Chapter Twenty-One



"You are kidding me. You're engaged…to her?" Claire boomed that evening as Mitch announced to everyone at the company of his coming matrimony. "My God, she's so common. Now I know why you broke up with me. I hope she isn't just some whim…"

"No…I'm not kidding. We are getting married." He said. "And you are wrong Claire; she's not at all common. She's the most exotic thing I've ever known."

"Have you given any thought to the fact that she might just want your money?" Claire asked raising a brow at him.

"Never entered my mind. She doesn't want my money now. I haven't spent half as much on her as I did on you."

"You haven't known her long enough." Claire frowned. "As I recall I never ask you for anything. I don't need your money."

"No, that's true. But you did expect it."

"When?" Claire bowed her head as though her feelings were hurt.

"When what?"

"When are you getting married?"

"We haven't set a date, but soon. I don’t' want to wait." He felt exhilarated that he could tell everyone.

"But, you've only known this woman a short while…"

"I know that, Claire. But I love her. Love doesn't always have a time schedule."

"You've obviously lost your mind." Claire huffed and walked off.

"I guess I have. And if so, I hope I never find it again." He laughed at her departure.

All the men gathered around him and congratulated him.

"I've finally got a family…" He smiled at everyone.

"Most men don't want a readymade family, but you jumped right in there, didn't you?" Niles shook his hand.

"It's perfect Niles, and I’m so happy I could burst."

Niles nodded but when the others got back to work he approached him.

"I see there's a question in your eyes."

"This isn't some kind of transference is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Maria…" He offered. "Her being her sister, I just wondered."

"No…my feelings for Maria were real at the time. But it was an impossible relationship, one we both knew wouldn't work. But with Sarah, it is different. I promise you it isn't a rebound for Maria. In fact, I think Maria would be the first to congratulate me, if she could." Mitch motioned for Niles to sit down. "Don't you approve?"

Niles smiled something he rarely did. "Of course I do. I haven't seen you this happy…in years."

"I am happy. I have a wonderful son, a beautiful wife-to-be and we will soon be a real family. It's what I've always wanted."

"You know I've always known you wanted a big family. You've made no secret of that. And I know you won't end up like your father. With Sarah I think that won't be possible." Niles stared at him. "But you realize that Claire isn't the only one that's going to throw the fact that you haven't known this girl long enough in your face, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. But you know what? I don't care. I've gone along with my life never being this happy before. I can't let it go. I want the same things she wants. A big and a happy family."

"You two do seem to click, I noticed that right off." Niles smiled at him again.

"And I haven't seen you smile this much in a long time either my friend. I’m so glad you are happy for me."

"I wouldn't be a friend if I wasn't happy for you. Have you told your family yet?"

"No, tonight. I only came in to let you all know about it, and why I took the day off." He said.

"Then you get on home. I'll close everything up for you. And why don't you take a couple of days off?" Niles suggested.

"Not on your life, I’m going to have a big honeymoon and soon." Mitch shouted.

That evening after supper, Mitch gathered everyone, as he pulled Sarah to him. "Sarah and I have an announcement. We're getting married."

Leann jumped up and hugged him. "Wonderful news. I'm so happy for you both. So when's the wedding?"

"I'm not sure; we haven't talked about that much yet." Mitch turned to Sarah and hugged her.

Leann gave them both a glance. "I'd say in the shape you two are in, soon would be best."

"I agree," Mitch laughed.

Ray was the only one of his brothers there, but he was just as happy as Leann was. His family had accepted everything about Sarah and they all seemed to love her. It gave him a secure feeling.

But it was Mike that wanted to tell everyone. He was so happy. "Now I will have both a mother and a father."

"And someday, brothers and sisters." Sarah added.

"I hadn't thought of that…." Mike smiled.

Sarah showed her ring to everyone, and Leann gushed. "Jerry won't be able to afford one that big. But it's what it means that makes the difference."

Sarah nodded, "That's right .I did not expect this, or ask for it. But he gave it to me, and I could not refuse, since I love him."

They sat around talking and Mitch held Sarah's hand all evening. They barely took their eyes off each other.

Niles came over to celebrate with them and it was one of the best evenings yet.

"So Niles, when are you going to find a girl and tie the knot?" Mitch asked.

"I don't know. I've been dating a little lately. Met this wonderful girl from New York. We get along famously."

"Great, bring her over will ya?" Mitch asked.

"I promise." Niles smiled. "That reminds me, I was going to pick up some dry cleaning, I better be going. I'm so happy for the two of you."

"Can I call you Uncle Niles?" Mike asked him.

Niles looked at Mike and a tear came into his eyes. "I wish you would."

Mitch swallowed hard. Niles was the best.

Sarah kissed Niles on the cheek. "Thank you Niles. And thank you for helping my sister."

Niles looked a little sadly at her. "That was my pleasure."

Then he left.

Later as they sat on the patio alone, she looked over at Mitch and asked. "Did you tell Claire?"

"Yes, I did." He glanced at her.


"She was furious, but there's nothing she can do about it. She thinks you are after my money."

"I guess she would think that."

"Don't worry; I let her know I spent more on her when we were dating than I have on you."

"Mike is so fond of Niles."

"It goes both ways. You know, Mike likes everyone…except maybe Claire." Mitch laughed.

"He was so afraid you were going to marry her. He told me he knew she didn't like kids."

"I know that. But that day we three were together was the biggest disaster of my life. I should have known."

"It is very sudden." She said out of the blue. "Everyone probably said something about that."

"I guess it is. But…" He reached for her hand, "Honey, I've spent a lot of years with no one that filled me with happiness, to have you…and Mike, makes my life complete now. I don't want to waste any more time. I'm old enough to recognize my feelings and appreciate having them."

"You mean that?"

"More than you know."

"I haven't asked, but …Do you want lots of babies?"

"Yes…do you mind?"

"Not at all. It would pleasure me to have your children. And I think Mike would like it too. I know I can be fair and love them all. Mike isn't mine, but I love him as though he were. It would break my heart to ever lose him."

"I know you can too. You're the most loving woman I've ever known…now…why don't we retire to your bathtub and take that bubble bath we were talking about." He challenged her.

"You are decadent." She laughed. "I thought you were taking me out to movies and dinners. Instead, I get the tub."

"A tub can be very interesting. I'm in love…" He smiled at her.

"Why my tub, not yours?"

"Because yours is bigger than mine." He laughed.

"Oh…" she smiled. He walked her to her apartment. "What are we going to do in the tub?"

"Lots of things, you'll see." He smiled.

"You are leading me to the den of iniquity." She frowned.

"And you are gonna love it." He smiled.

She ran the water and sprinkled the bubble bath generously.

"You like it warm?" she asked.

"I like it hot." He replied with a smile.

In seconds he had her undressed, and she stood poised in front of him. No longer shy about the being naked in front of him, she enjoyed tempting him. She took a provocative stand, daring him.

"What are you looking at?" She asked.

"You…all of you…" He smiled. "Come here…"

She wanted to seduce him, feel the power of it, enjoy it. She sauntered over, swaying her hips drastically and batting her eyes at him.

He laughed. "You little imp."

He picked her up in his arms and carried her into the bathroom. After thoroughly kissing her, he slid her down his body and stared at her. The feel of skin against skin ignited a fire in them both. Her eyes sparkled when she looked at him.

"You look very happy with yourself."

"I am…have I managed to seduce you?"

"Cinderella I'm yours." He laughed.

When she slid into the tub, he nudged her forward and got in behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and she laid her head on his shoulder. He scooted down so he could hold her easily. His hands massaged her breasts in the bubbles but her nipples were already hard pebbles.

"I like taking a bath with you…but when you touch me like that, well…you know what happens, don't you?" she cried when his hand dipped down, to slide inside of her. She sighed, and relaxed against him, enjoying what he was doing to her. Gone were all the sexual barriers between them. She was at home with his body. She had rid herself of the evil demons that had long plagued her family. This was love, and love was beautiful.

He found her delicate folds, and spread them so he could flick his fingers over her there. He rubbed gently until she was squirming against him. She slid erotically all over him, moving her body to the rhythm he created.

When she could stand it no longer she turned over and he entered her so quickly it took her breath away.

"Did I hurt you?" He looked concerned.

She opened her eyes and smiled, "Not at all. Just a surprise at how ready you were for me. I was already hot and wet before I got in the tub. I didn't know you were too…"

"Honey, I stay ready for you all the time." He smiled.

"You do?" she whispered.

"I do…," he whispered back as they suddenly climaxed together.

Later, she lay over him and his hands covered her breasts. "You have the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen. Full, round, and supple. That and your hair, and your body…all of you is beautiful."

"And you…" she said turning to lay her head on his chest, "are a very desirable man."

"I think we are very compatible, don't you?" He asked.

She raised her head, kissed his nipple and smiled. "Very…"

"When do you want to get married?" He asked, petting her all the while.

"Soon. Very soon. I do not want to wait long. I couldn't stand it." She whispered. "I want to sleep with you every night. I want to touch you at my leisure, kiss you on a whim. I want you inside of me, every night. I want to be in your arms, in your mind." She purred against him now.

He chuckled. "I might not get much sleep."

"That's okay, I'll energize you."

He cuddled her, wrapping his legs around her. "Do you want a big wedding?"

"No…I want a big honeymoon." She kissed him freely. "I want you all to myself somewhere that nobody knows us. Where we can be alone…and make love…like this. Day and night. I want to stay in bed with you until we are so exhausted we can't get up. By the time we come home I want to be so sore I can hardly walk. That's how much I want you. You've made me a brazen woman, all I think about these days are you and I…"

"Sounds like heaven to me…" He kissed the top of her head.

"How about a private topless beach? No, that's no us. Or better yet, on a yacht in the ocean."

"Oh that sounds lovely. But…what about Mike?"

"Maybe when Lucas is finished with his television show and Ray has a shift off, we could take a week and go to the Bahama's. I have a boat, and we can sail out where no one is around and be alone all you want."

"Sounds like heaven. Days and nights of making love and eating, sleeping, and making love some more. That's what I really want from you. I am brazen now and can say it. I want you."

"You know…most girls would insist on a big expensive wedding and a honeymoon too. But not you. You just want to be alone with me so you can have your way with me…."

"That's right my love…" She slid up his body to kiss him.

This kiss took them into paradise and they made love several times before they got out.

He lay in bed with her for a long while, loving on her, kissing her and then he went back to his own bed. She felt the warmth leave her bed and cuddle against his pillow that he left his scent on.

As he lay in his bed, he thought about their love and how true it was. Time didn't matter when it came to love. They were living proof of that. He couldn't remember a time being with her when he didn't want her.

He was afraid someone would pinch him and tell him this was all just some erotic dream he had. However, he'd never been in love like this and he wanted to enjoy every minute of it.

He'd found the perfect woman, and he had a perfect child. And someday they'd have more children. He couldn't wait!