Ex 9:16 name might be p in all the earth.
34:5 there with him and p his name,
Ac 28:31 He p the kingdom of God
Ro 15:19 I have fully p the gospel of Christ.
Col 1:23 has been p to every creature under
2Ti 4:17 me the message might be fully p
Ps 26:7 p aloud your praise and telling of
92:2 p your love in the morning and
92:15 p, “The LORD is upright;
Lk 9:6 p the good news and healing
Ac 5:42 p the good news that Jesus is
Dt 18:22 If what a prophet p in the name
Pr 30:33 so stirring up anger p strife.”
Ro 5:3 that suffering p perseverance;
Heb 12:11 it p a harvest of righteousness
Lev 19:12 and so p the name of your God.
22:32 Do not p my holy name, for I must
Mal 2:10 Why do we p the covenant of our
Eze 36:20 the nations they p my holy name,
Ro 10:10 your mouth that you p your faith
1Ti 2:10 for women who p to worship God.
Heb 4:14 let us hold firmly to the faith we p.
10:23 unswervingly to the hope we p,
13:15 fruit of lips that openly p his name.
Pr 14:23 All hard work brings a p, but mere
21:5 lead to p as surely as haste leads
Isa 44:10 casts an idol, which can p nothing?
Eze 18:8 at interest or take a p from them.
2Co 2:17 not peddle the word of God for p.
Pr 3:14 for she is more p than silver
31:18 She sees that her trading is p,
Titus 3:8 are excellent and p for everyone.
Job 9:4 His wisdom is p, his power is vast.
Ps 92:5 LORD, how p your thoughts!
Eph 5:32 This is a p mystery—but I am
Dt 5:33 p your days in the land that you
Ps 85:5 Will you p your anger through all
Pr 3:2 for they will p your life many years
Isa 53:10 see his offspring and p his days,
La 4:22 he will not p your exile.
Nu 23:19 Does he p and not fulfill?
Jos 23:14 Every p has been fulfilled;
2Sa 7:25 keep forever the p you have made
1Ki 8:20 LORD has kept the p he made:
8:24 You have kept your p to your
Ne 5:13 anyone who does not keep this p.
9:8 have kept your p because you are
Ps 77:8 Has his p failed for all time?
119:41 salvation, according to your p;
119:50 Your p preserves my life.
119:58 to me according to your p.
119:162 in your p like one who finds great
Pr 11:7 all the p of their power comes
Ac 2:39 The p is for you and your children
Ro 4:13 his offspring received the p that he
4:20 through unbelief regarding the p
Gal 3:14 faith we might receive the p
Eph 2:12 foreigners to the covenants of the p
1Ti 4:8 holding p for both the present life
Heb 6:13 God made his p to Abraham,
11:11 him faithful who had made the p.
2Pe 3:9 Lord is not slow in keeping his p,
3:13 with his p we are looking forward
Ge 21:1 did for Sarah what he had p.
24:7 spoke to me and p me on oath,
Ex 3:17 I have p to bring you up out of
Nu 10:29 for the LORD has p good things
Dt 15:6 God will bless you as he has p,
26:18 his treasured possession as he p,
2Sa 7:28 and you have p these good things
1Ki 9:5 as I p David your father when I
2Ch 6:15 with your mouth you have p
Ps 119:57 I have p to obey your words.
Lk 24:49 to send you what my Father has p;
Ac 1:4 but wait for the gift my Father p,
13:32 What God p our ancestors
Ro 4:21 had power to do what he had p.
Titus 1:2 lie, p before the beginning of time,
Heb 10:23 we profess, for he who p is faithful.
10:36 you will receive what he has p.
Jas 1:12 the Lord has p to those who love
2:5 the kingdom he p those who love
2Pe 3:4 say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he p?
1Jn 2:25 And this is what he p us—
Jos 21:45 of all the LORD’s good p to Israel
23:14 all the good p the LORD your God
1Ki 8:56 all the good p he gave through his
1Ch 17:19 and made known all these great p.
Ps 85:8 p peace to his people, his faithful
106:12 they believed his p and sang his
119:140 p have been thoroughly tested,
119:148 that I may meditate on your p.
145:13 LORD is trustworthy in all he p
Ro 9:4 law, the temple worship and the p.
2Co 1:20 matter how many p God has made,
7:1 since we have these p, dear friends,
Heb 8:6 covenant is established on better p.
2Pe 1:4 us his very great and precious p,
Pr 12:20 but those who p peace have joy.
16:21 and gracious words p instruction.
1Ti 1:4 Such things p controversial
1Ch 23:13 to p blessings in his name forever.
1Ch 16:12 miracles, and the judgments he p,
Ps 104:27 give them their food at the p time.
145:15 give them their food at the p time.
Ecc 8:5 the wise heart will know the p time
Mt 24:45 give them their food at the p time?
1Co 11:13 Is it p for a woman to pray to God
Gal 6:9 at the p time we will reap a harvest
1Ti 2:6 been witnessed to at the p time.
1Pe 2:17 Show p respect to everyone,
Heb 10:34 the confiscation of your p,
Da 9:24 seal up vision and p and to anoint
1Co 12:10 powers, to another p, to another
13:2 If I have the gift of p and can
14:1 gifts of the Spirit, especially p.
14:6 or knowledge or p or word
14:22 p, however, is not for unbelievers
2Pe 1:20 that no p of Scripture came
Rev 22:18 the words of the p of this scroll:
Nu 11:25 the Spirit rested on them, they p—
1Sa 19:24 and he too p in Samuel’s presence.
Jn 11:51 that year he p that Jesus would die
Ac 19:6 and they spoke in tongues and p.
21:9 four unmarried daughters who p.
Jer 28:9 But the prophet who p peace will
Eze 12:27 and he p about the distant future.’
1Co 11:4 p with his head covered dishonors
14:3 the one who p speaks to people for
1Sa 10:6 you, and you will p with them;
Eze 13:2 p against the prophets of Israel
13:17 daughters of your people who p
34:2 p against the shepherds of Israel;
37:4 “P to these bones and say to them,
Joel 2:28 Your sons and daughters will p,
Mt 7:22 did we not p in your name
Ac 2:17 Your sons and daughters will p,
1Co 13:9 we know in part and we p in part,
14:39 be eager to p, and do not forbid
Rev 11:3 and they will p for 1,260 days,
Ex 7:1 your brother Aaron will be your p.
15:20 Then Miriam the p, Aaron’s sister,
Nu 12:6 “When there is a p among you, I,
Dt 13:1 If a p, or one who foretells
18:18 for them a p like you from among
18:22 That p has spoken presumptuously,
Jdg 4:4 Deborah, a p, the wife of
1Sa 3:20 Samuel was attested as a p
9:9 because the p of today used to be
1Ki 1:8 Nathan the p, Shimei and Rei
18:36 the p Elijah stepped forward
2Ki 5:8 know that there is a p in Israel.”
6:12 “but Elisha, the p who is in Israel,
20:1 The p Isaiah son of Amoz went
2Ch 35:18 since the days of the p Samuel;
36:12 himself before Jeremiah the p,
Ezr 5:1 Haggai the p and Zechariah the p,
Eze 2:5 that a p has been among them.
33:33 that a p has been among them.”
Hos 9:7 so great, the p is considered a fool,
Am 7:14 was neither a p nor the son of a p,
Hab 1:1 that Habakkuk the p received.
Hag 1:1 LORD came through the p Haggai
Zec 1:1 came to the p Zechariah son
13:4 that day every p will be ashamed
Mal 4:5 “See, I will send the p Elijah to you
Mt 10:41 Whoever welcomes a p as a p will
11:9 A p? Yes, I tell you, and more than a p.
12:39 it except the sign of the p Jonah.
Lk 1:76 will be called a p of the Most High;
2:36 There was also a p, Anna,
4:24 “no p is accepted in his hometown.
7:16 “A great p has appeared among
24:19 “He was a p, powerful in word
Jn 1:21 “Are you the P?”
Ac 7:37 for you a p like me from your own
21:10 a p named Agabus came down
1Co 14:37 If anyone thinks they are a p or
Rev 16:13 out of the mouth of the false p.
Isa 8:3 Then I made love to the p, and she
2Pe 1:19 have the p message as something
2Pe 1:20 about by the p own interpretation
Nu 11:29 that all the LORD’s people were p
1Sa 10:11 Is Saul also among the p?”
28:6 him by dreams or Urim or p.
1Ki 19:10 put your p to death with the sword.
1Ch 16:22 do my p no harm.”
Ps 105:15 do my p no harm.”
Jer 23:9 Concerning the p: My heart is
23:30 “I am against the p who steal
Eze 13:2 prophesy against the p of Israel
Mt 5:17 come to abolish the Law or the P;
7:12 for this sums up the Law and the P.
7:15 “Watch out for false p.
22:40 Law and the P hang on these two
23:37 you who kill the p and stone those
24:24 messiahs and false p will appear
26:56 of the p might be fulfilled.”
Lk 10:24 I tell you that many p and kings
11:49 ‘I will send them p and apostles,
24:25 believe all that the p have spoken!
24:44 of Moses, the P and the Psalms.”
Ac 3:24 all the p who have spoken have
10:43 All the p testify about him
13:1 the church at Antioch there were p
26:22 saying nothing beyond what the p
28:23 from the P he tried to persuade
Ro 1:2 beforehand through his p
3:21 to which the Law and the P testify.
11:3 they have killed your p and torn
1Co 12:28 apostles, second p, third teachers,
12:29 Are all p? Are all teachers?
14:32 The spirits of p are subject to the control of p.
Eph 2:20 foundation of the apostles and p,
3:5 Spirit to God’s holy apostles and p.
4:11 the apostles, the p, the evangelists,
Heb 1:1 our ancestors through the p at
1Pe 1:10 the p, who spoke of the grace
2Pe 3:2 spoken in the past by the holy p
1Jn 4:1 because many false p have gone
Rev 11:10 because these two p had tormented
18:20 Rejoice, apostles and p!
Pr 10:28 The p of the righteous is joy,
Dt 5:33 you, so that you may live and p
28:63 pleased the LORD to make you p
29:9 you may p in everything you do.
1Ki 2:3 this so that you may p in all you do
Ezr 6:14 p under the preaching of Haggai
Pr 11:10 When the righteous p, the city
11:25 A generous person will p;
17:20 whose heart is corrupt does not p;
19:8 understanding will soon p.
28:13 conceals their sins does not p,
28:25 who trust in the LORD will p.
Isa 53:10 of the LORD will p in his hand.
Jer 12:1 Why does the way of the wicked p?
Ge 39:2 was with Joseph so that he p,
2Ch 14:7 on every side.” So they built and p.
31:21 And so he p.
Dt 28:11 LORD will grant you abundant p—
30:15 I set before you today life and p,
Job 36:11 spend the rest of their days in p
Ps 73:3 when I saw the p of the wicked.
122:9 LORD our God, I will seek your p.
128:2 blessings and p will be yours.
Pr 3:2 years and bring you peace and p.
Pr 21:21 and love finds life, p and honor.
Isa 45:7 I bring p and create disaster;
Lev 20:6 and spiritists to p themselves
Nu 15:39 not p yourselves by chasing
Jos 2:1 the house of a p named Rahab
Pr 6:26 For a p can be had for a loaf
7:10 dressed like a p and with crafty
Eze 16:15 and used your fame to become a p.
23:7 She gave herself as a p to all
Hos 3:3 you must not be a p or be intimate
1Co 6:15 of Christ and unite them with a p?
6:16 who unites himself with a p is one
Rev 17:1 you the punishment of the great p,
Pr 29:3 of p squanders his wealth.
Mt 21:31 the p are entering the kingdom
Lk 15:30 your property with p comes home,
Eze 16:16 where you carried on your p.
23:3 engaging in p from their youth.
Hos 4:10 they will engage in p but not
Dt 23:14 moves about in your camp to p
Ps 25:21 integrity and uprightness p me,
32:7 you will p me from trouble
40:11 love and faithfulness always p me.
91:14 I will p him, for he acknowledges
140:1 p me from the violent,
Pr 2:11 Discretion will p you,
4:6 wisdom, and she will p you;
Jn 17:11 p them by the power of your name,
17:15 that you p them from the evil one.
2Th 3:3 you and p you from the evil one.
Jos 24:17 He p us on our entire journey
1Sa 30:23 He has p us and delivered into our
Jn 17:12 I p them and kept them safe
Ps 41:2 The LORD p and preserves them—
116:6 The LORD p the unwary;
Pr 2:8 p the way of his faithful ones.
27:18 whoever p their master will be
1Co 13:7 It always p, always trusts,
Ps 31:23 him, but the p he pays back in full.
101:5 has haughty eyes and a p heart,
Pr 3:34 He mocks p mockers but shows
16:5 The LORD detests all the p
16:19 than to share plunder with the p.
21:4 Haughty eyes and a p heart—
Isa 2:12 has a day in store for all the p
Ro 12:16 Do not be p, but be willing
1Co 13:4 envy, it does not boast, it is not p.
2Ti 3:2 of money, boastful, p, abusive,
Jas 4:6 “God opposes the p but shows
1Pe 5:5 “God opposes the p but shows
Pr 29:25 Fear of man will p to be a snare,
Jn 8:46 Can any of you p me guilty of sin?
16:8 he will p the world to be
1Co 4:2 been given a trust must p faithful.
Isa 5:16 the holy God will be p holy by his
Eze 28:25 I will be p holy through them
Mt 11:19 wisdom is p right by her deeds.”
Ro 3:4 may be p right when you speak
1Pe 1:7 the p genuineness of your faith—
Ge 22:8 “God himself will p the lamb
22:14 that place The LORD Will P.
Isa 43:20 because I p water in the wilderness
61:3 and p for those who grieve in Zion
1Co 10:13 p a way out so that you can endure
1Ti 5:8 Anyone who does not p for their
Titus 3:14 in order to p for urgent needs
Ps 68:10 bounty, God, you p for the poor.
111:9 He p redemption for his people;
Jnh 1:17 Now the LORD p a huge fish
4:6 the LORD God p a leafy plant
4:7 dawn the next day God p a worm,
4:8 rose, God p a scorching east wind,
Gal 4:18 be zealous, p the purpose is good,
Heb 1:3 he had p purification for sins,
Ps 111:5 He p food for those who fear him;
Pr 31:15 she p food for her family
Eze 18:7 and p clothing for the naked.
1Ti 6:17 who richly p us with everything
1Pe 4:11 do so with the strength God p,
Ac 9:22 in Damascus by p that Jesus is
17:3 p that the Messiah had to suffer
18:28 p from the Scriptures that Jesus
Ro 5:17 who receive God’s abundant p
1Pe 5:8 enemy the devil p around like
Pr 1:4 giving p to those who are simple,
8:5 You who are simple, gain p;
8:12 “I, wisdom, dwell together with p;
12:8 is praised according to their p,
15:5 whoever heeds correction shows p.
16:22 P is a fountain of life to the
19:25 and the simple will learn p;
21:16 from the path of p comes to rest
Pr 1:3 receiving instruction in p behavior,
12:16 once, but the p overlook an insult.
12:23 The p keep their knowledge
13:16 All who are p act with knowledge,
14:8 The wisdom of the p is to give
14:15 the p give thought to their steps.
14:18 the p are crowned with knowledge.
19:14 but a p wife is from the LORD.
22:3 The p see danger and take refuge,
27:12 The p see danger and take refuge,
Jer 49:7 Has counsel perished from the p?
Am 5:13 Therefore the p keep quiet in such
Jn 15:2 does bear fruit he p so that it will
Eze 16:7 grew and developed and entered p.
Ac 20:20 have taught you p and from house
1Co 8:1 knowledge p up while love builds
Ge 15:14 But I will p the nation they serve
Ex 32:34 when the time comes for me to p,
Pr 23:13 if you p them with the rod, they
Isa 13:11 I will p the world for its evil,
Jer 2:19 Your wickedness will p you;
21:14 I will p you as your deeds deserve,
Zep 1:12 and p those who are complacent,
Ac 7:7 But I will p the nation they serve as
2Th 1:8 He will p those who do not know
1Pe 2:14 by him to p those who do wrong
Ezr 9:13 you have p us less than our sins
Ps 99:8 God, though you p their misdeeds.
Isa 53:8 of my people he was p.
La 3:39 should the living complain when p
Mk 12:40 men will be p most severely.”
Lk 23:41 We are p justly, for we are getting
2Th 1:9 They will be p with everlasting
Heb 10:29 to be p who has trampled the Son
Isa 53:5 the p that brought us peace was
Jer 4:18 This is your p. How bitter it is!
Mt 25:46 they will go away to eternal p,
Lk 12:48 and does things deserving p will be
21:22 this is the time of p in fulfillment
Ro 13:4 wrath to bring p on the wrongdoer.
Heb 2:2 disobedience received its just p,
2Pe 2:9 to hold the unrighteous for p
2Sa 22:27 to the p you show yourself p,
2Ki 2:22 the water has remained p to this
Job 14:4 Who can bring what is p
Ps 19:9 The fear of the LORD is p,
24:4 who has clean hands and a p heart,
51:10 Create in me a p heart, O God,
Pr 15:26 gracious words are p in his sight.
20:9 can say, “I have kept my heart p;
Isa 52:11 Come out from it and be p, you
Hab 1:13 Your eyes are too p to look on evil;
Mt 5:8 Blessed are the p in heart, for they
2Co 11:2 I might present you as a p virgin
Php 4:8 whatever is p, whatever is lovely,
1Ti 1:5 which comes from a p heart
5:22 the sins of others. Keep yourself p.
2Ti 2:22 call on the Lord out of a p heart.
Titus 1:15 To the p, all things are p,
2:5 to be self-controlled and p, to be
Heb 7:26 p, set apart from sinners,
13:4 all, and the marriage bed kept p,
Jas 1:27 that God our Father accepts as p
3:17 comes from heaven is first of all p;
1Jn 3:3 purify themselves, just as he is p.
Pr 20:30 and beatings p the inmost being.
Heb 1:3 After he had provided p for sins,
1Jn 1:7 of Jesus, his Son, p us from all sin.
Nu 19:12 They must p themselves
2Co 7:1 let us p ourselves from everything
Titus 2:14 to p for himself a people that are
Jas 4:8 you sinners, and p your hearts,
1Jn 1:9 and p us from all unrighteousness.
3:3 this hope in him p themselves,
Est 9:26 these days were called P,
Ps 119:9 person stay on the path of p?
Hos 8:5 long will they be incapable of p?
2Co 6:6 in p, understanding,
1Ti 4:12 conduct, in love, in faith and in p.
5:2 women as sisters, with absolute p.
1Pe 3:2 when they see the p and reverence
Ex 9:16 I have raised you up for this very p,
Job 36:5 he is mighty, and firm in his p.
42:2 no p of yours can be thwarted.
Pr 19:21 it is the LORD’s p that prevails.
Isa 46:10 I say, ‘My p will stand, and I will
55:11 achieve the p for which I sent it.
Ro 8:28 been called according to his p.
9:11 God’s p in election might stand:
9:17 “I raised you up for this very p,
1Co 3:8 the one who waters have one p,
2Co 5:5 fashioned us for this very p is God,
Gal 4:18 be zealous, provided the p is good,
Eph 1:11 conformity with the p of his will,
3:11 his eternal p that he accomplished
Php 2:13 to act in order to fulfill his good p.
2Ti 1:9 because of his own p and grace.
Isa 14:24 and as I have p, so it will happen.
14:27 For the LORD Almighty has p,
Eph 1:9 pleasure, which he p in Christ,
Ps 33:10 he thwarts the p of the peoples.
Jer 23:20 until he fully accomplishes the p
32:19 great are your p and mighty are
Hag 1:6 to put them in a p with holes in it.”
Lk 10:4 Do not take a p or bag or sandals;
22:36 “But now if you have a p, take it,
Lk 12:33 Provide p for yourselves that will
Ps 34:14 and do good; seek peace and p it.
Pr 15:9 loves those who p righteousness.
Ro 9:30 who did not p righteousness,
1Ti 6:11 and p righteousness, godliness,
2Ti 2:22 of youth and p righteousness, faith,
1Pe 3:11 they must seek peace and p it.
Da 6:3 by his exceptional q that the king
Ro 1:20 of the world God’s invisible q—
2Pe 1:8 if you possess these q in increasing
1Co 3:13 and the fire will test the q of each
Pr 15:18 the one who is patient calms a q.
17:14 Starting a q is like breaching a dam
17:19 Whoever loves a q loves sin;
20:3 strife, but every fool is quick to q.
26:17 who rushes into a q not their own.
26:20 without a gossip a q dies down.
Isa 45:9 to those who q with their Maker,
Jas 4:2 what you want, so you q and fight.
Pr 19:13 q wife is like the constant dripping
21:9 than share a house with a q wife.
26:21 so is a q person for kindling strife.
1Ti 3:3 gentle, not q, not a lover of money.
2Ti 2:24 the Lord’s servant must not be q
1Ki 10:1 When the q of Sheba heard
2Ch 9:1 When the q of Sheba heard
Mt 12:42 The Q of the South will rise
Pr 14:17 A q person does foolish things,
14:29 but one who is q displays folly.
Titus 1:7 not q, not given to drunkenness,
Ps 23:2 he leads me beside q waters,
Pr 17:1 and q than a house full of feasting,
Ecc 9:17 The q words of the wise are more
Am 5:13 Therefore the prudent keep q
Lk 19:40 “if they keep q, the stones will cry
1Th 4:11 it your ambition to lead a q life:
1Ti 2:2 peaceful and q lives in all godliness
1Ti 2:12 over a man; she must be q.
1Pe 3:4 beauty of a gentle and q spirit,
Job 3:26 I have no peace, no q; I have no
Isa 30:15 in q and trust is your strength,
32:17 its effect will be q and confidence
1Ti 2:11 A woman should learn in q and
Ps 127:5 Blessed is the man whose q is full
Ecc 9:11 The r is not to the swift or the
Ac 20:24 my only aim is to finish the r
1Co 9:24 that in a r all the runners run,
Gal 2:2 had not been running my r in vain.
5:7 You were running a good r.
2Ti 4:7 I have finished the r, I have kept
Heb 12:1 with perseverance the r marked
Daughter of Laban (Ge 29:16); wife of Jacob (Ge 29:28); bore two sons (Ge 30:22–24; 35:16–24; 46:19). Stole Laban’s gods (Ge 31:19, 32–35). Death (Ge 35:19–20).
Ex 34:29 that his face was r because he had
Ps 34:5 Those who look to him are r;
76:4 You are r with light, more majestic
132:18 will be adorned with a r crown.”
SS 5:10 My beloved is r and ruddy,
Isa 60:5 Then you will look and be r,
Eph 5:27 her to himself as a r church,
Pr 29:11 Fools give full vent to their r,
Ac 4:25 “ ‘Why do the nations r
Col 3:8 anger, r, malice, slander, and filthy
Isa 64:6 our righteous acts are like filthy r;
Prostitute of Jericho who hid Israelite spies (Jos 2; 6:22–25; Heb 11:31; Jas 2:25). Mother of Boaz (Mt 1:5).
Ge 7:4 from now I will send r on the earth
1Ki 17:1 there will be neither dew nor r
18:1 and I will send r on the land.”
Mt 5:45 and sends r on the righteous
Jas 5:17 earnestly that it would not r,
Jude 12 They are clouds without r,
Ge 9:13 I have set my r in the clouds, and it
Eze 1:28 Like the appearance of a r in the
Rev 4:3 A r that shone like an emerald
Ps 89:19 I have r up a young man
Isa 52:13 he will be r and lifted up and
Mt 17:23 the third day he will be r to life.”
Lk 7:22 the dead are r, and the good news
Ac 2:24 But God r him from the dead,
Ro 4:25 was r to life for our justification.
6:4 just as Christ was r from the dead
8:11 he who r Christ from the dead will
10:9 your heart that God r him
1Co 15:4 he was r on the third day according
15:20 Christ has indeed been r
Isa 11:10 the nations will r to him, and his
Ge 22:13 in a thicket he saw a r caught
Ex 25:5 r skins dyed red and another type
Da 8:3 there before me was a r with two
Ps 91:4 will be your shield and r.
Jnh 1:3 But Jonah r away from the LORD
Mt 20:28 to give his life as a r for many.”
Mk 10:45 to give his life as a r for many.”
1Ti 2:6 who gave himself as a r for all
Heb 9:15 he has died as a r to set them free
Pr 20:15 that speak knowledge are a r jewel.
1Ki 17:6 The r brought him bread and meat
Ps 147:9 and for the young r when they call.
Lk 12:24 Consider the r: They do not sow
Mal 4:2 will rise with healing in its r.
Dt 17:19 he is to r it all the days of his life so
Jos 8:34 Joshua r all the words of the law—
2Ki 23:2 He r in their hearing all the words
Ne 8:8 They r from the Book of the Law
Jer 36:6 r to the people from the scroll
2Co 3:2 hearts, known and r by everyone.
1Ti 4:13 to the public r of Scripture,
Rev 1:3 is the one who r aloud the words
2Co 2:8 therefore, to r your love for him.
Jn 6:55 For my flesh is r food and my blood is r drink.
1Jn 2:27 all things and as that anointing is r,
Col 2:17 the r, however, is found in Christ.
Job 4:8 evil and those who sow trouble r it.
Ps 126:5 sow with tears will r with songs
Hos 8:7 sow the wind and r the whirlwind.
10:12 r the fruit of unfailing love,
Jn 4:38 to r what you have not worked for.
Ro 6:22 the benefit you r leads to holiness,
2Co 9:6 sparingly will also r sparingly,
9:6 generously will also r generously.
Gal 6:8 from the flesh will r destruction;
6:8 from the Spirit will r eternal life.
Jn 4:36 and the r may be glad together.
Pr 11:18 who sows righteousness r a sure
22:8 Whoever sows injustice r calamity,
Gal 6:7 A man r what he sows.
Mt 19:5 this r a man will leave his father
Jn 12:27 it was for this very r I came to this
15:25 ‘They hated me without r.’
1Pe 3:15 asks you to give the r for the hope
2Pe 1:5 For this very r, make every effort
1Co 13:11 thought like a child, I r like a child.
Sister of Laban, secured as bride for Isaac (Ge 24). Mother of Esau and Jacob (Ge 25:19–26). Taken by Abimelek as sister of Isaac; returned (Ge 26:1–11). Encouraged Jacob to trick Isaac out of blessing (Ge 27:1–17).
Nu 14:9 Only do not r against the LORD.
1Sa 12:14 do not r against his commands,
Mt 10:21 children will r against their parents
Ex 34:7 forgiving wickedness, r and sin.
Nu 14:18 in love and forgiving sin and r.
1Sa 15:23 For r is like the sin of divination,
2Th 2:3 will not come until the r occurs
Mk 15:27 They crucified two r with him,
Ro 13:2 whoever r against the authority is
1Ti 1:9 but for lawbreakers and r,
Titus 3:5 saved us through the washing of r
Ezr 5:2 set to work to r the house of God
Ne 2:17 let us r the wall of Jerusalem,
Ps 102:16 For the LORD will r Zion
Da 9:25 r Jerusalem until the Anointed
Am 9:14 “They will r the ruined cities
Ac 15:16 return and r David’s fallen tent.
Zec 1:16 and there my house will be r.
Lev 19:17 R your neighbor frankly so you
Ps 141:5 let him r me—that is oil on my
Pr 3:11 discipline, and do not resent his r,
9:8 r the wise and they will love you.
17:10 A r impresses a discerning person
19:25 r the discerning, and they will gain
25:12 of fine gold is the r of a wise judge
27:5 Better is open r than hidden love.
30:6 he will r you and prove you a liar.
Ecc 7:5 to heed the r of a wise person than
Isa 54:9 with you, never to r you again.
Jer 2:19 your backsliding will r you.
Zep 3:17 in his love he will no longer r you,
Lk 17:3 or sister sins against you, r them;
1Ti 5:1 Do not r an older man harshly,
2Ti 4:2 correct, r and encourage—
Titus 1:13 Therefore r them sharply,
2:15 Encourage and r with all authority.
Rev 3:19 Those whom I love I r
Mk 16:14 he r them for their lack of faith
Job 22:4 “Is it for your piety that he r you
Pr 28:23 Whoever r a person will in the end
29:1 many r will suddenly be destroyed
Heb 12:5 do not lose heart when he r you,
2Ti 3:16 and is useful for teaching, r,
1Ti 1:18 by r them you may fight the battle
Mt 10:41 a prophet will r a prophet’s reward,
10:41 righteous person will r a righteous
Mk 10:15 anyone who will not r the kingdom
Jn 1:12 Yet to all who did r him, to those
20:22 them and said, “R the Holy Spirit.
Ac 1:8 you will r power when the Holy
2:38 will r the gift of the Holy Spirit.
19:2 “Did you r the Holy Spirit
20:35 more blessed to give than to r.’ ”
1Co 9:14 the gospel should r their living
2Co 1:4 the comfort we ourselves r
6:17 no unclean thing, and I will r you.”
1Ti 1:16 believe in him and r eternal life.
Jas 1:7 should not expect to r anything
2Pe 1:11 you will r a rich welcome
1Jn 3:22 and r from him anything we ask,
Rev 4:11 to r glory and honor and power,
5:12 to r power and wealth and wisdom
Mt 6:2 they have r their reward in full.
Mt 10:8 Freely you have r; freely give.
Mk 11:24 believe that you have r it, and it
Jn 1:16 of his fullness we have all r grace
Ac 8:17 them, and they r the Holy Spirit.
10:47 They have r the Holy Spirit just as
Ro 8:15 The Spirit you r does not make you
1Co 11:23 For I r from the Lord what I
Col 2:6 just as you r Christ Jesus as Lord,
1Pe 4:10 should use whatever gift you have r
Pr 18:22 good and r favor from the LORD.
Mt 7:8 For everyone who asks r;
Ac 10:43 who believes in him r forgiveness
Pr 1:3 for r instruction in prudent
Ps 45:1 a noble theme as I r my verses
Isa 11:11 time to r the surviving remnant
Mt 7:16 By their fruit you will r them.
1Jn 4:2 This is how you can r the Spirit
4:6 This is how we r the Spirit of truth
Ac 7:26 He tried to r them by saying, ‘Men,
Eph 2:16 and in one body to r both of them
Col 1:20 and through him to r to himself all
Mt 5:24 First go and be r to them;
Lk 12:58 try hard to be r on the way, or your
Ro 5:10 were r to him through the death
5:10 having been r, shall we be saved
1Co 7:11 or else be r to her husband.
2Co 5:18 who r us to himself through Christ
5:20 you on Christ’s behalf: Be r to God.
Col 1:22 But now he has r you by Christ’s
Ro 5:11 whom we have now received r.
11:15 For if their rejection brought r
2Co 5:18 and gave us the ministry of r:
5:19 committed to us the message of r.
2Co 5:19 God was r the world to himself
Ps 130:3 you, LORD, kept a r of sins, Lord,
Hos 13:12 is stored up, his sins are kept on r.
1Co 13:5 angered, it keeps no r of wrongs.
Ex 15:4 officers are drowned in the R Sea.
Ps 106:9 He rebuked the R Sea, and it dried
Pr 23:31 Do not gaze at wine when it is r,
Isa 1:18 though they are r as crimson,
Nu 6:12 They must r themselves
Ex 6:6 I will r you with an outstretched
2Sa 7:23 out to r as a people for himself,
Ps 49:7 No one can r the life of another
49:15 God will r me from the realm
130:8 He himself will r Israel from all
Hos 13:14 I will r them from death.
Gal 4:5 to r those under the law, that we
Titus 2:14 for us to r us from all wickedness
Ps 107:2 Let the r of the LORD tell their
Isa 35:9 But only the r will walk there,
63:9 In his love and mercy he r them;
Gal 3:13 r us from the curse of the law
1Pe 1:18 you were r from the empty way
Job 19:25 I know that my r lives,
Ps 19:14 sight, LORD, my Rock and my R.
Isa 44:6 Israel’s King and R, the LORD
48:17 your R, the Holy One of Israel:
59:20 “The R will come to Zion, to those
Ps 103:4 who r your life from the pit
Ps 130:7 love and with him is full r.
Lk 21:28 because your r is drawing near.”
Ro 3:24 by his grace through the r that
8:23 to sonship, the r of our bodies.
1Co 1:30 our righteousness, holiness and r.
Eph 1:7 him we have r through his blood,
1:14 our inheritance until the r of those
4:30 you were sealed for the day of r.
Col 1:14 in whom we have r, the forgiveness
Heb 9:12 blood, thus obtaining eternal r.
Jer 9:7 “See, I will r and test them,
Zec 13:9 I will r them like silver and test
Mal 3:3 the Levites and r them like gold
Pr 27:19 As water r the face, so one’s life r
Phm 20 in the Lord; r my heart in Christ.
Pr 11:25 whoever refreshes others will be r.
Ps 23:3 he r my soul. He guides me along
Nu 35:11 some towns to be your cities of r,
Dt 33:27 The eternal God is your r,
Jos 20:2 to designate the cities of r,
Ru 2:12 wings you have come to take r.”
2Sa 22:3 stronghold, my r and my savior—
22:31 he shields all who take r in him.
Ps 2:12 Blessed are all who take r in him.
5:11 let all who take r in you be glad;
9:9 The LORD is a r
16:1 safe, my God, for in you I take r.
17:7 your right hand those who take r
18:2 in whom I take r, my shield
31:2 be my rock of r, a strong fortress
34:8 blessed is the one who takes r
36:7 People take r in the shadow of your
46:1 God is our r and strength,
62:8 hearts to him, for God is our r.
71:1 In you, LORD, I have taken r;
91:2 “He is my r and my fortress,
144:2 in whom I take r, who subdues
Pr 14:26 and for their children it will be a r.
30:5 a shield to those who take r in him.
Na 1:7 is good, a r in times of trouble.
Jn 5:40 you r to come to me to have life.
1Th 5:13 in the highest r in love because
Ro 14:14 if anyone r something as unclean,
2Co 7:10 leads to salvation and leaves no r,
Son of Solomon (1Ki 11:43; 1Ch 3:10). Harsh treatment of subjects caused divided kingdom (1Ki 12:1–24; 14:21–31; 2Ch 10–12).
Ps 68:16 mountain where God chooses to r,
Isa 9:7 He will r on David’s throne
24:23 for the LORD Almighty will r
32:1 a king will r in righteousness
Jer 23:5 a King who will r wisely and do
Eze 20:33 will r over you with a mighty hand
Lk 1:33 he will r over Jacob’s descendants
Ro 6:12 Therefore do not let sin r in your
1Co 4:8 You have begun to r—
4:8 that we also might r with you!
15:25 For he must r until he has put all
2Ti 2:12 we endure, we will also r with him.
Rev 11:15 and he will r for ever and ever.”
20:6 r with him for a thousand years.
22:5 And they will r for ever and ever.
Ex 15:18 “The LORD r for ever and ever.”
Ps 9:7 The LORD r forever;
47:8 God r over the nations;
93:1 The LORD r, he is robed
96:10 the nations, “The LORD r.”
97:1 The LORD r, let the earth be glad;
99:1 The LORD r, let the nations
146:10 The LORD r forever, your God,
Isa 52:7 who say to Zion, “Your God r!”
Rev 19:6 For our Lord God Almighty r.
Jas 1:26 yet do not keep a tight r on their
Ps 94:14 the LORD will not r his people;
Ro 11:1 I ask then: Did God r his people?
1Th 5:22 r every kind of evil.
1Sa 8:7 but they have r me as their king.
1Ki 19:10 Israelites have r your covenant,
2Ki 17:15 They r his decrees and the
Ps 66:20 to God, who has not r my prayer
118:22 stone the builders r has become
Isa 5:24 for they have r the law
41:9 chosen you and have not r you.
53:3 was despised and r by mankind,
Jer 8:9 Since they have r the word
Mt 21:42 stone the builders r has become
1Ti 4:4 nothing is to be r if it is received
1Pe 2:4 r by humans but chosen by God
2:7 stone the builders r has become
Ro 11:15 if their r brought reconciliation
Lk 10:16 whoever r me r him who sent me.”
Jn 3:36 whoever r the Son will not see life,
1Th 4:8 anyone who r this instruction does
Dt 12:7 shall r in everything you have put
1Ch 16:10 of those who seek the LORD r.
16:31 Let the heavens r, let the earth be
Ps 5:11 those who love your name may r
9:14 Zion, and there r in your salvation.
34:2 let the afflicted hear and r.
63:11 But the king will r in God;
66:6 come, let us r in him.
68:3 be glad and r before God;
105:3 of those who seek the LORD r.
118:24 let us r today and be glad.
119:14 I r in following your statutes as one
119:162 I r in your promise like one who
149:2 Let Israel r in their Maker;
Pr 5:18 you r in the wife of your youth.
23:25 May your father and mother r;
24:17 stumble, do not let your heart r,
Isa 9:3 as warriors r when dividing
35:1 the wilderness will r and blossom.
61:7 of disgrace you will r in your
62:5 bride, so will your God r over you.
Jer 31:12 they will r in the bounty
Zep 3:17 but will r over you with singing.”
Zec 9:9 R greatly, Daughter Zion!
Lk 6:23 “R in that day and leap for joy,
10:20 but r that your names are written
15:6 together and says, ‘R with me;
15:9 together and says, ‘R with me;
Ro 12:15 R with those who r;
16:19 obedience, so I r because of you;
Php 2:17 I am glad and r with all of you.
3:1 brothers and sisters, r in the Lord!
4:4 R in the Lord always. I will say it again: R!
1Th 5:16 R always,
1Pe 4:13 r inasmuch as you participate
Rev 19:7 Let us r and be glad and give him
Ps 13:5 my heart r in your salvation.
16:9 my heart is glad and my tongue r;
Pr 23:24 a man who fathers a wise son r
Isa 61:10 my soul r in my God.
62:5 as a bridegroom r over his bride,
Lk 1:47 and my spirit r in God my Savior,
Ac 2:26 my heart is glad and my tongue r;
1Co 12:26 is honored, every part r with it.
13:6 delight in evil but r with the truth.
2Sa 6:12 to the City of David with r.
Ne 12:43 The sound of r in Jerusalem could
Ps 30:5 night, but r comes in the morning.
Pr 14:13 may ache, and r may end in grief.
Lk 15:7 the same way there will be more r
Ac 5:41 r because they had been counted
2Co 6:10 sorrowful, yet always r;
Ps 71:15 I know not how to r them all.
Pr 27:10 neighbor nearby than a r far away.
Pr 19:7 The poor are shunned by all their r
Mk 6:4 among his r and in his own home.”
Lk 21:16 brothers and sisters, r and friends,
1Ti 5:8 who does not provide for their r,
Isa 61:1 r from darkness for the prisoners,
Ro 7:6 we have been r from the law so
1Co 7:27 Do not seek to be r. Are you free
Rev 20:7 Satan will be r from his prison
Ex 32:14 the LORD r and did not bring
2Sa 24:16 the LORD r concerning the disaster
Jdg 2:18 for the LORD r because of their
Ps 106:45 and out of his great love he r.
Jnh 3:10 he r and did not bring on them
2Ch 13:18 were victorious because they r
16:8 Yet when you r on the LORD,
Ps 71:6 From birth I have r on you;
Job 35:9 they plead for r from the arm
Ps 94:13 you grant them r from days
Ps 143:1 and righteousness come to my r.
La 3:49 will flow unceasingly, without r,
3:56 not close your ears to my cry for r.”
2Th 1:7 and give r to you who are troubled,
Ac 25:19 dispute with him about their own r
26:5 to the strictest sect of our r,
1Ti 5:4 of all to put their r into practice
Jas 1:26 and their r is worthless.
1:27 R that God our Father accepts as
Jas 1:26 Those who consider themselves r
Ps 59:10 my God on whom I can r.
59:17 fortress, my God on whom I can r.
Isa 50:10 of the LORD and r on their God.
Eze 33:26 You r on your sword, you do
2Co 1:9 that we might not r on ourselves
Gal 3:10 For all who r on the works
1Jn 4:16 and r on the love God has for us.
Nu 33:55 you allow to r will become barbs
Ps 102:27 But you r the same, and your years
Jn 1:32 heaven as a dove and r on him.
15:4 R in me, as I also r in you.
15:4 by itself; it must r in the vine.
15:7 If you r in me and my words r
15:9 have I loved you. Now r in my love.
Ro 13:8 Let no debt r outstanding,
1Co 13:13 And now these three r:
Heb 1:11 They will perish, but you r;
1Jn 2:27 just as it has taught you, r in him.
Ps 146:6 he r faithful forever.
2Ti 2:13 if we are faithless, he r faithful,
Heb 7:3 Son of God, he r a priest forever.
Isa 3:7 day he will cry out, “I have no r.
Ge 9:15 I will r my covenant between me
Ex 20:8 “R the Sabbath day by keeping it
33:13 R that this nation is your people.”
Dt 5:15 R that you were slaves in Egypt
1Ch 16:12 R the wonders he has done,
Job 36:24 R to extol his work, which people
Ps 25:6 R, LORD, your great mercy
63:6 On my bed I r you; I think of you
74:2 R the nation you purchased long
77:11 I will r your miracles of long ago.
Ecc 12:1 R your Creator in the days of your
Isa 46:8 “R this, keep it in mind, take it
Jer 31:34 and will r their sins no more.”
Hab 3:2 in wrath r mercy.
Lk 1:72 and to r his holy covenant,
Gal 2:10 we should continue to r the poor,
Php 1:3 I thank my God every time I r you.
2Ti 2:8 R Jesus Christ, raised from the
Heb 8:12 and will r their sins no more.”
Ex 2:24 he r his covenant with Abraham,
Ps 98:3 He has r his love and his
106:45 for their sake he r his covenant
111:4 He has caused his wonders to be r;
136:23 He r us in our low estate
Isa 65:17 The former things will not be r,
Eze 18:22 committed will be r against them.
33:13 that person has done will be r;
Ps 103:14 are formed, he r that we are dust.
111:5 he r his covenant forever.
Isa 43:25 own sake, and r your sins no more.
Lk 22:19 given for you; do this in r of me.”
1Co 11:24 is for you; do this in r of me.”
11:25 whenever you drink it, in r of me.”
Ezr 9:8 has been gracious in leaving us a r
Isa 11:11 the surviving r of his people
Jer 23:3 “I myself will gather the r of my
Zec 8:12 inheritance to the r of this people.
Ro 11:5 the present time there is a r chosen
Ps 30:11 you r my sackcloth and clothed me
103:12 so far has he r our transgressions
Jn 20:1 that the stone had been r
Ro 12:2 transformed by the r of your mind.
Da 4:27 R your sins by doing what is right,
2Co 4:2 we have r secret and shameful
Pr 28:13 confesses and r them finds mercy.
Ge 6:4 were the heroes of old, men of r.
Ps 102:12 your r endures through all
135:13 endures forever, your r, LORD,
Isa 26:8 and r are the desire of our hearts.
55:13 This will be for the LORD’s r,
63:12 to gain for himself everlasting r,
Jer 13:11 ‘to be my people for my r
32:20 have gained the r that is still yours.
33:9 Then this city will bring me r, joy,
49:25 the city of r not been abandoned,
Eze 26:17 of r, peopled by men of the sea!
Lk 6:34 to sinners, expecting to be r in full.
14:14 you will be r at the resurrection
Col 3:25 Anyone who does wrong will be r
Dt 7:10 those who hate him he will r to
32:35 It is mine to avenge; I will r.
Ru 2:12 May the LORD r you for what you
Ps 103:10 or r us according to our iniquities.
Jer 25:14 I will r them according to their
Ro 12:17 Do not r anyone evil for evil.
12:19 I will r,” says the Lord.
1Pe 3:9 Do not r evil with evil or insult
3:9 contrary, r evil with blessing,
1Ti 5:4 own family and so r their parents
Heb 10:1 the same sacrifices r endlessly year
1Ki 8:47 r and plead with you in the land
Job 36:10 commands them to r of their evil.
42:6 I despise myself and r in dust
Jer 15:19 “If you r, I will restore you that you
Eze 18:30 declares the Sovereign LORD. R!
18:32 the Sovereign LORD. R and live!
Mt 3:2 and saying, “R, for the kingdom
4:17 time on Jesus began to preach, “R,
Mk 6:12 and preached that people should r.
Lk 13:3 But unless you r, you too will all
17:3 and if they r, forgive them.
Ac 2:38 Peter replied, “R and be baptized,
3:19 R, then, and turn to God,
17:30 all people everywhere to r.
26:20 I preached that they should r
Rev 2:5 If you do not r, I will come to
Isa 30:15 “In r and rest is your salvation,
Mt 3:8 Produce fruit in keeping with r.
Mk 1:4 preaching a baptism of r
Lk 3:8 Produce fruit in keeping with r.
5:32 call the righteous, but sinners to r.”
24:47 r for the forgiveness of sins will be
Ac 20:21 that they must turn to God in r
26:20 demonstrate their r by their deeds.
Ro 2:4 is intended to lead you to r?
2Co 7:10 Godly sorrow brings r that leads
2Pe 3:9 perish, but everyone to come to r.
Mt 11:21 they would have r long ago
Ex 23:1 “Do not spread false r. Do not help
Pr 14:33 Wisdom r in the heart
Heb 1:3 glory and the exact r of his being,
Pr 29:15 A rod and a r impart wisdom,
Job 27:6 conscience will not r me as long
Isa 51:7 Do not fear the r of mere mortals
1Ti 3:2 Now the overseer is to be above r,
1Ti 5:20 you are to r before everyone,
1Ti 3:7 also have a good r with outsiders,
Mic 6:8 what does the LORD r of you?
1Co 4:2 Now it is r that those who have
1Ki 2:3 what the LORD your God r:
Ro 3:27 because of the law that r faith.
Heb 9:22 the law r that nearly everything
Ps 22:8 they say, “let the LORD r him.
31:2 ear to me, come quickly to my r;
34:22 The LORD will r his servants;
44:26 r us because of your unfailing
69:14 R me from the mire, do not let me
91:14 says the LORD, “I will r him;
143:9 R me from my enemies, LORD,
Da 6:20 been able to r you from the lions?”
Ro 7:24 Who will r me from this body
Gal 1:4 sins to r us from the present evil
2Pe 2:9 the Lord knows how to r the godly
Ps 18:17 He r me from my powerful enemy,
Pr 11:8 The righteous person is r
Isa 35:10 those the LORD has r will return.
Col 1:13 For he has r us from the dominion
2Ti 2:24 to everyone, able to teach, not r.
1Ki 19:18 Yet I r seven thousand in Israel—
Ro 11:4 “I have r for myself seven thousand
Da 11:32 know their God will firmly r him.
Mt 5:39 I tell you, do not r an evil person.
Lk 21:15 of your adversaries will be able to r
Ro 9:19 For who is able to r his will?”
Jas 4:7 R the devil, and he will flee
1Pe 5:9 R him, standing firm in the faith,
Job 9:4 Who has r him and come
2Ch 30:21 day with r instruments dedicated
Ps 150:5 cymbals, praise him with r cymbals.
1Co 13:1 I am only a r gong or a clanging
Lev 19:3 of you must r your mother
19:32 show r for the elderly and revere
Mal 1:6 a master, where is the r due me?”
Eph 5:33 and the wife must r her husband.
6:5 obey your earthly masters with r
1Th 4:12 that your daily life may win the r
1Ti 3:4 do so in a manner worthy of full r.
3:8 way, deacons are to be worthy of r,
3:11 the women are to be worthy of r,
6:1 their masters worthy of full r,
Titus 2:2 worthy of r, self-controlled,
1Pe 2:17 Show proper r to everyone,
3:7 them with r as the weaker partner
3:15 But do this with gentleness and r,
1Ti 3:2 self-controlled, r, hospitable,
Pr 31:23 Her husband is r at the city gate,
Pr 13:13 whoever r a command is rewarded.
Ex 31:15 seventh day is a day of sabbath r,
33:14 go with you, and I will give you r.”
Lev 25:5 The land is to have a year of r.
Dt 31:16 “You are going to r with your
Jos 14:15 Then the land had r from war.
21:44 The LORD gave them r on every
1Ki 5:4 the LORD my God has given me r
1Ch 22:9 who will be a man of peace and r,
Job 3:17 and there the weary are at r.
Ps 16:9 my body also will r secure,
62:1 Truly my soul finds r in God;
62:5 Yes, my soul, find r in God;
90:17 favor of the Lord our God r on us;
91:1 the Most High will r in the shadow
95:11 ‘They shall never enter my r.’ ”
Pr 6:10 a little folding of the hands to r—
Isa 11:2 Spirit of the LORD will r on him—
30:15 repentance and r is your salvation,
32:18 homes, in undisturbed places of r.
57:20 which cannot r, whose waves cast
Jer 6:16 and you will find r for your souls.
47:6 of the LORD, how long till you r?
Mt 11:28 burdened, and I will give you r.
2Co 12:9 that Christ’s power may r on me.
Heb 3:11 ‘They shall never enter my r.’ ”
4:3 we who have believed enter that r,
4:10 for anyone who enters God’s r
Rev 14:13 “they will r from their labor,
Isa 11:10 and his r place will be glorious.
Ex 22:3 who steals must certainly make r,
Lev 6:5 must make r in full, add a fifth
Nu 5:8 the r belongs to the LORD
2Co 13:11 Strive for full r, encourage one
Ps 51:12 R to me the joy of your salvation
80:3 R us, O God; make your face shine
126:4 R our fortunes, LORD,
Jer 31:18 R me, and I will return, because
La 5:21 R us to yourself, LORD, that we
Da 9:25 the time the word goes out to r
Na 2:2 The LORD will r the splendor
Gal 6:1 by the Spirit should r that person
1Pe 5:10 will himself r you and make you
Ps 78:38 Time after time he r his anger
Dt 33:12 one the LORD loves r between his
Pr 19:23 then one r content,
Lk 2:14 to those on whom his favor r.”
Ro 6:22 to holiness, and the r is eternal life.
11:31 too may now receive mercy as a r
2Co 3:3 from Christ, the r of our ministry,
2Th 1:5 as a r you will be counted worthy
1Pe 1:7 may r in praise, glory and honor
1Pe 1:9 you are receiving the end r of your
1Th 2:1 our visit to you was not without r.
Mt 22:23 who say there is no r, came to him
22:28 at the r, whose wife will she be
22:30 the r people will neither marry nor
22:31 But about the r of the dead—
27:53 came out of the tombs after Jesus’ r
Mk 12:18 who say there is no r, came to him
12:23 At the r whose wife will she be,
Lk 14:14 be repaid at the r of the righteous.”
20:27 who say there is no r, came to Jesus
20:33 at the r whose wife will she be,
20:35 in the r from the dead will neither
20:36 since they are children of the r.
Jn 11:24 rise again in the r at the last day.”
11:25 said to her, “I am the r and the life.
Ac 1:22 become a witness with us of his r.”
2:31 he spoke of the r of the Messiah,
4:2 in Jesus the r of the dead.
4:33 to testify to the r of the Lord Jesus.
17:18 good news about Jesus and the r.
17:32 they heard about the r of the dead,
23:6 of the hope of the r of the dead.”
23:8 Sadducees say that there is no r,
24:15 that there will be a r of both
24:21 ‘It is concerning the r of the dead
Ro 1:4 in power by his r from the dead:
6:5 be united with him in a r like his.
1Co 15:12 say that there is no r of the dead?
15:13 If there is no r of the dead, then
15:21 the r of the dead comes also
15:29 Now if there is no r, what will
15:42 So will it be with the r of the dead.
Php 3:10 yes, to know the power of his r
3:11 attaining to the r from the dead.
2Ti 2:18 that the r has already taken place,
Heb 6:2 on of hands, the r of the dead,
11:35 they might gain an even better r.
1Pe 1:3 a living hope through the r of Jesus
3:21 It saves you by the r of Jesus Christ,
Rev 20:5 This is the first r.
20:6 are those who share in the first r.
1Pe 2:23 their insults at him, he did not r;
Ps 69:22 may it become r and a trap.
Jer 51:56 For the LORD is a God of r;
Ro 11:9 a stumbling block and a r for them.
Ge 3:19 you are and to dust you will r.”
2Sa 12:23 to him, but he will not r to me.”
2Ch 30:9 If you r to the LORD, then your
Ne 1:9 but if you r to me and obey my
Job 10:21 before I go to the place of no r,
16:22 pass before I take the path of no r.
Job 22:23 If you r to the Almighty, you will
Ps 80:14 R to us, God Almighty!
116:12 What shall I r to the LORD for all
126:6 to sow, will r with songs of joy,
Isa 10:21 A remnant will r, a remnant
35:10 the LORD has rescued will r.
55:11 It will not r to me empty, but will
Jer 24:7 for they will r to me with all their
31:8 a great throng will r.
31:22 the woman will r to the man.”
La 3:40 them, and let us r to the LORD.
Hos 6:1 “Come, let us r to the LORD.
12:6 But you must r to your God;
14:1 R, Israel, to the LORD your God.
Joel 2:12 “r to me with all your heart,
Zec 1:3 ‘R to me,’ declares the LORD
1:3 ‘and I will r to you,’
10:9 will survive, and they will r.
Ps 35:13 my prayers r to me unanswered,
Am 4:6 town, yet you have not r to me,”
1Pe 2:25 now you have r to the Shepherd
Pr 3:14 silver and yields better r than gold.
Isa 52:8 When the LORD r to Zion,
Mt 24:46 finds him doing so when he r.
Firstborn of Jacob by Leah (Ge 29:32; 46:8; 1Ch 2:1). Attempted to rescue Joseph (Ge 37:21–30). Lost birthright for sleeping with Bilhah (Ge 35:22; 49:4). Tribe of blessed (Ge 49:3–4; Dt 33:6), numbered (Nu 1:21; 26:7), allotted land east of Jordan (Nu 32; 34:14; Jos 13:15), west (Eze 48:6), failed to help Deborah (Jdg 5:15–16), supported David (1Ch 12:37), 12,000 from (Rev 7:5).
Dt 29:29 but the things r belong to us
Isa 40:5 the glory of the LORD will be r,
43:12 I have r and saved and proclaimed
53:1 has the arm of the LORD been r?
65:1 “I r myself to those who did not
Mt 11:25 and r them to little children.
Jn 12:38 has the arm of the Lord been r?”
17:6 “I have r you to those whom you
Ro 1:17 the righteousness of God is r—
8:18 with the glory that will be r in us.
10:20 I r myself to those who did not ask
16:26 now r and made known through
1Co 2:10 these are the things God has r to us
2Th 1:7 the Lord Jesus is r from heaven
2:3 and the man of lawlessness is r,
1Pe 1:7 and honor when Jesus Christ is r.
1:20 was r in these last times for your
4:13 be overjoyed when his glory is r.
Nu 23:3 Whatever he r to me I will tell
Job 12:22 He r the deep things of darkness
Da 2:22 He r deep and hidden things;
2:28 a God in heaven who r mysteries.
Am 4:13 who r his thoughts to mankind,
2Sa 7:17 David all the words of this entire r.
1Ch 17:15 David all the words of this entire r.
Pr 29:18 Where there is no r, people cast off
Da 10:1 a r was given to Daniel (who was
Hab 2:2 “Write down the r and make it
2:3 For the r awaits an appointed time;
Lk 2:32 a light for r to the Gentiles,
Ro 16:25 with the r of the mystery hidden
1Co 14:6 to you, unless I bring you some r
14:26 a r, a tongue or an interpretation.
14:30 And if a r comes to someone who
Gal 1:12 I received it by r from Jesus Christ.
2:2 I went in response to a r and,
Eph 1:17 you the Spirit of wisdom and r,
3:3 mystery made known to me by r,
Rev 1:1 The r from Jesus Christ, which
Lev 19:32 for the elderly and r your God.
Dt 4:10 learn to r me as long as they live
13:4 must follow, and him you must r.
14:23 to r the LORD your God always.
17:19 may learn to r the LORD his God
28:58 book, and do not r this glorious
Job 37:24 Therefore, people r him, for does
Ps 22:23 R him, all you descendants
33:8 all the people of the world r him.
102:15 kings of the earth will r your glory.
Isa 25:3 cities of ruthless nations will r you.
59:19 of the sun, they will r his glory.
63:17 our hearts so we do not r you?
Hos 10:3 because we did not r the LORD.
Mal 4:2 for you who r my name, the sun
1Pe 3:15 But in your hearts r Christ as Lord.
Rev 11:18 and your people who r your name,
Lev 19:30 and have r for my sanctuary.
Ne 5:15 of r for God I did not act like that.
Ps 5:7 in r I bow down toward your holy
Da 6:26 must fear and r the God of Daniel.
2Co 7:1 holiness out of r for God.
Eph 5:21 to one another out of r for Christ.
Col 3:22 of heart and r for the Lord.
1Pe 3:2 see the purity and r of your lives.
Ecc 8:12 fear God, who are r before him.
Titus 2:3 women to be r in the way they live,
Heb 5:7 heard because of his r submission.
1Pe 1:17 time as foreigners here in r fear.
2:18 in r fear of God submit yourselves
Isa 43:13 When I act, who can r it?”
Ps 80:18 r us, and we will call on your name
85:6 Will you not r us again, that your
Isa 57:15 to r the spirit of the lowly and to r the heart of the contrite.
Hos 6:2 After two days he will r us;
Isa 45:23 integrity a word that will not be r:
Ge 15:1 am your shield, your very great r.”
1Sa 24:19 May the LORD r you well
Ps 19:11 in keeping them there is great r.
62:12 “You r everyone according to what
127:3 the LORD, offspring a r from him.
Pr 9:12 are wise, your wisdom will r you;
11:18 sows righteousness reaps a sure r.
12:14 work of their hands brings them r.
19:17 he will r them for what they have
25:22 head, and the LORD will r you.
Isa 40:10 See, his r is with him, and his
49:4 hand, and my r is with my God.”
61:8 my faithfulness I will r my people
62:11 See, his r is with him, and his
Jer 17:10 to r each person according to their
32:19 you r each person according to
Mt 5:12 because great is your r in heaven,
6:1 will have no r from your Father
6:5 they have received their r in full.
10:41 prophet will receive a prophet’s r,
10:41 will receive a righteous person’s r.
Mt 16:27 he will r each person according
Lk 6:23 because great is your r in heaven.
6:35 Then your r will be great, and you
1Co 3:14 the builder will receive a r.
Eph 6:8 that the Lord will r each one
Col 3:24 inheritance from the Lord as a r.
Heb 11:26 he was looking ahead to his r.
Rev 22:12 My r is with me, and I will give
Ru 2:12 May you be richly r by the LORD,
2Sa 22:21 cleanness of my hands he has r me.
2Ch 15:7 give up, for your work will be r.”
Ps 18:24 The LORD has r me according
Pr 13:13 whoever respects a command is r.
13:21 righteous are r with good things.
14:14 ways, and the good r for theirs.
Jer 31:16 for your work will be r,”
1Co 3:8 and they will each be r according
Heb 10:35 it will be richly r.
2Jn 8 for, but that you may be r fully.
Rev 11:18 for r your servants the prophets
Ge 2:21 he took one of the man’s r
Job 34:19 does not favor the r over the poor,
Ps 49:16 be overawed when others grow r,
145:8 slow to anger and r in love.
Pr 21:17 wine and olive oil will never be r.
22:2 R and poor have this in common:
23:4 Do not wear yourself out to get r;
28:6 blameless than the r whose ways
28:20 to get r will not go unpunished.
28:22 The stingy are eager to get r and
Ecc 5:12 but as for the r, their abundance
Isa 33:6 a r store of salvation and wisdom
53:9 and with the r in his death,
Jer 9:23 or the r boast of their riches,
Mt 19:23 for someone who is r to enter
Lk 1:53 but has sent the r away empty.
6:24 “But woe to you who are r, for you
12:21 but is not r toward God.”
16:1 There was a r man whose manager
21:1 he saw the r putting their gifts
2Co 6:10 poor, yet making many r;
8:2 poverty welled up in r generosity.
8:9 that though he was r, yet for your
Eph 2:4 love for us, God, who is r in mercy,
1Ti 6:9 Those who want to get r fall
6:17 Command those who are r in this
6:18 to be r in good deeds, and to be
Jas 1:10 But the r should take pride in their
2:5 eyes of the world to be r in faith
5:1 Now listen, you r people,
Rev 2:9 and your poverty—yet you are r!
3:18 in the fire, so you can become r;
Job 36:18 that no one entices you by r;
Ps 49:6 wealth and boast of their great r?
62:10 though your r increase, do not set
119:14 statutes as one rejoices in great r.
Pr 3:16 in her left hand are r and honor.
11:28 Those who trust in their r will fall,
22:1 is more desirable than great r;
22:4 its wages are r and honor and life.
27:24 for r do not endure forever,
30:8 give me neither poverty nor r,
Isa 10:3 Where will you leave your r?
60:5 you the r of the nations will come.
Jer 9:23 strength or the rich boast of their r,
Lk 8:14 by life’s worries, r and pleasures,
Ro 9:23 to make the r of his glory known
11:33 the depth of the r of the wisdom
Eph 2:7 he might show the incomparable r
3:8 to the Gentiles the boundless r
Col 1:27 among the Gentiles the glorious r
2:2 may have the full r of complete
Isa 55:2 and you will delight in the r of fare.
Ge 21:10 “Get r of that slave woman and her
1Co 5:7 Get r of the old yeast, so that you
Gal 4:30 “Get r of the slave woman and her
Ps 45:4 In your majesty r forth victoriously
Isa 33:23 Your r hangs loose: The mast is not
Ge 4:7 If you do what is r, will you not be
18:19 of the LORD by doing what is r
18:25 not the Judge of all the earth do r?”
48:13 on his r toward Israel’s left hand
Ex 15:6 Your r hand, LORD, was majestic
15:26 God and do what is r in his eyes,
Dt 5:32 do not turn aside to the r
6:18 Do what is r and good
13:18 and doing what is r in his eyes.
Jos 1:7 do not turn from it to the r
1Sa 12:23 you the way that is good and r.
1Ki 3:9 distinguish between r and wrong.
15:5 David had done what was r
2Ki 7:9 other, “What we’re doing is not r.
Ne 9:13 and laws that are just and r,
Ps 16:8 With him at my r hand, I will not
16:11 eternal pleasures at your r hand.
17:7 your r hand those who take refuge
18:35 and your r hand sustains me;
19:8 The precepts of the LORD are r,
23:3 He guides me along the r paths
25:9 He guides the humble in what is r
33:4 For the word of the LORD is r
44:3 it was your r hand, your arm,
45:4 let your r hand achieve awesome
51:4 so you are r in your verdict
63:8 your r hand upholds me.
73:23 you hold me by my r hand.
91:7 ten thousand at your r hand, but it
98:1 his r hand and his holy arm have
106:3 act justly, who always do what is r.
110:1 “Sit at my r hand until I make your
118:15 “The LORD’s r hand has done
137:5 may my r hand forget its skill.
139:10 me, your r hand will hold me fast.
Pr 1:3 doing what is r and just and fair;
4:27 Do not turn to the r or the left;
14:12 There is a way that appears to be r,
16:13 value the one who speaks what is r.
18:17 a lawsuit the first to speak seems r,
28:5 do not understand what is r,
Ecc 7:20 no one who does what is r
SS 1:4 How r they are to adore you!
Isa 1:17 Learn to do r; seek justice.
7:15 reject the wrong and choose the r,
30:10 us no more visions of what is r!
30:21 Whether you turn to the r
41:10 you with my righteous r hand.
41:13 God who takes hold of your r hand
48:13 my r hand spread out the heavens;
64:5 the help of those who gladly do r,
Jer 23:5 do what is just and r in the land.
Eze 18:5 man who does what is just and r.
18:21 decrees and does what is just and r,
33:14 their sin and do what is just and r
Hos 14:9 The ways of the LORD are r;
Mt 5:29 If your r eye causes you to stumble,
6:3 know what your r hand is doing,
22:44 my r hand until I put your enemies
25:33 He will put the sheep on his r
Jn 1:12 he gave the r to become children
Ac 2:34 said to my Lord: “Sit at my r hand
7:55 standing at the r hand of God.
Ro 3:4 that you may be proved r when
8:34 is at the r hand of God and is
9:21 Does not the potter have the r
12:17 careful to do what is r in the eyes
1Co 6:12 “I have the r to do anything,”
9:4 Don’t we have the r to food
1Co 10:23 “I have the r to do anything,”
2Co 8:21 we are taking pains to do what is r,
Eph 1:20 and seated him at his r hand
6:1 parents in the Lord, for this is r.
Php 4:8 whatever is r, whatever is pure,
Heb 1:3 he sat down at the r hand
Jas 2:8 as yourself,” you are doing r.
1Pe 3:14 if you should suffer for what is r,
1Jn 2:29 who does what is r has been born
Rev 2:7 I will give the r to eat from the tree
3:21 I will give the r to sit with me
22:11 let the one who does r continue