Genesis 19
eS Ge 17:3; 48:12; Ru 2:10; 1Sa 25:23; 2Sa 14:33; 2Ki 2:15
mS Ge 13:13; Lev 18:22; Dt 23:18; Jdg 19:22; Ro 1:24–27
sDt 28:28–29; 2Ki 6:18; Ac 13:11
uEx 12:29; 2Sa 24:16; 2Ki 19:35; 1Ch 21:12; 2Ch 32:21
w1Ch 21:15; Ps 78:49; Jer 21:12; 25:18; 44:22; 51:45
yEx 9:21; 1Ki 13:18; Jer 5:12; 43:2; Lk 17:28
zNu 16:26; Job 21:18; Ps 58:9; 73:19; 90:5
1 19:14 Or were married to
gS ver 19; S Ge 14:10; Mt 24:16
2 19:18 Or No, Lord; or No, my lord
iGe 24:12; 39:21; 40:14; 47:29; Ru 1:8; 2:20; 3:10
3 19:19 The Hebrew is singular.
4 19:19 The Hebrew is singular.
5 19:19 The Hebrew is singular.
k1Sa 25:35; 2Sa 14:8; Job 42:9
6 19:22 Zoar means small.
nJob 18:15; Ps 11:6; Isa 30:33; 34:9; Eze 38:22
oDt 29:23; Isa 1:9; 13:19; Jer 49:18; 50:40; Am 4:11
pS Ge 18:17; S Lev 10:2; S Mt 10:15; Lk 17:29
qS ver 24; Eze 26:16; Zep 3:8; Hag 2:22
sPs 107:34; Isa 1:10; Jer 20:16; 23:14; La 4:6; Eze 16:48
wGe 15:17; Ex 19:18; Rev 9:2; 18:9
kGe 36:35; Ex 15:15; Nu 25:1; Isa 15:1; 25:10; Jer 25:21; 48:1; Eze 25:8; Zep 2:9
lNu 22:4; 24:17; Dt 2:9; Jdg 3:28; Ru 1:4, 22; 1Sa 14:47; 22:3–4; 2Sa 8:2; 2Ki 1:1; 3:4; Ezr 9:1; Ps 108:9; Jer 48:1
mNu 21:24; Dt 2:19; 23:3; Jos 12:2; Jdg 3:13; 10:6, 7; 1Sa 11:1–11; 14:47; 1Ch 19:1; 2Ch 20:23; 26:8; 27:5; Ne 2:19; 4:3; Jer 25:21; 40:14; 49:1; Eze 21:28; 25:2; Am 1:13
7 19:37 Moab sounds like the Hebrew for from father.
8 19:38 Ben-Ammi means son of my father’s people.
9 19:38 Hebrew Bene-Ammon
Genesis 20
kGe 28:12; 31:10, 24; 37:5, 9; 40:5; 41:1; Nu 12:6; Dt 13:1; Job 33:15; Da 2:1; 4:5
mver 7; Ge 26:11; 1Ch 16:21; Ps 105:14
tDt 18:18; 34:10; 2Ki 3:11; 5:3; 1Ch 16:22; Ps 105:15
uver 17; Ex 8:8; Nu 11:2; 12:13; 1Sa 7:5; 1Ki 13:6; Job 42:8; Jer 18:20; 37:3; 42:2
xGe 42:18; Ne 5:15; Job 31:23; Ps 36:1; Pr 16:6
aDt 26:5; 1Ch 16:20; Isa 30:28; 63:17
1 20:16 That is, about 25 pounds or about 12 kilograms
Genesis 21
bS Ge 8:1; S 17:16, 21; 18:14; Gal 4:23; Heb 11:11
fS Ge 16:11; S 17:19; Jos 24:3
1 21:3 Isaac means he laughs.
iGe 17:17; Job 8:21; Ps 126:2; Isa 12:6; 35:2; 44:23; 52:9; 54:1
2 21:12 Or seed
tver 31, 32; Ge 22:19; 26:33; 28:10; 46:1, 5; Jos 15:28; 19:2; Jdg 20:1; 1Sa 3:20; 1Ch 4:28; Ne 11:27
vEx 3:7; Nu 20:16; Dt 26:7; Ps 6:8
3 21:16 Hebrew; Septuagint the child
cGe 26:3, 24; 28:15; 39:2, 21, 23; Lk 1:66
eGe 24:4, 38; 28:2; 34:4, 8; Jdg 14:2
hver 23; Ge 26:28; 28:15; 31:3, 5, 42; 39:2, 3; 1Sa 3:19; 16:18; 2Ch 1:1; Ps 46:7; Isa 7:14; 8:8, 10; 41:10; 43:5
iver 31; Ge 25:33; 26:31; 31:53; Jos 2:12; 1Ki 2:8
mver 31, 32; Ge 26:28, 31; 31:44, 53
nGe 31:44, 47, 48, 50, 52; Jos 22:27, 28, 34; 24:27; Isa 19:20; Mal 2:14
4 21:31 Beersheba can mean well of seven and well of the oath.
xEx 15:18; Dt 32:40; 33:27; Job 36:26; Ps 10:16; 45:6; 90:2; 93:2; 102:24; 103:19; 146:10; Isa 40:28; Jer 10:10; Hab 1:12; 3:6; Heb 13:8
Genesis 22
aEx 15:25; 16:4; 20:20; Dt 8:2, 16; 13:3; Jdg 2:22; 3:1; 2Ch 32:31; Ps 66:10; Heb 11:17; Jas 1:12–13
bver 11; Ge 31:11; 46:2; 1Sa 3:4, 6, 8; Isa 6:8
cver 12, 16; Jn 3:16; Heb 11:17; 1Jn 4:9
kEx 29:38–42; Lev 1:10; Rev 13:8
xS Ge 18:19; 42:18; Ex 18:21; 1Sa 15:22; Job 1:1; 37:24; Pr 8:13; Jas 2:21–22
1 22:13 Many manuscripts of the Masoretic Text, Samaritan Pentateuch, Septuagint and Syriac; most manuscripts of the Masoretic Text a ram behind him
gEx 13:11; 32:13; 33:1; Isa 45:23; 62:8; Jer 22:5; 44:26; 49:13; 51:14; Am 6:8; Lk 1:73; Heb 6:13
kS Ge 15:5; Ex 32:13; Dt 7:7; 28:62
lS Ge 12:2; S 26:24; Hos 1:10; Ro 9:27; Heb 11:12
nS Ge 12:2, 3; Ac 3:25*; Gal 3:8*
oS ver 10; Ge 17:2, 9; Ps 105:9
2 22:18 Or seed
3 22:18 Or and all nations on earth will use the name of your offspring in blessings (see 48:20)
wGe 25:6; 35:22; 36:12; Jdg 8:31; 2Sa 3:7; 1Ki 2:22; 11:3; 1Ch 1:32; SS 6:8
Genesis 23
aJos 14:15; 15:13; 20:7; 21:11
eS Ge 17:8; 19:9; Ex 2:22; Lev 25:23; Ps 39:12; 105:12; 119:19; Heb 11:9, 13
1 23:3 Or the descendants of Heth; also in verses 5, 7, 10, 16, 18 and 20
iver 17, 19; Ge 25:9; 47:30; 49:30; 50:13
kS Ge 18:1; Dt 22:15; 25:7; Jos 20:4; Ru 4:11; 2Sa 15:2; 2Ki 15:35; Ps 127:5; Pr 31:23; Jer 26:10; 36:10
2 23:11 Or sell
3 23:11 Or sell
4 23:11 Or sell
n2Sa 24:24; Jer 32:9; Zec 11:12
5 23:15 That is, about 10 pounds or about 4.6 kilograms
Genesis 24
wver 41; Jos 2:12, 17, 20; 9:20
1 24:7 Or seed
aver 19; 1Ki 10:2; 1Ch 12:40; Isa 30:6
bver 22, 30, 47, 53; Ge 43:11; 45:23
2 24:10 That is, Northwest Mesopotamia
fver 13; Ge 29:2, 9–10; Ex 2:16; 1Sa 9:11; Jn 4:7
gver 27, 42, 48; Ge 26:24; 28:13; 31:42, 53; 32:9; 43:23; 46:3; Ex 3:6, 15, 16; 4:5; 1Ki 18:36; Ps 75:9; 94:7
hver 21, 40, 51, 56; Ge 27:20; Ne 1:11
iS Ge 19:19; Jos 2:12; Job 10:12
nJos 2:12; Jdg 6:17, 37; 1Sa 14:10; 1Ki 13:3; Ps 86:17; Isa 38:7; Jer 44:29
bver 47; Ge 41:42; Isa 3:21; Eze 16:11–12
3 24:22 That is, about 1/5 ounce or about 5.7 grams
4 24:22 That is, about 4 ounces or about 115 grams
hver 48, 52; Ex 4:31; 12:27; 1Ch 29:20; 2Ch 20:18
iGe 14:20; Ex 18:10; Ru 4:14; 1Sa 25:32; 2Sa 18:28; 1Ki 1:48; 8:56; Ps 28:6; 41:13; 68:19; 106:48; Lk 1:68
kver 49; Ge 32:10; 47:29; Jos 2:14; Ps 98:3
over 4; Ge 25:20; 27:43; 28:2, 5; 29:5, 12, 13
xS ver 10; Isa 3:19; Eze 16:11–12
hGe 45:22; Ex 3:22; 12:35; 2Ki 5:5
5 24:55 Or she
rGe 27:4, 19; 28:1; 31:55; 48:9, 15, 20; Jos 22:6
xJos 1:8; Ps 1:2; 77:12; 119:15, 27, 48, 97, 148; 143:5; 145:5
6 24:63 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.
Genesis 25
bGe 36:35; 37:28, 36; Ex 2:15; Nu 22:4; 25:6, 18; 31:2; Jos 13:21; Jdg 6:1, 3; 7:1; 8:1, 22, 24; 9:17; 1Ki 11:18; Ps 83:9; Isa 9:4; 10:26; 60:6; Hab 3:7
jGe 29:1; Jdg 6:3, 33; 1Ki 4:30; Job 1:3; Eze 25:4
kver 26; Ge 12:4; 35:28; 47:9, 28; 50:22, 26; Job 42:16
mver 17; Ge 35:29; 49:29, 33; Nu 20:24; 31:2; Dt 31:14; 32:50; 34:5
1 25:10 Or the descendants of Heth
zPs 120:5; SS 1:5; Isa 21:16; 42:11; 60:7; Jer 2:10; 49:28; Eze 27:21
bJob 6:19; Isa 21:14; Jer 25:23
2 25:18 Or lived to the east of
nGe 28:2, 5, 6; 30:20; 31:18; 33:18; 35:9, 26; 46:15; 48:7
3 25:20 That is, Northwest Mesopotamia
rGe 30:17, 22; 1Sa 1:17, 23; 1Ch 5:20; 2Ch 33:13; Ezr 8:23; Ps 127:3
sEx 18:15; 28:30; 33:7; Lev 24:12; Nu 9:6–8; 27:5, 21; Dt 17:9; Jdg 18:5; 1Sa 9:9; 10:22; 14:36; 22:10; 1Ki 22:8; 2Ki 3:11; 22:13; Isa 30:2; Jer 21:2; 37:7, 17; Eze 14:7; 20:1, 3
uS Ge 9:25; 48:14, 19; Ro 9:11–12*
4 25:25 Esau may mean hairy.
cGe 27:36; 32:27; Dt 23:7; Jos 24:4; Ob 1:10, 12
5 25:26 Jacob means he grasps the heel, a Hebrew idiom for he deceives.
lGe 32:3; 36:1, 8, 8–9, 19; Nu 20:14; Dt 23:7; Ps 137:7; Jer 25:21; 40:11; 49:7
6 25:30 Edom means red.
Genesis 26
hS Ge 21:20; 27:45; 31:3, 5; 32:9; 35:3; 48:21; Ex 3:12; 33:14–16; Nu 23:21; Dt 31:23; Jos 1:5; Isa 43:2; Jer 1:8, 19; Hag 1:13
1 26:4 Or seed
2 26:4 Or and all nations on earth will use the name of your offspring in blessings (see 48:20)
rLev 18:4, 5, 26; 19:19, 37; 20:8, 22; 25:18; 26:3; Nu 15:40; Dt 4:40; 6:2; 11:1; 1Ki 2:3
3 26:20 Esek means dispute.
4 26:21 Sitnah means opposition.
oPs 18:19; Isa 33:20; 54:2; Am 9:11
5 26:22 Rehoboth means room.
vver 4; Ge 17:7; S 22:17; 28:14; 30:27; 39:5; Dt 13:17
fGe 31:54; Ex 18:12; 24:11; 1Sa 20:27
6 26:33 Shibah can mean oath or seven.
7 26:33 Beersheba can mean well of the oath and well of seven.
Genesis 27
fver 10, 25, 31; S Ge 24:60; 49:28; Dt 33:1; Heb 11:20
hGe 31:28, 55; 33:4; 48:10; Ex 4:27; 18:7; Ru 1:9; 1Sa 20:41; 2Sa 14:33; 19:39
lDt 33:13; 2Sa 1:21; Job 18:16; 29:19; Pr 3:20; Isa 26:19; Hos 14:5; Hag 1:10; Zec 8:12
mver 39; Ge 49:25; Lev 26:20; Dt 33:13
over 37; Nu 18:12; Dt 7:13; 33:28; 2Ki 18:32; Ps 4:7; Isa 36:17; Jer 31:12; 40:10
p2Sa 8:14; Ps 68:31; 72:11; Isa 19:21, 23; 27:13; 45:14, 23; 49:7, 23; 60:12, 14; 66:23; Jer 12:17; Da 2:44; Zec 14:17–18
cGe 29:25; 31:20, 26; 34:13; 1Sa 28:12
fS ver 28; Dt 16:13; Ezr 6:9; Isa 16:10; Jer 40:12
1 27:36 Jacob means he grasps the heel, a Hebrew idiom for he takes advantage of or he deceives.
gGe 29:11; Nu 14:1; Jdg 2:4; 21:2; Ru 1:9; 1Sa 11:4; 30:4; Heb 12:17
Genesis 28
1 28:2 That is, Northwest Mesopotamia; also in verses 5, 6 and 7
gGe 48:16; Nu 6:24; Ru 2:4; Ps 129:8; 134:3; Jer 31:23
2 28:3 Hebrew El-Shaddai
dS Ge 24:12; 48:16; 49:25; 50:17
3 28:13 Or There beside him
4 28:14 Or will use your name and the name of your offspring in blessings (see 48:20)
mver 21; S Ge 15:16; 30:25; 31:30
nDt 31:6, 8; Jos 1:5; Ne 4:14; Ps 9:10
rEx 3:5; 19:21; Jos 5:15; Ps 68:24, 35
sver 22; Ge 32:2; 1Ch 22:1; 2Ch 3:1
uver 22; Ge 31:13, 45, 51; 35:14; Ex 24:4; Jos 24:26, 27; Isa 19:19
xGe 35:6; 48:3; Jos 16:2; 18:13; Jdg 1:23, 26
yGe 31:13; Lev 7:16; 22:18; 23:38; 27:2, 9; Nu 6:2; 15:3; Dt 12:6; Jdg 11:30; 1Sa 1:21; 2Sa 15:8
5 28:19 Bethel means house of God.
dEx 15:2; Dt 26:17; Jos 24:18; Ps 48:14; 118:28
6 28:20, 21 Or Since God . . . father’s household, the LORD
gS Ge 14:20; S Nu 18:21; Lk 18:12
7 28:21, 22 Or household, and the LORD will be my God, 22then
Genesis 29
iGe 30:22–24; 35:16; 46:19, 22
sGe 33:4; 42:24; 43:30; 45:2, 14–15; 46:29; 50:1, 17; Ru 1:9
xGe 33:4; 45:14–15, 14; 48:10; Ex 4:27; 18:7; Lk 15:20
yGe 2:23; 37:27; Jdg 9:2; 2Sa 5:1; 19:12–13; 20:1; Ne 5:5; Isa 58:7
bver 17, 23, 28, 30; Ge 30:9; 35:23; 47:30; 49:31; Ru 4:11
1 29:17 Or delicate
gver 20, 27, 30; Ge 30:26; Hos 12:12
kJdg 14:10; Isa 25:6; Jn 2:1–2
qJdg 15:2; 1Sa 14:49; 18:17, 20; 2Sa 6:23
uGe 30:3; 35:22; 49:4; Dt 22:30; 1Ch 5:1
yver 33; Dt 21:15–17
zS Ge 11:30; S 16:2; Ru 4:13; 1Sa 1:19; Ps 127:3
bGe 37:21; 46:8; 48:5, 14; 49:3; Ex 6:14; Nu 1:5, 20; 26:5; Dt 33:6; Jos 4:12; 1Ch 5:1, 3
2 29:32 Reuben sounds like the Hebrew for he has seen my misery; the name means see, a son.
eGe 34:25; 46:10; 48:5; 49:5; Ex 6:15; Nu 1:6, 22; 34:20; 1Ch 4:24; Eze 48:24
3 29:33 Simeon probably means one who hears.
gGe 34:25; 46:11; 49:5–7; Ex 2:1; 6:16, 19; Nu 1:47; 3:17–20; 26:57; Dt 33:8; 1Ch 6:1, 16; 23:6–24, 13–14
hGe 35:23; 37:26; 38:1; 43:8; 44:14, 18; 46:12; 49:8; 1Ch 2:3; 4:1; Isa 48:1; Mt 1:2–3
4 29:34 Levi sounds like and may be derived from the Hebrew for attached.
5 29:35 Judah sounds like and may be derived from the Hebrew for praise.
Genesis 30
kver 23; Ge 21:2; Ru 4:13; 1Sa 1:20
lGe 46:23; 49:16–17; Nu 26:42–43; Jos 19:40–48; Jdg 1:34; 13:2; 18:2; Jer 4:15; 8:16; Eze 48:1
1 30:6 Dan here means he has vindicated.
oGe 35:25; 46:24; 49:21; Nu 1:42; 26:48; Dt 33:23; Jdg 4:6; 5:18; 1Ch 7:13
2 30:8 Naphtali means my struggle.
uGe 35:26; 46:16; 49:19; Ex 1:4; Nu 1:24; 26:18; Jos 4:12; 1Ch 5:11; 12:8; Jer 49:1
3 30:11 Or “A troop is coming!”
4 30:11 Gad can mean good fortune or a troop.
xGe 35:26; 46:17; 49:20; Nu 1:40; 26:47; Dt 33:24; Jos 19:24–31; 1Ch 7:30–31
yEx 34:22; Jdg 15:1; Ru 2:23; 1Sa 6:13; 12:17
5 30:13 Asher means happy.
aNu 16:9, 13; Isa 7:13; Eze 34:18
fGe 46:13; 49:14; Nu 1:8, 28, 29; 26:25; Dt 27:12; 33:18; Jos 17:10; 19:17; 21:6, 28; Jdg 5:15; 10:1; 1Ch 7:1
6 30:18 Issachar sounds like the Hebrew for reward.
hGe 35:23; 46:14; 49:13; Nu 1:30; 26:27; 34:25; Dt 33:18; Jdg 5:18
7 30:20 Zebulun probably means honor.
nIsa 4:1; 25:8; 45:17; 54:4; Lk 1:25
oS Ge 29:6; 32:22; 33:2, 7; 35:24; 37:2; 39:1; 49:22–26; Dt 33:13
8 30:24 Joseph means may he add.
uGe 44:5, 15; Lev 19:26; Nu 22:7; 23:23; 24:1; Jos 13:22; 2Ki 17:17; Jer 27:9
vver 30; S Ge 26:24; 31:38; Dt 28:11; 2Sa 6:11
Genesis 31
dver 13; Ge 32:9; Dt 30:3; Isa 10:21; 35:10; Jer 30:3; 42:12
fver 29, 42, 53; Ge 43:23; Da 2:23
bDt 15:3; 23:20; Ru 2:10; 2Sa 15:19; 1Ki 8:41; Ob 1:11
kGe 38:12, 13; 1Sa 25:2, 4, 7; 2Sa 13:23
1 31:18 That is, Northwest Mesopotamia
lver 30, 32, 34–35; Ge 35:2; Jos 24:14; Jdg 17:5; 18:14, 17, 24, 30; 1Sa 7:3; 19:13; 2Ki 23:24; Hos 3:4
pver 22; Ex 2:15; 14:5; 1Ki 18:46; 19:3; Jer 26:21
rver 23, 25; Ge 37:25; Nu 26:30; 32:1; Dt 3:10; Jos 12:2; Jer 22:6
fEx 15:20; Jdg 11:34; 1Sa 10:5; 2Sa 6:5; Ps 68:25; Isa 24:8; Jer 31:4
hver 55; S Ge 27:27; Ru 1:14; Ac 20:37
xEx 20:12; Lev 19:3, 32; Dt 21:18; 27:16; Jer 35:18
2 31:47 The Aramaic Jegar Sahadutha and the Hebrew Galeed both mean witness heap.
3 31:49 Mizpah means watchtower.
fDt 31:19; Jos 24:27; Jdg 11:10; 1Sa 12:5; 20:14, 23, 42; Job 16:19; Jer 29:23; 42:5; Mic 1:2
gS Ge 21:30; S Dt 4:26; S Jer 7:11
4 31:55 In Hebrew texts this verse (31:55) is numbered 32:1.
Genesis 32
1 In Hebrew texts 32:1–32 is numbered 32:2–33.
aS Ge 16:11; 2Ki 6:16–17; 1Ch 21:15; Ps 34:7; 35:5; 91:11; Da 6:22
cJos 13:26, 30; 21:38; 2Sa 2:8, 29; 17:24; 19:32; 1Ki 2:8; 4:14; 1Ch 6:80
2 32:2 Mahanaim means two camps.
mGe 33:8, 10, 15; 34:11; 47:25, 29; 50:4; Ru 2:13
3 32:7 Or camps
4 32:8 Or camp
5 32:8 Or camp
bS Ge 12:2; S 13:14; Hos 1:10; Ro 9:27
cver 13–15, 18, 20, 21; Ge 33:10; 43:11, 15, 25, 26; 1Sa 16:20; Pr 18:16; 21:14
jS ver 13; 1Sa 9:7; 2Ki 8:8; Jer 40:5
lGe 33:10; Ex 28:38; Lev 1:4; Mal 1:8
oNu 21:24; Dt 2:37; 3:16; Jos 12:2
vIsa 1:26; 56:5; 60:14; 62:2, 4, 12; 65:15
6 32:28 Israel probably means he struggles with God.
7 32:30 Peniel means face of God.
8 32:31 Hebrew Penuel, a variant of Peniel
Genesis 33
ever 6, 7; S Ge 17:3; 37:7–10; 42:6; 43:26; 44:14; 48:12; 1Sa 20:41
jS Ge 18:3; Ge 48:9; Ps 127:3; Isa 8:18
gJos 13:27; Jdg 8:5, 6, 8, 14–16; 1Ki 7:46; 2Ch 4:17; Ps 60:6; 108:7
1 33:17 Sukkoth means shelters.
2 33:18 That is, Northwest Mesopotamia
lGe 34:10, 16, 21; 47:27; Jn 4:5
3 33:19 Hebrew hundred kesitahs; a kesitah was a unit of money of unknown weight and value.
4 33:20 El Elohe Israel can mean El is the God of Israel or mighty is the God of Israel.