Chapter Six

I climbed the stairs, staring into his eyes as I stepped one higher than him, so we were standing level.

You stay?” The dark blue eyes danced between mine, searching out the truth.

I’ll stay.” My heart was pounding wildly, but it felt like the right decision.

To go home would’ve been a mistake of epic proportions, and I’ve made enough of those in my lifetime. Here was my chance to break free of my little world. Besides, it would all be over in the morning, and I’d be left with a wonderful memory.

He closed the gap between us, and wrapped his arm around my waist, merging our soaked bodies, yet somehow, surprisingly, he was still warm. My breasts flattened against him and my chest heaved as I stared into his eyes, and let my gaze float down to his sweet, kissable lips.

He did not disappoint, and the moment our mouths touched, electricity flowed through my body, joining us together in a kiss that could end wars. He lifted me, setting me on the landing. The strong hands caressed my back, and with his powerful, yet sensual kisses, he could’ve easily had his way with me. My body was on fire, my knees were weak, and I’d found a set of lips I enjoyed kissing and would continue to for the rest of his impromptu stay.

Until the morning sun.

“Go,” he urged, and he nudged to his room a few doors down.

I grasped the hand railing to right myself, and stepped off to the side, allowing him to come up beside me.

For a heartbeat, I froze.

What the hell was I doing? I was following a stranger to his motel room. A stranger.

And yet, no warning bells had been set off, my intuition locked on the grace and charm of this guy, seeing only what? What was I feeling? I searched deeper. Something whispered he was okay. It was just one night. I could be that person. I had nothing to lose.

Stepping forward, my body made the decision my mind was slowly getting around to make.

Together we walked to his room where he inserted the key and entered his 3.2 star rated room. The Hilton’s worst room would rank higher, but at least there was a clean bed and a dresser with a tv on it, unlikely to get the good channels judging by the rabbit ears above. I should’ve let him stay over to my place.

Oh, what would my friends have thought if they knew?

He closed and locked the door, pulling the rusty-coloured curtains across the window, sealing off the limited ocean view, only because anyone could walk by and easily see in. Motels offered little privacy in that regard. On the lone chair, he draped his coat and set his shoes and socks beside it.

He sat on the bed, and unbuttoned the second from the top button, and then the third, all the while taking me in. “Come.”

He beckoned with his finger, and my heart jumped another notch as my feet led me over to stand between his legs. A lingering finger trailed over my cheek and pushed a wet ringlet of hair away. “You are very beautiful woman.”

I certainly didn’t feel it at the moment, and beautiful wouldn’t be the word either as I’d stolen a quick glance at myself while at my truck. I was a cold, shivering mess with my darkened hair plastered on either side of my face, but I couldn’t deny how incredible he was. “You are so handsome.”

One-night stands weren’t my thing. Not since becoming a grown up at least. However, I knew this was all this night was going to be. After the sun rose, I’d never see the likes of Antonio again. I could do this. I could give myself to him, right?

With my trembling hand, I cupped his whiskery cheek, and he covered it with his own, pulling it away to plant a kiss in my palm. He lowered my hand and placed it on his muscular chest, the steady beat of an excited heart pumping beneath my fingertips. Lifting his hand, I kissed his fingers and, with trepidation and hesitation, placed them over my covered and damp chest, hoping he would feel my own racing pulse.


I looked deep into his eyes and held my breath - it wasn’t fear, it was something else. Like apprehension and the sensation of things moving too quickly, and yet, on the flip side, of things moving in slow-motion. Sex had been off the table for quite some time. Days, that turned to weeks, which turned to months until eventually… Too much time had passed. Not since I’d fallen in with the wrong guy who’d done a number on me emotional, physically, and mentality. I hadn’t been ready to even think about men once I threw myself into my business. Until this tall chap walked into my pub.

Ember?” His soft voice cut through the haze and fog, and he removed his hand from my body and linked his fingers through my trembling ones.

My throat was dry, my limbs tingled, and I had enough adrenaline coursing through my system to run a marathon but still, I shook my head. To prove I was okay, and to convince myself, I started undoing my own buttons down the front of my shirt. I searched the depths of his eyes where I was rewarded with a grin warm enough to melt my heart.

I could do this. I could be this carefree woman.

He pushed the wet clothes over my shoulders, kissing across my collar bone.

Responding, I tipped my head back and inched closer, locking my hands around his neck to stop them from shaking. It had been too long since I’d been a willing participant in the love games. I wanted him, I just needed to get beyond the overthinking part and let my emotions take over.

Slowly, Antonio ran his hands down my back and around my waist, tugging my shirt free. His fingers trailed around the belt, over to the center, where he released the buckle and unbuttoned my pants.

An involuntary shudder overcame me, and I slammed my eyes shut. A myriad of thoughts and visions filled my brain.

“Ember?” A gentle tug came from my waist, his voice a million miles away. “Ember?”

Antonio.” I opened my eyes to see him staring up at me, confusion washing over his features.

“You not okay.”

My voice quivered as I spoke. “I want to be.” But my feet were encased in concrete and my hands were locked behind his head. “I will be. Promise. Keep going.” Once I pushed through, I was bound to be fine. I’d been able to do it before, I only needed to focus on the good, not the scary.

He stretched out and grabbed my hands, holding them tenderly with one hand while he covered my chest with my shirt with the other. “No. You not okay. We wait.”

No, I want this.” But the trembling moved from my hands down to my legs.

Once things progressed a little more, I would be into it, I was sure of it. I just needed more time. More foreplay. The word lit up like an explosion in my head and a giant, body wracking shudder coursed from top to bottom. Double damn.

Ember?” His voice like the beam from a lighthouse, called out to me through the thick fog. “I have sister.” His voice softened and he moved his hands from the front of my waist to my lower back. “I caught bad man hurting her.” He never looked away and held me in his eyes. “We wait.”

But we don’t have time.” And I wanted him, wanted him with every morsel of my being but I my brain refused to shut down and let my wanton emotions take over.

We have all the time in the world.”

I lowered my forehead and rested it on his shoulders. There was no way this was real. Another guy likely wouldn’t have stopped. Would’ve carried on regardless. It wouldn’t have been the first time. My words were as breathless with disbelief. “You can’t be real.”

Seriously, what guy was patient enough to stop? None in recent memory. Whether I wanted it or not, I was going to get it because that had been what I’d teased him with.

He rubbed my back. “I real. You real.”

I captured his face between my hands, and firmly planted a heartfelt kiss on his lips, trying to rev up the carnal desire once more. However, it failed to arrive, and in its wake, there was only one path I could take. “I should go home now and leave you be.”

He shook his head. “No, please, to stay. We talk. We walk. We visit Sheshire Bay. Do not go.”

I was grossly uncomfortable, mainly with myself. Desperately, I wanted to cave into the rush of sexual attractions, instead I proved how much a prude I was. However, that as it was, I wasn’t ready to let him go just yet, and walking around my lovely village was the perfect idea. Maybe he’d enjoy it so much, he’d come back for another visit.

“Can I go home to change first?”

A hint of a side smile formed. “Ja.”

Antonio rose and flipped his suitcase on the bed, unzipping and throwing it open. It was packed with such skill, I assumed he travelled a lot. He retrieved a few things and disappeared into the bathroom.

I was such a fool. Why couldn’t I give into this guy? He was so sweet and genuine, I should be able to give him my body, but my mind wouldn’t shut up. Was there a pill I could take to stop the thoughts and allow me to give into the carnal desires?

I hung my head. If there was, then it wouldn’t be me and it would be no different than plying myself with alcohol or weed. No, if the right guy for me were to truly come around, my mind would know it as much as my body and there would be no fighting.

Someday, maybe.

But despite the want, it couldn’t – it wouldn’t – be with a guy I’d just met, and not with a guy who’s leaving in the morning. Even if he was a dream come true. The nightmare will always follow.