Notes for 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1

aRo 1:1; Eph 1:1; 2Ti 1:1

bS 2Co 1:1

cAc 18:17

dS 1Co 10:32

eS Ac 18:1

fRo 1:7

gS Ac 2:21

hS Ro 1:7

iS Ro 1:8

j2Co 9:11

kS 2Co 8:7

l2Th 1:10; 1Ti 2:6; Rev 1:2

mRo 1:11; 1Co 12:1–31

nS Mt 16:27; S Lk 17:30; 1Th 1:10; S 2:19; Titus 2:13; Jas 5:7, 8; 1Pe 1:13; 2Pe 3:12; S Rev 1:7

oS 1Th 3:13

pAm 5:18; 1Co 5:5; Php 1:6, 10; 2:16; 1Th 5:2

qDt 7:9; Isa 49:7; 1Co 10:13; 1Th 5:24; 2Th 3:3; 2Ti 2:13; Heb 10:23; 11:11

rS Ro 8:28

s1Jn 1:3

tS Ro 7:1

u1Co 11:18

vS Ro 15:5

wS Ac 11:14

1 1:10 The Greek word for brothers and sisters (adelphoi) refers here to believers, both men and women, as part of God’s family; also in verses 11 and 26; and in 2:1; 3:1; 4:6; 6:8; 7:24, 29; 10:1; 11:33; 12:1; 14:6, 20, 26, 39; 15:1, 6, 50, 58; 16:15, 20.

x1Co 3:4, 22

yS Ac 18:24

zJn 1:42; 1Co 3:22; 9:5

aS Mt 28:19

2 1:12 That is, Peter

bAc 18:8

cS Ac 19:29

dS Ac 11:14

e1Co 16:15

fJn 4:2; S Ac 2:38

g1Co 2:1, 4, 13

hver 21, 23, 25; 1Co 2:14

i2Co 2:15; 4:3; 2Th 2:10

jAc 2:47

kver 24; Ro 1:16

lIsa 29:14

mIsa 19:11, 12

3 1:19 Isaiah 29:14

n1Co 2:6, 8; 3:18; 2Co 4:4; Gal 1:4

over 27; Job 12:17; Isa 44:25; Jer 8:9; Ro 1:22; 1Co 3:18, 19

pver 27, 28; 1Co 6:2; 11:32

qS Ro 11:14

rS Ro 3:22

sS Mt 12:38; S Jn 2:11; S 4:48

t1Co 2:2; Gal 3:1

uS Lk 2:34

vS ver 18

wS Ro 8:28

xver 18; Ro 1:16

yver 30; S Col 2:3

zS ver 18

a2Co 13:4

bS Ro 8:28

cver 20

dJas 2:5

ever 20; Ro 1:22; 1Co 3:18, 19

fRo 4:17

gEph 2:9

hS Ro 16:3

iJer 23:5, 6; 33:16; 2Co 5:21; Php 3:9

j1Co 1:2

kS Ro 3:24

lJer 9:23, 24; Ps 34:2; 44:8; 2Co 10:17

4 1:31 Jer. 9:24

1 Corinthians 2

aver 4, 13; 1Co 1:17

bGal 6:14; 1Co 1:23

1 2:1 Some manuscripts proclaimed to you God’s mystery

cAc 18:1–18

d1Co 4:10; 9:22; 2Co 11:29, 30; 12:5, 9, 10; 13:9

eS 2Co 7:15

fver 1

gS Ro 15:13

h2Co 4:7; 6:7

iEph 4:13; Php 3:15; Col 4:12; Heb 5:14; 6:1; Jas 1:4

jver 8; S 1Co 1:20

kPs 146:4

lver 1

mRo 16:25

nver 6; S 1Co 1:20

oPs 24:7; Ac 7:2; Jas 2:1

pIsa 64:4; 65:17

qS Mt 13:11; 2Co 12:1, 7; Gal 1:12; 2:2; Eph 3:3, 5

2 2:9 Isaiah 64:4

rJn 14:26

sJer 17:9

tPr 20:27

uRo 8:15

v1Co 1:20, 27; Jas 2:5

wver 1, 4; 1Co 1:17

xJn 14:17

3 2:13 Or Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual

yS 1Co 1:18

z1Co 3:1; Gal 6:1

aIsa 40:13; S Ro 11:34

bJn 15:15

4 2:16 Isaiah 40:13

1 Corinthians 3

1 Corinthians 4

1 Corinthians 5

aLev 18:8; Dt 22:30; 27:20

b2Co 7:7–11

cver 13

dCol 2:5; 1Th 2:17

e2Th 3:6

f1Ti 1:20

gS Mt 4:10

hS 1Co 1:8

iJas 4:16

1 5:5 In contexts like this, the Greek word for flesh (sarx) refers to the sinful state of human beings, often presented as a power in opposition to the Spirit.

2 5:5 Or of his body

jMt 16:6, 12

kGal 5:9

lEx 12:3–6, 21; Mk 14:12; 1Pe 1:19

mEx 12:14, 15; Dt 16:3

nEph 5:11; 2Th 3:6, 14

o1Co 10:27

pS Ro 7:1

q1Co 10:7, 14

rS Ro 16:17

sS Mk 4:11

3 5:11 The Greek word for brother or sister (adelphos) refers here to a believer, whether man or woman, as part of God’s family; also in 8:11, 13.

tver 3–5; 1Co 6:1–4

uDt 13:5; 17:7; 19:19; 22:21, 24; 24:7; Jdg 20:13

4 5:13 Deut. 13:5; 17:7; 19:19; 21:21; 22:21, 24; 24:7

1 Corinthians 6

1 Corinthians 7

aver 8, 26

bEx 21:10; 1Pe 3:7

cEx 19:15; 1Sa 21:4, 5

dS Mt 4:10

e1Th 3:5

f2Co 8:8

gver 8; 1Co 9:5

hMt 19:11, 12; Ro 12:6; 1Co 12:4, 11

iver 1, 26

j1Ti 5:14

1 7:8 Or widowers

kMal 2:14–16; S Lk 16:18

lver 39; Ro 7:2, 3

mver 6, 10; 2Co 11:17

nMal 2:15

oS Ro 14:19; 1Co 14:33

pS Ro 11:14

q1Pe 3:1

rRo 12:3

s1Co 4:17; 14:33; 2Co 8:18; 11:28

tAc 15:1, 2

uRo 2:25–27; Gal 5:6; 6:15; Col 3:11

vver 24

wJn 8:32, 36

xS Ro 6:22

yS 1Co 6:20

zver 20

aver 6; 2Co 8:8

b2Co 4:1; 1Ti 1:13, 16

cver 1, 8

dver 20, 21

ever 36

fver 31; S Ro 13:11, 12

gver 29; S Heb 12:27

h1Ti 5:5

iLk 2:37

jPs 86:11

kver 28

2 7:36 Or if she is getting beyond the usual age for marriage

lHeb 13:4

mRo 7:2, 3

3 7:36–38 Or 36If anyone thinks he is not treating his daughter properly, and if she is getting along in years (or if her passions are too strong), and he feels she ought to marry, he should do as he wants. He is not sinning. He should let her get married. 37But the man who has settled the matter in his own mind, who is under no compulsion but has control over his own will, and who has made up his mind to keep the virgin unmarried—this man also does the right thing. 38So then, he who gives his virgin in marriage does right, but he who does not give her in marriage does better.

n2Co 6:14

over 25

1 Corinthians 8

aver 4, 7, 10; Ac 15:20

bRo 15:14

c1Co 3:18

d1Co 13:8, 9, 12; 1Ti 6:4

eJer 1:5; Ro 8:29; Gal 4:9

fver 1, 7, 10; Ex 34:15

1 8:2, 3 An early manuscript and another ancient witness think they have knowledge do not yet know as they ought to know. 3But whoever loves truly knows.

gAc 14:15; 1Co 10:19; Gal 4:8

hver 6; Dt 6:4; Ps 86:10; Eph 4:6; 1Ti 2:5

i2Th 2:4

jS ver 4

kMal 2:10

lS Ro 11:36

mEph 4:5

nS Jn 1:3

over 1

pRo 14:14; 1Co 10:28

qRo 14:17

rS 2Co 6:3; Gal 5:13

sRo 14:1

tver 1, 4, 7

uRo 14:15, 20

vMt 18:6

wMt 25:40, 45

xS Mt 5:29

1 Corinthians 9

1 Corinthians 10

aS Ro 11:25

bEx 13:21; Ps 105:39

cEx 14:22, 29; Ps 66:6

dRo 6:3

eS Jn 6:31

fEx 17:6; Nu 20:11; Ps 78:15; 105:41

gNu 14:29; Heb 3:17; Jude 5

hver 11

iver 14

jEx 32:4, 6, 19

kNu 25:1–9

1 10:7 Exodus 32:6

lEx 17:2; Ps 78:18; 95:9; 106:14

mNu 21:5, 6

nNu 16:41; 17:5, 10

2 10:9 Some manuscripts test the Lord

oNu 16:49

pEx 12:23; 1Ch 21:15; Heb 11:28

qver 6

rS Ro 4:24

sS Ro 13:11

tRo 11:20; 2Co 1:24

uS 1Co 1:9

v2Pe 2:9

wHeb 6:9; 1Pe 2:11; 1Jn 2:7; Jude 3

3 10:13 The Greek for temptation and tempted can also mean testing and tested.

4 10:13 The Greek for temptation and tempted can also mean testing and tested.

5 10:13 The Greek for temptation and tempted can also mean testing and tested.

xver 7; 1Jn 5:21

yS Mt 14:19

zMt 26:26–28; 1Co 11:23–25

aS Ro 12:5

bLev 7:6, 14, 15

cS 1Co 8:4

dLev 17:7; Dt 32:17; Ps 106:37; Rev 9:20

e2Co 6:15, 16

fDt 32:16, 21; 1Ki 14:22; Ps 78:58; Jer 44:8

gEcc 6:10; Isa 45:9

h1Co 6:12

iver 33; S Ro 15:1, 2; 1Co 13:5; Php 2:4, 21

jS Ac 10:15; 1Co 8:7

kPs 24:1; Ex 9:29; 19:5; Job 41:11; Ps 50:12; 1Ti 4:4

lLk 10:7

6 10:26 Psalm 24:1

m1Co 8:7, 10–12

n1Co 9:1, 19

oS Ro 14:6

pZec 14:21; Col 3:17; 1Pe 4:11

qS Mt 5:29; Ac 24:16; S 2Co 6:3

rAc 20:28; 1Co 1:2; 11:16, 22; 15:9; 1Ti 3:5, 15

sRo 15:2; 1Co 9:22

tS ver 24

uS Ro 11:14

1 Corinthians 11

aS 1Co 4:16

bRo 15:3; 1Pe 2:21

cver 17, 22

d1Co 4:17

ever 23; 1Co 15:2, 3; 2Th 2:15; 3:6

fS Eph 1:22

gGe 3:16; Eph 5:23

h1Co 3:23

iS Ac 11:27

1 11:3 Or of the wife is her husband

jS Ac 21:9

kDt 21:12

lGe 1:26; 5:1; 9:6; Jas 3:9

mGe 2:21–23; 1Ti 2:13

2 11:4–7 Or 4Every man who prays or prophesies with long hair dishonors his head. 5But every woman who prays or prophesies with no covering of hair dishonors her head—she is just like one of the “shorn women.” 6If a woman has no covering, let her be for now with short hair; but since it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair shorn or shaved, she should grow it again. 7A man ought not to have long hair

nGe 2:18

3 11:10 Or have a sign of authority on her

oS Ro 11:36

pS 1Co 7:17; S 10:32

qver 2, 22

r1Co 1:10–12; 3:3

s1Jn 2:19

t2Pe 2:13; Jude 12

uS 1Co 10:32

vJas 2:6

wver 2, 17

xGal 1:12

yS ver 2

z1Co 10:16

aS Lk 22:20

b1Co 10:16

cS 1Co 1:7

dHeb 10:29

e2Co 13:5

fS Mt 9:24

gPs 32:5; 1Jn 1:9

hPs 94:12; 118:18; Pr 3:11, 12; Heb 12:7–10; Rev 3:19

iJn 15:18, 19

jver 21

kver 22

lS 1Co 4:19

1 Corinthians 12

1 Corinthians 13

1 Corinthians 14

a1Co 16:14

bver 39; 1Co 12:31

cS 1Co 12:1

dver 39; S Eph 4:11

eS Mk 16:17

fver 6–11, 16

g1Co 13:2

hver 4, 5, 12, 17, 26; S Ro 14:19

1 14:2 Or in another language; also in verses 4, 13, 14, 19, 26 and 27

iver 31

jS Mk 16:17

kS ver 3

lS 1Co 13:2

mNu 11:29

nS ver 3

over 26; Eph 1:17

2 14:5 Or in other languages; also in verses 6, 18, 22, 23 and 39

3 14:5 Or in other languages; also in verses 6, 18, 22, 23 and 39

pS 2Co 8:7

qRo 6:17

rNu 10:9; Jer 4:19

sGe 11:7

tS 1Co 12:1

uS ver 3

vver 5

wver 2

xver 2, 14

yS Eph 5:19

zDt 27:15–26; 1Ch 16:36; Ne 8:6; Ps 106:48; Rev 5:14; 7:12

aS Mt 14:19; 1Co 11:24

bS ver 3

4 14:16 The Greek word for inquirer is a technical term for someone not fully initiated into a religion; also in verses 23 and 24.

cver 6

d1Co 3:11; Eph 4:14; Heb 5:12, 13; 1Pe 2:2

eJer 4:22; Mt 10:16; Ro 16:19

fver 34; S Jn 10:34

gDt 28:49; Isa 28:11, 12

hver 1

5 14:21 Isaiah 28:11, 12

iAc 2:13

jRo 2:16

kIsa 45:14; Zec 8:23

lS Ro 7:1

m1Co 12:7–10

nS Eph 5:19

over 6

pver 2

q1Co 12:10

rS Ro 14:19

sver 32, 37; S 1Co 13:2

t1Co 12:10

u1Jn 4:1

vver 40

wS Ro 15:33

xS 1Co 7:17; S 10:32

yS Ac 9:13

z1Co 11:5, 13

aS Eph 5:22; 1Ti 2:11, 12

bver 21; Ge 3:16

6 14:33, 34 Or peace. As in all the congregations of the Lord’s people, 34women

cS Heb 4:12

7 14:34, 35 In a few manuscripts these verses come after verse 40.

dS Ac 11:27; 1Co 13:2; 2Co 10:7

e1Co 2:15; S 12:1

f1Jn 4:6

gver 1; 1Co 12:31

8 14:38 Some manuscripts But anyone who is ignorant of this will be ignorant

hver 1; S Eph 4:11

iver 33; Col 2:5

1 Corinthians 15

aIsa 40:9; Ro 2:16

bS 1Co 3:6; S Gal 1:8

cRo 1:16

dS Ro 11:22

eGal 1:12

fS 1Co 11:2

gIsa 53:5; Jn 1:29; S Gal 1:4; 1Pe 2:24

hS Mt 26:24; S Lk 24:27; S 24:44; Ac 17:2; 26:22, 23

iMt 27:59, 60

1 15:3 Or you at the first

jS Ac 2:24

kS Mt 16:21

lJn 2:21, 22; Ac 2:25, 30, 31

mLk 24:34

nMk 16:14; Lk 24:36–43

over 18, 20; S Mt 9:24

2 15:5 That is, Peter

pS Ac 15:13

qLk 24:33, 36, 37; Ac 1:3, 4

rAc 9:3–6, 17; 1Co 9:1; Gal 1:16

s2Co 12:11; Eph 3:8; 1Ti 1:15

tS Ac 8:3

uS 1Co 10:32

vS Ro 3:24

wS Ro 12:3

x2Co 11:23; Col 1:29

yS Php 2:13

zGal 2:6

aver 4

bS Jn 11:24

cAc 17:32; 23:8; 2Ti 2:18

d1Th 4:14

eS Ac 2:24

fS Ro 4:25

gver 6, 20; S Mt 9:24

hS 1Co 4:9

i1Pe 1:3

jver 23; S Ac 26:23

kver 6, 18; S Mt 9:24

lS Ro 5:12

mver 12

nRo 5:14–18; S 1Co 6:14

over 20

pver 52; S 1Th 2:19

qS 1Co 3:23

rDa 2:44; 7:14, 27; 2Pe 1:11

sRo 8:38

tIsa 9:7; 52:7

uver 27; S Mt 22:44

v2Ti 1:10; Rev 20:14; 21:4

wver 25; Ps 8:6; S Mt 22:44

xS Mt 28:18

yPhp 3:21

3 15:27 Psalm 8:6

z1Co 3:23

a2Co 11:26

bS Ro 8:36

c2Co 1:8

dS Ac 18:19

eIsa 22:13; Lk 12:19

fS 1Co 6:9

4 15:32 Isaiah 22:13

gPr 22:24, 25

hS Gal 4:8

5 15:33 From the Greek poet Menander

iS 1Co 4:14

jRo 9:19

kEze 37:3

lLk 11:40; 12:20

mJn 12:24

nGe 1:11

oPs 19:4–6

pPs 8:1, 3

qDa 12:3; Mt 13:43

rver 12

sver 50, 53, 54

tPhp 3:21; Col 3:4

uver 50

vGe 2:7

wRo 5:14

xJn 5:21; 6:57, 58; Ro 8:2

yver 44

6 15:45 Gen. 2:7

zGe 2:7; 3:19; Ps 90:3

aJn 3:13, 31

bPhp 3:20, 21

cGe 5:3

dS Ro 8:29

eEph 6:12; Heb 2:14

7 15:49 Some early manuscripts so let us

fS Mt 25:34

gver 42, 53, 54

h1Co 13:2; 14:2

iS Mt 9:24

j2Co 5:4; Php 3:21

kS Mt 24:31

lJn 5:25

mver 42, 50, 54

n2Co 5:2, 4

oIsa 25:8; Heb 2:14; Rev 20:14

pHos 13:14

8 15:54 Isaiah 25:8

qS Ro 5:12

9 15:55 Hosea 13:14

rS Ro 4:15

sS 2Co 2:14

tRo 8:37; Heb 2:14, 15

u1Co 16:10

vIsa 65:23

1 Corinthians 16

aS Ac 24:17

bS Ac 9:13

cS Ac 16:6

dAc 20:7

e2Co 9:4, 5

f2Co 3:1; 8:18, 19

gS 1Co 4:19

hS Ac 16:9

iRo 15:24; Titus 3:13

jS Ac 18:21

kS Ac 18:19

lS Ac 2:1

mS Ac 14:27

nS Ac 16:1

o1Co 15:58

p1Ti 4:12

q2Co 1:16; 3Jn 6

rS Ac 15:33

sS Ac 18:24

t1Co 1:8; 2Co 1:21; Gal 5:1; Php 1:27; 1Th 3:8; S Titus 1:9

uS Eph 6:10

v1Co 14:1

w1Co 1:16

xRo 16:5

yS Ac 18:12

zS Ac 24:17

aS Ac 9:13

b1Th 5:12; Heb 13:17

c2Co 11:9; Php 2:30

dRo 15:32; Phm 7

ePhp 2:29

fS Ac 2:9

gS Ac 18:2

hS Ro 16:5

iS Ro 16:16

1 16:19 Greek Prisca, a variant of Priscilla

jGal 6:11; Col 4:18; 2Th 3:17; Phm 19

kEph 6:24

lRo 9:3

mRev 22:20

nS Ro 16:20

2 16:22 The Greek for Come, Lord reproduces an Aramaic expression (Marana tha) used by early Christians.

3 16:24 Some manuscripts do not have Amen.