Introduction to

2 Timothy


Paul names himself as author in the first word (1:1). Personal allusions throughout (see 1:4–6, 15–18; 2:1–2, 22–26; 3:14–15; 4:2, 5, 9–22) give the impression that this is the apostle Paul, who chose Timothy as his co-worker (Acts 16:1–5).

In the past 200 years, a tradition of doubting Pauline authorship has arisen (see Introduction to 1 Timothy: Author). But there are reasonable replies to skeptical queries. 2 Timothy has strong claim to authenticity whether we think in terms of its ties with other Pauline letters or its place in early Christian history. Calls to reject Paul’s authorship lack a compelling foundation.

Date, Place of Composition, and Destination

There is evidence that Paul’s first Roman imprisonment (Acts 28) ended in his release around AD 62 and was followed by a fourth missionary journey. It is most likely that during this ministry Paul wrote 1 Timothy and Titus. As Paul writes 2 Timothy, he knows his time of “departure is near” (4:6). He is “chained like a criminal” (2:9) and undergoing trial, the outcome of which could be “the lion’s mouth” (4:17). He was evidently arrested a second time by Roman authorities (under Nero, who reigned AD 54–68) and writes or dictates 2 Timothy from jail. He has been accused of a crime punishable by death. Yet he is confident that “the Lord will rescue [him]” and “bring [him] safely to [God’s] heavenly kingdom” (4:18). His physical circumstances seem hopeless, but he has not lost spiritual hope. Paul writes this second letter to Timothy from Roman imprisonment around AD 64–67.

Purpose and Recipient

This letter, clearly addressed to Timothy (1:2; see Introduction to 1 Timothy: Recipient), serves several purposes. (1) The final verse (4:22) may imply (“you all”) that the letter will be read to the entire Ephesian congregation; this means that 2 Timothy was a message not to Timothy alone but to a much wider circle of believers to whom Paul wished to reach out. (2) Paul is concerned for the integrity of the gospel message in an adverse age (1:14; 3:14; 4:2) and writes to reinforce Timothy’s commitment to it. (3) Paul writes to confirm his wish for Timothy to visit him as soon as possible (4:9; see 1:4). Paul experiences the pangs of human loneliness. Many have deserted him, including Phygelus, Hermogenes, and Demas (1:15; 4:10). Co-workers like Crescens, Titus, and Tychicus have left for ministry elsewhere (4:10, 12). His only companion is Luke (4:11). He needs Mark (4:11) but especially Timothy, whom he regards as a son (1:2; Phil 2:22) and who has for years shared closely in Paul’s labors (Rom 16:21; 1 Cor 4:17; Phil 2:20). 2 Timothy is Paul’s plea for Timothy to “come to me quickly” (4:9). (4) In the interim, he knows that Timothy needs encouragement. Paul steels Timothy for his duties by appealing to God’s grace, Christ’s enabling, his (Paul’s) own example, and the enemy’s folly. What Paul tells Timothy, Timothy must pass on to the people of the Ephesian church (2:2, 14). (5) The final chapter dignifies Timothy in his trials by issuing an ennobling charge to persevere for the sake of his eventual crown of righteousness as a gospel servant (4:1–8).


2 Timothy is a letter from an apostle to a younger co-worker and, by extension, to the churches among which this co-worker serves (see Introduction to 1 Timothy: Genre; see note on 1 Tim 6:21). The imminence of the author’s death adds the air of a last will and testament.


As in the case of 1 Timothy and Titus (see Introduction to 1 Timothy: Canonicity), there is evidence that 2 Timothy was known and cited as a Pauline writing by around AD 100. This helps account for the fairly uniform high regard that the letter has received throughout church history (until recent times in some circles).

Themes and Theology

The five nouns occurring most frequently in 2 Timothy are Lord (16), God (13), Jesus (13), Christ (13), and faith (9). This points to the centrality of the doctrines of God and of Christ in this letter, as well as the need for personal active faith. Based upon that bedrock, Paul offers deep insight into martyrdom (4:6–8), the unchangeable essence of the grace of the gospel that is to be passed on faithfully (2:1–3) until the Lord returns (1:12, 18; 4:1, 8), and the suffering that often attends discipleship (1:8, 12; 2:2, 9, 12; 3:11–12). Like Jesus, Paul found opposition to the gospel all around, and 2 Timothy gives hope that just as ancient forces arrayed against the Christian message did not prevail (2:14–18; 3:1–9; 4:3–4), so too the church today can go about its mission with confidence on the basis of the “sound teaching” that it lives out and guards “with the help of the Holy Spirit” (1:13–14).


I. Greeting and Reasons for Writing (1:1–18)

A. Greeting (1:1–2)

B. Thanksgiving (1:3–5)

C. Appeal for Loyalty to Paul and the Gospel (1:6–14)

D. Examples of Disloyalty and Loyalty (1:15–18)

II. Priorities for Timothy (2:1—3:9)

A. The Appeal Renewed (2:1–13)

B. Dealing With False Teachers (2:14—3:9)

III. Concluding Reminders, Instructions, and Greetings (3:10—4:22)

A. A Final Charge to Timothy (3:10—4:8)

B. Personal Remarks (4:9–18)

C. Final Greetings (4:19–22)