
The publication of a study Bible is possible only because scores of people have contributed to the work. All of us involved in this project first want to thank God for the immeasurable privilege of spending so many hours studying the Bible and writing notes on it for the good of the people of God around the world. The hard work has been both privilege and pleasure.

The three associate editors, T. D. Alexander, Douglas J. Moo, and Richard S. Hess, have labored tirelessly and with outstanding scholarship and scrupulous attention to the biblical text. All of them have worked through all the notes, as well as the articles at the end of the volume, and commented extensively. The first two editors focused special attention on biblical theology; Richard Hess’s expertise has been invaluable in the messy domains of archaeology, geography, and chronology.

Andrew David Naselli, the assistant editor, not only provided thousands of comments on individual details, but served as the administrator of the project, keeping a genial eye on our master chart, keeping the bits and pieces flowing to the right people at the right time, as parts were edited, rewritten, checked again, edited by the folk at Zondervan, and so forth. Geeks and others who read these lines may be interested to learn that not a single piece of paper was passed around the writers and editors. All of the work was done digitally.

All the editors want to express thanks for all the writers. Some wrote relatively short pieces; others were responsible for much lengthier contributions, the equivalent of a good-sized book. The value of this NIV Zondervan Study Bible is largely a reflection of their knowledge and skill. Some of them worked under very tight deadlines; all of them had to put up with incessant suggestions from the editors, as we struggled to impose a certain consistency of format and style on the submitted notes and articles. Each writer responded with singular grace.

It would not be possible to mention by name all the people at Zondervan who have contributed to the production of this NIV Zondervan Study Bible. But it would be ungrateful and boorish not to mention the initial invitation to edit this study Bible that came to me from Maureen Girkins when she was CEO of Zondervan. In addition to her leadership, Chip Brown, Stan Gundry and Mark Schoenwald helped guide the Bible through its various stages. Similarly, the superior skills and good humor of Senior Editor Shari Vanden Berg and copyeditor Natalie J. Block place them at the very top of their profession. Senior Production Editor at Large Verlyn D. Verbrugge ably mediated the suggestions of the final review group, with his characteristic blend of careful scholarship and immaculate courtesy. Mike Vander Klipp, Kim Tanner, and Melinda Bouma lent their skills in a variety of capacities.

These names mean much to those of us who worked on this study Bible, but none of us will object in the slightest if you, the readers of this volume, forget our names, provided that as a result of this work you understand and love the Bible better, and recall the words of the living God: “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word” (Isaiah 66:2).

Soli Deo gloria.

D. A. Carson