Notes for Malachi
Malachi 1
1 1:1 Malachi means my messenger.
dver 6, 7; Mal 2:14, 17; 3:7, 13
lS La 4:22; S Eze 25:12–14; S 26:14
nIsa 45:22; 52:10; S Am 1:11–12
zLev 23:33–44; Ps 51:17; Mic 6:6–8; Ro 12:1; Heb 13:16
ever 13; Isa 1:11–14; Jer 14:12; Mal 2:12
Malachi 2
cMt 15:7–9; Jn 5:23; 1Ti 6:16; Rev 5:12–13
fS Ex 29:14; S Lev 4:11; S Job 9:31
1 2:3 Or will blight your grain
iDt 33:9; Ps 25:10; 103:18; S Mt 26:28; S Lk 22:20; Heb 7:22
kS Dt 14:23; S 28:58; Ps 119:161; Heb 12:28
nLk 2:14; S Jn 14:27; Gal 5:22
rS Nu 27:21; S 2Ch 36:15; Mt 11:10; Mk 1:2
xS 1Sa 2:30; S Ps 22:6; S Jer 51:37
yS Ps 35:4; Jer 3:25; Ac 8:32–33
zS Ex 18:16; S Lev 19:15; Ac 10:34; Ro 2:11
bS Ex 4:22; Mt 5:16; 6:4, 18; Lk 11:2; 1Co 8:6
dEx 19:5; S 2Ki 17:15; Jer 31:32
2 2:10 Or father
jS 1Sa 2:30–33; S Eze 24:21
3 2:12 Or 12May the LORD remove from the tents of Jacob anyone who gives testimony in behalf of the man who does this
xS Isa 54:6; 1Co 7:10; Heb 13:4
yS Dt 24:1; Mt 5:31–32; 19:4–9; Mk 10:4–5
4 2:15 The meaning of the Hebrew for the first part of this verse is uncertain.
zS Ge 6:11; 34:25; S Pr 4:17; S Isa 58:4
5 2:16 Or “I hate divorce,” says the LORD, the God of Israel, “because the man who divorces his wife covers his garment with violence,”
Malachi 3
bS Isa 40:3; S Mt 3:3; 11:10*; Mk 1:2*; Lk 7:27*
gS Eze 7:7; S Da 7:13; S Joel 2:31; S Mt 16:27; Jas 5:8; 2Pe 3:4; S Rev 1:7
iS Isa 1:31; S 30:30; S Zec 13:9; Mt 3:10–12
mS Job 28:1; S Ps 12:6; 1Pe 1:7; Rev 3:18
rEx 20:14; Jas 2:11; 2Pe 2:12–14
vS Ex 22:21; S Dt 24:19; S Eze 22:7
xS Nu 23:19; S Heb 7:21; Jas 1:17
zS Ex 32:8; S Jer 7:26; Ac 7:51
eS Lev 27:30; Nu 18:21; S Ne 13:10–12; Lk 18:12
fS Dt 11:26; 28:15–68; S Zec 5:3
kS Lev 25:21; S Joel 2:14; 2Co 9:8–11
bS Ex 32:32; S Ps 56:8; S 87:6; S Lk 10:20
cS Dt 28:58; S 31:12; Ps 33:18; S Pr 1:7; Rev 11:18
eS Ex 8:22; S Dt 7:6; S Ro 8:14; S Titus 2:14
Malachi 4
1 In Hebrew texts 4:1–6 is numbered 3:19–24.
aS Da 7:13; S Joel 2:31; Mt 11:14; Ac 2:20
fS 2Ki 10:11; S Eze 17:8; S Mt 3:10
gS Dt 28:58; Ps 61:5; 111:9; Rev 14:1
hS Ps 118:27; S Isa 9:2; S 45:8; Lk 1:78; Eph 5:14
iS 2Ch 7:14; S Isa 30:26; S Mt 4:23; Rev 22:2
mS Dt 28:61; S Ps 147:19; Mt 5:17; 7:12; Ro 2:13; 4:15; Gal 3:24