Notes for Nahum

Nahum 1

Nahum 2

1 In Hebrew texts 2:1–13 is numbered 2:2–14.

aJer 51:20

bS Eze 37:23

cIsa 60:15

dS Eze 23:14–15

eS Jer 4:13; S Eze 23:24

2 2:3 Hebrew; Septuagint and Syriac ready; / the horsemen rush to and fro.

fJer 46:12

gIsa 45:1; Na 3:13

hS Ge 8:8; S Isa 59:11

iIsa 32:12

3 2:7 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.

jS Jos 2:11; S 7:5

kS Isa 29:22

lIsa 5:29

mS Jer 51:34

nS Jer 4:7

oS Isa 37:18

pIsa 10:5–13; S Jer 21:13; Na 3:5

qPs 46:9

rS 2Sa 2:26

sS Mic 5:6

Nahum 3