Psalm 34
1 This psalm is an acrostic poem, the verses of which begin with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
2 In Hebrew texts 34:1–22 is numbered 34:2–23.
bPs 71:6; S Eph 5:20; 1Th 5:18
ePs 63:3; 86:12; Da 4:37; Jn 17:1; Ro 15:6
hver 17; Ps 18:43; 22:4; 56:13; 86:13
lS Ge 32:1; S Da 3:28; S Mt 18:10
mPs 22:4; 37:40; 41:1; 97:10; Isa 31:5; Ac 12:11
wPs 39:1; 141:3; Pr 13:3; 21:23; Jas 1:26
hDt 4:7; Ps 119:151; 145:18; Isa 50:8
iPs 51:17; 109:16; 147:3; Isa 61:1
mPs 7:9; 9:16; 11:5; 37:20; 73:27; 94:23; 106:43; 112:10; 140:11; Pr 14:32; 24:16
Psalm 35
1 35:3 Or and block the way
jPs 69:6, 19; 70:2; 83:17; Isa 45:16; Mal 2:9
qS Job 9:31; S Ps 7:15; S 55:23
xPs 12:5; 37:14; 74:21; 86:1; 109:16; 140:12; Isa 41:17
zPs 38:20; 109:5; Pr 17:13; Jer 18:20
aS 2Sa 3:31; 1Ki 20:31; Ps 30:11; 69:11
2 35:16 Septuagint; Hebrew may mean Like an ungodly circle of mockers,
over 7; Ps 38:19; 69:4; Jn 15:25*
qPs 38:12; 55:21; Jer 9:8; Mic 6:12
Psalm 36
1 In Hebrew texts 36:1–12 is numbered 36:2–13.
2 36:1 Or A message from God: The transgression of the wicked / resides in their hearts.
fS Job 5:13; Ps 5:6, 9; 43:1; 144:8, 11; Isa 44:20
mPs 57:10; 71:19; 89:2; 103:11; 108:4
sS Ru 2:12; S Ps 17:8; 57:1; 91:4
tPs 65:4; Isa 25:6; Jer 31:12, 14
wPs 87:7; Pr 10:11; 16:22; Jer 2:13
xPs 4:6; 27:1; 76:4; 104:2; Isa 2:5; 9:2; 60:1, 19; Jn 1:4; 1Pe 2:9
Psalm 37
1 This psalm is an acrostic poem, the stanzas of which begin with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
cS 2Ki 19:26; Job 14:2; Ps 102:4; Isa 40:7
dver 38; Ps 90:6; 92:7; Jas 1:10
hS Job 7:6; Ps 21:2; 145:19; Mt 6:33
mS Ps 27:14; 40:1; 130:5; Isa 38:13; Hab 3:16; Ro 8:25
sS Ps 31:22; 101:8; 118:10; Pr 2:22
tIsa 25:9; 26:8; 40:31; 49:23; 51:5
uver 22; Ps 25:13; Isa 49:8; 57:13; Mt 5:5
fS 1Sa 2:4; Ps 46:9; Jer 49:35
iPs 41:12; 140:12; 145:14; 146:7
sS Ps 13:4; 27:2; 38:17; 55:22; 119:165; Pr 3:23; 10:9
2 37:26 Or freely; / the names of their children will be used in blessings (see Gen. 48:20); or freely; / others will see that their children are blessed
aS Dt 7:6; S Ps 18:25; S 97:10
bS Ge 17:14; S Dt 32:26; Pr 2:22
3 37:28 See Septuagint; Hebrew They will be protected forever
qver 10; Pr 12:7; Isa 41:12; Da 11:19
4 37:37 Or upright; / those who seek peace will have posterity
5 37:38 Or posterity
Psalm 38
1 In Hebrew texts 38:1–22 is numbered 38:2–23.
fS Nu 11:14; S Ezr 9:6; Lk 11:46
iPs 69:5; Pr 5:23; 12:23; 13:16; Ecc 10:3
zPs 115:6; 135:17; Isa 43:8; Mk 7:37
2 38:19 One Dead Sea Scrolls manuscript; Masoretic Text my vigorous enemies
Psalm 39
1 In Hebrew texts 39:1–13 is numbered 39:2–14.
a1Ki 2:4; Ps 119:9, 59; Pr 20:11
bS Job 1:22; Ps 34:13; Jas 3:2
lS Job 10:20; Ps 89:45; 102:23
2 39:5 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verse 11.
oJob 8:9; Ps 102:11; Ecc 6:12; S Jas 4:14
uPs 32:1; 51:1; Isa 53:5, 8, 10
vS Dt 28:37; Ps 69:7; 79:4; Isa 43:28; Da 9:16
bS Dt 28:20; Isa 66:15; Eze 5:15; 2Pe 2:16
Psalm 40
1 In Hebrew texts 40:1–17 is numbered 40:2–18.
bPs 6:9; S 31:22; 34:15; 116:1; 145:19
mPs 101:5; 138:6; Pr 3:34; 16:5; Isa 65:5; 1Pe 5:5
oS Dt 4:34; Ps 75:1; 105:5; 136:4
2 40:4 Or to lies
rS 1Sa 15:22; Jer 6:20; Am 5:22
tPs 50:8; 51:16; Isa 1:11; Hos 6:6
uJob 19:23; Jer 36:2; 45:1; Eze 2:9; Zec 5:1
3 40:6 Hebrew; some Septuagint manuscripts but a body you have prepared for me
4 40:6 Or purification offerings
5 40:7 Or come / with the scroll written for me
xS Dt 6:6; S Job 22:22; Ro 7:22
Psalm 41
1 In Hebrew texts 41:1–13 is numbered 41:2–14.
eEzr 9:9; Ps 71:20; 119:88, 159; 138:7; 143:11
tNu 30:2; Job 19:19; Ps 55:20; 89:34; Mt 26:23; Lk 22:21; Jn 13:18*
2 41:9 Hebrew has lifted up his heel
Psalm 42
1 In many Hebrew manuscripts Psalms 42 and 43 constitute one psalm.
2 In Hebrew texts 42:1–11 is numbered 42:2–12.
3 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
cS Job 19:27; Ps 119:131; Joel 1:20
eS Jos 3:10; S 1Sa 14:39; S Mt 16:16; Ro 9:26
hver 10; Ps 79:10; 115:2; Joel 2:17; Mic 7:10
jPs 55:14; 122:1; Isa 2:2; 30:29
lS Jos 6:5; Ps 95:2; 100:4; 147:7; Jnh 2:9
nPs 38:6; 77:3; La 3:20; Mt 26:38
4 42:4 See Septuagint and Syriac; the meaning of the Hebrew for this line is uncertain.
Psalm 43
Psalm 44
1 In Hebrew texts 44:1–26 is numbered 44:2–27.
2 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
a2Sa 7:22; 1Ch 17:20; Jer 26:11
jEx 15:16; Ps 77:15; 79:11; 89:10; 98:1; Isa 40:10; 52:10; 63:5
3 44:4 Septuagint, Aquila and Syriac; Hebrew King, O God; / command
uS Ps 34:2; 1Co 1:31; 2Co 10:17
4 44:8 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here.
yS Dt 8:3; S 31:17; Ps 107:39; Isa 5:15
dS Lev 26:33; S Ps 9:11; Eze 6:8; Zec 2:6
eS Dt 32:30; Isa 52:3; Jer 15:13; 50:1; 52:3
fS 2Ch 29:8; Isa 30:3; Jer 25:9; 42:18; 44:8
lGe 30:23; 2Ch 32:21; Ps 35:26
pS 1Sa 18:25; S Jer 11:19; Ro 12:19
qS Dt 6:12; S 32:18; Ps 119:16, 61, 153, 176; Pr 3:1
wS Ex 20:3; Isa 43:12; Jer 5:19
xS 1Sa 16:7; 1Ki 8:39; Pr 15:11; Jer 12:3; 17:10
zIsa 53:7; Jer 11:19; 12:3; Ro 8:36*
Psalm 45
1 In Hebrew texts 45:1–17 is numbered 45:2–18.
2 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
dS Dt 32:41; Ps 149:6; Rev 1:16
3 45:6 Here the king is addressed as God’s representative.
qPs 2:2; Isa 45:1; 61:1; Zec 4:14
4 45:12 Or A Tyrian robe is among the gifts
Psalm 46
1 In Hebrew texts 46:1–11 is numbered 46:2–12.
2 Title: Probably a musical term
aPs 9:9; 37:39; 61:3; 73:26; 91:2, 9; 142:5; Isa 33:16; Jer 16:19; 17:17; Joel 3:16; Na 1:7
gPs 82:5; Isa 13:13; 24:1, 19, 20; Jer 4:23; Da 11:19; Am 8:14; S Rev 6:14
hver 6; Ps 18:7; 97:5; Isa 54:10; Am 9:5; Mic 1:4; Na 1:5; Hab 3:6
jPs 93:3; Isa 17:13; Jer 5:22; Eze 1:24; Rev 19:6
3 46:3 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verses 7 and 11.
oPs 48:1, 8; 87:3; 101:8; Rev 3:12
rDt 23:14; S Ps 26:8; Isa 12:6; Zec 2:5
wPs 68:32; 102:22; Isa 13:4, 13; 23:11; Eze 26:18; Mt 4:8
eIsa 17:9; 64:10; Da 9:26; Lk 21:20
iDt 4:35; 1Ki 18:36, 39; Ps 100:3; Isa 37:16, 20; 43:11; 45:21; Eze 36:23
4 46:9 Or chariots
Psalm 47
1 In Hebrew texts 47:1–9 is numbered 47:2–10.
2 47:4 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here.
pS 1Ki 22:19; S Ps 9:4; Rev 4:9
3 47:9 Or shields
Psalm 48
1 In Hebrew texts 48:1–14 is numbered 48:2–15.
aPs 86:10; 96:4; 99:2; 135:5; 147:5; Jer 10:6
bS 2Sa 22:4; S 1Ch 16:25; Ps 18:3
dS Dt 33:19; Ps 2:6; 87:1; Isa 11:9; 32:16; Jer 31:23; Da 9:16; Mic 4:1; Zec 8:3
2 48:2 Zaphon was the most sacred mountain of the Canaanites.
lEx 15:16; Isa 13:8; Jer 46:5; Da 5:9
oS Ge 10:4; S 1Ki 10:22; 22:48
3 48:8 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here.
u1Sa 2:10; Ps 22:27; 65:5; 98:3; 100:1; Isa 11:12; 24:16; 42:10; 49:6
Psalm 49
1 In Hebrew texts 49:1–20 is numbered 49:2–21.
gPs 78:2; Pr 1:6; Eze 12:22; 16:44; 18:2–3; Lk 4:23
kS Job 22:25; Ps 73:12; Jer 48:7
2 49:11 Septuagint and Syriac; Hebrew In their thoughts their houses will remain
3 49:11 Or generations, / for they have
4 49:13 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verse 15.
Psalm 50
gver 21; Isa 42:14; 64:12; 65:6
jJob 37:9; Ps 83:15; 107:25; 147:18; Isa 29:6; 30:28; Jnh 1:4; Na 1:3
1 50:6 With a different word division of the Hebrew; Masoretic Text for God himself is judge
2 50:6 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here.
cDt 10:14; S Jos 3:11; Ps 24:1; 1Co 10:26
gPs 4:1; 81:7; Isa 55:6; 58:9; Zec 13:9
hPs 69:17; 86:7; 107:6; 142:2; Jas 5:13
sIsa 42:14; 57:11; 62:1; 64:12
tPs 6:1; S 18:15; 76:6; 104:7; Isa 50:2
3 50:21 Or thought the ‘I AM’ was
xS Ps 9:14; 91:16; 98:3; Isa 52:10
4 50:23 Probable reading of the original Hebrew text; the meaning of the Masoretic Text for this phrase is uncertain.
Psalm 51
1 In Hebrew texts 51:1–19 is numbered 51:3–21.
dS Ne 9:27; Ps 86:15; Isa 63:7
eS 2Sa 12:13; S 2Ch 6:21; S Ne 4:5; Ac 3:19
gS Ru 3:3; Jer 2:22; 13:27; Ac 22:16; 1Jn 1:9
hPr 20:30; Isa 4:4; Eze 36:25; Zec 13:1; Mt 23:25–26; Heb 9:14
rS Ex 12:22; S Nu 19:6; Heb 9:19
tIsa 35:10; Jer 33:11; Joel 1:16
xS Ps 24:4; 78:37; Mt 5:8; Ac 15:9
bPs 106:33; Isa 63:10; Eph 4:30
qPs 102:16; 147:2; Isa 14:32; 51:3; Zec 1:16–17
2 51:17 Or The sacrifices of God are
Psalm 52
1 In Hebrew texts 52:1–9 is numbered 52:3–11.
2 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
gEx 10:10; 1Sa 12:25; Am 5:14–15; Jn 3:20
iPs 5:9; 10:7; 109:2; 120:2, 3; Pr 10:31; 12:19
3 52:3 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verse 5.
jS Dt 29:28; S Job 40:12; Isa 22:19; Eze 17:24
Psalm 53
1 In Hebrew texts 53:1–6 is numbered 53:2–7.
2 Title: Probably a musical term
3 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
Psalm 54
1 In Hebrew texts 54:1–7 is numbered 54:3–9.
2 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
3 54:3 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here.
lS Dt 32:35; Ps 94:23; Pr 24:12
nS Lev 7:12, 16; S Ezr 1:4; S Ps 27:6
Psalm 55
1 In Hebrew texts 55:1–23 is numbered 55:2–24.
2 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
c1Sa 1:15–16; Ps 77:3; 86:6–7; 142:2
dS 2Sa 16:6–8; Ps 17:9; 143:3
jDt 28:67; Isa 21:4; Jer 46:5; 49:5; Eze 7:18
3 55:7 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and in the middle of verse 19.
mPs 77:18; Isa 4:6; 25:4; 28:2; 29:6; 32:2
oPs 11:5; Isa 59:6; Jer 6:7; Eze 7:11; Hab 1:3
wPs 64:7; Pr 6:15; Isa 29:5; 47:9, 11; 1Th 5:3
bS Ex 15:18; Dt 33:27; Ps 29:10
iPs 57:4; 59:7; 64:3; Pr 12:18; Rev 1:16
jS Ps 18:35; Mt 6:25–34; 1Pe 5:7
lPs 9:15; S 30:3; 73:18; 94:13; Isa 14:15; Eze 28:8; S Lk 8:31
Psalm 56
1 In Hebrew texts 56:1–13 is numbered 56:2–14.
2 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
oPr 19:5; Eze 17:15; Ro 2:3; Heb 12:25
3 56:7 Probable reading of the original Hebrew text; Masoretic Text does not have do not.
rIsa 4:3; Da 7:10; 12:1; Mal 3:16
4 56:8 Or misery; / put my tears in your wineskin
uS Nu 14:8; S Dt 31:6; Ro 8:31
Psalm 57
1 In Hebrew texts 57:1–11 is numbered 57:2–12.
2 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
fPs 18:9, 16; 69:14; 142:6; 144:5, 7
3 57:3 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verse 6.
Psalm 58
1 In Hebrew texts 58:1–11 is numbered 58:2–12.
2 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
3 58:9 The meaning of the Hebrew for this verse is uncertain.
pDt 32:35; Ps 7:9; 91:8; Jer 11:20; Ro 12:17–21
Psalm 59
1 In Hebrew texts 59:1–17 is numbered 59:2–18.
2 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
dPs 14:4; 36:12; 53:4; 92:7; 94:16
3 59:5 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verse 13.
oPs 94:4; Pr 10:32; 12:23; 15:2, 28
xPs 89:10; 106:27; 144:6; Isa 33:3
4 59:11 Or sovereign
Psalm 60
1 In Hebrew texts 60:1–12 is numbered 60:3–14.
2 Title: Probably a literary or musical term
3 Title: That is, Arameans of Northwest Mesopotamia
4 Title: That is, Arameans of central Syria
hPs 75:8; Isa 29:9; 51:17; 63:6; Jer 25:16; Zec 12:2; Rev 14:10
5 60:4 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here.
Psalm 61
1 In Hebrew texts 61:1–8 is numbered 61:2–9.
2 61:4 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here.
jS Ex 6:3; S Dt 33:9; Ne 1:11; Ps 102:15; Isa 59:19; Mt 6:9
Psalm 62
1 In Hebrew texts 62:1–12 is numbered 62:2–13.
2 62:4 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verse 8.
3 62:7 Or / God Most High is my salvation and my honor
l1Sa 1:15; Ps 42:4; Mt 26:36–46
rS Job 31:25; Mt 19:23–24; 1Ti 6:6–10
uS Job 21:31; Ps 28:4; S Mt 16:27; Ro 2:6*; 1Co 3:8; Col 3:25
Psalm 63
1 In Hebrew texts 63:1–11 is numbered 63:2–12.
ePs 36:7; 69:16; 106:45; 109:21
iDt 6:4–9; Ps 16:7; 119:148; Mt 14:25
oPs 55:15; 71:20; 95:4; 139:15
Psalm 64