Notes for Micah
Micah 1
jS Ge 31:50; S Dt 4:26; S Isa 1:2
1 1:10 Gath sounds like the Hebrew for tell.
2 1:10 Beth Ophrah means house of dust.
3 1:11 Shaphir means pleasant.
4 1:11 Zaanan sounds like the Hebrew for come out.
5 1:12 Maroth sounds like the Hebrew for bitter.
6 1:14 Akzib means deception.
7 1:15 Mareshah sounds like the Hebrew for conqueror.
Micah 2
fS 1Sa 8:14; S Isa 1:23; S Eze 46:18
mPs 44:13; Jer 18:16; 19:8; 25:18; 29:18; Mic 6:16
1 2:7 Or Is the Spirit of the LORD
Micah 3
gS Dt 1:45; S 1Sa 8:18; S Isa 58:4; S Jer 11:11
wIsa 59:7; Mic 7:2; Na 3:1; Hab 2:12
yS Ex 23:8; S Lev 19:15; Mal 2:9
Micah 4
cS Ps 22:27; 86:9; S Jer 3:17; S 31:12; S Da 2:35
qJos 24:14–15; Isa 26:8; Zec 10:12
tS Eze 34:13, 16; S 37:21; Zep 3:19
xS Da 2:44; S 7:14; S Lk 1:33; Rev 11:15
1 4:8 Or hill
cS Dt 21:10; 2Ki 20:18; Isa 43:14
2 4:9 Or King
3 4:9 Or Ruler
eS La 2:16; S Ob 1:12; Mic 7:8
fS Ge 50:20; S Isa 55:8; Ro 11:33–34
Micah 5
1 In Hebrew texts 5:1 is numbered 4:14, and 5:2–15 is numbered 5:1–14.
dS Nu 24:19; S 1Sa 13:14; S 2Sa 6:21; S 2Ch 7:18
2 5:2 Or rulers
hIsa 40:11; 49:9; S Eze 34:11–15, 23; Mic 7:14
jS Isa 9:6; S Lk 2:14; Col 1:19–20
3 5:6 Or crush
4 5:6 Or Nimrod in its gates
uS Ps 50:22; S Isa 5:29; S Hos 5:14
wEx 15:4, 19; S Hos 14:3; Hag 2:22; Zec 9:10
yS La 2:2; S Hos 10:14; Am 5:9
cS Isa 2:18; S Eze 6:9; Zec 13:2
dS Ex 34:13; S Jdg 3:7; S 2Ki 17:10
5 5:14 That is, wooden symbols of the goddess Asherah
Micah 6
yS Ge 5:22; Dt 10:12–13; 1Sa 15:22; Hos 6:6; Zec 7:9–10; Mt 9:13; 23:23; Mk 12:33; Lk 11:42
1 6:8 Or prudently
aEze 45:9–10; S Am 3:10; 8:4–6
2 6:9 The meaning of the Hebrew for this line is uncertain.
3 6:10 An ephah was a dry measure.
4 6:13 Or Therefore, I will make you ill and destroy you; / I will ruin
5 6:14 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.
6 6:14 Or You will press toward birth but not give birth, / and what you bring to birth
kJob 24:11; S Am 5:11; Zep 1:13
pS Dt 28:37; S Jer 51:51; S Mic 2:6
7 6:16 Septuagint; Hebrew scorn due my people
Micah 7
lS Job 31:14; Isa 22:5; S Hos 9:7
oMt 10:35–36*; S Mk 13:12
sS Ps 22:17; S Pr 24:17; S Mic 4:11
cS 2Sa 22:43; S Job 40:12; S Isa 5:5; Zec 10:5
gIsa 3:10–11; S Eze 12:19; S 33:28–29
1 7:14 Or in the middle of Carmel
uS Isa 43:25; S Jer 50:20; Zec 3:4
wS Joel 2:32; S Am 5:15; S Mic 2:12