Ge 6:2 the d of humans were beautiful,
19:36 So both of Lot’s d became pregnant
Nu 36:10 So Zelophehad’s d did as
Joel 2:28 Your sons and d will prophesy,
Son of Jesse (Ru 4:17–22; 1Ch 2:13–15), ancestor of Jesus (Mt 1:1–17; Lk 3:31). Wives and children (1Sa 18; 25:39–44; 2Sa 3:2–5; 5:13–16; 11:27; 1Ch 3:1–9).
Anointed king by Samuel (1Sa 16:1–13). Musician to Saul (1Sa 16:14–23; 18:10). Killed Goliath (1Sa 17). Relation with Jonathan (1Sa 18:1–4; 19–20; 23:16–18; 2Sa 1). Disfavor of Saul (1Sa 18:6—23:29). Spared Saul’s life (1Sa 24; 26). Among Philistines (1Sa 21:10–14; 27–30). Lament for Saul and Jonathan (2Sa 1).
Anointed king of Judah (2Sa 2:1–11). Conflict with house of Saul (2Sa 2–4). Anointed king of Israel (2Sa 5:1–4; 1Ch 11:1–3). Conquered Jerusalem (2Sa 5:6–10; 1Ch 11:4–9). Brought ark to Jerusalem (2Sa 6; 1Ch 13; 15–16). The LORD promised eternal dynasty (2Sa 7; 1Ch 17; Ps 132). Showed kindness to Mephibosheth (2Sa 9). Adultery with Bathsheba, murder of Uriah (2Sa 11–12). Son Amnon raped daughter Tamar; killed by Absalom (2Sa 13). Absalom’s revolt (2Sa 14–17); death (2Sa 18). Sheba’s revolt (2Sa 20). Victories: Philistines (2Sa 5:17–25; 1Ch 14:8–17; 2Sa 21:15–22; 1Ch 20:4–8), Ammonites (2Sa 10; 1Ch 19), various (2Sa 8; 1Ch 18). Mighty men (2Sa 23:8–39; 1Ch 11–12). Punished for numbering army (2Sa 24; 1Ch 21). Appointed Solomon king (1Ki 1:28—2:9). Prepared for building of temple (1Ch 22–29). Last words (2Sa 23:1–7). Death (1Ki 2:10–12; 1Ch 29:28).
Psalmist (Mt 22:43–45), musician (Am 6:5), prophet (2Sa 23:2–7; Ac 1:16; 2:30).
Psalms of: 2 (Ac 4:25), 3–32, 34–41, 51–65, 68–70, 86, 95 (Heb 4:7), 101, 103, 108–110, 122, 124, 131, 133, 138–145.
Ps 37:6 righteous reward shine like the d,
Isa 14:12 heaven, morning star, son of the d!
Am 4:13 mankind, who turns d to darkness,
5:8 who turns midnight into d
Ps 65:8 where morning d, where evening
112:4 in darkness light d for the upright,
Hos 10:15 When that day d, the king of Israel
2Pe 1:19 the day d and the morning star
Ge 1:5 God called the light “d,”
1:5 there was morning—the first d.
1:8 there was morning—the second d.
1:13 there was morning—the third d.
1:19 there was morning—the fourth d.
1:23 there was morning—the fifth d.
1:31 there was morning—the sixth d.
2:2 so on the seventh d he rested
8:22 d and night will never cease.”
Ex 16:30 the people rested on the seventh d.
20:8 “Remember the Sabbath d
Lev 16:30 on this d atonement will be made
23:28 Do not do any work on that d, because it is the D of Atonement,
Nu 14:14 in a pillar of cloud by d
Jos 1:8 meditate on it d and night,
2Ki 7:9 This is a d of good news and we
25:30 D by d the king gave Jehoiachin
1Ch 16:23 proclaim his salvation d after d.
Ne 8:18 D after d, from the first d
Ps 84:10 Better is one d in your courts than
96:2 proclaim his salvation d after d.
118:24 The LORD has done it this very d;
Pr 27:1 do not know what a d may bring.
Isa 13:9 the d of the LORD is coming—
13:9 a cruel d, with wrath and fierce
Jer 46:10 But that d belongs to the Lord,
50:31 “for your d has come, the time
Eze 30:2 and say, “Alas for that d!”
Joel 1:15 Alas for that d! For the d
2:31 great and dreadful d of the LORD.
Am 3:14 “On the d I punish Israel for her
5:20 Will not the d of the LORD be
Ob 15 “The d of the LORD is near for all
Zep 1:14 The great d of the LORD is near—
Zec 2:11 be joined with the LORD in that d
14:1 A d of the LORD is coming,
14:7 a unique d—a d known only
Mal 4:5 dreadful d of the LORD comes.
Mt 24:38 up to the d Noah entered the ark;
Lk 11:3 Give us each d our daily bread.
17:24 in his d will be like the lightning,
Ac 5:42 D after d, in the temple courts
Ac 17:11 examined the Scriptures every d
17:17 as well as in the marketplace d by d
Ro 14:5 considers one d more sacred
14:5 another considers every d alike.
1Co 5:5 may be saved on the d of the Lord.
2Co 4:16 we are being renewed d by d.
11:25 a night and a d in the open sea,
1Th 5:2 the d of the Lord will come like
5:4 that this d should surprise you like
2Th 2:2 the d of the Lord has already come.
Heb 7:27 need to offer sacrifices d after d,
2Pe 3:8 the Lord a d is like a thousand
3:8 and a thousand years are like a d.
3:10 the d of the Lord will come like
Rev 6:17 great d of their wrath has come,
16:14 on the great d of God Almighty.
Dt 17:19 he is to read it all the d of his life so
32:7 Remember the d of old;
Ps 23:6 love will follow me all the d of my
34:12 and desires to see many good d,
39:5 You have made my d a mere
90:10 Our d may come to seventy years,
90:12 Teach us to number our d, that we
128:5 of Jerusalem all the d of your life.
Pr 31:12 not harm, all the d of her life.
Ecc 9:9 all the d of this meaningless life
12:1 Creator in the d of your youth,
Isa 38:20 stringed instruments all the d of
Da 7:9 and the Ancient of D took his seat.
7:13 He approached the Ancient of D
7:22 until the Ancient of D came
Hos 3:5 and to his blessings in the last d.
Joel 2:29 I will pour out my Spirit in those d.
Mic 4:1 In the last d the mountain
Lk 19:43 The d will come upon you
Ac 2:17 “ ‘In the last d, God says, I will
2Ti 3:1 will be terrible times in the last d.
Heb 1:2 in these last d he has spoken to us
2Pe 3:3 that in the last d scoffers will come,
Php 1:1 together with the overseers and d:
1Ti 3:8 way, d are to be worthy of respect,
3:10 against them, let them serve as d.
Lev 17:15 who eats anything found d or torn
Dt 18:11 or spiritist or who consults the d.
Job 26:6 realm of the d is naked before God;
Ps 49:15 me from the realm of the d;
Isa 8:19 Why consult the d on behalf
Mt 8:22 and let the d bury their own d.”
28:7 ‘He has risen from the d and is
Lk 15:24 For this son of mine was d and is
24:46 rise from the d on the third day,
Ac 2:27 abandon me to the realm of the d,
Ro 6:11 count yourselves d to sin but alive
1Co 15:29 who are baptized for the d?
Eph 2:1 you were d in your transgressions
1Th 4:16 and the d in Christ will rise first.
Jas 2:17 is not accompanied by action, is d.
2:26 As the body without the spirit is d, so faith without deeds is d.
Rev 14:13 Blessed are the d who die
20:12 The d were judged according
2Sa 1:26 you were very d to me.
Ps 102:14 her stones are d to your servants;
Jer 31:20 Is not Ephraim my d son, the child
Ac 15:25 to you with our d friends Barnabas
Ro 12:19 Do not take revenge, my d friends,
16:5 Greet my d friend Epenetus,
16:8 my d friend in the Lord.
16:9 in Christ, and my d friend Stachys.
16:12 Greet my d friend Persis,
1Co 4:14 but to warn you as my d children.
10:14 Therefore, my d friends,
15:58 my d brothers and sisters,
2Co 7:1 we have these promises, d friends,
2Co 12:19 and everything we do, d friends,
Gal 4:19 My d children, for whom I am
Eph 6:21 the d brother and faithful servant
Php 2:12 Therefore, my d friends, as you
4:1 in the Lord in this way, d friends!
Col 1:7 Epaphras, our d fellow servant,
4:7 is a d brother, a faithful minister
4:9 our faithful and d brother, who is
4:14 Our d friend Luke, the doctor,
1Ti 6:2 better because their masters are d
2Ti 1:2 To Timothy, my d son:
Phm 1 To Philemon our d friend
: 16 better than a slave, as a d brother.
: 16 He is very d to me but even dearer
Heb 6:9 we speak like this, d friends,
Jas 1:16 my d brothers and sisters.
1:19 My d brothers and sisters, take
2:5 Listen, my d brothers and sisters:
1Pe 2:11 D friends, I urge you, as foreigners
4:12 D friends, do not be surprised
2Pe 3:1 D friends, this is now my second
3:8 not forget this one thing, d friends:
3:14 So then, d friends, since you are
3:15 as our d brother Paul also wrote
3:17 Therefore, d friends, since you
1Jn 2:1 My d children, I write this to you
2:7 D friends, I am not writing you
2:12 I am writing to you, d children,
2:14 I write to you, d children,
2:18 D children, this is the last hour;
2:28 And now, d children,
3:2 D friends, now we are children
3:7 D children, do not let anyone lead
3:18 D children, let us not love
3:21 D friends, if our hearts do not
4:1 D friends, do not believe every
4:4 You, d children, are from God
4:7 D friends, let us love one another,
4:11 D friends, since God so loved us,
5:21 D children, keep yourselves
2Jn 5 And now, d lady, I am not writing
3Jn 1 To my d friend Gaius, whom I love
: 2 D friend, I pray that you may enjoy
: 5 D friend, you are faithful in what
: 11 D friend, do not imitate what is
Jude 3 D friends, although I was very
: 17 But, d friends, remember what
: 20 But you, d friends, by building
Phm 16 very dear to me but even d to you,
Ex 21:12 with a fatal blow is to be put to d.
Nu 35:16 the murderer is to be put to d.
Dt 30:19 I have set before you life and d,
Ru 1:17 if even d separates you and me.”
2Ki 4:40 of God, there is d in the pot!”
Ps 44:22 your sake we face d all day long;
89:48 Who can live and not see d, or who
116:15 of the LORD is the d of his faithful
Pr 8:36 all who hate me love d.”
11:19 but whoever pursues evil finds d.
14:12 right, but in the end it leads to d.
15:11 D and Destruction lie open before
16:25 right, but in the end it leads to d.
18:21 tongue has the power of life and d,
19:18 do not be a willing party to their d.
23:14 with the rod and save them from d.
Ecc 7:2 for d is the destiny of everyone;
Isa 25:8 he will swallow up d forever.
53:12 he poured out his life unto d,
Eze 18:23 pleasure in the d of the wicked?
18:32 no pleasure in the d of anyone,
33:11 no pleasure in the d of the wicked,
Da 9:26 the Anointed One will be put to d
Hos 13:14 I will redeem them from d.
13:14 Where, O d, are your plagues?
Jn 5:24 but has crossed over from d to life.
Ro 4:25 He was delivered over to d for our
5:12 and d through sin, and in this way d came to all
5:14 d reigned from the time of Adam
6:3 Jesus were baptized into his d?
6:23 For the wages of sin is d,
7:24 from this body that is subject to d?
8:13 Spirit you put to d the misdeeds
Ro 8:36 your sake we face d all day long;
1Co 15:21 For since d came through a man,
15:26 last enemy to be destroyed is d.
15:31 I face d every day—yes, just as
15:55 “Where, O d, is your victory?
2Ti 1:10 Jesus, who has destroyed d and has
Heb 2:14 by his d he might break the power
1Jn 5:16 a sin that does not lead to d,
5:16 There is a sin that leads to d.
Rev 1:18 I hold the keys of d and Hades.
2:11 not be hurt at all by the second d.
20:6 The second d has no power over
20:14 Then d and Hades were thrown
20:14 The lake of fire is the second d.
21:4 There will be no more d’
21:8 This is the second d.”
Ro 13:13 not in sexual immorality and d,
2Co 12:21 and d in which they have indulged.
Gal 5:19 sexual immorality, impurity and d;
Eph 5:18 drunk on wine, which leads to d.
1Pe 4:3 living in d, lust, drunkenness,
Dt 15:3 you must cancel any d your fellow
24:6 as security for a d,
1Sa 22:2 or in d or discontented gathered
Job 24:9 infant of the poor is seized for a d.
Mt 18:25 that he had be sold to repay the d.
18:27 canceled the d and let him go.
18:30 prison until he could pay the d.
18:32 said, ‘I canceled all that d of yours
Lk 7:43 who had the bigger d forgiven.”
Ro 13:8 Let no d remain outstanding,
13:8 the continuing d to love one
Isa 24:2 as for lender, for d as for creditor.
Dt 15:1 seven years you must cancel d.
15:2 canceling d has been proclaimed.
15:9 the year for canceling d, is near,”
31:10 in the year for canceling d,
2Ki 4:7 “Go, sell the oil and pay your d.
Ne 10:31 the land and will cancel all d.
Pr 22:26 in pledge or puts up security for d;
Mt 6:12 And forgive us our d, as we
Lk 7:42 back, so he forgave the d of both.
Ps 16:10 will you let your faithful one see d.
49:9 live on forever and not see d.
49:14 Their forms will d in the grave,
55:23 down the wicked into the pit of d;
Pr 12:4 a disgraceful wife is like d in his
Isa 5:24 so their roots will d and their
Hab 3:16 d crept into my bones, and my legs
Ac 2:27 will not let your holy one see d.
2:31 of the dead, nor did his body see d.
13:34 that he will never be subject to d.
13:35 will not let your holy one see d.’
13:37 raised from the dead did not see d.
Ro 8:21 be liberated from its bondage to d
Isa 53:9 nor was any d in his mouth.
Da 8:25 He will cause d to prosper, and he
Mk 7:22 greed, malice, d, lewdness, envy,
Jn 1:47 an Israelite in whom there is no d.”
Ac 13:10 You are full of all kinds of d
Ro 1:29 envy, murder, strife, d and malice.
3:13 their tongues practice d.”
1Pe 2:1 yourselves of all malice and all d,
2:22 and no d was found in his mouth.”
Jer 17:9 The heart is d above all things
Hos 10:2 Their heart is d, and now they
Zep 3:13 A d tongue will not be found
2Co 11:13 are false apostles, d workers,
Eph 4:14 of people in their d scheming.
4:22 is being corrupted by its d desires;
1Pe 3:10 evil and their lips from d speech.
Rev 21:27 who does what is shameful or d,
Mt 13:22 the d of wealth choke the word,
Mk 4:19 the d of wealth and the desires
Heb 3:13 of you may be hardened by sin’s d.
Lev 19:11 “ ‘Do not d one another.
Pr 14:5 An honest witness does not d,
Jer 37:9 Do not d yourselves, thinking,
Zec 13:4 garment of hair in order to d.
Mt 24:5 am the Messiah,’ and will d many.
24:11 will appear and d many people.
24:24 great signs and wonders to d,
Mk 13:6 ‘I am he,’ and will d many.
13:22 perform signs and wonders to d,
Ro 16:18 flattery they d the minds of naive
1Co 3:18 Do not d yourselves. If any of you
Gal 6:3 they are not, they d themselves.
Eph 5:6 no one d you with empty words,
Col 2:4 one may d you by fine-sounding
2Th 2:3 Don’t let anyone d you in any way,
Jas 1:22 to the word, and so d yourselves.
Jas 1:26 rein on their tongues d themselves,
1Jn 1:8 we d ourselves and the truth is not
Rev 20:8 to d the nations in the four corners
Ge 3:13 said, “The serpent d me, and I ate.”
Lk 21:8 “Watch out that you are not d.
1Co 6:9 Do not be d: Neither the sexually
2Co 11:3 just as Eve was d by the serpent’s
Gal 6:7 Do not be d: God cannot be
1Ti 2:14 Adam was not the one d; it was the woman who was d
2Ti 3:13 to worse, deceiving and being d.
Titus 3:3 d and enslaved by all kinds
Jas 1:16 Don’t be d, my dear brothers
Rev 13:14 it d the inhabitants of the earth.
20:10 And the devil, who d them,
Job 11:11 Surely he recognizes d; and when
Ps 49:5 when wicked d surround me—
2Jn 7 I say this because many d, who do
Pr 26:19 is one who d their neighbor
Jer 9:5 Friend d friend, and no one speaks
Mt 24:4 “Watch out that no one d you.
Mk 13:5 “Watch out that no one d you.
Jn 7:12 replied, “No, he d the people.”
2Th 2:10 that wickedness d those who are
Lev 6:2 the LORD by d a neighbor
1Ki 22:22 be a d spirit in the mouths of all
1Ti 4:1 the faith and follow d spirits
2Ti 3:13 to worse, d and being deceived.
Rev 20:3 from d the nations anymore until
1Ti 2:9 modestly, with d and propriety,
Ro 13:13 Let us behave d, as in the daytime,
Pr 14:8 ways, but the folly of fools is d.
26:26 malice may be concealed by d,
Mt 27:64 This last d will be worse than
2Co 4:2 we do not use d, nor do we distort
Titus 1:10 full of meaningless talk and d,
Pr 11:18 A wicked person earns d wages,
31:30 Charm is d, and beauty is fleeting;
Jer 7:4 Do not trust in d words and say,
Col 2:8 through hollow and d philosophy,
2Co 9:7 you should give what you have d
1Ch 16:24 D his glory among the nations,
Ps 19:1 The heavens d the glory of God;
96:3 D his glory among the nations,
Isa 42:9 taken place, and new things I d;
Ro 10:9 If you d with your mouth, “Jesus is
Mk 7:19 saying this, Jesus d all foods clean.)
Ro 2:13 the law who will be d righteous.
3:20 no one will be d righteous
1Ch 16:17 He confirmed it to Jacob as a d,
Ps 2:7 I will proclaim the LORD’s d:
7:6 Awake, my God; d justice.
81:4 this is a d for Israel, an ordinance
148:6 he issued a d that will never pass
Da 4:24 and this is the d the Most High has
Lk 2:1 days Caesar Augustus issued a d
Ro 1:32 they know God’s righteous d
Ps 78:5 He d statutes for Jacob
Jer 40:2 LORD your God d this disaster
La 3:37 it happen if the Lord has not d it?
Da 9:24 “Seventy ‘sevens’ are d for your
9:26 end, and desolations have been d.
Lk 22:22 Son of Man will go as it has been d.
Ge 26:5 my d and my instructions.”
Ex 15:26 his commands and keep all his d,
18:16 and inform them of God’s d
18:20 Teach them his d and instructions,
Lev 10:11 Israelites all the d the LORD has
18:4 laws and be careful to follow my d.
18:5 Keep my d and laws, for the person
18:26 you must keep my d and my laws.
Ps 119:12 to you, LORD; teach me your d.
119:16 I delight in your d; I will not
119:48 that I may meditate on your d.
119:112 on keeping your d to the very end.
Pr 20:25 It is a trap to d something rashly
Lev 21:12 it, because he has been d
Nu 18:6 d to the LORD to do the work
1Ki 8:63 all the Israelites d the temple
2Ch 29:31 “You have now d yourselves
Ne 3:1 They d it and set its doors in
Nu 6:2 a vow of d to the LORD as
6:9 the hair that symbolizes their d,
6:19 the hair that symbolizes their d,
Jn 10:22 the Festival of D at Jerusalem.
1Ti 5:11 sensual desires overcome their d
Jer 32:10 I signed and sealed the d, had it
32:16 I had given the d of purchase
Col 3:17 whether in word or d, do it all
2Th 2:17 strengthen you in every good d
Dt 3:24 or on earth who can do the d
4:34 or by great and awesome d, like all
34:12 or performed the awesome d
1Sa 2:3 knows, and by him d are weighed.
1Ch 16:24 his marvelous d among all peoples.
Job 34:25 Because he takes note of their d,
Ps 26:7 and telling of all your wonderful d.
45:4 right hand achieve awesome d.
65:5 us with awesome and righteous d,
66:3 to God, “How awesome are your d!
66:5 done, his awesome d for mankind!
71:17 day I declare your marvelous d.
72:18 who alone does marvelous d.
73:28 I will tell of all your d.
75:1 people tell of your wonderful d.
77:11 I will remember the d
Ps 77:12 and meditate on all your mighty d.”
78:4 next generation the praiseworthy d
78:7 would not forget his d but would
86:8 no d can compare with yours.
86:10 you are great and do marvelous d;
88:12 or your righteous d in the land
90:16 May your d be shown to your
92:4 For you make me glad by your d,
96:3 his marvelous d among all peoples.
107:8 and his wonderful d for mankind,
107:15 and his wonderful d for mankind,
107:21 and his wonderful d for mankind.
107:24 his wonderful d in the deep.
107:31 and his wonderful d for mankind.
107:43 ponder the loving d of the LORD.
111:3 Glorious and majestic are his d,
145:6 and I will proclaim your great d.
Jer 32:19 conduct and as their d deserve.
Hab 3:2 I stand in awe of your d, LORD.
Mt 5:16 that they may see your good d
11:19 wisdom is proved right by her d.”
Lk 1:51 He has performed mighty d with
23:41 we are getting what our d deserve.
Ac 26:20 their repentance by their d.
1Ti 6:18 good, to be rich in good d,
Heb 10:24 on toward love and good d,
Jas 2:14 claims to have faith but has no d?
2:18 Show me your faith without d, and I will show you my faith by my d.
2:20 that faith without d is useless?
2:26 is dead, so faith without d is dead.
1Pe 2:12 they may see your good d
Rev 2:19 I know your d, your love and faith,
2:23 each of you according to your d.
3:1 I know your d; you have
3:2 I have found your d unfinished
3:8 I know your d. See, I have placed
3:15 I know your d, that you are neither
14:13 labor, for their d will follow them.”
15:3 “Great and marvelous are your d,
Ge 1:2 was over the surface of the d,
8:2 Now the springs of the d
Job 34:22 There is no d shadow, no utter
Ps 42:7 D calls to d in the roar of your
Pr 25:27 search out matters that are too d.
Lk 5:4 “Put out into d water, and let down
1Co 2:10 things, even the d things of God.
1Ti 3:9 must keep hold of the d truths
Ps 42:1 As the d pants for streams of water,
Isa 48:11 How can I let myself be d?
1Co 6:7 have been completely d already.
Ps 72:4 May he d the afflicted among
74:22 Rise up, O God, and d your cause;
82:2 “How long will you d the unjust
82:3 D the weak and the fatherless;
119:154 D my cause and redeem me;
Pr 31:9 d the rights of the poor and needy.
Isa 1:17 seek justice. D the oppressed.
1:23 They do not d the cause
Jer 5:28 they do not d the just cause
50:34 He will vigorously d their cause so
Jer 22:16 He d the cause of the poor
Ex 22:2 the d is not guilty of bloodshed;
Ps 68:5 to the fatherless, a d of widows,
Pr 23:11 for their D is strong; he will take
Ps 10:18 d the fatherless and the oppressed,
Ro 2:15 and at other times even d them.)
Php 1:7 and, whether I am in chains or d
Dt 10:18 He d the cause of the fatherless
33:7 With his own hands he d his cause.
Isa 51:22 says, your God, who d his people:
Ex 15:2 LORD is my strength and my d;
Ps 35:23 Awake, and rise to my d!
Php 1:16 am put here for the d of the gospel.
Pr 13:12 Hope d makes the heart sick,
Da 1:8 Daniel resolved not to d himself
Mt 15:11 someone’s mouth does not d them,
Rev 14:4 are those who did not d themselves
Isa 24:5 The earth is d by its people;
Col 2:9 Christ all the fullness of the D lives
Ecc 5:4 a vow to God, do not d to fulfill it.
Isa 48:9 my own name’s sake I d my wrath;
Heb 10:37 coming will come and will not d.”
Rev 10:6 and said, “There will be no more d!
Ac 2:23 over to you by God’s d plan
Ps 141:4 do not let me eat their d.
Pr 23:3 Do not crave his d, for that food is
23:6 host, do not crave his d;
Pr 9:17 food eaten in secret is d!”
Lev 26:31 and I will take no d in the pleasing
Dt 30:9 The LORD will again d in you
1Sa 2:1 for I d in your deliverance.
15:22 “Does the LORD d in burnt
Ne 1:11 of your servants who d in revering
Job 22:26 you will find d in the Almighty
27:10 Will they find d in the Almighty?
Ps 1:2 but whose d is in the law
16:3 noble ones in whom is all my d.”
35:9 the LORD and d in his salvation.
35:27 those who d in my vindication
37:4 Take d in the LORD, and he will
43:4 of God, to God, my joy and my d.
51:16 You do not d in sacrifice, or I
51:19 you will d in the sacrifices
62:4 my lofty place; they take d in lies.
68:30 Scatter the nations who d in war.
111:2 are pondered by all who d in them.
112:1 who find great d in his commands.
119:16 I d in your decrees; I will not
119:24 Your statutes are my d; they are my
119:35 your commands, for there I find d.
119:47 for I d in your commands because
119:70 and unfeeling, but I d in your law.
119:77 I may live, for your law is my d.
119:92 If your law had not been my d,
119:143 but your commands give me d.
119:174 LORD, and your law gives me d.
147:10 his d in the legs of the warrior;
149:4 the LORD takes d in his people;
Pr 1:22 How long will mockers d
2:14 who d in doing wrong and rejoice
8:30 I was filled with d day after day,
18:2 but d in airing their own opinions.
23:26 and let your eyes d in my ways,
Ecc 2:10 My heart took d in all my labor,
SS 1:4 We rejoice and d in you;
2:3 I d to sit in his shade, and his fruit
Isa 11:3 he will d in the fear of the LORD.
13:17 for silver and have no d in gold.
32:14 forever, the d of donkeys,
42:1 my chosen one in whom I d;
55:2 you will d in the richest of fare.
58:13 if you call the Sabbath a d
61:10 I d greatly in the LORD;
62:4 for the LORD will take d in you,
65:18 for I will create Jerusalem to be a d
65:19 Jerusalem and take d in my people;
66:3 and they d in their abominations;
Isa 66:11 d in her overflowing abundance.”
Jer 9:24 earth, for in these I d,”
15:16 they were my joy and my heart’s d,
31:20 dear son, the child in whom I d?
49:25 abandoned, the town in which I d?
Eze 24:16 away from you the d of your eyes.
24:21 you take pride, the d of your eyes,
24:25 joy and glory, the d of their eyes,
Hos 7:3 “They d the king with their
Mic 1:16 for the children in whom you d;
7:18 angry forever but d to show mercy.
Zep 3:17 He will take great d in you;
Mt 12:18 the one I love, in whom I d;
Mk 12:37 large crowd listened to him with d.
Lk 1:14 He will be a joy and d to you,
Ro 7:22 in my inner being I d in God’s law;
1Co 13:6 Love does not d in evil but rejoices
2Co 12:10 for Christ’s sake, I d in weaknesses,
Col 2:5 and d to see how disciplined you
2Sa 22:20 he rescued me because he d in me.
1Ki 10:9 who has d in you and placed you
2Ch 9:8 who has d in you and placed you
Ps 18:19 he rescued me because he d in me.
Isa 5:7 of Judah are the vines he d in.
Lk 13:17 but the people were d with all
Ps 16:6 surely I have a d inheritance.
SS 1:2 for your love is more d than wine.
4:10 How d is your love, my sister,
Mal 3:12 for yours will be a d land,”
Pr 8:31 his whole world and d in mankind.
Est 6:6 for the man the king d to honor?”
Ps 22:8 deliver him, since he d in him.”
35:27 who d in the well-being of his
36:8 them drink from your river of d.
37:23 the steps of the one who d in him;
147:11 the LORD d in those who fear
Pr 3:12 loves, as a father the son he d in.
10:23 of understanding d in wisdom.
11:20 but he d in those whose ways are
12:22 d in people who are trustworthy.
14:35 A king d in a wise servant,
29:17 will bring you the d you desire.
Col 2:18 Do not let anyone who d in false
Woman who betrayed Samson (Jdg 16:4–22).
Dt 32:39 and no one can d out of my hand.
Ps 22:8 Let him d him, since he delights
72:12 he will d the needy who cry out,
79:9 d us and forgive our sins for your
109:21 of the goodness of your love, d me.
119:170 d me according to your promise.
Isa 50:2 Was my arm too short to d you?
Eze 7:19 gold will not be able to d them
Da 3:17 the God we serve is able to d us
Hos 13:14 will d this people from the power
Mt 6:13 but d us from the evil one.’
2Co 1:10 hope that he will continue to d us,
1Sa 2:1 my enemies, for I delight in your d.
Ps 3:8 From the LORD comes d.
32:7 and surround me with songs of d.
33:17 A horse is a vain hope for d;
Ob 17 But on Mount Zion will be d;
Job 33:28 God has d me from going down
Ps 34:4 he d me from all my fears.
71:23 praise to you—I whom you have d.
107:6 and he d them from their distress.
116:8 LORD, have d me from death,
Da 7:25 The holy people will be d into his
12:1 written in the book—will be d.
Ro 4:25 He was d over to death for our sins
Jdg 3:9 he raised up for them a d,
3:15 the LORD, and he gave them a d—
2Sa 22:2 is my rock, my fortress and my d;
2Ki 13:5 The LORD provided a d for Israel,
Ps 18:2 is my rock, my fortress and my d;
40:17 You are my help and my d;
70:5 You are my help and my d;
140:7 my strong d, you shield my head
144:2 stronghold and my d, my shield,
Ac 7:35 their ruler and d by God himself,
Ro 11:26 “The d will come from Zion;
Ps 34:17 he d them from all their troubles.
34:19 the LORD d him from them all;
37:40 The LORD helps them and d them;
2Th 2:11 God sends them a powerful d so
119:118 for their d come to nothing.
Lk 6:30 belongs to you, do not d it back.
Mt 9:33 And when the d was driven out,
11:18 drinking, and they say, ‘He has a d.’
17:18 Jesus rebuked the d, and it came
Mk 7:26 She begged Jesus to drive the d
7:29 the d has left your daughter.”
7:30 lying on the bed, and the d gone.
Lk 4:33 there was a man possessed by a d,
4:35 the d threw the man down before
7:33 wine, and you say, ‘He has a d.’
8:29 driven by the d into solitary places.
9:42 the d threw him to the ground
11:14 was driving out a d that was mute.
11:14 When the d left, the man who had
Jn 8:49 “I am not possessed by a d,”
10:21 sayings of a man possessed by a d. Can a d open the eyes
Mt 4:24 pain, the d, those having seizures,
8:16 many who were d were brought
8:28 two d men coming from the tombs
8:33 what had happened to the d men.
9:32 man who was d and could not talk
12:22 they brought him a d man who
15:22 My daughter is d and suffering
Mk 1:32 brought to Jesus all the sick and d.
5:16 what had happened to the d man—
5:18 the man who had been d begged
Lk 8:27 he was met by a d man
8:36 the people how the d man had
Jn 7:20 “You are d,” the crowd answered.
8:48 that you are a Samaritan and d?”
8:52 “Now we know that you are d!
10:20 said, “He is d and raving mad.
Ac 19:13 Lord Jesus over those who were d.
Mt 7:22 and in your name drive out d
8:31 The d begged Jesus, “If you drive
9:34 by the prince of d that he drives out d.”
10:8 who have leprosy, drive out d.
12:24 the prince of d, that this fellow drives out d.”
12:27 And if I drive out d by Beelzebul,
12:28 the Spirit of God that I drive out d,
Mk 1:34 He also drove out many d, but he
1:34 not let the d speak because they
1:39 synagogues and driving out d.
3:15 to have authority to drive out d.
3:22 the prince of d he is driving out d.”
5:12 The d begged Jesus, “Send us
5:15 been possessed by the legion of d,
6:13 They drove out many d
9:38 “we saw someone driving out d
16:9 of whom he had driven seven d.
Mk 16:17 they will drive out d;
Lk 4:41 d came out of many people,
8:2 from whom seven d had come out;
8:30 many d had gone into him.
8:32 The d begged Jesus to let them go
8:33 When the d came out of the man,
8:35 from whom the d had gone out,
8:38 man from whom the d had gone
9:1 authority to drive out all d
9:49 “we saw someone driving out d
10:17 even the d submit to us in your
11:15 the prince of d, he is driving out d.”
11:18 that I drive out d by Beelzebul.
11:19 Now if I drive out d by Beelzebul,
11:20 I drive out d by the finger of God,
13:32 ‘I will keep on driving out d
Ro 8:38 life, neither angels nor d,
1Co 10:20 of pagans are offered to d,
10:20 want you to be participants with d.
10:21 of the Lord and the cup of d too;
10:21 the Lord’s table and the table of d.
1Ti 4:1 spirits and things taught by d.
Jas 2:19 Good! Even the d believe that—
Rev 9:20 they did not stop worshiping d,
18:2 She has become a dwelling for d
Ac 26:20 d their repentance by their deeds.
Ro 3:25 He did this to d his righteousness,
3:26 he did it to d his righteousness
Ro 5:8 God d his own love for us in this:
1Co 2:4 but with a d of the Spirit’s power,
Da 6:16 and threw him into the lions’ d.
Mt 21:13 but you are making it ‘a d
Mk 11:17 But you have made it ‘a d
Lk 19:46 but you have made it ‘a d
Mt 26:70 But he d it before them all.
Mk 14:68 But he d it. “I don’t know
Lk 22:57 But he d it. “Woman, I don’t know
Jn 18:25 He d it, saying, “I am not.”
1Ti 5:8 has d the faith and is worse than
Rev 3:8 my word and have not d my name.
Job 34:5 am innocent, but God d me justice.
1Jn 2:22 It is whoever d that Jesus is
2:23 No one who d the Son has
Mt 8:20 “Foxes have d and birds have nests,
Ex 23:6 “Do not d justice to your poor
Job 27:5 till I die, I will not d my integrity.
Isa 5:23 bribe, but d justice to the innocent.
La 3:35 d people their rights before the
Am 2:7 and d justice to the oppressed.
Mt 16:24 be my disciple must d themselves
Mk 8:34 be my disciple must d themselves
Lk 9:23 be my disciple must d themselves
22:34 you will d three times that you
Ac 4:16 a notable sign, and we cannot d it.
Titus 1:16 but by their actions they d him.
Jas 3:14 not boast about it or d the truth.
Jude 4 d Jesus Christ our only Sovereign
Eze 22:29 the foreigner, d them justice.
2Ti 3:5 a form of godliness but d its power.
2Pe 2:1 even d the sovereign Lord who
1Jn 2:22 d the Father and the Son.
Ge 49:10 The scepter will not d from Judah,
Job 1:21 mother’s womb, and naked I will d.
Ecc 5:15 and as everyone comes, so they d.
Mt 25:41 to those on his left, ‘D from me,
Php 1:23 I desire to d and be with Christ,
1Sa 4:21 “The Glory has d from Israel”—
119:102 I have not d from your laws,
2Ti 2:18 who have d from the truth.
Lk 9:31 They spoke about his d, which he
2Ti 4:6 and the time for my d is near.
2Pe 1:15 after my d you will always be able
Da 2:21 he d kings and raises up others.
Mt 25:27 should have put my money on d
Lk 19:23 didn’t you put my money on d,
2Co 1:22 put his Spirit in our hearts as a d,
5:5 who has given us the Spirit as a d,
Eph 1:14 who is a d guaranteeing our
2Ti 1:14 Guard the good d that was
Eze 16:47 soon became more d than they.
23:11 she was more d than her sister.
Ro 1:28 God gave them over to a d mind,
2Ti 3:8 They are men of d minds, who,
2Pe 2:2 Many will follow their d conduct
2:7 was distressed by the d conduct
Dt 24:17 Do not d the foreigner
Pr 18:5 and so d the innocent of justice.
31:5 d all the oppressed of their rights.
Isa 10:2 to d the poor of their rights
29:21 with false testimony d the innocent
La 3:36 to d them of justice—would not
1Co 7:5 Do not d each other except
9:15 die than allow anyone to d me
Ps 130:1 Out of the d I cry to you, LORD;
Pr 11:12 Whoever d their neighbor has no
Eph 3:15 in heaven and on earth d its name.
Ro 10:7 “or ‘Who will d into the deep?’ ”
Jer 31:17 So there is hope for your d,”
Ge 28:12 of God were ascending and d on it.
Mt 3:16 saw the Spirit of God d like a dove
Mk 1:10 and the Spirit d on him like a dove.
Jn 1:51 and d on’ the Son of Man.”
Ne 13:17 you are doing—d the Sabbath day?
13:18 against Israel by d the Sabbath.”
Isa 56:2 keeps the Sabbath without d it,
56:6 who keep the Sabbath without d it
Eze 44:7 d my temple while you offered me
Pr 21:19 live in a d than with a quarrelsome
Isa 32:2 like streams of water in the d
32:15 and the d becomes a fertile field,
35:6 wilderness and streams in the d.
Gal 1:6 you are so quickly d the one who
Zec 11:17 shepherd, who d the flock!
Ge 40:15 I have done nothing to d being put
Lev 26:21 seven times over, as your sins d.
Jdg 20:10 can give them what they d for this
1Ki 2:26 You d to die, but I will not put you
Ps 28:4 bring back on them what they d.
94:2 pay back to the proud what they d.
103:10 he does not treat us as our sins d
Ecc 8:14 who get what the wicked d,
8:14 who get what the righteous d.
Isa 66:6 repaying his enemies all they d.
Jer 14:16 out on them the calamity they d.
17:10 according to what their deeds d.”
21:14 I will punish you as your deeds d,
32:19 their conduct and as their deeds d.
49:12 who do not d to drink the cup
La 3:64 Pay them back what they d,
Eze 16:59 I will deal with you as you d,
Zec 1:6 us what our ways and practices d,
Mt 8:8 I do not d to have you come under
22:8 those I invited did not d to come.
Lk 7:6 I do not d to have you come under
23:15 he has done nothing to d death.
23:41 we are getting what our deeds d.
Ro 1:32 those who do such things d death,
1Co 15:9 and do not even d to be called
16:18 Such men d recognition.
2Co 11:15 end will be what their actions d.
Rev 16:6 them blood to drink as they d.”
2Sa 19:28 descendants d nothing
Ezr 9:13 punished us less than our sins d
Job 33:27 is right, but I did not get what I d.
Ac 23:29 no charge against him that d death
Nu 35:31 the life of a murderer, who d to die.
Dt 25:2 If the guilty person d to be beaten,
25:2 the number of lashes the crime d,
Jdg 9:16 Have you treated him as he d?
Job 34:11 on them what their conduct d.
Jer 51:6 he will repay her what she d.
Lk 7:4 “This man d to have you do this,
10:7 for the worker d his wages.
Ac 26:31 is not doing anything that d death
1Ti 1:15 saying that d full acceptance:
4:9 saying that d full acceptance.
5:18 and “The worker d his wages.”
Heb 10:29 severely do you think someone d
Ge 3:16 Your d will be for your husband,
Dt 5:21 You shall not set your d on your
1Sa 9:20 whom is all the d of Israel turned,
2Sa 19:38 anything you d from me I will do
23:5 salvation and grant me my every d.
2Ki 9:15 “If you d to make me king,
1Ch 28:9 and understands every d and every
2Ch 1:11 “Since this is your heart’s d
9:8 and his d to uphold them forever,
Job 13:3 But I d to speak to the Almighty
21:14 We have no d to know your ways.
Ps 10:17 LORD, hear the d of the afflicted;
20:4 he give you the d of your heart
21:2 You have granted him his heart’s d
27:12 turn me over to the d of my foes,
40:6 and offering you did not d—
40:8 I d to do your will, my God;
40:14 may all who d my ruin be turned
41:2 them over to the d of their foes.
70:2 may all who d my ruin be turned
73:25 earth has nothing I d besides you.
Pr 3:15 nothing you d can compare
8:11 and nothing you d can compare
10:24 what the righteous d will be
11:23 The d of the righteous ends only
12:12 The wicked d the stronghold
19:2 D without knowledge is not good
Pr 24:1 wicked, do not d their company;
29:17 will bring you the delights you d.
Ecc 6:2 they lack nothing their hearts d,
12:5 along and d no longer is stirred.
SS 6:12 it, my d set me among the royal
7:10 to my beloved, and his d is for me.
Isa 26:8 and renown are the d of our hearts.
53:2 appearance that we should d him.
55:11 but will accomplish what I d
Eze 24:25 their heart’s d, and their sons
Hos 6:6 For I d mercy, not sacrifice,
Mic 7:3 the powerful dictate what they d—
Mal 3:1 covenant, whom you d, will come,”
Mt 9:13 ‘I d mercy, not sacrifice.’
12:7 what these words mean, ‘I d mercy,
Ro 7:18 For I have the d to do what is good,
9:16 depend on human d or effort,
10:1 my heart’s d and prayer to God
1Co 12:31 Now eagerly d the greater gifts.
14:1 and eagerly d gifts of the Spirit,
2Co 8:10 give but also to have the d to do so.
8:13 Our d is not that others might be
Php 1:23 I d to depart and be with Christ,
4:17 Not that I d your gifts; what I d is
2Th 1:11 fruition your every d for goodness
Heb 10:5 and offering you did not d,
10:8 and sin offerings you did not d,
13:18 d to live honorably in every way.
Jas 1:14 dragged away by their own evil d
1:15 after d has conceived, it gives birth
4:2 You d but do not have, so you kill.
2Pe 2:10 of those who follow the corrupt d
Ps 51:6 Yet you d faithfulness even
Hag 2:7 what is d by all nations will come,
Lk 22:15 them, “I have eagerly d to eat this
Ge 4:7 it d to have you, but you must rule
41:16 will give Pharaoh the answer he d.”
2Sa 3:21 rule over all that your heart d.”
14:14 But that is not what God d;
1Ki 11:37 will rule over all that your heart d;
1Ch 29:18 keep these d and thoughts
Job 17:11 Yet the d of my heart
31:16 “If I have denied the d of the poor
Ps 34:12 life and d to see many good days,
37:4 will give you the d of your heart.
103:5 who satisfies your d with good
140:8 Do not grant the wicked their d,
145:16 satisfy the d of every living thing.
145:19 He fulfills the d of those who fear
Pr 11:6 the unfaithful are trapped by evil d.
13:4 but the d of the diligent are fully
19:22 What a person d is unfailing love;
SS 2:7 arouse or awaken love until it so d.
3:5 arouse or awaken love until it so d.
8:4 arouse or awaken love until it so d.
Hab 2:4 puffed up; his d are not upright—
Mk 4:19 and the d for other things come
Jn 8:44 want to carry out your father’s d.
Ro 1:24 over in the sinful d of their hearts
6:12 body so that you obey its evil d.
8:5 their minds set on what the flesh d;
8:5 minds set on what the Spirit d.
13:14 how to gratify the d of the flesh.
Gal 5:16 and you will not gratify the d
5:17 For the flesh d what is contrary
5:24 the flesh with its passions and d.
Eph 2:3 and following its d and thoughts.
4:22 being corrupted by its deceitful d;
Col 3:5 lust, evil d and greed, which is
1Ti 3:1 to be an overseer d a noble task.
5:11 when their sensual d overcome
6:9 harmful d that plunge people
2Ti 2:22 Flee the evil d of youth and pursue
3:6 are swayed by all kinds of evil d,
4:3 to suit their own d, they will gather
Jas 1:20 the righteousness that God d.
4:1 from your d that battle within you?
1Pe 1:14 do not conform to the evil d you
2:11 to abstain from sinful d,
4:2 their earthly lives for evil human d,
2Pe 1:4 in the world caused by evil d.
2:18 to the lustful d of the flesh,
3:3 and following their own evil d.
1Jn 2:17 The world and its d pass away,
Jude 16 they follow their own evil d;
: 18 will follow their own ungodly d.”
Da 11:31 up the abomination that causes d.
12:11 abomination that causes d is set
Mt 24:15 ‘the abomination that causes d,’
2Co 1:8 to endure, so that we d of life itself.
2Sa 12:18 He may do something d.”
Job 6:26 say, and treat my d words as wind?
Ps 60:3 have shown your people d times;
79:8 to meet us, for we are in d need.
142:6 to my cry, for I am in d need;
2Sa 12:9 Why did you d the word
Job 5:17 so do not d the discipline
42:6 Therefore I d myself and repent
Ps 51:17 contrite heart you, God, will not d.
102:17 he will not d their plea.
Pr 1:7 fools d wisdom and instruction.
3:11 do not d the LORD’s discipline,
6:30 People do not d a thief if he steals
14:21 It is a sin to d one’s neighbor,
15:32 disregard discipline d themselves,
23:22 do not d your mother when she is
Jer 14:21 the sake of your name do not d us;
Am 5:21 “I hate, I d your religious festivals;
Zec 4:10 “Who dares d the day of small
Mt 6:24 devoted to the one and d the other.
18:10 do not d one of these little ones.
Lk 16:13 devoted to the one and d the other.
1Co 11:22 Or do you d the church of God
Titus 2:15 Do not let anyone d you.
2Pe 2:10 desire of the flesh and d authority.
Ge 25:34 and left. So Esau d his birthright.
Ps 22:6 by everyone, d by the people.
Pr 12:8 and one with a warped mind is d.
Isa 53:3 He was d and rejected by mankind,
1Co 1:28 of this world and the d things—
Lk 2:34 “This child is d to cause the falling
1Co 2:7 God d for our glory before time
Col 2:22 things that are all d to perish
1Th 3:3 quite well that we are d for them.
Heb 9:27 Just as people are d to die once,
1Pe 2:8 which is also what they were d for.
Job 8:13 Such is the d of all who forget God;
Ps 73:17 then I understood their final d.
Ecc 7:2 for death is the d of everyone;
9:2 All share a common d—
9:3 The same d overtakes all.
Isa 65:11 and fill bowls of mixed wine for D,
Php 3:19 Their d is destruction, their god is
Ps 102:17 will respond to the prayer of the d;
Pr 31:8 for the rights of all who are d.
Heb 11:37 in sheepskins and goatskins, d,
Ge 6:17 to d all life under the heavens,
9:11 will there be a flood to d the earth.”
Pr 1:32 complacency of fools will d them;
11:9 the godless d their neighbors,
Mt 10:28 of the One who can d both soul
Mk 14:58 say, ‘I will d this temple made
Lk 4:34 Have you come to d us?
Jn 10:10 comes only to steal and kill and d;
Ac 8:3 But Saul began to d the church.
Rev 11:18 destroying those who d the earth.”
Dt 8:19 you today that you will surely be d.
Job 19:26 And after my skin has been d,
Pr 6:15 he will suddenly be d—
11:3 but the unfaithful are d by their
29:1 many rebukes will suddenly be d—
Da 2:44 up a kingdom that will never be d,
6:26 his kingdom will not be d,
1Co 8:11 died, is d by your knowledge.
15:24 Father after he has d all dominion,
15:26 The last enemy to be d is death.
2Co 4:9 struck down, but not d.
5:1 if the earthly tent we live in is d,
Gal 5:15 out or you will be d by each other.
Eph 2:14 groups one and has d the barrier,
2Ti 1:10 who has d death and has brought
Heb 10:39 those who shrink back and are d,
2Pe 2:12 born only to be caught and d,
3:10 the elements will be d by fire,
3:11 Since everything will be d in this
Jude 5 later d those who did not believe.
: 11 they have been d in Korah’s
Jer 23:1 “Woe to the shepherds who are d
Pr 6:32 whoever does so d himself.
18:9 his work is brother to one who d.
28:24 wrong,” is partner to one who d.
Ecc 9:18 war, but one sinner d much good.
1Co 3:17 If anyone d God’s temple, God will
Nu 32:15 you will be the cause of their d.”
Ps 1:6 the way of the wicked leads to d.
Pr 16:18 Pride goes before d, a haughty
17:19 builds a high gate invites d.
24:22 for those two will send sudden d
Hos 13:14 Where, O grave, is your d?
Mt 7:13 broad is the road that leads to d,
Lk 6:49 collapsed and its d was complete.”
Jn 17:12 lost except the one doomed to d so
Ro 9:22 of his wrath—prepared for d?
1Co 5:5 over to Satan for the d of the flesh,
Gal 6:8 flesh, from the flesh will reap d;
Php 3:19 Their destiny is d, their god is their
1Th 5:3 d will come on them suddenly,
2Th 1:9 will be punished with everlasting d
2:3 is revealed, the man doomed to d.
1Ti 6:9 that plunge people into ruin and d.
2Pe 2:1 bringing swift d on themselves.
2:3 and their d has not been sleeping.
3:7 of judgment and d of the ungodly.
3:12 bring about the d of the heavens
3:16 other Scriptures, to their own d.
Rev 17:8 up out of the Abyss and go to its d.
17:11 to the seven and is going to his d.
2Pe 2:1 will secretly introduce d heresies,
Job 14:5 A person’s days are d;
Isa 14:26 This is the plan d for the whole
Da 11:36 what has been d must take place.
Dt 7:26 Regard it as vile and utterly d it,
119:163 I hate and d falsehood
Pr 8:7 is true, for my lips d wickedness.
13:19 soul, but fools d turning from evil.
16:12 Kings d wrongdoing, for a throne
24:9 are sin, and people d a mocker.
29:27 The righteous d the dishonest;
29:27 the wicked d the upright.
Am 5:10 and d the one who tells the truth.
Pr 6:16 hates, seven that are d to him:
21:27 The sacrifice of the wicked is d—
28:9 even their prayers are d.
Isa 1:13 Your incense is d to me.
41:24 whoever chooses you is d.
44:19 Shall I make a d thing from what is
Jer 44:4 ‘Do not do this d thing that I hate!’
Eze 8:13 doing things that are even more d.”
Lk 16:15 What people value highly is d
Titus 1:16 They are d, disobedient and unfit
1Pe 4:3 orgies, carousing and d idolatry.
Zec 11:8 The flock d me, and I grew weary
Dt 22:5 the LORD your God d anyone who
23:18 the LORD your God d them both.
25:16 the LORD your God d anyone who
Pr 3:32 For the LORD d the perverse
11:1 The LORD d dishonest scales,
11:20 The LORD d those whose hearts
12:22 The LORD d lying lips, but he
15:8 The LORD d the sacrifice
15:9 The LORD d the way
15:26 The LORD d the thoughts
16:5 The LORD d all the proud
17:15 the LORD d them both.
20:10 the LORD d them both.
20:23 The LORD d differing weights,
2Ch 8:15 They did not d from the king’s
Ps 81:12 hearts to follow their own d.
Mt 4:1 wilderness to be tempted by the d.
4:5 the d took him to the holy city
4:8 the d took him to a very high
4:11 Then the d left him, and angels
13:39 the enemy who sows them is the d.
25:41 the eternal fire prepared for the d
Lk 4:2 forty days he was tempted by the d.
4:3 The d said to him, “If you are
4:5 The d led him up to a high place
4:9 The d led him to Jerusalem and
4:13 d had finished all this tempting,
8:12 then the d comes and takes away
Jn 6:70 Yet one of you is a d!”
8:44 the d, and you want to carry
13:2 the d had already prompted Judas,
Ac 10:38 were under the power of the d,
13:10 “You are a child of the d
Eph 4:27 and do not give the d a foothold.
1Ti 3:6 under the same judgment as the d.
2Ti 2:26 and escape from the trap of the d,
Heb 2:14 power of death—that is, the d—
Jas 4:7 Resist the d, and he will flee
1Pe 5:8 Your enemy the d prowls around
1Jn 3:8 does what is sinful is of the d,
3:8 because the d has been sinning
3:10 and who the children of the d are:
Jude 9 disputing with the d about the
Rev 2:10 d will put some of you in prison
12:9 that ancient serpent called the d,
12:12 sea, because the d has gone down
20:2 serpent, who is the d, or Satan,
20:10 And the d, who deceived them,
Eph 6:11 your stand against the d schemes.
1Ti 3:7 into disgrace and into the d trap.
1Jn 3:8 was to destroy the d work.
2Sa 22:27 to the d you show yourself shrewd.
Ps 18:26 to the d you show yourself shrewd.
Pr 2:15 and who are d in their ways.
14:2 who despise him are d in their
21:8 The way of the guilty is d,
2Pe 1:16 we did not follow cleverly d stories
1Ch 22:19 Now d your heart and soul
2Ch 31:4 Levites so they could d themselves
Job 11:13 “Yet if you d your heart to him
Jer 30:21 who is he who will d himself to be
Mic 4:13 You will d their ill-gotten gains
1Co 7:5 you may d yourselves to prayer.
Col 4:2 D yourselves to prayer,
1Ti 1:4 or to d themselves to myths
4:13 d yourself to the public reading
Titus 3:8 may be careful to d themselves
3:14 people must learn to d themselves
1Ki 11:4 and his heart was not fully d
Ezr 7:10 For Ezra had d himself to the study
Mt 6:24 or you will be d to the one
Mk 7:11 is Corban (that is, d to God)—
Ac 2:42 They d themselves to the apostles’
18:5 Paul d himself exclusively
Ro 12:10 Be d to one another in love.
1Co 7:34 Her aim is to be d to the Lord
16:15 and they have d themselves
2Co 7:12 for yourselves how d to us you are.
1Ti 5:10 d herself to all kinds of good deeds.
2Ki 20:3 with wholehearted d and have
1Ch 28:9 serve him with wholehearted d
29:3 in my d to the temple of my God I
29:19 son Solomon the wholehearted d
2Ch 32:32 acts of d are written in the vision
35:26 and his acts of d in accordance
Job 15:4 piety and hinder d to God.
Isa 38:3 wholehearted d and have done
Jer 2:2 “ ‘I remember the d of your
1Co 7:35 way in undivided d to the Lord.
2Co 11:3 your sincere and pure d to Christ.
2Sa 2:26 to Joab, “Must the sword d forever?
Mk 12:40 They d widows’ houses
Gal 5:15 If you bite and d each other,
1Pe 5:8 lion looking for someone to d.
Jer 30:16 all who devour you will be d;
2Sa 11:25 the sword d one as well as another.
1Ki 18:3 (Obadiah was a d believer
Isa 57:1 the d are taken away, and no one
Lk 2:25 Simeon, who was righteous and d.
Ac 10:2 He and all his family were d
10:7 and a d soldier who was one of his
13:43 d converts to Judaism followed
22:12 He was a d observer of the law
Jdg 6:37 If there is d only on the fleece
Jer 36:4 while Jeremiah d all the words
Ge 2:17 eat from it you will certainly d.”
3:3 must not touch it, or you will d.’ ”
3:4 “You will not certainly d,”
Ex 11:5 Every firstborn son in Egypt will d,
Ru 1:17 Where you d I will d, and there I
2Ki 14:6 each will d for their own sin.”
Job 2:9 Curse God and d!”
Pr 5:23 For lack of discipline they will d,
10:21 many, but fools d for lack of sense.
11:7 placed in mortals d with them;
15:10 one who hates correction will d.
23:13 them with the rod, they will not d.
Ecc 3:2 a time to be born and a time to d,
Isa 22:13 you say, “for tomorrow we d!”
66:24 the worms that eat them will not d,
Jer 31:30 everyone will d for their own sin;
Eze 3:18 wicked person will d for their sin,
3:19 ways, they will d for their sin;
3:20 them, they will d for their sin.
18:4 one who sins is the one who will d.
18:20 who sins is the one who will d.
18:31 Why will you d, people of Israel?
33:8 wicked person will d for their sin,
Mt 26:52 all who draw the sword will d
Mk 9:48 worms that eat them do not d,
Jn 8:21 for me, and you will d in your sin.
11:25 will live, even though they d;
11:26 by believing in me will never d.
Ro 5:7 Very rarely will anyone d
14:8 if we d, we d for the Lord.
1Co 15:22 For as in Adam all d, so in Christ
15:32 eat and drink, for tomorrow we d.”
Php 1:21 to live is Christ and to d is gain.
Heb 9:27 as people are destined to d once,
1Pe 2:24 so that we might d to sins and live
Rev 14:13 Blessed are the dead who d
1Ki 16:18 palace on fire around him. So he d,
1Ch 1:51 Hadad also d. The chiefs of Edom
10:13 Saul d because he was unfaithful
Lk 16:22 rich man also d and was buried.
Ro 5:6 Christ d for the ungodly.
5:8 were still sinners, Christ d for us.
6:2 We are those who have d to sin;
6:7 anyone who has d has been set free
6:8 Now if we d with Christ, we believe
6:10 The death he d, he d to sin once
14:9 Christ d and returned to life so
14:15 someone for whom Christ d.
1Co 8:11 for whom Christ d, is destroyed
15:3 that Christ d for our sins according
2Co 5:14 we are convinced that one d for all, and therefore all d.
5:15 he d for all, that those who live
Col 2:20 Since you d with Christ
3:3 For you d, and your life is now
1Th 4:14 we believe that Jesus d and rose
5:10 He d for us so that, whether we are
2Ti 2:11 If we d with him, we will also live
Heb 9:15 that he has d as a ransom to set
9:17 force only when somebody has d;
Rev 2:8 Last, who d and came to life again.
Job 14:14 If someone d, will they live again?
Pr 26:20 without a gossip a quarrel d down.
Jn 12:24 But if it d, it produces many seeds.
Ro 7:2 if her husband d, she is released
14:7 none of us d for ourselves alone.
1Co 7:39 But if her husband d, she is free
15:36 does not come to life unless it d.
2Sa 19:35 Can I tell the d between what is
2Ch 12:8 learn the d between serving me
Eze 22:26 there is no d between the unclean
44:23 my people the d between the holy
Ro 3:22 There is no d between Jew
10:12 For there is no d between Jew
Gal 2:6 whatever they were makes no d
1Co 11:19 there have to be d among you
Lev 19:19 “ ‘Do not mate d kinds
Nu 14:24 my servant Caleb has a d spirit
1Sa 10:6 will be changed into a d person.
Est 1:7 of gold, each one d from the other,
3:8 Their customs are d from those
Eze 15:2 how is the wood of a vine d
Da 7:3 beasts, each d from the others,
7:7 It was d from all the former beasts,
7:19 which was d from all the others
7:23 It will be d from all the other
7:24 will arise, d from the earlier ones;
11:29 this time the outcome will be d
Mk 16:12 Jesus appeared in a d form
Ro 12:6 We have d gifts,
1Co 4:7 makes you d from anyone else?
12:4 There are d kinds of gifts,
12:5 There are d kinds of service,
12:6 There are d kinds of working,
12:10 to another speaking in d kinds
12:28 and of d kinds of tongues.
2Co 11:4 receive a d spirit from the Spirit
11:4 or a d gospel from the one you
Gal 1:6 and are turning to a d gospel—
4:1 underage, he is no d from a slave,
Heb 7:13 are said belonged to a d tribe,
Jas 2:25 and sent them off in a d direction?
Dt 25:13 Do not have two d weights in your
25:14 Do not have two d measures in
Pr 20:10 D weights and d measures—
20:23 The LORD detests d weights,
1Co 15:41 and star d from star in splendor.
Ex 18:22 but have them bring every d case
Dt 30:11 commanding you today is not too d
2Ki 2:10 “You have asked a d thing,”
Ac 15:19 that we should not make it d
2Co 12:10 in hardships, in persecutions, in d.
Pr 31:25 She is clothed with strength and d;
Pr 26:27 Whoever d a pit will fall into it;
2Ch 24:13 men in charge of the work were d,
Pr 10:4 poverty, but d hands bring wealth.
12:24 D hands will rule, but laziness ends
12:27 d feed on the riches of the hunt.
13:4 desires of the d are fully satisfied.
21:5 The plans of the d lead to profit as
1Ti 4:15 Be d in these matters;
Only daughter of Jacob, by Leah (Ge 30:21; 46:15). Raped by Shechem; avenged by Simeon and Levi (Ge 34).
Pr 23:1 When you sit to d with a ruler,
3Jn 9 but D, who loves to be first,
Ge 18:19 so that he will d his children and
Ps 119:35 D me in the path of your
119:133 D my footsteps according to your
Jer 10:23 it is not for them to d their steps.
2Th 3:5 May the Lord d your hearts
1Ti 5:17 The elders who d the affairs
Ge 24:51 master’s son, as the LORD has d.”
Nu 16:40 as the LORD d him through
Dt 2:1 Red Sea, as the LORD had d me.
6:1 laws the LORD your God d me
Jos 11:9 did to them as the LORD had d:
11:23 just as the LORD had d Moses,
Pr 20:24 A person’s steps are d
Jer 13:2 as the LORD d, and put it around
Ac 7:44 It had been made as God d Moses,
Titus 1:5 elders in every town, as I d you.
1Co 11:17 In the following d I have no praise
2Sa 4:4 to leave, he fell and became d.
Jn 5:3 a great number of d people used
Heb 12:13 so that the lame may not be d,
Ac 15:39 They had such a sharp d that they
Mt 5:18 until heaven and earth d,
5:18 by any means d from the Law until
Lk 16:17 earth to d than for the least stroke
Heb 8:13 obsolete and outdated will soon d.
2Pe 3:10 The heavens will d with a roar;
1Ki 20:40 busy here and there, the man d.”
1Co 13:10 comes, what is in part d.
Pr 24:18 the LORD will see and d and turn
Col 2:15 And having d the powers
Ex 32:12 and do not bring d on your people.
Ps 57:1 your wings until the d has passed.
Pr 1:26 turn will laugh when d strikes you;
3:25 Have no fear of sudden d
6:15 Therefore d will overtake him
16:4 even the wicked for a day of d.
17:5 whoever gloats over d will not go
27:10 house when d strikes you—
Isa 45:7 I bring prosperity and create d;
Jer 17:17 you are my refuge in the day of d.
Eze 7:5 Unheard-of d! See, it comes!
Ps 19:12 But who can d their own errors?
139:3 You d my going out and my lying
Php 1:10 you may be able to d what is best
1Co 2:14 because they are d only through
1Ki 3:9 So give your servant a d heart
3:12 I will give you a wise and d heart,
Pr 1:5 and let the d get guidance—
8:9 To the d all of them are right;
10:13 is found on the lips of the d,
14:6 knowledge comes easily to the d.
14:33 reposes in the heart of the d
15:14 The d heart seeks knowledge,
16:21 The wise in heart are called d,
17:10 A rebuke impresses a d person
17:24 A d person keeps wisdom in view,
17:28 and d if they hold their tongues.
18:15 heart of the d acquires knowledge,
19:25 rebuke the d, and they will gain
28:7 A d son heeds instruction,
28:11 and d sees how deluded they are.
1Co 11:31 if we were more d with regard
119:125 give me d that I may understand
Ecc 8:8 As no one is d in time of war,
1Co 9:17 I am simply d the trust committed
Mt 10:42 of these little ones who is my d,
Mt 13:52 of the law who has become a d
Lk 14:26 such a person cannot be my d.
14:27 and follow me cannot be my d.
Jn 13:23 of them, the d whom Jesus loved,
19:26 and the d whom he loved standing
21:7 the d whom Jesus loved said
21:20 that the d whom Jesus loved was
Mt 10:1 Jesus called his twelve d to him
26:56 Then all the d deserted him
28:19 go and make d of all nations,
Mk 3:7 withdrew with his d to the lake,
16:20 Then the d went out and
Lk 6:13 he called his d to him and chose
14:33 you have cannot be my d.
Jn 2:11 and his d believed in him.
6:66 time many of his d turned back
8:31 my teaching, you are really my d.
12:16 At first his d did not understand all
13:35 will know that you are my d, if you
15:8 showing yourselves to be my d.
20:20 The d were overjoyed when they
Ac 6:1 the number of d was increasing,
11:26 The d were called Christians first
14:22 strengthening the d and
18:23 Phrygia, strengthening all the d.
Jn 13:5 basin and began to wash his d feet,
Dt 4:36 made you hear his voice to d you.
11:2 experienced the d of the LORD
21:18 listen to them when they d him,
Job 5:17 so do not despise the d
Ps 6:1 your anger or d me in your wrath.
38:1 your anger or d me in your wrath.
39:11 rebuke and d anyone for their sin,
94:12 Blessed is the one you d, LORD,
Pr 3:11 do not despise the LORD’s d,
5:12 You will say, “How I hated d!
5:23 For lack of d they will die,
10:17 Whoever heeds d shows the way
12:1 Whoever loves d loves knowledge,
13:18 Whoever disregards d comes
13:24 their children is careful to d them.
15:5 A fool spurns a parent’s d,
15:10 Stern d awaits anyone who leaves
Pr 15:32 disregard d despise themselves,
19:18 D your children, for in that there is
19:20 Listen to advice and accept d,
22:15 the rod of d will drive it far away.
23:13 Do not withhold d from a child;
29:17 D your children, and they will give
Jer 10:24 D me, LORD, but only in due
17:23 would not listen or respond to d.
30:11 I will d you but only in due
32:33 would not listen or respond to d.
46:28 I will d you but only in due
Hos 5:2 I will d all of them.
1Co 4:21 Shall I come to you with a rod of d,
Heb 12:5 do not make light of the Lord’s d,
12:7 Endure hardship as d;
12:8 and everyone undergoes d—
12:11 No d seems pleasant at the time,
Rev 3:19 Those whom I love I rebuke and d.
Isa 26:16 when you d them, they could
Jer 31:18 ‘You d me like an unruly calf, and I have been d.
1Co 11:32 we are being d so that we will not
Col 2:5 delight to see how d you are
Titus 1:8 upright, holy and d.
Heb 12:7 For what children are not d by
12:8 If you are not d—
12:9 all had human fathers who d us
12:10 They d us for a little while as they
Dt 8:5 as a man d his son, so the LORD your God d you.
Ps 94:10 Does he who d nations not punish?
Pr 3:12 because the LORD d those he
Heb 12:6 the Lord d the one he loves,
12:10 God d us for our good, in order
Lk 8:17 nothing hidden that will not be d,
Col 1:26 but is now d to the Lord’s people.
Heb 9:8 had not yet been d as long as
Gal 5:20 hatred, d, jealousy, fits of rage,
Nu 32:9 they d the Israelites from entering
Dt 1:21 Do not be afraid; do not be d.”
31:8 Do not be afraid; do not be d.”
Jos 1:9 do not be d, for the LORD your
8:1 “Do not be afraid; do not be d.
10:25 “Do not be afraid; do not be d.
1Ch 22:13 Do not be afraid or d.
28:20 Do not be afraid or d,
2Ch 20:15 or d because of this vast army.
20:17 Do not be afraid; do not be d.
32:7 or d because of the king of Assyria
Job 4:5 comes to you, and you are d;
Isa 42:4 or be d till he establishes justice
Eph 3:13 not to be d because of my
Col 3:21 children, or they will become d.
Ex 6:9 not listen to him because of their d
2Ki 23:24 that Hilkiah the priest had d
2Co 6:3 so that our ministry will not be d.
1Ch 22:12 May the LORD give you d
Pr 1:4 knowledge and d to the young—
2:11 D will protect you,
3:21 preserve sound judgment and d;
5:2 that you may maintain d and your
8:12 I possess knowledge and d.
11:22 beautiful woman who shows no d.
Ac 15:9 He did not d between us and them,
Jas 2:4 have you not d among yourselves
Nu 12:10 saw that she had a defiling skin d,
Mt 4:23 healing every d and sickness
Mt 9:35 and healing every d and sickness.
10:1 and to heal every d and sickness.
Ps 103:3 all your sins and heals all your d,
Mt 8:17 up our infirmities and bore our d.”
Mk 3:10 those with d were pushing forward
Lk 9:1 drive out all demons and to cure d,
Mt 6:16 they d their faces to show others
Isa 52:14 his appearance was so d beyond
Ps 44:15 I live in d all day long, and my face
52:1 who are a d in the eyes of God?
74:21 not let the oppressed retreat in d;
Pr 6:33 Blows and d are his lot, and his
11:2 then comes d, but with humility
19:26 is a child who brings shame and d.
Mt 1:19 not want to expose her to public d,
Ac 5:41 of suffering d for the Name.
1Co 11:6 if it is a d for a woman to have her
11:14 man has long hair, it is a d to him,
1Ti 3:7 so that he will not fall into d
Heb 6:6 and subjecting him to public d.
11:26 regarded d for the sake of Christ
13:13 the camp, bearing the d he bore.
Pr 10:5 sleeps during harvest is a d son.
12:4 a d wife is like decay in his bones.
17:2 servant will rule over a d son
Hos 4:7 glorious God for something d.
1Co 14:35 for it is d for a woman to speak
Pr 26:24 Enemies d themselves with their
1Th 5:14 encourage the d, help the weak,
Ex 18:21 trustworthy men who hate d gain
Lev 19:35 “ ‘Do not use d standards
1Sa 8:3 They turned aside after d gain
Pr 11:1 The LORD detests d scales,
13:11 D money dwindles away,
20:23 and d scales do not please him.
29:27 The righteous detest the d;
Jer 22:17 your heart are set only on d gain,
Eze 28:18 d trade you have desecrated your
Hos 12:7 The merchant uses d scales
Am 8:5 price and cheating with d scales,
Mic 6:11 I acquit someone with d scales,
Lk 16:8 commended the d manager
16:10 whoever is d with very little will also be d with much.
1Ti 3:8 wine, and not pursuing d gain.
Titus 1:7 not violent, not pursuing d gain.
1:11 and that for the sake of d gain.
1Pe 5:2 not pursuing d gain, but eager
Lev 18:7 “ ‘Do not d your father by having
18:8 that would d your father.
18:10 that would d you.
18:14 “ ‘Do not d your father’s brother
18:16 that would d your brother.
20:19 for that would d a close relative;
Dt 22:30 he must not d his father’s bed.
Pr 30:9 and so d the name of my God.
Jer 14:21 do not d your glorious throne.
20:11 their d will never be forgotten.
La 2:2 princes down to the ground in d.
Eze 22:10 are those who d their father’s bed;
Jn 8:49 I honor my Father and you d me.
Ro 2:23 do you d God by breaking the law?
1Co 13:5 It does not d others, it is not
15:43 it is sown in d, it is raised in glory;
2Co 6:8 through glory and d, bad report
Lev 20:11 his father’s wife, he has d his father.
Lev 20:17 He has d his sister and will be held
20:20 with his aunt, he has d his uncle.
20:21 of impurity; he has d his brother.
Dt 21:14 her as a slave, since you have d her.
Ezr 4:14 not proper for us to see the king d,
1Co 4:10 You are honored, we are d!
Jas 2:6 But you have d the poor. Is it not