 155, 246

and writing, 139, 17475, 184, 225, 247

See also aha! moment

Snyder, Allan (researcher), 18586

Social Network (film), 26

solve, 26, 34, 21553

Soraci, Sal (psychologist), 143

spatial map. See grid cells; cognitive map

spatial mislocation, 163

Spencer, Percy (inventor), 239

Staples, 243

Starbucks, 18

Star Trek (television series), 101

Stemberg, Tom (entrepreneur), 243

stethoscope, 26

Stuart, J. E. B. (military officer), 226, 23134

subconscious, 140, 24142, 246, 247, 253

Sullenberger, Chesley (pilot, author), 9498, 242

Swartz, Jerome (neuroscientist), 102103

synchronicity, 5152, 57, 86, 155

synetics, 184

Tacit Dimension, The (Polanyi), 183

tacit knowledge, 183

Talmey, Max (medical student), 197

Tammet, Daniel (linguist), 17071

Tangle (Berners-Lee), 84

Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich (composer), 15758, 175

tDCS (transcranial direct current stimulation), 186

team building, 205206, 250, 251

telescope, 33

Thematic Apperception Test, 33

Thinking Machine, The (Futrelle), 16162

Thorndike, Mary (educator), 205206

“Thriller” (Jackson), 171, 172

Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 139

Tolman, E. C. (researcher), 132

“Training the Eye” (seminar), 2224

Tsien, Joe (researcher), 88

unconscious, 12527, 140, 158. See also subconscious

Universal Resource Locator (URL), 85

URL. See Universal Resource Locator

Vidocq, François Eugène (detective), 17881, 191

vigilance, 56, 118, 171, 191, 211, 232, 243, 246, 252, 256

vigilance advantage, 252, 255

visual persistence, 163

Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), 2225

Vitruvius, 18

VorTech pump, 14648

VTS. See Visual Thinking Strategies

waterfall illusion, 166

Watson, James (scientist), 1516, 107, 247

Watt, James (engineer, inventor), 18284, 191

Wei, Lu (musician), 4849

Wiles, Andrew (mathematician), 201203, 207

will to power (Nietzsche), 139

Wilson, Vicky (researcher), 150

wing warping, 16263

working memory. See memory

World Wide Web (WWW), 86

Wright, Orville (inventor), 16263

Wright, Wilbur (inventor), 16263

Yenawine, Philip (educator), 22

“Yesterday” (McCartney), 174

Your Creative Brain (Carson), 80

Zaharakis, Dino (inventor), 119

Zuckerberg, Mark (programmer), 26

Zuiker, Anthony (author), 3743, 49, 57

snapfor CSI, 3940

snapfor digi-novel, 4243