
the longing within

I bet I know what you want out of life. You may wonder how that’s possible since we’ve likely never had a conversation. How could I know anything about you? How could I possibly presume to know what you want? Here’s how I know: what you want is the same thing I want. It’s the same thing my brother wants and the same thing your neighbor wants. It’s the same thing gap-toothed elementary school kids and silver-haired seniors want. Deep inside each of us, there is a longing, a yearning . . . for greatness.

Greatness. Purpose. Significance. Impact. However we nuance it, the simple fact is that we all want to matter. We want to know that the world is different because we have lived. We have an innate need to make our mark and make sure we are remembered for something beyond average, something great.

This longing is nothing new. As far back as Jesus’s day, his disciples argued with each other about who would be greatest among them (Luke 9:46). Their debate wasn’t surprising, but Jesus’s response was. He didn’t tell them that they shouldn’t want to be great. He knew it was a God-given desire. Instead, as he was often apt to do, Jesus reframed the discussion. Actually, he reframed the entire concept of significance. Jesus used the disciples’ debate as an opportunity to fill them in on the secret of true greatness.

In the pages ahead, we are going to discover the secret to greatness that Jesus shared with his disciples. But before we even get started, let me give you some incredible news: you can be great. You can matter. You can find the purpose and significance you are longing for.

Greatness is possible and it is within your grasp.