Chapter Four



When they pulled into the full circular driveway, Mike craned his neck to see around him.

"You live here?" Sarah gasped.

Mitch saw the look of awe on Sarah's face and knew she was shocked. Hadn't Maria explained that he came from a wealthy family too?

"Yes, welcome to my home…" He said huskily, as he unbuckled Mike from the child seat he had had installed before his trip to Pecos.

"Wow…" Mike nearly whistled through his teeth as he stepped out of the truck and glanced around the immaculate grounds.

The house sat in a shaded valley, with perfect kept lawns, and waterfalls. The house itself made of stones and cedar, spread majestically against a western background that took Sarah's breath away. She had never dreamed of such a place. Out of her element, she moved with Mike in awe.

"This is your home?" She repeated as though she didn't quite believe it.

"Mine, and my siblings, yes."

"It is…magnificent!" She said her eyes widening with wonder as Mike held onto her hand.

"We like it. We all have separate quarters and we have a couple of guesthouses out back. You may take your pick of which one you like." Mitch explained.

A servant came out to take their luggage and quietly carried it inside the house. He greeted them with a smile and shook Mitch's hand. "Good to see you home, sir."

"Thanks William. This is Sarah, and Mike. Mike is my son. I will want the adjoining room for him behind mine." Mitch instructed.

"Yes sir, please to meet you." William smiled at them and took their luggage away.

Sarah was staring. "I had no idea, you were this rich? I mean the way you were dressed…"

"The way I was dressed, was comfortable. Don't be too impressed, I didn't earn this majestic home alone. My father and grandfather are responsible for it, more than I am or my brothers and sister. My father added on to it as our family grew so that we all had a home, within a home. But as I remember, Maria's home was as grand." Mitch acknowledged.

"We lived in a Hacienda, but not quite on the same scale as this. It is lovely, beyond words." Sarah sighed, her gaze encompassing the entire landscape.

Mike was busy investigating the place too.

"Where is my room?" He asked suddenly.

"It is connected to my own. Come, I'll show you."

The room was spacious, and more western than modern. Mike's eyes were wide as he looked at Sarah. A train circled the room every few minutes and Mike followed it wide eyed.

Sarah was confused, it looked like a child's room, but he had no children.

"I called a couple of people to fix this room up for Mike. They did an excellent job, didn't they?"

"I wondered?"

"And my Auntie's room?"

"She will be in the guest room…toward the back."

Sarah immediately thought of a servants quarters and was shocked when he led them to a magnificent cottage all its own.

Sarah couldn't believe the huge bed, and the wide openness of the room, the glass that went from floor to ceiling so she could stare out at the pool. A patio led out into the yard where landscaping dressed the imagination. The bathroom was huge, with all the conveniences she could imagine. The tub was huge and circular, big enough for two. She shook her head in wonder. It had a portable icebox, a built in large screen television, stereo. There was an exercise bike and treadmill to one side of the room. The bed was a California King, with a gorgeous burgundy spread. Everything a person could need was at her fingertips right here in this room. She was flabbergasted.

"This is where I will live?" She gulped.

"Yes…do you like it?"

She shook her head. "Like it…how could I not? I never expected anything so beautiful…"

"Good. You'll have your own mini kitchen, there's a microwave hidden in the built in closet. Leann says the closet is big enough for a bedroom. You have your own private entrance. So it will be like a real home for you." Mitch smiled. "Anything you need, you just let me know. We have a woman that stocks the cupboards, so make your list early in the week. We have a personal aide who sees to everyone. A chef is on call for your convenience. A maid will take care of most of the housework."

William brought her luggage through. "William is only here when I call him. For parties, family occasions and business meetings."

Sarah sat on one of the lounging chairs not far from the bed.

The room was bright with color and the view so spectacular she couldn't take her eyes from it. The bed beckoned her. She walked to the patio and spotted the huge pool with statues, plants, and waterfalls, it was so lush she had to squeeze herself to realize this was for real.

"Now, you relax and rest a bit from your journey and I'll send Mike to fetch you for supper." He insisted.

Mitch was leaving her here, in this beautiful place and she hesitated a moment.

He glanced at her small luggage case. "If you want to shop we have a mall within a couple of miles, and my sister loves to shop too. So you don't have to be lonely most of the time."

"Thank you," she barely breathed, still trying to get her bearings.

When they were both gone, she went about the room, admiring everything in it. She twirled around in a circle and landed on the bed. She laughed at the luxury surrounding her. The bath was heavenly, with its sunken tub and granite and gold features. She had two sinks and a shower if she preferred.

A white robe hung on the back of the door, and she shook her head. "My God…I never dreamed he was this rich. I was so wrong to deprive Mike of all of this."

She couldn't help but remember how humble Mitch seemed in Pecos, and how different. She'd mistook him for the plumber. No wonder he was baffled.

She considered Mike now. He would live in the lap of luxury all his life if he so wanted. He would have a father to love him and she could rest easy.

That did nothing to comfort her, for if it came to choosing, he might have a hard time with all of this.

So why was she here? But she knew, and it brought a tear to her eyes. She loved Mike, and parting with him was impossible. He had come to mean too much to her. Yet, now, she saw his father's place, she worried if she would lose him, despite the fact that she came along.

They didn't need her. He could hire any number of people to take care of Mike. Why had he agreed to bring her along as his nanny?

Fatigue battled with her wits to explore, and before long, she felt herself caving into the big bed that awaited her.

Mike came running in and woke her.

"Auntie, you must come and see my room. It has a train that goes all around the room and a table for Legos, with every color in the rainbow. And the bathtub is big enough for both of us…" He laughed.

Sarah looked at Mike. "You like it here?"

"Oh yes, Auntie. And I like my father too." His eyes were wide with wonder.

She looked at him and realized she could lose him to this place, and she couldn't blame him.

"Then I am happy." Sarah smiled at him.

"Father says we are to come and eat now…"

"Alright, let me comb my hair and wash my face first." She said.

She saw the excitement in his face, and the radiance there too.

And sadness overtook her. She was losing her nephew and she knew it by the look on his face. This scared her a bit, and she felt displaced suddenly, as though she were an intruder.

Truthfully, she couldn't believe she had insisted on coming as Mike's nanny. Still, she knew in her heart that she had to be close to Mike, at least until he got used to the place and his new folks. But she knew if the time came to say goodbye to Mike, she wouldn't be able to handle it well."

"Do you like your room?" Mike asked as he watched her comb her hair.

"Yes Mike, it is lovely. Truly."

She couldn't blame Mike for being excited., as long as he didn't get carried away with material possessions.

Her cell phone rang. It was Julio, wanting to know where she was.

She didn't want to talk to him just yet. There was too much to explain and she didn't want to be late for supper.

"I will call you back Julio…later." She said into the phone.

Mike rolled his eyes.

When she flipped the phone closed, Mike stared at her. "What did he want?"

"He came to visit and found we had moved. He was upset. Now is not the time to talk to him. I will call him later and explain."

"I don't like Julio much. And he doesn't like me either." Mike pooched out his lower lip.

"It is okay. I am not in love with Julio, Mike. He is just a friend."

"Then why does he come over all the time and try to kiss you?" Mike frowned.

"He wants to be more than a friend, I don't. Right now, I don't have time for Julio. I'm here to be with you…You are the man in my life Mike. I love you…"

Mike smiled and snuggled up to her.

"Come on; show me where we are going." She prodded him.

Mike practically dragged her outside and onto a huge patio, where supper was being served.

A bar-b-que was smoking and one man attended it, Mitch.

She had expected to meet his siblings but there was no one but the three of them eating, he explained.

"But your brothers and sister?" She asked.

"Daniel is on an assignment. Leann went to spend the night at one of her friends that is getting married. She's the maid of honor, and the girl asked her to help her prepare for it. Lucas had a banquet, and Ray had a date. So it's just us tonight."

"Oh, I was hoping to meet them." Sarah said.

He offered her a chair. "You will soon. I didn't tell them of our arrival, so no one planned to be home tonight."

The servants set drinks out, and a big bowl of chips and dips. Mike helped himself, but when he kept dipping in the dish, Sarah instructed him to put some on his small plate and not redip.

Mike wasn't offended at her instructions, but glad of it, as he showed signs of being timid.

"Do you want a drink…or lemonade or a glass of tea?" Mitch offered.

"Lemonade sounds good, doesn't it Mike?"

"Yes Auntie…"

"Fine, help yourselves then. The meat is almost ready." He smiled at them.

Sarah poured all three of them a drink and went back to the table where Mike was eating chips.

Sarah was quiet for a while, staring into the pool.

When he joined them at the table with the meat, he sliced it for them and motioned for them to help themselves.

Mike waited for Sarah to fix his plate though. Before he accepted it, he glanced at the huge bowl of chips. "May I have some more of those?" He asked.

"Of course you can have anything you like." Mitch gestured.

Sarah put a huge pile on his plate and he smiled.

"Do you often dine alone?" Sarah asked as she handed the plate back to Mike.

"No, but since I've been gone and left no word as to my return, it is typical for them to all have plans of their own. Everyone comes and goes as they please around here." Mitch assured her. He helped himself and glanced at the small amount of food on her plate. "You aren't eating much…"

"Guess I have a little jet lag…" She'd invited herself here. She had no idea of his wealth. Her sister hadn't told her much, perhaps she didn't know herself until much later just how rich the Connor's were. But Sarah felt unprepared. How could she compete for Mike's love with all of this?

"And…your girlfriend?"

Mitch glanced at her. "My girlfriend?" He repeated.

"Si…a man such as you must have at least one." Sarah insisted.

"I guess I should tell you, I’m engaged to Claire Williamson. Have been for some time now." He watched her reaction.

Sarah nodded almost automatically. "I am not surprised to hear it. So…when is the wedding?"

Mitch hung his head, dusted his boot off and looked away. "We haven't set a date."

"How long have you been engaged?" Sarah asked, needing to hear more about this woman.

"Three years…" He began.

Sarah jumped up, and started pacing. "Three years. You been engaged for three years? I always thought Americans did things quickly." She flopped back in the chair, her dress blowing up from her action. She pushed it down and looked away. She had changed into something more decent than her shorts to meet his family. Now they weren't here.

"A man in my position doesn't jump into a marriage, there is too much involved."

Sarah stared at him. "Oh…prenuptials?"

"For starters yes…"

Sarah shook her head, almost as if mad. "After three years you still don't trust her?"

Mitch was shocked at her emotional reactions to his announcement. He stared at her, watching her face, and how it changed from one moment to the other.

"Claire comes from a wealthy family too. I suppose we are both just too busy to set a date…"

"Yet you were not too busy to come and get your son." Sarah accused him.

Mitch eyed her with interest. "I have no doubts about my son."