
Chapter 1


“Well?” Torch mutters once we both get situated on the barstools at the hole-in-the-wall bar. We’re close to the compound at a place that a former ol’ lady owns. Her ol’ man died awhile back, and we drop in from time to time to check up on her and the business. Being a biker, loyalty and family is everything. Not necessarily blood relations but rather, our MC family—the people we choose to have in our lives.

“What?” I groan and signal for a beer as Torch glares at anyone who even attempts a glance in his direction. A new bartender is working, and she’s a hot little piece of ass. She’s one of a few around here I haven’t had yet and wouldn’t mind getting my dick wet with.

“Do you have a plan with this female principal? We’ve discussed her a few times, and now you’ve got Viking and Odin both on your back about doing something with her.” Torch may be a moody fuck and Viking’s oldest friend, but he’s also a nosey bastard. Most wouldn’t know that insignificant fact about him, but being around him through the Widow Makers and now the Oath Keepers, well, I have his ass pegged. You don’t become the death dealer by being an idiot. He kills people and knows shit; it’s just what he does.

“You heard the brothers; they don’t give two fucks what I do with her as long as I get her to heel.” My VP and Prez have both ordered me to take care of this feisty woman who's been giving the club brats issues at school. Personally, I’m used to being judged and treated differently being associated with the club. The kids, however, don’t deserve it. From what I’ve heard in church, this woman's a complete snot to anyone affiliated with the club—members included.

He snorts, his merciless gaze not believing I can make it happen. He runs his hand through his unruly hair and complains. “I’ve dealt with this bitch, and believe me when I say she’s a cunt. You think this is going to be easy, but me an’ Nightmare know damn well she’s stubborn as hell with her nose so fucking high up in the air when it comes to the club that she’ll put your ass through the wringer.”

Flashing him a cocky grin, I take a swig of the ice-cold beer that’d been set in front of me before responding. “I’ll try to be nice, work some charm on her. Hell, maybe I’ll bring her some fucking flowers and let her know that if she needs anything at all, I’ll be more than obliged to offer a helping hand. Chicks can’t resist when I turn up the charm.”

“Not going to work.” He shakes his head and requests a double American Honey, chilled. It’s Wild Turkey with a hint of sweetness. Torch drums his fingers on the bar top as he speaks. “She’s going to look down that sharp nose of hers and flick you off like a motherfucking flea. You don’t believe me, but you’ll see.”

With a shrug, I wave off his comment. “Then I’ll knock the bitch out and kidnap her. The choice is up to her. I’ll put the ball in her court and let her actions decide how I treat her.” I’ve dealt with female club problems in the past—with the Oath Keepers as well as when I was a Widow Maker. Granted, my methods have changed a bit, but I’ll still get to the nitty-gritty if required; this chick won’t get the best of me.

His hand goes to his forehead, his fingers massaging his temples as he swears under his breath. Torch rarely shows emotion to anyone other than our MC brothers, and even then, it’s only to those of us who used to be Widow Makers alongside him. He’s learned the hard way not to trust, so I can’t blame him for being the cold fucker he is today. “You’ll end up in jail. She’s the type to press charges, and being a biker, she won’t hesitate to take your ass to court. Tread easy with this one...-a quick in and out,” he warns, and it’s my turn to scoff.

“I’m gonna mow that bitch over before she has a clue what’s happened. I’m coming from left field, unannounced and unexpected. She’s not used to real men—of that, I’m certain. It’s about time that she learns alphas aren’t the motherfucking enemy. We’re here to protect and provide for our women, not hurt them or oppress them.”

Torch nods, taking a hefty swig of the smooth amber whiskey and leaves the subject to rest. As he sets his tumbler on the bar, I catch the tattoo of his daughter’s birthday along his wrist. I’d asked about it when he’d had the tattoo done; I was curious why he chose that spot. He’d said it’s a reminder, set in an area he’ll see every time he makes a kill. He wants to remember the day she was born and why he eventually chose to become an Oath Keeper. He’d made the change for her—to offer her a chance at an easier life and to become a better man for her.  I respect him a lot for it, too; it’s easy to be selfish. Sometimes doing the right thing can be much more difficult.

The cute new bartender comes to a stop in front of me again, tipping her red head toward the bottle sitting in front of me. “Can I get you anything else, Blaze? Another beer or maybe a shot?”

I meet her hazel gaze, taking in her overly mascaraed lashes and button nose. She blushes as I murmur, “Anything?” I flash a grin, the one that women always seem to fall for. This chick makes it way too easy for me.

She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and smiles, clarifying, “Anything else to drink?”

“Darlin’, you wound me. You offer me anything and then go and pull the panties right out of my reach.”

She giggles at my flirting and Torch groans. He’s heard me say the same thing to every new bartender we come across. Why change it if it works? Women seem to love my personality and easy smile, and when they catch a glimpse of my abs, they love me even more.

“Come on, Mr. Fucking Casanova; my little girl’s about to get out of school, and it’s the perfect time for you to meet this stick-up-her-ass principal. She’ll get you out of this mood, that I’m certain.”

Another thing I respect about Torch; he hardly drinks in case his daughter needs him. It must be difficult living the life we’ve chosen, doing the deeds we’re sometimes forced to do and not being buzzed through any of it. There are plenty of nights I’ve begun with dancing on the bar and then wake up the next day not remembering shit. I like to party; what can I say?

“Fine,” I huff, suddenly not looking forward to the impending fight that’s sure to come. I spare one last grin toward the cute bartender as she slides a piece of paper next to my beer and then moves on to help the next customer. With a glance at it, I can’t help but chuckle and send her a wink. It’s her number along with ANYTHING written and underlined. She has no idea what she’s signing up for, but I like it.

“Ridiculous,” Torch drones, watching me stuff the number in my jeans pocket as we leave the bar and hop on our bikes. He could have pussy anytime he wanted if he learned to crack a smile here and there. He’d rather brood and slit throats than fuck a harem of willing chicks; personally, I prefer getting my dick wet.

An easy fifteen-minute ride later, and we’re pulling up at the school. The parking lot’s littered with various cages as parents line up to load in their kids. I could drive a truck occasionally, but driving those damn vans or other cages would make me crazy. We walk our bikes back into a spot, parking next to each other. Torch likes to get off and head up to the building to get his daughter. He always wants a few minutes to ask about her day before the ride home, where the pipes drown out her soft-spoken voice. I feel for the day she finally brings a boy home to meet him. Her daddy will put some sort of fear in the kid—if he doesn’t decide to just filet him on the spot.

He garners my attention, muttering, “She’s the uptight one over there.” He chin-lifts toward the right, and my gaze easily follows, used to his direction.

The woman’s exactly as I was expecting. Her hair’s up, twisted in some sort of fancy wrap style. It reminds me of when rich bitches get dressed up for dinner in movies or whatever. Her back’s held ramrod straight, with a small ass encased in an expensive pants suit. She turns around, offering me a glimpse of that perfectly straight nose Torch had previously commented on, and I draw in a stunned breath.

She’s so goddamn beautiful, it makes my chest ache. It’s kind of like biting into a freshly baked, flaky, golden-crusted cherry pie, only to discover it has far too much sugar. Cherry pie is supposed to be a bit sweet but also have a hint of tartness. This bitch is a full-on toothache just waiting to happen. I can already tell she’s going to be a bittersweet mistake of mine in some type of way.

My steps falter, as my confidence is unexpectedly a bit shaken. I was expecting her to be a plain Jane run-of-the-mill woman. I knew she’d have the legendary stick up her ass, but after witnessing her beauty, well, it puts this on an entirely different level. I’d planned to swoop in and spread a touch of the Blaze charm onto her unsuspecting ass. But, now I know that won’t work. I’m sure she’s been hit on since she was sixteen years old if I had to guess.

If I go in there with flowers and flirting, she’ll chew me up and spit me out. I’m guessing someone fucked her up when she was younger to make her so uptight. If I’d been around, I’d blame myself. My sixteen- and seventeen-year-old self broke hearts left and right back then. I was a cocky asshole. However, I was in the Carolinas back then, so it wasn’t me. I’d damn sure like to come across the idiot that did her in, though; he’s the dipshit that’s to blame for making this job hard on me.

“Don’t think I should talk to her today,” I admit with a mumble to Torch’s back. He throws a glance my way and shrugs, keeping his stride toward his kid. As soon as his sweet girl sees us, she sprints in our direction.

She plows into Torch, enveloping him in a fierce hug and rambles excitedly, “Dad! I missed you today, and you brought Blaze? So cool!”

“I missed you, too, angel.” He holds her pressed to his stomach as she doesn’t quite hit his chest yet.

“Hey, pumpkin!” I beam a bright smile at her excited grin.

We’re interrupted by a proper sounding, “Young lady! Excuse me, you can’t run across the pick-up lane like that!” The principal comes to stand in front of us, and I find myself swallowing as I take her in from head to toe. She’s fine as hell and more so up close.

“Excuse me, Mr....” She huffs at my brother, not appearing intimidated in the slightest.

“Torch,” he growls, and she rolls her eyes. I’ve seen people literally shake when pegged with his glare, but not her. This is going to be interesting watching her around the MC brothers; that’s for certain.

“Right. I had forgotten that we’d gotten into a previous disagreement at our last meeting about legal names. Mr....Torch, your daughter can’t run through traffic,” she explains, exasperated. “She could get injured or worse, be hit by a moving vehicle.”

And if someone was stupid enough to hurt a hair on her head, they’d be dead. My brother would make sure of it. I have no doubt.

His brow does this tiny irritated twitch. “No one was moving. Your yuppie over there has the stop sign held up to those cages in line,” Torch supplies, and I find myself grinning. He rarely speaks so politely to anyone, and witnessing him on his best behavior is amusing.

“Regardless,” she shakes her head, “it’s unacceptable.”

Torch growls, murder overtaking his menacing stare, and I can’t hold back my laugh any longer. At my interruption, the woman trains her piercing gaze on me, watching as I flick my irises over her again. Her cheeks heat at my obvious attention, and her temper spikes.

“Do you find this amusing, Mr....”

“Blaze,” I reply, flashing a devious grin, dimples on full display as I saunter a step closer. Invading her personal space throws her off-kilter enough that Torch and his daughter take off for his bike. “Or...big daddy, Mr. sexy-as-fuck, hot stuff, abs of steel...any of those would work just fine, sugar.” An average woman would smile, even giggle or reach out to touch my flexed bicep. I’m peacocking like a motherfucker, and it doesn’t even phase this lady one bit.

Rather than giving in, she steps even closer, to the point that my steel-toed boots and the tips of her fancy heels are touching. The top of her head barely reaches my chin, but she’s got such big lady balls, it feels as if she’s staring eye to eye with me. If she were taller, our noses would be brushing, no doubt. “Mister Blaze.” Her voice hardens, lacing with unrelenting smugness. “I don’t believe you have a student enrolled here; therefore, you’re trespassing. Shall I call school security to escort you to the property line?” Her head tilts to the side, basically mocking, believing she has the upper hand.

My grin turns lethal, my irises shining with challenge. “Only if you want to witness me break rent-a-cop’s hands in front of all these innocent children. I came to greet my niece with her father, but they’ve gone, so I’ll go for now.”

“Until you’re on her contact card for approved visitors, it’d be in your best interest to remain off school property. It’s my duty to keep these children safe.”

Leaning down, my nose nearly grazes hers; I get close enough to show her she doesn’t intimidate me in the slightest. “I’d be happy to contact my friend, the sheriff, if you’re ever concerned about their safety.” Standing back up to my full height, I send her a parting wink and stride to my bike.

Torch and his daughter are waiting on me before they leave, his engine already idling. His eyebrow raises in a silent question, but I shake my head and climb on, starting my motorcycle up with a loud rumble. I rev it a few times, knowing the principal is staring her fill. She’ll be touching herself later as she remembers the sound and thinks back to all the things she could’ve said but didn’t.  I don’t doubt that for one minute.