1Sa 7:12 “Thus far the LORD has h us.”

Ac 26:22 But God has h me to this very day;


Ge 2:18 I will make a h suitable for him.”

Ps 10:14 you are the h of the fatherless.

Heb 13:6 confidence, “The Lord is my h;


Eph 4:29 only what is h for building others


Ac 9:36 always doing good and h the poor.

1Co 12:28 gifts of healing, of h, of guidance,

1Ti 5:10 h those in trouble and devoting


Ps 10:12 hand, O God. Do not forget the h.

Mt 9:36 because they were harassed and h,


Ro 8:26 the Spirit h us in our weakness.


Zec 6:14 H son of Zephaniah as a memorial

Mt 23:37 as a h gathers her chicks under her

Lk 13:34 as a h gathers her chicks under her


1Ti 2:7 this purpose I was appointed a h

2Ti 1:11 of this gospel I was appointed a h


Ex 12:8 along with bitter h, and bread


Ps 61:5 you have given me the h of those

119:111 Your statutes are my h forever;

127:3 Children are a h from the LORD,


2Sa 23:1 of Jacob, the h of Israel’s songs:


1. King of Judea who tried to kill Jesus (Mt 2; Lk 1:5).

2. Son of 1. Tetrarch of Galilee who arrested and beheaded John the Baptist (Mt 14:1–12; Mk 6:14–29; Lk 3:1, 19–20; 9:7–9); tried Jesus (Lk 23:6–15).

3. Grandson of 1. King of Judea who killed James (Ac 12:2); arrested Peter (Ac 12:3–19). Death (Ac 12:19–23).


Wife of Herod the tetrarch who persuaded her daughter to ask for John the Baptist’s head (Mt 14:1–12; Mk 6:14–29).


Isa 51:1 the quarry from which you were h;


King of Judah. Restored the temple and worship (2Ch 29–31). Sought the Lord for help against Assyria (2Ki 18–19; 2Ch 32:1–23; Isa 36–37). Illness healed (2Ki 20:1–11; 2Ch 32:24–26; Isa 38). Judged for showing Babylonians his treasures (2Ki 20:12–21; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 39).


Ge 3:8 they h from the LORD God among

Ex 2:2 child, she h him for three months.

Jos 6:17 because she h the spies we sent.

1Ki 18:13 I h a hundred of the LORD’s

2Ch 22:11 she h the child from Athaliah so

Isa 54:8 In a surge of anger I h my face

Mt 13:44 a man found it, he h it again,

25:25 out and h your gold in the ground.

Heb 11:23 By faith Moses’ parents h him for


1Sa 10:22 “Yes, he has h himself among

Job 28:11 rivers and bring h things to light.

Ps 19:12 Forgive my h faults.

119:11 I have h your word in my heart

Pr 2:4 and search for it as for h treasure,

27:5 Better is open rebuke than h love.

Isa 59:2 your sins have h his face from you,

Da 2:22 He reveals deep and h things;

Mt 5:14 A town built on a hill cannot be h.

10:26 or h that will not be made known.

11:25 because you have h these things

13:35 utter things h since the creation

13:44 heaven is like treasure h in a field.

Mk 4:22 For whatever is h is meant to be

Ro 16:25 of the mystery h for long ages past,

1Co 2:7 a mystery that has been h

Eph 3:9 for ages past was kept h in God,

Col 1:26 that has been kept h for ages

2:3 in whom are h all the treasures

3:3 and your life is now h with Christ


Dt 31:17 I will h my face from them,

Ps 17:8 h me in the shadow of your wings

27:5 he will h me in the shelter of his

143:9 LORD, for I h myself in you.

Isa 53:3 whom people h their faces he was


Ps 32:7 You are my h place;

Pr 28:12 rise to power, people go into h.


Ge 14:18 He was priest of God Most H,

14:22 God Most H, Creator of heaven

Ps 21:7 the Most H he will not be shaken.

82:6 you are all sons of the Most H.’

Isa 14:14 will make myself like the Most H.”

Da 4:17 the Most H is sovereign over all

Mk 5:7 me, Jesus, Son of the Most H God?

Heb 7:1 Salem and priest of God Most H.


Isa 40:3 in the desert a h for our God.


Isa 40:4 every mountain and h made low;

Mt 5:14 town built on a h cannot be hidden

Lk 3:5 every mountain and h made low.


1Ki 20:23 him, “Their gods are gods of the h.

Ps 50:10 and the cattle on a thousand h.

Hos 10:8 and to the h, “Fall on us!”

Lk 23:30 and to the h, “Cover us!” ’

Rev 17:9 The seven heads are seven h


1Sa 14:6 Nothing can h the LORD

Mt 19:14 do not h them, for the kingdom

1Co 9:12 anything rather than h the gospel

1Pe 3:7 so that nothing will h your prayers.


Lk 11:52 and you have h those who were


Heb 12:1 let us throw off everything that h


Eph 5:3 you there must not be even a h


Ge 32:32 of Jacob’s h was touched near


King of Tyre; helped David build his palace (2Sa 5:11–12; 1Ch 14:1); helped Solomon build the temple (1Ki 5; 2Ch 2) and his navy (1Ki 9:10–27; 2Ch 8).


Lk 15:15 and h himself out to a citizen

Jn 10:12 The h hand is not the shepherd


Ecc 5:13 wealth h to the harm of its owners,

Isa 23:18 they will not be stored up or h.

Jas 5:3 You have h wealth in the last days.


Pr 11:26 People curse the one who h grain,


Ex 20:7 LORD will not h anyone guiltless

Lev 19:13 “ ‘Do not h back the wages

Dt 5:11 LORD will not h anyone guiltless

11:22 to him and to h fast to him—

13:4 serve him and h fast to him.

30:20 to his voice, and h fast to him.

Jos 22:5 to h fast to him and to serve him

2Ki 4:16 “you will h a son in your arms.”

Ps 18:16 from on high and took h of me;

73:23 you h me by my right hand.

Pr 4:4 “Take h of my words with all your

10:19 but the prudent h their tongues.

17:28 discerning if they h their tongues.

Isa 41:13 the LORD your God who takes h

54:2 tent curtains wide, do not h back;

Eze 3:18 I will h you accountable for their

3:20 I will h you accountable for their

33:6 I will h the watchman accountable

Zec 8:23 nations will take firm h of one Jew

Mk 11:25 if you h anything against anyone,

Jn 20:17 Jesus said, “Do not h on to me,

Php 2:16 as you h firmly to the word of life.

3:12 I press on to take h of that

Col 1:17 and in him all things h together.

1Th 5:21 test them all; h on to what is good,

1Ti 6:12 Take h of the eternal life

Heb 10:23 Let us h unswervingly to the hope


Jer 15:6 I am tired of h back.


Hag 1:6 to put them in a purse with h in it.”


Ex 15:11 majestic in h, awesome in glory,

Dt 32:51 you did not uphold my h among

1Ch 16:29 the LORD in the splendor of his h.

2Ch 20:21 the splendor of his h as they went

Ps 29:2 the LORD in the splendor of his h.

89:35 for all, I have sworn by my h

93:5 h adorns your house for endless

96:9 the LORD in the splendor of his h;

Isa 29:23 they will acknowledge the h

35:8 it will be called the Way of H;

Eze 36:23 I will show the h of my great name,

38:23 I will show my greatness and my h,

Am 4:2 LORD has sworn by his h:

Lk 1:75 in h and righteousness before him

Ro 1:4 Spirit of h was appointed the Son

6:19 to righteousness leading to h.

6:22 the benefit you reap leads to h,

1Co 1:30 righteousness, h and redemption.

2Co 7:1 perfecting h out of reverence

Eph 4:24 God in true righteousness and h.

1Ti 2:2 quiet lives in all godliness and h.

2:15 in faith, love and h with propriety.

Heb 12:10 in order that we may share in his h.

12:14 without h no one will see the Lord.


Ge 2:3 the seventh day and made it h,

Ex 3:5 you are standing is h ground.”

16:23 rest, a h sabbath to the LORD.

19:6 kingdom of priests and a h nation.’

20:8 the Sabbath day by keeping it h.

Ex 26:33 curtain will separate the H Place from the Most H Place.

28:36 on a seal: H TO THE LORD.

29:37 Then the altar will be most h, and whatever touches it will be h.

30:10 It is most h to the LORD.”

30:29 whatever touches them will be h.

31:13 I am the LORD, who makes you h.

40:9 all its furnishings, and it will be h.

Lev 10:3 approach me I will be proved h;

10:10 you can distinguish between the h

11:44 and be h, because I am h.

11:45 therefore be h, because I am h.

19:2 ‘Be h because I, the LORD your God, am h.

19:8 they have desecrated what is h

19:24 fourth year all its fruit will be h,

20:3 and profaned my h name.

20:7 yourselves and be h, because I am

20:8 I am the LORD, who makes you h.

20:26 You are to be h to me because I,

21:6 They must be h to their God

21:8 Consider them h, because I the LORD am h

22:9 am the LORD, who makes them h.

22:32 Do not profane my h name, for I

22:32 I am the LORD, who made you h

25:12 a jubilee and is to be h for you;

27:9 given to the LORD becomes h.

Nu 4:15 they must not touch the h things

6:5 They must be h until the period

20:12 to honor me as h in the sight

20:13 he was proved h among them.

Dt 5:12 the Sabbath day by keeping it h,

23:14 Your camp must be h, so that he

26:15 heaven, your h dwelling place,

33:2 myriads of h ones from the south,

Jos 5:15 place where you are standing is h.”

24:19 He is a h God; he is a jealous God.

1Sa 2:2 “There is no one h like the LORD;

6:20 of the LORD, this h God?

21:5 The men’s bodies are h even

2Ki 4:9 often comes our way is a h man

1Ch 16:10 Glory in his h name; let the hearts

16:35 may give thanks to your h name,

29:3 I have provided for this h temple:

2Ch 30:27 heaven, his h dwelling place.

Ezr 9:2 have mingled the h race

Ne 11:1 to live in Jerusalem, the h city,

Job 6:10 denied the words of the H One.

Ps 2:6 my king on Zion, my h mountain.”

11:4 The LORD is in his h temple;

16:3 the h people who are in the land,

22:3 you are enthroned as the H One;

24:3 Who may stand in his h place?

30:4 praise his h name.

77:13 Your ways, God, are h. What god is

78:54 them to the border of his h land,

99:3 great and awesome name—he is h.

99:5 worship at his footstool; he is h.

99:9 for the LORD our God is h.

105:3 Glory in his h name; let the hearts

111:9 h and awesome is his name.

Pr 9:10 of the H One is understanding.

Isa 5:16 the h God will be proved h by his

6:3H, h, h is the LORD Almighty;

8:13 is the one you are to regard as h,

29:23 hands, they will keep my name h;

40:25 who is my equal?” says the H One.

43:3 your God, the H One of Israel,

54:5 the H One of Israel is your

57:15 “I live in a high and h place,

58:13 and the LORD’s h day honorable,

Jer 17:22 but keep the Sabbath day h, as I

Eze 20:41 I will be proved h through you

22:26 to my law and profane my h things;

28:22 and within you am proved to be h.

28:25 I will be proved h through them

36:20 nations they profaned my h name,

38:16 I am proved h through you before

44:23 the difference between the h

Da 9:24 and to anoint the Most H Place.

Hab 2:20 The LORD is in his h temple;

Zec 14:5 come, and all the h ones with him.

14:20 On that day H TO THE LORD

Mt 24:15 in the h place ‘the abomination

Mk 1:24 who you are—the H One of God!”

Lk 1:35 “The H Spirit will come on you,

1:35 So the h one to be born will be

1:49 great things for me—h is his name.

4:34 who you are—the H One of God!”

Jn 6:69 that you are the H One of God.”

Ac 2:27 will not let your h one see decay.

13:35 will not let your h one see decay.’

Ro 1:2 his prophets in the H Scriptures

7:12 law is h, and the commandment

11:16 is h, then the whole batch is h;

12:1 sacrifice, h and pleasing to God—

1Co 1:2 Jesus and called to be his h people,

7:14 be unclean, but as it is, they are h.

Eph 1:4 the creation of the world to be h

2:21 to become a h temple in the Lord.

3:5 by the Spirit to God’s h apostles

5:26 to make her h, cleansing her

Col 1:22 death to present you h in his sight,

1Th 2:10 of how h, righteous and blameless

3:13 Jesus comes with all his h ones.

4:7 us to be impure, but to live a h life.

2Th 1:10 to be glorified in his h people

1Ti 2:8 lifting up h hands without anger

2Ti 1:9 saved us and called us to a h life—

2:21 made h, useful to the Master

3:15 you have known the H Scriptures,

Titus 1:8 upright, h and disciplined.

Heb 2:11 Both the one who makes people h

7:26 one who is h, blameless, pure,

10:10 we have been made h through

10:14 those who are being made h.

10:19 the Most H Place by the blood

12:14 peace with everyone and to be h;

13:12 make the people h through his

1Pe 1:15 as he who called you is h, so be h in all you do;

1:16 “Be h, because I am h.”

2:5 house to be a h priesthood,

2:9 a royal priesthood, a h nation,

3:5 this is the way the h women

2Pe 3:11 You ought to live h and godly lives

Jude 14 upon thousands of his h ones

Rev 3:7 are the words of him who is h

4:8 “ ‘H, h, h is the Lord God

15:4 For you alone are h. All nations

20:6 h are those who share in the first

22:11 let the h person continue to be h.”


Dt 6:7 Talk about them when you sit at h

11:19 about them when you sit at h

20:5 Let him go h, or he may die in

24:5 one year he is to be free to stay at h

Ru 1:11 said, “Return h, my daughters.

2Sa 7:10 that they can have a h of their own

1Ch 16:43 David returned h to bless his

Ps 84:3 Even the sparrow has found a h,

113:9 woman in her h as a happy mother

Pr 3:33 he blesses the h of the righteous.

27:8 its nest is anyone who flees from h.

Ecc 12:5 people go to their eternal h

Eze 36:8 Israel, for they will soon come h.

Mt 1:24 him and took Mary h as his wife.

Mk 10:29 “no one who has left h or brothers

Lk 10:38 named Martha opened her h

Jn 14:23 them and make our h with them.

19:27 on, this disciple took her into his h.

Ac 16:15 baptized, she invited us to her h.

Titus 2:5 pure, to be busy at h, to be kind,


1Co 4:11 we are brutally treated, we are h.


Ne 4:14 daughters, your wives and your h.”

Isa 32:18 in secure h, in undisturbed places

Mic 2:2 They defraud people of their h,

Mk 10:30 h, brothers, sisters, mothers,

1Ti 5:14 to manage their h and to give


Mt 13:54 to his h, he began teaching

Lk 4:24 “no prophet is accepted in his h.


1Ti 1:10 for those practicing h, for slave


Lev 19:36 Use h scales and h weights, an h ephah and an h hin.

Dt 25:15 must have accurate and h weights

2Ki 22:7 to them, because they are h in their

Job 31:6 let God weigh me in h scales and

Pr 12:17 An h witness tells the truth,

14:5 An h witness does not deceive,

17:26 to flog h officials is not right.

22:21 teaching you to be h and to speak


2Ki 12:15 they acted with complete h.


Ex 3:8 a land flowing with milk and h

Jdg 14:8 saw a swarm of bees and some h.

1Sa 14:26 woods, they saw the h oozing out;

Ps 19:10 they are sweeter than h, than h

119:103 taste, sweeter than h to my mouth!

Pr 24:14 also that wisdom is like h for you:

25:16 If you find h, eat just enough—

SS 4:11 milk and h are under your tongue.

Isa 7:15 h when he knows enough to reject

Eze 3:3 it tasted as sweet as h in my mouth.

Mt 3:4 His food was locusts and wild h.

Rev 10:9 mouth it will be as sweet as h.’ ”


Ps 19:10 honey, than honey from the h.

SS 4:11 Your lips drop sweetness as the h,

5:1 I have eaten my h and my honey;


Ex 20:12H your father and your mother,

Nu 20:12 in me enough to h me as holy

25:13 he was zealous for the h of his God

Dt 5:16H your father and your mother,

Jdg 4:9 are taking, the h will not be yours,

1Sa 2:8 and has them inherit a throne of h.

2:30 Those who h me I will h, but those

1Ch 29:12 Wealth and h come from you;

2Ch 1:11 possessions or h, nor for the death

18:1 had great wealth and h,

Ezr 10:11 Now h the LORD, the God of your

Est 6:6 the man the king delights to h?”

Ps 8:5 crowned them with glory and h.

45:11 h him, for he is your lord.

84:11 the LORD bestows favor and h;

Pr 3:9 H the LORD with your wealth,

3:35 The wise inherit h, but fools get

11:16 A kindhearted woman gains h,

15:33 and humility comes before h.

18:12 but humility comes before h.

20:3 It is to one’s h to avoid strife,

31:31 H her for all that her hands have

Isa 29:13 mouth and h me with their lips,

Jer 33:9 h before all nations on earth

Mt 13:57 “A prophet is not without h except

15:4H your father and mother’

15:8 “ ‘These people h me with their

19:19 h your father and mother,’ and

23:6 they love the place of h at banquets

Mk 6:4 “A prophet is not without h except

Lk 14:8 do not take the place of h,

Jn 5:23 all may h the Son just as they h

12:26 My Father will h the one who

Ro 12:10 H one another above yourselves.

1Co 6:20 Therefore h God with your bodies.

Eph 6:2H your father and mother”—

1Ti 5:17 church well are worthy of double h,

Heb 2:7 crowned them with glory and h

Rev 4:9 h and thanks to him who sits


1Th 4:4 body in a way that is holy and h,


Heb 13:18 and desire to live h in every way.


Ps 12:8 what is vile is h by the human race.

Pr 13:18 but whoever heeds correction is h.

Da 4:34 I h and glorified him who lives

1Co 12:26 if one part is h, every part rejoices

Heb 13:4 Marriage should be h by all,


Ps 15:4 but h those who fear the LORD;

Pr 14:31 is kind to the needy h God.

3Jn 6 their way in a manner that h God.


Ex 10:26 not a h is to be left behind.


Isa 2:4 and their spears into pruning h.

Joel 3:10 and your pruning h into spears.

Mic 4:3 and their spears into pruning h.


Job 13:15 he slay me, yet will I h in him;

Ps 33:17 A horse is a vain h for deliverance;

33:18 on those whose h is in his unfailing

42:5 Put your h in God, for I will yet

62:5 rest in God; my h comes from him.

119:74 for I have put my h in your word.

130:5 waits, and in his word I put my h.

130:7 Israel, put your h in the LORD,

146:5 whose h is in the LORD their God.

147:11 put their h in his unfailing love.

Pr 13:12 H deferred makes the heart sick,

23:18 There is surely a future h for you,

23:18 and your h will not be cut off.

Isa 40:31 but those who h in the LORD will

Jer 29:11 plans to give you h and a future.

La 3:21 call to mind and therefore I have h:

Zec 9:12 to your fortress, you prisoners of h;

Ro 5:4 and character, h.

8:20 of the one who subjected it, in h

8:24 But h that is seen is no h at all.

8:25 if we h for what we do not yet have,

12:12 Be joyful in h, patient in affliction,

15:4 they provide we might have h.

15:13 May the God of h fill you with all

1Co 13:13 three remain: faith, h and love.

15:19 for this life we have h in Christ,

Eph 2:12 without h and without God

Col 1:27 is Christ in you, the h of glory.

1Th 1:3 your endurance inspired by h in

5:8 and the h of salvation as a helmet.

1Ti 4:10 because we have put our h

6:17 nor to put their h in wealth,

Titus 1:2 in the h of eternal life, which God,

2:13 while we wait for the blessed h

Heb 6:19 We have this h as an anchor

10:23 unswervingly to the h we profess,

11:1 faith is confidence in what we h

1Jn 3:3 All who have this h in him purify


Ps 25:3 No one who h in you will ever be

1Co 13:7 trusts, always h, always perseveres.


Ex 19:13 the ram’s h sounds a long blast

27:2 Make a h at each of the four

Da 7:8 This h had eyes like the eyes


Da 7:24 The ten h are ten kings who will

Rev 5:6 The Lamb had seven h and seven

12:3 ten h and seven crowns on its

13:1 It had ten h and seven heads,

17:3 and had seven heads and ten h.


Jer 5:30 “A h and shocking thing has


Jer 2:12 and shudder with great h,”


Ps 147:10 is not in the strength of the h,

Pr 26:3 A whip for the h, a bridle

Zec 1:8 me was a man mounted on a red h.

Rev 6:2 and there before me was a white h!

6:4 another h came out, a fiery red

6:5 and there before me was a black h!

6:8 and there before me was a pale h!

19:11 and there before me was a white h,


Mt 21:9 shouted, “H to the Son of David!”

21:9H in the highest heaven!”

Mk 11:9 those who followed shouted, “H!”

Jn 12:13 out to meet him, shouting, “H!”


Prophet whose wife and family pictured the unfaithfulness of Israel (Hos 1–3; Ro 9:25).


1. Original name of Joshua (Nu 13:16).

2. Last king of Israel (2Ki 15:30; 17:1–6).


1Ti 3:2 respectable, h, able to teach,

Titus 1:8 he must be h, one who loves what


Ac 28:7 showed us generous h for three

Ro 12:13 people who are in need. Practice h.

16:23 whose h I and the whole church

1Ti 5:10 showing h, washing the feet

Heb 13:2 not forget to show h to strangers,

13:2 h to angels without knowing it.

1Pe 4:9 Offer h to one another without

3Jn 8 to show h to such people so that


Ro 8:7 governed by the flesh is h to God;


Eph 2:14 the barrier, the dividing wall of h,

2:16 by which he put to death their h.


1Ti 4:2 have been seared as with a h iron.

Rev 3:15 that you are neither cold nor h.


Pr 15:18 A h person stirs up conflict,

19:19 A h person must pay the penalty;

22:24 not make friends with a h person,

29:22 and a h person commits many sins.


Pr 14:16 but a fool is h and yet feels secure.


Ecc 9:12 one knows when their h will come:

Mt 6:27 add a single h to your life?

Lk 12:40 an h when you do not expect him.”

Jn 2:4 “My h has not yet come.”

12:23 “The h has come for the Son

12:27 ‘Father, save me from this h’?

12:27 this very reason I came to this h.

17:1 “Father, the h has come.


Ex 12:22 the door of your h until morning.

20:17 shall not covet your neighbor’s h.

Nu 12:7 he is faithful in all my h.

Dt 5:21 your desire on your neighbor’s h

2Sa 7:2 living in a h of cedar, while the ark

7:11 LORD himself will establish a h

1Ch 17:23 and his h be established forever.

Ne 10:39 “We will not neglect the h of our

Ps 23:6 in the h of the LORD forever.

27:4 in the h of the LORD all the days

69:9 for zeal for your h consumes me,

84:10 in the h of my God than dwell

122:1 “Let us go to the h of the LORD.”

127:1 Unless the LORD builds the h,

Pr 7:27 Her h is a highway to the grave,

21:9 of the roof than share a h

Isa 56:7 for my h will be called a h of prayer

Jer 7:11 Has this h, which bears my Name,

18:2 “Go down to the potter’s h,

Joel 3:18 will flow out of the LORD’s h

Hab 2:9 who builds his h by unjust gain,

Zec 13:6 I was given at the h of my friends.’

Mt 7:24 is like a wise man who built his h

10:11 and stay at their h until you leave.

12:29 can anyone enter a strong man’s h

21:13 “ ‘My h will be called a h

Mk 3:25 If a h is divided against itself,

11:17 ‘My h will be called a h of prayer

Lk 6:48 They are like a man building a h,

10:7 Do not move around from h to h.

11:17 a h divided against itself will fall.

11:24 it says, ‘I will return to the h I left.’

15:8 sweep the h and search carefully

19:9 salvation has come to this h,

Jn 2:16 Stop turning my Father’s h

2:17 for your h will consume me.”

12:3 the h was filled with the fragrance

14:2 My Father’s h has many rooms;

Ac 20:20 you publicly and from h to h.

Ro 16:5 the church that meets at their h.

Heb 3:3 of a h has greater honor than the h

1Pe 2:5 spiritual h to be a holy priesthood,


Ex 12:3 lamb for his family, one for each h.

Jos 24:15 But as for me and my h, we will

Pr 31:21 it snows, she has no fear for her h;

31:27 watches over the affairs of her h

Mic 7:6 are the members of his own h.

Mt 10:36 will be the members of his own h.’

12:25 or h divided against itself will not

Ac 16:31 will be saved—you and your h.”

16:33 he and all his h were baptized.

16:34 in God—he and his whole h.

Eph 2:19 people and also members of his h,

1Ti 3:12 manage his children and his h well.

3:15 to conduct themselves in God’s h,

5:8 and especially for their own h,


Pr 15:27 The greedy bring ruin to their h,

Titus 1:11 they are disrupting whole h


Ex 12:27 who passed over the h

Mt 19:29 who has left h or brothers


Ge 1:2 Spirit of God was h over the waters

Isa 31:5 Like birds h overhead, the LORD


Dt 32:11 up its nest and h over its young,


Prophetess inquired by Hilkiah for Josiah (2Ki 22; 2Ch 34:14–28).


Ge 6:6 he had made h beings on the earth,

6:7 earth the h race I have created—

9:6 “Whoever sheds h blood,

Lev 24:17 who takes the life of a h being is

1Sa 15:29 for he is not a h being, that he

2Ki 19:18 and stone, fashioned by h hands.

2Ch 32:19 of the world—the work of h hands.

Ps 8:4 h beings that you care for them?

144:3 what are h beings that you care

Isa 52:14 form marred beyond h likeness—

Mk 7:7 their teachings are merely h rules.’

Jn 8:15 You judge by h standards;

Ac 5:29 obey God rather than h beings!

Ro 9:5 them is traced the h ancestry

1Co 1:25 of God is wiser than h wisdom,

1:25 God is stronger than h strength.

1:26 of you were wise by h standards;

2:5 faith might not rest on h wisdom,

2:13 in words taught us by h wisdom

3:21 no more boasting about h leaders!

2Co 3:3 of stone but on tablets of h hearts.

Gal 1:10 to win the approval of h beings,

1Th 2:13 you accepted it not as a h word,

Heb 9:11 that is not made with h hands,

9:24 a sanctuary made with h hands

2Pe 1:21 never had its origin in the h will,


Eph 2:15 create in himself one new h

Heb 2:14 he too shared in their h so


Ge 6:3 will not contend with h forever,

1Co 3:3 Are you not acting like mere h?


Nu 12:3 (Now Moses was a very h man,

2Ch 7:14 h themselves and pray and seek

Ps 18:27 You save the h but bring low those

25:9 He guides the h in what is right

149:4 he crowns the h with victory.

Pr 3:34 favor to the h and oppressed.

Isa 66:2 those who are h and contrite

Mt 11:29 for I am gentle and h in heart,

23:12 and those who h themselves will be

Lk 14:11 and those who h themselves will be

18:14 and those who h themselves will be

Eph 4:2 Be completely h and gentle;

Jas 4:6 proud but shows favor to the h.”

4:10 H yourselves before the Lord,

1Pe 5:5 proud but shows favor to the h.”

5:6 H yourselves, therefore,


Mt 23:12 who exalt themselves will be h,

Lk 14:11 who exalt themselves will be h,

Php 2:8 he h himself by becoming obedient


1Sa 2:7 he h and he exalts.

Isa 26:5 He h those who dwell on high,


Pr 25:7 for him to h you before his nobles.


Jer 31:19 h because I bore the disgrace of my

Lk 14:9 Then, h, you will have to take


1Co 11:22 God by h those who have nothing?


Ps 45:4 in the cause of truth, h and justice;

Pr 11:2 but with h comes wisdom.

15:33 LORD, and h comes before honor.

18:12 haughty, but h comes before honor.

22:4 H is the fear of the LORD;

Zep 2:3 Seek righteousness, seek h;

Ac 20:19 I served the Lord with great h

2Co 10:1 By the h and gentleness of Christ,

Php 2:3 in h value others above yourselves,

Col 2:18 let anyone who delights in false h

2:23 their false h and their harsh

3:12 kindness, h,

Jas 3:13 deeds done in the h that comes

1Pe 5:5 with h toward one another,


Dt 21:23 because anyone who is h on a pole

Mt 18:6 a large millstone h around their

Lk 19:48 because all the people h on his

Gal 3:13 “Cursed is everyone who is h


Ne 9:15 In their h you gave them bread

Pr 6:30 to satisfy his h when he is starving.

Mt 5:6 Blessed are those who h and thirst

Lk 6:21 Blessed are you who h now, for you

2Co 6:5 hard work, sleepless nights and h;

11:27 I have known h and thirst and have

Rev 7:16 ‘Never again will they h;


Job 24:10 carry the sheaves, but still go h.

Ps 107:9 and fills the h with good things.

146:7 oppressed and gives food to the h.

Pr 19:15 deep sleep, and the shiftless go h.

25:21 If your enemy is h, give him food

27:7 to the h even what is bitter tastes

Isa 58:7 it not to share your food with the h

58:10 spend yourselves in behalf of the h

Eze 18:7 gives his food to the h and

18:16 gives his food to the h and

Mt 15:32 I do not want to send them away h,

25:35 For I was h and you gave me

25:42 For I was h and you gave me

Lk 1:53 has filled the h with good things

Jn 6:35 comes to me will never go h,

Ro 12:20 “If your enemy is h, feed him;

1Co 4:11 To this very hour we go h

Php 4:12 whether well fed or h,


Ex 17:12 Aaron and H held his hands up—


Mic 7:19 h all our iniquities into the depths


Ecc 8:9 lords it over others to his own h.

Mk 16:18 it will not h them at all;

Rev 2:11 one who is victorious will not be h


Ps 15:4 who keeps an oath even when it h,

Pr 26:28 A lying tongue hates those it h,


Pr 31:11 Her h has full confidence in her

31:23 Her h is respected at the city gate,

31:28 her h also, and he praises her:

Isa 54:5 For your Maker is your h

Jer 3:14 the LORD, “for I am your h.

3:20 like a woman unfaithful to her h,

Jn 4:17 “I have no h,” she replied.

Ro 7:2 bound to her h as long as he is

7:2 but if her h dies, she is released

1Co 7:2 and each woman with her own h.

7:3 The h should fulfill his marital

7:3 and likewise the wife to her h.

7:4 her own body but yields it to her h.

1Co 7:4 the h does not have authority over

7:10 wife must not separate from her h.

7:11 or else be reconciled to her h.

7:11 a h must not divorce his wife.

7:13 And if a woman has a h who is not

7:14 sanctified through her believing h.

7:39 bound to her h as long as he lives.

7:39 But if her h dies, she is free

2Co 11:2 I promised you to one h, to Christ,

Gal 4:27 woman than of her who has a h.”

Eph 5:23 For the h is the head of the wife as

5:33 and the wife must respect her h.

1Ti 5:9 sixty, has been faithful to her h,



Dt 25:5 Her h brother shall take her

Pr 12:4 of noble character is her h crown,


Eph 5:22 yourselves to your own h as you do

5:25 H, love your wives, just as Christ

5:28 h ought to love their wives as their

Col 3:18 submit yourselves to your h, as is

3:19 H, love your wives and do not be

Titus 2:4 the younger women to love their h

2:5 and to be subject to their h,

1Pe 3:1 yourselves to your own h so that,

3:7 H, in the same way be considerate


Wise man of David who frustrated Ahithophel’s advice and foiled Absalom’s revolt (2Sa 15:32–37; 16:1517:16; 1Ch 27:33).


Ps 40:3 mouth, a h of praise to our God.

Mt 26:30 When they had sung a h, they went

Mk 14:26 When they had sung a h, they went

1Co 14:26 each of you has a h, or a word


Ac 16:25 were praying and singing h to God,

Eph 5:19 to one another with psalms, h,

Col 3:16 with all wisdom through psalms, h,


Mt 23:28 on the inside you are full of h

Mk 12:15 But Jesus knew their h.

Lk 12:1 yeast of the Pharisees, which is h.

Gal 2:13 The other Jews joined him in his h,

2:13 by their h even Barnabas was led

1Pe 2:1 of all malice and all deceit, h, envy,


Mt 7:5 You h, first take the plank

Lk 6:42 You h, first take the plank


Ps 26:4 deceitful, nor do I associate with h.

Mt 6:2 as the h do in the synagogues

6:5 do not be like the h, for they love

6:16 do not look somber as the h do,

15:7 You h! Isaiah was right when he

22:18 “You h, why are you trying to trap

23:13 of the law and Pharisees, you h!

23:15 of the law and Pharisees, you h!

23:23 of the law and Pharisees, you h!

23:25 of the law and Pharisees, you h!

23:27 of the law and Pharisees, you h!

23:29 of the law and Pharisees, you h!

24:51 and assign him a place with the h,

Mk 7:6 when he prophesied about you h;

Lk 12:56 H! You know how to interpret

13:15 The Lord answered him, “You h!


1Ti 4:2 teachings come through h liars,


Ex 12:22 Take a bunch of h, dip it

Ps 51:7 Cleanse me with h, and I will be

Jn 19:29 sponge on a stalk of the h plant,



1Sa 4:21 She named the boy I, saying,


Dt 32:47 They are not just i words for you—

Job 11:3 Will your i talk reduce others

Ecc 10:18 because of i hands, the house leaks.

11:6 at evening let your hands not be i,

Isa 58:13 as you please or speaking i words,

Col 2:18 with i notions by their unspiritual

1Th 5:14 those who are i and disruptive,

2Th 3:6 away from every believer who is i

3:7 We were not i when we were

3:11 We hear that some among you are i

1Ti 5:13 they get into the habit of being i


Pr 31:27 and does not eat the bread of i.


1Ti 5:13 And not only do they become i,


Ex 32:4 made it into an i cast in the shape

Dt 27:15 is anyone who makes an i

Isa 40:19 As for an i, a metalworker casts it,

41:7 other nails down the i so it will not

44:15 he makes an i and bows down to it.

44:17 From the rest he makes a god, his i;

Hab 2:18 “Of what value is an i carved

1Co 8:4 We know that “An i is nothing


1Co 5:11 or greedy, an i or slanderer,

Eph 5:5 such a person is an i


1Co 5:10 or the greedy and swindlers, or i.

6:9 immoral nor i nor adulterers nor


1Sa 15:23 and arrogance like the evil of i.

1Co 10:14 my dear friends, flee from i.

Gal 5:20 i and witchcraft;

Col 3:5 evil desires and greed, which is i.

1Pe 4:3 orgies, carousing and detestable i.


Ex 34:17 “Do not make any i.

Dt 32:16 angered him with their detestable i.

Ps 78:58 aroused his jealousy with their i.

Isa 44:9 All who make i are nothing,

Eze 23:39 sacrificed their children to their i,

Mic 5:13 I will destroy your i and your

Ac 15:20 to abstain from food polluted by i,

21:25 abstain from food sacrificed to i,

1Co 8:1 Now about food sacrificed to i:

1Jn 5:21 children, keep yourselves from i.

Rev 2:14 so that they ate food sacrificed to i


1Co 15:34 there are some who are i of God—

Heb 5:2 to deal gently with those who are i

1Pe 2:15 good you should silence the i talk

2Pe 3:16 i and unstable people distort,


Dt 22:1 not i it but be sure to take it back

Ps 9:12 he does not i the cries

Heb 2:3 escape if we i so great a salvation?


Hos 4:6 because you have i the law of your

1Co 14:38 this, they will themselves be i.


Pr 10:17 whoever i correction leads others

1Co 14:38 But if anyone i this, they will


Mt 4:24 to him all who were i with various


Pr 1:19 the paths of all who go after i gain;

10:2 I treasures have no lasting value,


2Ki 8:9 ask, ‘Will I recover from this i?’ ”

2Ch 16:12 even in his i he did not seek help

Ps 41:3 restores them from their bed of i.

Isa 38:9 Hezekiah king of Judah after his i


Eph 5:13 that is i becomes a light.

Rev 18:1 and the earth was i by his splendor.


Ge 1:26 “Let us make mankind in our i,

1:27 God created mankind in his own i, in the i of God

9:6 for in the i of God has God made

Ex 20:4 make for yourself an i in the form

Isa 40:18 To what i will you liken him?

Da 3:1 King Nebuchadnezzar made an i

Lk 20:24 Whose i and inscription are on it?”

Ro 8:29 to be conformed to the i of his Son,

1Co 11:7 since he is the i and glory of God;

2Co 3:18 his i with ever-increasing glory,

4:4 of Christ, who is the i of God.

Col 1:15 The Son is the i of the invisible

3:10 in knowledge in the i of its Creator.

Rev 13:14 set up an i in honor of the beast


Ps 97:7 who worship i are put to shame,

Jer 10:14 The i he makes are a fraud;

Ro 1:23 the immortal God for i made to


Eze 13:2 who prophesy out of their own i:


Eph 3:20 more than all we ask or i,


Dt 18:9 not learn to i the detestable ways

Eze 23:48 may take warning and not i you.

1Co 4:16 Therefore I urge you to i me.

2Th 3:9 ourselves as a model for you to i.

Heb 6:12 but to i those who through faith

13:7 of their way of life and i their faith.

3Jn 11 do not i what is evil but what is


1Th 1:6 became i of us and of the Lord,

2:14 became i of God’s churches


Isa 7:14 birth to a son, and will call him I.

8:8 cover the breadth of your land, I!”

Mt 1:23 they will call him I” (which means


1Ti 1:16 might display his i patience as


1Co 5:9 associate with sexually i people—

5:10 the people of this world who are i,

5:11 or sister but is sexually i or greedy,

6:9 Neither the sexually i nor idolaters

Eph 5:5 No i, impure or greedy person—

1Ti 1:10 for the sexually i, for those

Heb 12:16 See that no one is sexually i, or is

13:4 the adulterer and all the sexually i.

Rev 21:8 the sexually i, those who practice

22:15 arts, the sexually i, the murderers,


Nu 25:1 in sexual i with Moabite women,

Jer 3:9 Because Israel’s i mattered so little

Mt 5:32 except for sexual i, makes her

15:19 adultery, sexual i, theft,

19:9 except for sexual i, and marries

Mk 7:21 sexual i, theft, murder,

Ac 15:20 from sexual i, from the meat

15:29 animals and from sexual i.

21:25 animals and from sexual i.”

Ro 13:13 not in sexual i and debauchery,

1Co 5:1 that there is sexual i among you,

6:13 is not meant for sexual i

6:18 Flee from sexual i. All other sins

7:2 But since sexual i is occurring,

10:8 We should not commit sexual i,

Gal 5:19 sexual i, impurity and debauchery;

Eph 5:3 must not be even a hint of sexual i,

Col 3:5 sexual i, impurity, lust, evil desires

1Th 4:3 that you should avoid sexual i;

Jude 4 of our God into a license for i

: 7 gave themselves up to sexual i

Rev 2:14 to idols and committed sexual i.

2:20 misleads my servants into sexual i

2:21 given her time to repent of her i,

9:21 arts, their sexual i or their thefts.


Ro 1:23 exchanged the glory of the i God

1Ti 1:17 Now to the King eternal, i,

6:16 who alone is i and who lives


Pr 12:28 there is life; along that path is i.

Ro 2:7 and i, he will give eternal life.

1Co 15:53 and the mortal with i.

15:54 and the mortal with i,

2Ti 1:10 and i to light through the gospel.


Pr 29:15 A rod and a reprimand i wisdom,


Jas 3:17 and good fruit, i and sincere.


1Co 15:42 is sown is perishable, it is raised i;

15:50 does the perishable inherit the i.

1Pe 1:23 seed, but of i, through the living


2Co 5:20 We i you on Christ’s behalf:


1Co 15:3 I passed on to you as of first i:


Mt 23:23 have neglected the more i matters

Mk 12:29 “The most i one,” answered Jesus,

12:33 as yourself is more i than all burnt

Php 1:18 The i thing is that in every way,


Mt 17:20 Nothing will be i for you.”

19:26 “With man this is i, but with God

Mk 10:27 “With man this is i, but not

Lk 18:27 “What is i with man is possible

Ac 2:24 because it was i for death to keep

Heb 6:4 It is i for those who have once been

6:18 in which it is i for God to lie,

10:4 It is i for the blood of bulls

11:6 without faith it is i to please God,


2Ti 3:13 and i will go from bad to worse,


Dt 6:7 I them on your children.


Pr 17:10 A rebuke i a discerning person more


1Pe 3:19 made proclamation to the i spirits—


Heb 11:36 flogging, and even chains and i.


Eph 5:3 because these are i for God’s holy


Mt 12:43 “When an i spirit comes out of a

Ac 10:15 “Do not call anything i that God

Eph 5:5 No immoral, i or greedy person—

1Th 2:3 not spring from error or i motives,

4:7 For God did not call us to be i,

Rev 21:27 Nothing i will ever enter it, nor


Ro 1:24 hearts to sexual i for the degrading

Gal 5:19 immorality, i and debauchery;

Eph 4:19 so as to indulge in every kind of i,

5:3 or of any kind of i, or of greed,

Col 3:5 sexual immorality, i, lust,


Ex 30:1 altar of acacia wood for burning i.

40:5 Place the gold altar of i in front

Ps 141:2 my prayer be set before you like i;

Heb 9:4 which had the golden altar of i

Rev 5:8 were holding golden bowls full of i,

8:4 The smoke of the i,


Ge 6:5 that every i of the thoughts

8:21 every i of the human heart is evil


Ecc 10:2 The heart of the wise i to the right,


Ecc 5:10 is never satisfied with their i.

1Co 16:2 of money in keeping with your i,


Eph 2:7 ages he might show the i riches


Ge 1:22 “Be fruitful and i in number and

8:17 be fruitful and i in number on it.”

Ps 62:10 though your riches i, do not set

Pr 22:16 oppresses the poor to i his wealth

Mt 24:12 Because of the i of wickedness,

Lk 17:5 said to the Lord, “I our faith!”

Ro 5:20 in so that the trespass might i.

1Th 3:12 May the Lord make your love i


Ac 6:7 of disciples in Jerusalem i rapidly,

9:31 by the Holy Spirit, it i in numbers.

Ro 5:20 where sin i, grace i all the more,


Ac 6:1 the number of disciples was i,

2Th 1:3 all of you have for one another is i.

2Pe 1:8 these qualities in i measure,


Ac 26:8 you consider it i that God raises


Col 2:14 canceled the charge of our legal i,


1Co 11:11 in the Lord woman is not i of man, nor is man i of woman.


2Co 9:15 Thanks be to God for his i gift!


Heb 7:16 the basis of the power of an i life.


Mk 1:41 Jesus was i. He reached out his

10:14 When Jesus saw this, he was i.


1Co 12:22 body that seem to be weaker are i,


2Pe 1:8 they will keep you from being i


2Co 12:4 up to paradise and heard i things,

1Pe 1:8 are filled with an i and glorious joy,


2Ti 3:15 from i you have known the Holy


Ps 8:2 i you have established a stronghold

Mt 21:16 the lips of children and i you, Lord,

1Co 3:1 are still worldly—mere i in Christ.

14:20 In regard to evil be i, but in your

Eph 4:14 Then we will no longer be i,


Mt 8:17 “He took up our i and bore our


Ro 1:27 were i with lust for one another.


1Co 1:26 not many were i; not many were


Nu 33:55 do not drive out the i of the land,

Rev 8:13 Woe to the i of the earth,


Isa 45:18 to be empty, but formed it to be i


Dt 1:38 because he will lead Israel to i it.

Jos 1:6 these people to i the land I swore

Ps 37:11 the meek will i the land and enjoy

37:29 The righteous will i the land

Zec 2:12 The LORD will i Judah as his

Mt 5:5 the meek, for they will i the earth.

19:29 as much and will i eternal life.

Mk 10:17 “what must I do to i eternal life?”

Lk 10:25 “what must I do to i eternal life?”

18:18 what must I do to i eternal life?”

1Co 6:9 wrongdoers will not i the kingdom

15:50 cannot i the kingdom of God,

Rev 21:7 who are victorious will i all this,


Lev 20:24 I will give it to you as an i, a land

Dt 4:20 to be the people of his i, as you

10:9 the LORD is their i, as the LORD

Jos 14:3 the Levites an i among the rest,

Ps 16:6 surely I have a delightful i.

33:12 the people he chose for his i.

136:21 and gave their land as an i,

Pr 13:22 A good person leaves an i for their

Mt 25:34 take your i, the kingdom prepared

Eph 1:14 deposit guaranteeing our i until

5:5 has any i in the kingdom of Christ

Col 1:12 share in the i of his holy people

3:24 you will receive an i from the Lord

Heb 9:15 receive the promised eternal i

1Pe 1:4 into an i that can never perish,

1:4 This i is kept in heaven for you,


Ps 78:38 he forgave their i and did not

103:10 or repay us according to our i.

Isa 53:5 he was crushed for our i;

Isa 53:11 many, and he will bear their i.

59:2 your i have separated you from

Mic 7:19 hurl all our i into the depths


Ps 25:11 forgive my i, though it is great.

32:5 to you and did not cover up my i.

51:2 Wash away all my i and cleanse me

51:9 from my sins and blot out all my i.

Isa 53:6 has laid on him the i of us all.


Eze 34:16 I will bind up the i and strengthen

Zec 11:16 or heal the i, or feed the healthy,


2Ch 19:7 the LORD our God there is no i


2Co 3:3 not with i but with the Spirit


Lk 10:34 brought him to an i and took care


Ex 23:7 do not put an i or honest person

Dt 25:1 acquitting the i and condemning

Pr 6:17 tongue, hands that shed i blood,

17:26 a fine on the i is not good,

Joel 3:21 I leave their i blood unavenged?

Mt 10:16 shrewd as snakes and as i as doves.

27:4 said, “for I have betrayed i blood.”

27:24 “I am i of this man’s blood,”

Ac 18:6 be on your own heads! I am i of it.

20:26 you today that I am i of the blood

Ro 16:19 is good, and i about what is evil.

1Co 4:4 clear, but that does not make me i.


Isa 8:19 should not a people i of their God?


Mt 22:20 image is this? And whose i?”

2Ti 2:19 stands firm, sealed with this i:


1Ki 4:29 Solomon wisdom and very great i,

Ps 119:99 I have more i than all my teachers,

Pr 5:1 turn your ear to my words of i,

7:4 and to i, “You are my relative.”

16:16 gold, to get i rather than silver!

20:5 but one who has i draws them out.

21:30 no i, no plan that can succeed

23:23 wisdom, instruction and i as well.

Php 1:9 more in knowledge and depth of i,

2Ti 2:7 Lord will give you i into all this.


Pr 29:21 from youth will turn out to be i.

Ro 1:30 i, arrogant and boastful;


2Sa 23:1 “The i utterance of David son of

Pr 30:1 Agur son of Jakeh—an i utterance.

31:1 Lemuel—an i utterance his mother

Hos 9:7 a fool, the i person a maniac.

1Th 1:3 your endurance i by hope in our


Ps 2:6 “I have i my king on Zion, my holy


2Pe 2:12 creatures of i, born only to be

Jude 10 things they do understand by i


Jude 19 who follow mere natural i and do


Ro 13:2 is rebelling against what God has i,


Dt 17:10 to do everything they i you to do.

Ps 32:8 I will i you and teach you

105:22 to i his princes as he pleased

Pr 4:11 I i you in the way of wisdom

9:9 I the wise and they will be wiser

Ro 15:14 and competent to i one another.

1Co 2:16 mind of the Lord so as to i him?”

14:19 i others than ten thousand words


2Ch 26:5 who i him in the fear of God.

Isa 50:4 my ear to listen like one being i.

1Co 14:31 in turn so that everyone may be i

2Ti 2:25 Opponents must be gently i,


Pr 1:2 for gaining wisdom and i;

1:3 for receiving i in prudent behavior,

1:7 but fools despise wisdom and i.

1:8 your father’s i and do not forsake

4:1 Listen, my sons, to a father’s i;

4:13 Hold on to i, do not let it go;

6:23 correction and i are the way to life,

8:10 Choose my i instead of silver,

8:33 Listen to my i and be wise;

13:1 A wise son heeds his father’s i,

13:13 Whoever scorns i will pay for it,

15:33 Wisdom’s i is to fear the LORD,

16:20 Whoever gives heed to i prospers,

16:21 and gracious words promote i.

23:12 Apply your heart to i and your ears

23:23 wisdom, i and insight as well.

28:9 If anyone turns a deaf ear to my i,

29:18 is the one who heeds wisdom’s i.

Isa 8:20 Consult God’s i and the testimony

1Co 14:6 or prophecy or word of i?

14:26 hymn, or a word of i, a revelation,

Eph 6:4 in the training and i of the Lord.

1Th 4:8 who rejects this i does not reject

2Th 3:14 anyone who does not obey our i

1Ti 6:3 sound i of our Lord Jesus Christ

2Ti 4:2 with great patience and careful i.


1Ti 3:14 I am writing you these i so that,


Mt 23:10 for you have one I, the Messiah.

Gal 6:6 share all good things with their i.


Eze 33:32 beautiful voice and plays an i well,

Ac 9:15 man is my chosen i to proclaim

Ro 6:13 to sin as an i of wickedness,

6:13 to him as an i of righteousness.


2Ch 23:13 their i were leading the praises.

2Ti 2:21 from the latter will be i for special


Pr 12:16 but the prudent overlook an i.

Mt 5:11 are you when people i you,

Lk 6:22 when they exclude you and i you

1Pe 3:9 not repay evil with evil or i with i.


Heb 10:29 and who has i the Spirit of grace?

1Pe 4:14 If you are i because of the name


Ps 22:7 they hurl i, shaking their heads.

69:9 the i of those who insult you fall

Pr 9:7 corrects a mocker invites i;

22:10 quarrels and i are ended.

Mk 15:29 who passed by hurled i at him,

Jn 9:28 Then they hurled i at him and said,

Ro 15:3 “The i of those who insult you

2Co 12:10 in weaknesses, in i, in hardships,

1Pe 2:23 When they hurled their i at him,


Dt 9:5 your i that you are going in to take

1Ki 9:4 walk before me faithfully with i

1Ch 29:17 the heart and are pleased with i.

Ne 7:2 he was a man of i and feared God

Job 2:3 And he still maintains his i,

2:9 “Are you still maintaining your i?

6:29 reconsider, for my i is at stake.

27:5 till I die, I will not deny my i.

Ps 7:8 according to my i, O Most High.

25:21 May i and uprightness protect me,

41:12 Because of my i you uphold me

78:72 David shepherded them with i

Pr 10:9 Whoever walks in i walks securely,

11:3 The i of the upright guides them,

13:6 guards the person of i,

29:10 The bloodthirsty hate a person of i

Isa 45:23 mouth has uttered in all i a word

59:4 no one pleads a case with i.

Mt 22:16 “we know that you are a man of i

Mk 12:14 we know that you are a man of i.

2Co 1:12 you, with i and godly sincerity.

Titus 2:7 In your teaching show i,


Isa 29:14 the i of the intelligent will vanish.”

1Co 1:19 the i of the intelligent I will


Isa 29:14 intelligence of the i will vanish.”


1Co 14:9 Unless you speak i words with

14:19 I would rather speak five i words


Ge 50:20 You i to harm me, but God i it


1Th 2:17 our i longing we made every effort

Rev 16:9 They were seared by the i heat


1Sa 2:25 sins against the LORD, who will i

Heb 7:25 him, because he always lives to i


Ro 8:26 the Spirit himself i for us through

8:27 Spirit, because the Spirit i for God’s


Ro 8:34 hand of God and is also i for us.


Isa 53:12 and made i for the transgressors.

1Ti 2:1 i and thanksgiving be made for all


Job 16:20 My i is my friend as my eyes pour


Lev 25:36 Do not take i or any profit

Dt 23:20 You may charge a foreigner i,

Ps 15:5 lends money to the poor without i;

Ne 5:10 But let us stop charging i!

Mt 25:27 would have received it back with i.


1Co 7:34 and his i are divided.

Php 2:4 each of you to the i of the others.

2:21 everyone looks out for their own i,


2Sa 19:22 What right do you have to i?

Ezr 6:7 Do not i with the work on this


Dt 7:3 Do not i with them. Do not give

Ezr 9:14 i with the peoples who commit


Ge 41:15 a dream, and no one can i it.

Mt 16:3 cannot i the signs of the times.

1Co 12:30 Do all speak in tongues? Do all i?

14:13 pray that they may i what they say.

14:27 one at a time, and someone must i.


1Co 12:10 to still another the i of tongues.

14:26 a revelation, a tongue or an i.

2Pe 1:20 by the prophet’s own i of things.


Ge 42:23 them, since he was using an i.

1Co 14:28 If there is no i, the speaker should


1Co 14:5 someone i, so that the church


Ac 15:14 to us how God first i to choose


Pr 5:19 may you ever be i with her love.

5:20 son, be i with another man’s wife?


2Ki 17:5 king of Assyria i the entire land,

24:1 king of Babylon i the land,


Ro 1:30 they i ways of doing evil;


Lk 1:3 I myself have carefully i everything


Ro 1:20 of the world God’s i qualities—

Col 1:15 The Son is the image of the i God,

1:16 visible and i, whether thrones

1Ti 1:17 eternal, immortal, i, the only God,

Heb 11:27 because he saw him who is i.


Pr 18:6 strife, and their mouths i a beating.

Mt 22:9 i to the banquet anyone you find.’

25:38 we see you a stranger and i you in,

Lk 14:12 or dinner, do not i your friends,

14:13 you give a banquet, i the poor,


Zep 1:7 he has consecrated those he has i.

Mt 22:14 “For many are i, but few are

25:35 I was a stranger and you i me in,

Lk 14:10 But when you are i, take the lowest

Rev 19:9 Blessed are those who are i


1Co 10:27 If an unbeliever i you to a meal


2Ki 6:6 threw it there, and made the i float.

Ps 2:9 You will break them with a rod of i;

Pr 27:17 As i sharpens i, so one person

Da 2:33 its legs of i, its feet partly of i

1Ti 4:2 have been seared as with a hot i.

Rev 2:27 ‘will rule them with an i scepter

12:5 all the nations with an i scepter.”

19:15 will rule them with an i scepter.”


1Ti 1:9 the unholy and i, for those who kill


Ro 11:29 for God’s gifts and his call are i.


Son of Abraham by Sarah (Ge 17:19; 21:1–7; 1Ch 1:28). Abrahamic covenant perpetuated through (Ge 17:21; 26:2–5). Offered up by Abraham (Ge 22; Heb 11:17–19). Rebekah taken as wife (Ge 24). Inherited Abraham’s estate (Ge 25:5). Fathered Esau and Jacob (Ge 25:19–26; 1Ch 1:34). Nearly lost Rebekah to Abimelek (Ge 26:1–11). Covenant with Abimelek (Ge 26:12–31). Tricked into blessing Jacob (Ge 27). Death (Ge 35:27–29). Father of Israel (Ex 3:6; Dt 29:13; Ro 9:10).


Prophet to Judah (Isa 1:1). Called by the LORD (Isa 6). Announced judgment to Ahaz (Isa 7), deliverance from Assyria to Hezekiah (2Ki 19; Isa 36–37), deliverance from death to Hezekiah (2Ki 20:1–11; Isa 38). Chronicler of Judah’s history (2Ch 26:22; 32:32).


Son of Saul who attempted to succeed him as king (2Sa 2:84:12; 1Ch 8:33).


Son of Abraham by Hagar (Ge 16; 1Ch 1:28). Blessed, but not son of covenant (Ge 17:18–21; Gal 4:21–31). Sent away by Sarah (Ge 21:8–21). Children (Ge 25:12–18; 1Ch 1:29–31). Death (Ge 25:17).


Rev 1:9 was on the i of Patmos because

16:20 Every i fled away


1. Name given to Jacob (see JACOB).

2. Corporate name of Jacob’s descendants; often specifically northern kingdom.

Ex 28:11 the sons of I on the two stones

28:29 of the sons of I over his heart

Nu 24:17 a scepter will rise out of I.

Dt 6:4 Hear, O I: The LORD our God,

10:12 And now, I, what does the LORD

Jos 4:22 them, ‘I crossed the Jordan on dry

Jdg 17:6 In those days I had no king;

Ru 2:12 the God of I, under whose wings

1Sa 3:20 And all I from Dan to Beersheba

4:21 “The Glory has departed from I”—

14:23 So on that day the LORD saved I,

15:26 has rejected you as king over I!”

17:46 will know that there is a God in I.

18:16 But all I and Judah loved David,

2Sa 5:2 ‘You will shepherd my people I,

5:3 they anointed David king over I.

14:25 all I there was not a man so highly

1Ki 1:35 I have appointed him ruler over I

10:9 of the LORD’s eternal love for I,

12:1 all I had gone there to make him

18:17 “Is that you, you troubler of I?”

19:18 Yet I reserve seven thousand in I

2Ki 5:8 know that there is a prophet in I.”

1Ch 17:22 made your people I your very own

21:1 Satan rose up against I and incited

29:25 Solomon in the sight of all I

2Ch 9:8 the love of your God for I and his

Ps 73:1 Surely God is good to I, to those

81:8 if you would only listen to me, I!

98:3 his love and his faithfulness to I;

99:8 you were to I a forgiving God,

Isa 11:12 nations and gather the exiles of I;

27:6 I will bud and blossom and fill all

44:21 Jacob, for you, I, are my servant.

46:13 salvation to Zion, my splendor to I.

Jer 2:3 I was holy to the LORD,

23:6 be saved and I will live in safety.

31:2 I will come to give rest to I.”

31:10 ‘He who scattered I will gather

31:31 new covenant with the people of I

33:17 a man to sit on the throne of I,

Eze 3:17 a watchman for the people of I;

33:7 a watchman for the people of I;

34:2 against the shepherds of I;

37:28 that I the LORD make I holy,

39:23 that the people of I went into exile

Da 9:20 the sin of my people I and making

Hos 11:1 “When I was a child, I loved him,

Am 4:12 this is what I will do to you, I,

7:11 and I will surely go into exile,

8:2 “The time is ripe for my people I;

9:14 I will bring my people I back

Mic 5:2 one who will be ruler over I,

Zec 11:14 family bond between Judah and I.

Mal 1:5 even beyond the borders of I!’

Mt 2:6 who will shepherd my people I.’ ”

10:6 Go rather to the lost sheep of I.

15:24 sent only to the lost sheep of I.”

Mk 12:29 ‘Hear, O I: The Lord our God,

Lk 22:30 judging the twelve tribes of I.

Ac 1:6 going to restore the kingdom to I?”

9:15 their kings and to the people of I.

Ro 9:4 the people of I. Theirs is

9:6 all who are descended from I are I.

9:31 but the people of I, who pursued

11:7 of I sought so earnestly they did

11:26 and in this way all I will be saved.

Gal 6:16 follow this rule—to the I of God.

Eph 2:12 excluded from citizenship in I

3:6 Gentiles are heirs together with I,

Heb 8:8 new covenant with the people of I

Rev 7:4 144,000 from all the tribes of I.

21:12 the names of the twelve tribes of I.


Ex 16:1 The whole I community set

35:29 All the I men and women who

Nu 8:16 offspring from every I woman.

20:1 the whole I community arrived

20:22 The whole I community set

Jn 1:47 “Here truly is an I in whom there

Ro 11:1 I am an I myself, a descendant


Ex 1:7 but the I were exceedingly fruitful;

2:23 The I groaned in their slavery

3:9 the cry of the I has reached me,

12:35 The I did as Moses instructed

12:37 The I journeyed from Rameses

14:22 the I went through the sea on dry

16:12 have heard the grumbling of the I.

16:35 The I ate manna forty years,

24:17 To the I the glory of the LORD

28:30 for the I over his heart before

29:45 I will dwell among the I and be

31:16 The I are to observe the Sabbath,

33:5 “Tell the I, ‘You are a stiff-necked

39:42 The I had done all the work just as

Lev 22:32 be acknowledged as holy by the I.

25:46 rule over your fellow I ruthlessly.

25:55 for the I belong to me as servants.

Nu 2:32 These are the I, counted according

6:23 ‘This is how you are to bless the I.

9:2 “Have the I celebrate the Passover

9:17 the cloud settled, the I encamped.

10:12 I set out from the Desert of Sinai

14:2 All the I grumbled against Moses

20:12 me as holy in the sight of the I,

21:6 bit the people and many I died.

26:65 had told those I they would surely

27:12 and see the land I have given the I.

33:3 The I set out from Rameses

35:10 “Speak to the I and say to them:

Dt 33:1 on the I before his death.

Jos 1:2 about to give to them—to the I.

5:6 The I had moved

7:1 the I were unfaithful in regard

8:32 in the presence of the I,

18:1 whole assembly of the I gathered

21:3 the I gave the Levites the following

22:9 of Manasseh left the I at Shiloh

Jdg 2:11 Then the I did evil in the eyes

3:12 Again the I did evil in the eyes

4:1 Again the I did evil in the eyes

6:1 The I did evil in the eyes

10:6 because the I forsook the LORD

13:1 Again the I did evil in the eyes

1Sa 17:2 Saul and the I assembled

1Ki 8:63 all the I dedicated the temple

9:22 did not make slaves of any of the I;

12:17 as for the I who were living

2Ki 17:24 towns of Samaria to replace the I.

1Ch 9:2 in their own towns were some I,

10:1 the I fled before them, and many

11:4 all the I marched to Jerusalem

2Ch 7:6 and all the I were standing.

Ne 1:6 I confess the sins we I,

Jer 16:14 who brought the I up out of Egypt,’

Hos 1:10 “Yet the I will be like the sand

3:1 Love her as the LORD loves the I,

Am 4:5 you I, for this is what you love

Mic 5:3 of his brothers return to join the I.

Ro 9:27 number of the I be like the sand

10:1 to God for the I is that they may be

10:16 all the I accepted the good news.

2Co 11:22 So am I. Are they I? So am I.


Jdg 10:16 he could bear I misery no longer.

2Sa 23:1 God of Jacob, the hero of I songs:

Isa 44:6 I King and Redeemer, the LORD

Jer 3:9 Because I immorality mattered so

31:9 because I am I father, and Ephraim

Jn 3:10 “You are I teacher,” said Jesus,


Son of Jacob by Leah (Ge 30:18; 35:23; 1Ch 2:1). Tribe of blessed (Ge 49:14–15; Dt 33:18–19), numbered (Nu 1:29; 26:25), allotted land (Jos 19:17–23; Eze 48:25), assisted Deborah (Jdg 5:15), 12,000 from (Rev 7:7).


Ac 27:1 decided that we would sail for I,

Heb 13:24 from I send you their greetings.


2Ti 4:3 say what their i ears want to hear.


Son of Aaron (Ex 6:23; 1Ch 6:3). Duties at tabernacle (Ex 38:21; Nu 4:21–33; 7:8).


2Sa 15:19 The king said to I the Gittite,


1Ki 10:22 silver and i, and apes and baboons.

22:39 palace he built and adorned with i,



Ge 32:22 sons and crossed the ford of the J.

Dt 3:16 the border) and out to the J River,


1Sa 31:12 wall of Beth Shan and went to J,

1Ch 10:12 bones under the great tree in J,


Jdg 21:8 none of the people of J were there.

1Sa 11:1 Ammonite went up and besieged J.

2Sa 2:4 men from J who had buried Saul,


Second son of Isaac, twin of Esau (Ge 25:21–26; 1Ch 1:34). Bought Esau’s birthright (Ge 25:29–34); tricked Isaac into blessing him (Ge 27:1–37). Fled to Harran (Ge 28:1–5). Abrahamic covenant perpetuated through (Ge 28:13–15; Mal 1:2). Vision at Bethel (Ge 28:10–22). Served Laban for Rachel and Leah (Ge 29:1–30). Children (Ge 29:3130:24; 35:16–26; 1Ch 2–9). Flocks increased (Ge 30:25–43). Returned to Canaan (Ge 31). Wrestled with God; name changed to Israel (Ge 32:22–32). Reconciled to Esau (Ge 33). Returned to Bethel (Ge 35:1–15). Favored Joseph (Ge 37:3). Sent sons to Egypt during famine (Ge 42–43). Settled in Egypt (Ge 46). Blessed Ephraim and Manasseh (Ge 48). Blessed sons (Ge 49:1–28; Heb 11:21). Death (Ge 49:29–33). Burial (Ge 50:1–14).


Woman who killed Canaanite general, Sisera (Jdg 4:17–22; 5:24–27).


Judge from Gilead (Jdg 10:3–5).


Synagogue ruler whose daughter Jesus raised (Mk 5:22–43; Lk 8:41–56).


1. Apostle; brother of John (Mt 4:21–22; 10:2; Mk 3:17; Lk 5:1–10). At transfiguration (Mt 17:1–13; Mk 9:1–13; Lk 9:28–36). Killed by Herod (Ac 12:2).

2. Apostle; son of Alphaeus (Mt 10:3; Mk 3:18; Lk 6:15).

3. Brother of Jesus (Mt 13:55; Mk 6:3; Lk 24:10; Gal 1:19) and Judas (Jude 1). With believers before Pentecost (Ac 1:13). Leader of church at Jerusalem (Ac 12:17; 15; 21:18; Gal 2:9, 12). Author of epistle (Jas 1:1).


Son of Noah (Ge 5:32; 1Ch 1:4–5). Blessed (Ge 9:18–28). Sons of (Ge 10:2–5).


Ge 24:14 ‘Please let down your j that I may

1Ki 17:14 ‘The j of flour will not be used

Jer 19:1 “Go and buy a clay j from a potter.

Lk 8:16 hides it in a clay j or puts it under


Jn 2:6 Nearby stood six stone water j,

2Co 4:7 we have this treasure in j of clay


Ex 28:20 row shall be topaz, onyx and j.

Eze 28:13 topaz, onyx and j, lapis lazuli,

Rev 4:3 sat there had the appearance of j

21:19 The first foundation was j,


1Sa 17:45 me with sword and spear and j,


Jdg 15:15 Finding a fresh j of a donkey,


Ex 20:5 am a j God, punishing the children

34:14 whose name is J, is a j God.

Dt 4:24 God is a consuming fire, a j God.

6:15 is a j God and his anger will burn

32:21 They made me j by what is no god

Jos 24:19 He is a holy God; he is a j God.

Eze 16:38 vengeance of my wrath and j anger.

16:42 j anger will turn away from you;

23:25 I will direct my j anger against you,

36:6 in my j wrath because you have

Joel 2:18 Then the LORD was j for his land

Na 1:2 The LORD is a j and avenging

Zep 3:8 consumed by the fire of my j anger.

Zec 1:14 ‘I am very j for Jerusalem and Zion

8:2 “I am very j for Zion;

2Co 11:2 am j for you with a godly jealousy.


Jas 4:5 says without reason that he j longs


Ps 79:5 How long will your j burn like fire?

Pr 6:34 For j arouses a husband’s fury,

27:4 but who can stand before j?

SS 8:6 death, its j unyielding as the grave.

Zep 1:18 fire of his j the whole earth will be

Zec 8:2 I am burning with j for her.”

Ro 13:13 not in dissension and j.

1Co 3:3 For since there is j and quarreling

10:22 we trying to arouse the Lord’s j?

2Co 11:2 I am jealous for you with a godly j.

12:20 I fear that there may be discord, j,

Gal 5:20 hatred, discord, j, fits of rage,


Heb 11:36 Some faced j and flogging,


1. Son of Jehu; king of Israel (2Ki 13:1–9).

2. Son of Josiah; king of Judah (2Ki 23:31–34; 2Ch 36:1–4).


1. See JOASH.

2. Son of Jehoahaz; king of Israel. Defeat of Aram prophesied by Elisha (2Ki 13:10–25). Defeated Amaziah in Jerusalem (2Ki 14:1–16; 2Ch 25:17–24).


Son of Jehoiakim; king of Judah exiled by Nebuchadnezzar (2Ki 24:8–17; 2Ch 36:8–10; Jer 22:24–30; 24:1). Raised from prisoner status (2Ki 25:27–30; Jer 52:31–34).


Priest who sheltered Joash from Athaliah (2Ki 11–12; 2Ch 22:1124:16).


Son of Josiah; made king of Judah by Pharaoh Necho (2Ki 23:3424:6; 2Ch 36:4–8; Jer 22:18–23). Burned scroll of Jeremiah’s prophecies (Jer 36).


1. Son of Jehoshaphat; king of Judah (2Ki 8:16–24). Prophesied against by Elijah; killed by the LORD (2Ch 21).

2. See JORAM.


Son of Asa; king of Judah. Strengthened his kingdom (2Ch 17). Joined with Ahab against Aram (2Ki 22; 2Ch 18). Established judges (2Ch 19). Joined with Joram against Moab (2Ki 3; 2Ch 20).


1. Prophet against Baasha (2Ki 16:1–7).

2. King of Israel. Anointed by Elijah to obliterate house of Ahab (1Ki 19:16–17); anointed by servant of Elisha (2Ki 9:1–13). Killed Joram and Ahaziah (2Ki 9:14–29; 2Ch 22:7–9), Jezebel (2Ki 9:30–37), relatives of Ahab (2Ki 10:1–17), ministers of Baal (2Ki 10:18–29). Death (2Ki 10:30–36).


Judge from Gilead who delivered Israel from Ammon (Jdg 10:612:7). Made rash vow concerning his daughter (Jdg 11:30–40).


Prophet to Judah (Jer 1:1–3). Called by the LORD (Jer 1). Put in stocks (Jer 20:1–3). Threatened for prophesying (Jer 11:18–23; 26). Opposed by Hananiah (Jer 28). Scroll burned (Jer 36). Imprisoned (Jer 37). Thrown into cistern (Jer 38). Forced to Egypt with those fleeing Babylonians (Jer 43).


Nu 22:1 along the Jordan across from J.

Jos 3:16 the people crossed over opposite J.

5:10 camped at Gilgal on the plains of J,

Lk 10:30 going down from Jerusalem to J,

Heb 11:30 By faith the walls of J fell,


1. Official of Solomon; rebelled to become first king of Israel (1Ki 11:26–40; 12:1–20; 2Ch 10). Idolatry (1Ki 12:25–33); judgment for (1Ki 13–14; 2Ch 13).

2. Son of Jehoash; king of Israel (1Ki 14:23–29).


Jos 10:1 Now Adoni-Zedek king of J heard

15:8 slope of the Jebusite city (that is, J).

Jdg 1:8 The men of Judah attacked J

1Sa 17:54 Philistine’s head and brought it to J

2Sa 5:5 in J he reigned over all Israel

5:6 his men marched to J to attack

9:13 And Mephibosheth lived in J,

11:1 But David remained in J.

15:29 took the ark of God back to J

24:16 stretched out his hand to destroy J,

1Ki 3:1 the LORD, and the wall around J.

9:15 terraces, the wall of J, and Hazor,

9:19 whatever he desired to build in J,

10:26 cities and also with him in J.

10:27 silver as common in J as stones,

1Ki 11:7 On a hill east of J, Solomon built

11:13 my servant and for the sake of J,

11:36 always have a lamp before me in J,

11:42 in J over all Israel forty years.

12:27 at the temple of the LORD in J,

14:21 he reigned seventeen years in J,

14:25 Shishak king of Egypt attacked J.

15:2 and he reigned in J three years.

15:10 and he reigned in J forty-one years.

22:42 he reigned in J twenty-five years.

2Ki 8:17 and he reigned in J eight years.

8:26 king, and he reigned in J one year.

12:1 and he reigned in J forty years.

12:17 Then he turned to attack J.

14:2 he reigned in J twenty-nine years.

14:13 broke down the wall of J

15:2 he reigned in J fifty-two years.

15:33 and he reigned in J sixteen years.

16:2 and he reigned in J sixteen years.

16:5 Israel marched up to fight against J

18:2 he reigned in J twenty-nine years.

18:17 They came up to J and stopped

19:31 For out of J will come a remnant,

21:1 and he reigned in J fifty-five years.

21:12 going to bring such disaster on J

21:19 king, and he reigned in J two years.

22:1 he reigned in J thirty-one years.

23:27 I will reject J, the city I chose,

23:31 and he reigned in J three months.

23:36 and he reigned in J eleven years.

24:8 and he reigned in J three months.

24:10 king of Babylon advanced on J

24:14 He carried all J into exile:

24:18 and he reigned in J eleven years.

24:20 anger that all this happened to J

25:1 Babylon marched against J with his

25:9 royal palace and all the houses of J.

1Ch 11:4 all the Israelites marched to J

21:16 sword in his hand extended over J.

2Ch 1:4 he had pitched a tent for it in J.

3:1 the LORD in J on Mount Moriah,

6:6 now I have chosen J for my Name

9:1 she came to J to test him with hard

20:15 and all who live in Judah and J!

20:27 Judah and J returned joyfully to J,

29:8 LORD has fallen on Judah and J;

36:19 and broke down the wall of J;

Ezr 1:2 a temple for him at J in Judah.

2:1 to Babylon (they returned to J

3:1 assembled together as one in J.

4:12 up to us from you have gone to J

4:24 of God in J came to a standstill

6:12 or to destroy this temple in J.

7:8 Ezra arrived in J in the fifth month

9:9 a wall of protection in Judah and J.

10:7 J for all the exiles to assemble in J.

Ne 1:2 survived the exile, and also about J.

1:3 The wall of J is broken down,

2:11 I went to J, and after staying there

2:17 let us rebuild the wall of J,

2:20 you have no share in J or any claim

3:8 They restored J as far as the Broad

4:8 fight against J and stir up trouble

11:1 leaders of the people settled in J.

12:27 At the dedication of the wall of J,

12:43 in J could be heard far away.

Ps 51:18 Zion, to build up the walls of J.

79:1 they have reduced J to rubble.

122:2 feet are standing in your gates, J.

122:3 J is built like a city that is closely

122:6 Pray for the peace of J:

125:2 As the mountains surround J,

128:5 see the prosperity of J all the days

137:5 If I forget you, J, may my right

147:2 The LORD builds up J;

147:12 Extol the LORD, J;

SS 6:4 as lovely as J, as majestic as troops

Isa 1:1 and J that Isaiah son of Amoz saw

2:1 Amoz saw concerning Judah and J:

3:1 is about to take from J and Judah

3:8 J staggers, Judah is falling;

4:3 are recorded among the living in J.

8:14 for the people of J he will be a trap

27:13 LORD on the holy mountain in J.

31:5 the LORD Almighty will shield J;

Isa 33:20 your eyes will see J, a peaceful

40:2 Speak tenderly to J, and proclaim

40:9 You who bring good news to J,

52:1 on your garments of splendor, J,

52:2 rise up, sit enthroned, J.

62:6 posted watchmen on your walls, J;

62:7 give him no rest till he establishes J

65:18 for I will create J to be a delight

Jer 2:2 and proclaim in the hearing of J:

3:17 time they will call J The Throne

4:5 in Judah and proclaim in J and say:

4:14 J, wash the evil from your heart

5:1 “Go up and down the streets of J,

6:6 and build siege ramps against J.

8:5 Why does J always turn away?

9:11 “I will make J a heap of ruins,

13:27 Woe to you, J! How long will you

23:14 the people of J are like Gomorrah.”

24:1 carried into exile from J to Babylon

26:18 J will become a heap of rubble,

32:2 of Babylon was then besieging J,

33:10 the streets of J that are deserted,

39:1 Babylon marched against J with his

51:50 a distant land, and call to mind J.”

52:14 broke down all the walls around J.

La 1:7 and wandering J remembers all

Eze 14:21 I send against J my four dreadful

16:2 man, confront J with her detestable

Da 6:10 the windows opened toward J.

9:2 of J would last seventy years.

9:12 done like what has been done to J.

9:25 rebuild J until the Anointed One,

Joel 3:1 restore the fortunes of Judah and J,

3:16 from Zion and thunder from J;

3:17 J will be holy; never again will

Am 2:5 will consume the fortresses of J.”

Ob 11 entered his gates and cast lots for J,

Mic 1:5 is Judah’s high place? Is it not J?

4:2 the word of the LORD from J.

Zep 3:16 On that day they will say to J,

Zec 1:14 ‘I am very jealous for J and Zion,

1:17 comfort Zion and choose J.’ ”

2:2 me, “To measure J, to find out how

2:4 man, ‘J will be a city without walls

8:3 J will be called the Faithful City,

8:8 I will bring them back to live in J;

8:15 determined to do good again to J

8:22 powerful nations will come to J

9:9 Shout, Daughter J! See, your king

9:10 Ephraim and the warhorses from J,

12:3 I will make J an immovable rock

12:10 the inhabitants of J a spirit of grace

14:2 I will gather all the nations to J

14:8 living water will flow out from J,

14:16 nations that have attacked J will go

Mt 16:21 to his disciples that he must go to J

20:18 “We are going up to J, and the Son

21:10 When Jesus entered J, the whole

23:37J, J, you who kill the prophets

Mk 10:33 “We are going up to J,” he said,

Lk 2:22 Mary took him to J to present him

2:41 Every year Jesus’ parents went to J

2:43 the boy Jesus stayed behind in J,

4:9 The devil led him to J and had him

9:31 about to bring to fulfillment at J.

9:51 Jesus resolutely set out for J.

13:34J, J, you who kill the prophets

18:31 them, “We are going up to J,

19:41 As he approached J and saw

21:20 “When you see J being surrounded

21:24 J will be trampled

24:47 name to all nations, beginning at J.

Jn 4:20 where we must worship is in J.”

Ac 1:4 “Do not leave J, but wait

1:8 and you will be my witnesses in J,

6:7 of disciples in J increased rapidly,

20:22 I am going to J, not knowing what

23:11 As you have testified about me in J,

Ro 15:19 So from J all the way around

Gal 4:25 to the present city of J,

4:26 But the J that is above is free,

Heb 12:22 of the living God, the heavenly J.

Rev 3:12 the new J, which is coming down

21:2 the new J, coming down

21:10 and showed me the Holy City, J,