


Abdel-Rahman of Damascus, 37

Abode of Learning, 25–26, 30, 31, 35, 42

brainwashing techniques, 26–29

demise, 29

Adams, John, 66

Agha Khan, 24

Alamut, 32, 32, 33, 34, 39, 41

Alexius Co

Alexius Comnenus, 47, 48

Ali (cousin of Mohammed), 23, 24

Allen, Ethan, 66

Allende, Salvadore, 288

Alpha Galates, 89, 90, 91

Al Qaeda, 23, 42

and Assassins, 22, 296

Altman, Howard, 231–32

Amaury, King of Jerusalem, 54

AMORC. See Ancient and Mystical Rosae Crucis

Anastasia, Albert, 190

Ancient and Mystical Rosae Crucis (AMORC), 152–53, 272

Anderson, Ned, 232–33

Andreae, Johann Valentin, 145, 145–46, 147

Antoninus, Aurelius, 123

Arnold, Benedict, 66

Assassins, 54

and Al Qaeda, 22, 296

cruelty, 41

and fidayeen, 42

Hasan Sabbah and, 29–41

influence, 41–42

intimidation by, 39–40

and Islam, 157

and Knights Templar, 44, 54

legacy, 22

methods and motives, 22

name, 22

origins, 23–26

Assemblies of Wisdom, 27

Atabeg of Hims, 38–39


Bacon, Francis, 141–45, 143

Baignent, Michael, 258

Baldwin ii, 51

Bank of Credit & Commerce International (BCCI), 276

bar Yochai, Shimeon, 123, 127

Beckham, David, 135, 135

Beckham, Victoria, 135

Benedict xiv, Pope, 73

Berg, Karen, 133, 134

Berg, Philip, 132, 132–37

Bernard of Clairvaux, 51

Bernhard, Prince, 282, 285

Bethania Mansion (Villa Bethania), 85, 88, 88, 93–96, 98, 261

Bibliothèque Nationale, 79, 91, 93

Bilderberg Group, 16, 280–86, 292

Billard of Carcassone, 87, 99–100

bin Laden, Osama, 42

Bishop of Tyre, 39

Blair, Tony, 284

Blake, William, 117

Blum, Leon, 89

Boehme, Jakob, 117

Bonanno, Joseph (Joe Bananas), 187

Boxer Rebellion, 163–64

Boxer Society (Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists), 163, 164, 164

Boyle, Robert, 79, 141

Brando, Marlon, 191

Brandwein, Yehuda, 133

Brown, Dan, 259, 266

Bruce, Robert, 65

Bruno, Giordano, 146–47, 147

Buchalter, Beatrice, 195

Buchalter, Louis (Lepke), 173, 194–96, 195

Bundy, McGeorge, 247

Bundy, William P., 247

Bush, Barbara, 249

Bush, George H.W., 232–33, 248, 249, 250

Bush, George W., 251, 284

Bush, George William, 249–50

Bush, Jonathan, 233

Bush, Prescott S., 232, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244–46


Caesar, 106


income, 184–85

and Mafia, 184–85

membership, 184

origin, 183

size, 184

structure, 184

in the United States, 185

Carpocrates, 113

Casso, Anthony (Gas Pipe), 191

Castellano, Paul (Big Paulie), 188, 189, 189, 191, 191

Catholic Church

and Freemasons, 72–74

and French royalists, 88

Inquisition, 147, 176, 225

and Knights Templar, 54, 56, 58

Opus Dei and, 266–67

policy on Masses, 98–99

relations with Saunière, 83, 87, 88

and Rosicrucianism, 141

support for Royalists, 88

threats to, 78

Vatican ii, 98

and witchcraft, 211–12

Central Intelligence Agency, 246, 247, 249, 250

Charles of Anjou, 175–76

The Chemical Wedding, 141, 145, 147, 148

Chiang Kai-Shek, 165

Childeric i, 79

Chinese immigrants, 158

Chinese triads. See Triads

Ch'ing dynasty, 161, 161, 162, 164

Chiodo, Peter (Fat Pete), 191

Christianity. See also Catholic Church, Christians, the Crusades

and the Apocalypse, 123

and chivalry, 46

definition of sins, 210

and Druidism, 106, 107–8

and Freemasons, 64

and Gnosticism, 117

growth of, 117

in Ireland, 107

pilgrimages, 46

threats to, 78, 86–87

view of women, 210, 212–13

and witchcraft, 210–11

Christian Reformation, 157

Christians, 12–15. See also Christianity

crusades, 48

pilgrimages, 47–48, 50

Churchill, Winston, 43, 61

Cirillo, Dominick (Quiet Dom), 190

Clement iv, Pope, 175

Clement v, Pope, 56, 59

Clement xii, Pope, 73

Clymer, Reuben Swinburne, 153–54

Cocteau, Jacques, 79

Cole, Nat “King,” 74

Collins, Douglas, 74

Colombo, Joe, 187–88

Conrad of Montferrat, 19, 20, 36

Cooper, Milton William, 291–93, 292

Coppola, Francis Ford, 256

Corbu, Noel, 88, 93–96, 100, 261

Corrado di Montefeltro, 39

Cosa Nostra, 167–68. See also Mafia

attitude to women, 192

competition facing, 194

families, 187–91

induction, 192

portrayed in movies, 256, 257

secrecy, 192

and secrecy, 185–96

structure, 187

triads compared to, 167–68

in the United States, 185–97

wives, 192–93

Costello, Frank, 189–91, 190

Countess of Chambord, 83

Crosby, Bing, 191

Crowley, Aleister, 131, 131–32, 225–26

the Crusades, 20, 24, 38, 42, 45, 50, 65, 90


Dagobert ii, 79, 80, 81, 84, 86, 91, 92, 95, 97, 100

Dai-el-Kebir, 20–22, 40

D'Amato, John (Johnny Boy), 193–94, 194

D'Arco, Alfonse (Little Al), 191

The Da Vinci Code, 259, 266–67, 268

de Beauséjour, Abbé, 87

Debussy, Claude, 77, 79

de Castille, Blanche, 94

de Chérisy, Philippe, 92–93, 100, 261

Dee, John, 141

de Flexian, Squin, 57

Deighton, Len, 256, 267

Delano, Warren Jr., 235

de Leon, Moses, 126–27

Deluca, Robert (Bobby Dee), 192

de Martignes, Gerard, 48, 49, 50

de Molay, Jacques, 56, 57, 58, 59, 59, 60, 63, 64–65

Denarnaud, Marie, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 93, 100, 261

de Payens, Hugh, 50–51

de Sède, Gerard, 92, 100

de Wit, Daniel, 250

Diefenbaker, John, 61

Di Mambro, Joseph, 272–76

Drain, Richard, 247


in British Isles, 107

and Christianity, 106, 107–8

and Freemasonry, 108–9

importance of mistletoe, 102–3

importance of oak trees, 102–3

influence in Europe, 106

in Ireland, 107

and Irish culture, 109–10

levels of, 104–5

and magic, 105

membership, 106–7

men in, 105

and mysticism, 108

origins, 101, 103

practices, 101–2

significance of robe colors, 104–5

and Stonehenge, 102, 108, 108, 109

training, 105

and witchcraft, 209, 211

women in, 105

Druids, 16

modern, 108

du Guesclin, Bertrand, 60

Dulles, John Foster, 241–42

Durante, Jimmy, 191

Dutoit, Tony, 274


Eco, Umberto, 257–58

Edward ii, King of England, 59

Edwards, John, 284

Edwards, William, 249

Eid, Albert, 75–76

Elders of Zion, 67

Elizabeth i, 147

Ellington, Duke, 43, 74

Eugenius iii, Pope, 54

Evola, Julius, 97–98


Falk, Hayyim Samuel Jacob, 129, 129–30

Ferguson, Sarah, 136

First Opium War, 235

Fleming, Ian, 255, 256

flying saucers, 289–91, 293

Ford, Gerald, 44

Ford, Henry, 265, 265

Franklin, Benjamin, 43, 66

Fratianno, Jimmy, 191

Freemasons, 16, 42, 43, 60

and Catholic Church, 72–74

and Christianity, 64

claims about, 66–72

critics, 72–74

degrees, 63, 65, 71–72

and Druidism, 108–9

in England, 64

in Europe, 64

in France, 64, 65, 88, 89

gender bias, 73, 74

global domination, 264

and Great Seal of the U.S., 61–62

and Holy Grail, 130

and Illuminati, 66–68, 75

influence, 61–62, 66, 69

initiation, 71–72, 75–76

and Kabbalah, 130–31

media coverage, 75

membership, 74

and murder of Washington, 69

origin, 63–64

racial segregation, 73–74

rituals, 71–72

and Rosicrusianism, 148, 152, 154

Scottish Rite, 65, 93

secrecy, 63–64

and Skull & Bones, 229

and Templars, 44, 60–61, 63, 64, 65, 75

in United States, 61, 65–66

French Revolution, 68, 277, 278

Frotmond of Brittany, 47

Fulk de Nerra, 47


Galileo, 142

Gambino, Carlo, 188, 191, 191

Gardner, Gerald Brosseau, 225–27, 226

Garibaldi, 178

Geisenheimer, Sigismund, 279

Gelis, Abbé, 87

Genovese, Vito, 190, 193

Gilman, Daniel, 238

Giselle de Razes, 79, 80, 81, 84, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 100, 261


ascetics, 112

beliefs, 110–13, 116–17

Carpocratians, 113

and Christianity, 117

decline, 117

and Kabbalah, 117, 122

licentious, 112

Magus, Simon, 113–16

Manichaeism, 117

Ophites, 112–13

origins, 101, 111

renewal of interest in, 117, 118

Simonians, 114

texts, 117, 117–18

Gnostics, 16

The Godfather, 191

Godfrey de Bouillon, 90, 98

Goedsche, Hermann, 263, 265

Goodfellas, 191

Gotti, John, 188, 189, 194

Gotti, John Jr., 189

Grand Lodge of Freemasons. See Freemasons

Gravano, Salvatore (Sammy the Bull), 189

Graves, Philip, 265

Greeley, Horace, 149

Grisham, John, 255

Groninger, Johann, 242

Gruberger, Feivel. See Philip Berg

Guinter, J.L., 242

Guy of Auvergne, 58, 60


Haley, Alex, 74

Hall, Manly P., 144, 145

Hamilton, Alexander, 66

Hammett, Dashiell, 254

Han Ai, 160

Hancock, John, 66

Harriman, Roland, 240, 242

Harriman, W. Averell, 237, 239, 240

Hasan iii, 41

Hasan Sabbah, 29–38, 30, 42

and Assassins, 29–41

and Nizam-al-Mulk, 30

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 233–34

Henry, Count of Champagne, 19, 20–22, 36

Henry, Patrick, 66

Herskowitz, Mickey, 243–46, 245

Herzl, Theodor, 264, 264

Hilton, Paris, 135, 135

Himmler, Heinrich, 97

Hirsch, Zvi, 279

Hitler, Adolf, 88, 239, 240, 241, 264, 265, 266, 269

The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, 98, 258–62

Holy Grail, 60, 98, 130

Hoover, J. Edgar, 191

Hospitaliers, 49–50, 51, 54, 55–56, 59

Hugo, Victor, 77, 79

Hulagu Khan, 41

Hung Mun, 162, 162, 163

Hung Wu, 161

Husayn (grandson of Ali), 24


Illuminati, 16, 63

in computer games, 257

and conspiracy theories, 277–80

in fiction, 259

and Freemasons, 66–68, 75

global domination, 264

in movies, 256

secrecy, 279

and Skull & Bones, 229, 234

values of, 255

in video games, 256

Imam Rezi, 40

Inquisition, 147, 176, 225

Islam. See also Shiite Muslims; Sunni Muslims

effect of Assassins, 157

founding of, 23

influence on Sicilian society, 174

justice, 174

role of women, 174

Ismailis, 24, 25, 30

in fiction, 259

Ismailism, 25, 26–29


Jackson, Andrew, 43

Jackson, Jesse, 74

Jagger, Mick, 135

James, Ellery S., 242

James, William, 75–76

James i (English king), 142

JASON Society, 290–91, 293

Jesus Christ, 77, 78–79, 91, 92

Johansson, Sven, 154–55

John Birch Society, 278

Jolie, Angelina, 256

Joly, Maurice, 263, 265

Jones, James, 276

Jones, John Paul, 66

Jonson, Ben, 142

Joseph of Arimathea, 79

Jouret, Luc, 272–76

Joyce, James, 109–10

Jung, Carl, 118


Kabbalah, 16, 67

and the Apocalypse, 123

celebrity members, 135, 136

definition, 119–20

and Freemasons, 130–31

and Gnosticism, 117, 122

the Golden Dawn, 131

modern, 128

origins, 119, 120

phases, 122

red string, 134–36, 136

and Rosicrucianism, 131, 140

and Sephiroth, 124, 125, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134

Talmud, 128

and the Torah, 120, 121

and traditional religions, 122

Tree of Life. See Kabbalah, Sephiroth

Zohar, 126–28

The Kabbalah Center, 133, 134, 135, 136

Katz, Jacob, 279

Keaton, Diane, 135

Kennedy, John F., 249, 250, 254, 291, 293

Kerry, John, 251, 284

Khurshah, 41

Kissinger, Henry, 287–88

Kleinberg, Aviad, 96

Knights Templar, 38, 42, 44, 49, 77

arrest of, 57–58

and Assassins, 44, 54

and Catholic Church, 54, 56, 58

change in focus, 54–55

chivalry, 46

in computer games, 257

corruption, 54–55

critics of, 56–57

and Crusades, 45

in France, 78

and Freemasons, 44, 60–61, 63, 64, 65, 75

and Holy Grail, 130

and Hospitaliers, 55–56

link with Masons, 44

membership, 52–53

origins, 45–50, 51, 78

papal tribunal, 58

relationship with Catholic Church, 54, 56, 58

reputation for drinking, 55

and Saunière, 258

structure, 53

treasures, 60

Koresh, David, 276

Kot Siu-wong, 165

Kouwenhoven, H.J., 242

Ku Klux Klan, 17


The Latin Academy, 90

le Bel, Philippe, 56–57, 58, 60, 94–95

le Hardi, Philippe, 94

Leigh, Richard, 258

L'Enfant, Pierre Charles, 69

Leonardo da Vinci, 77, 79

Leo xiii, Pope, 73

Lewis, Harvey Spencer, 152

Lievense, Cornelius, 242

Lifton, Robert Jay, 38

Lincoln, Abraham, 149–50

Lincoln, Henry. See Henry Soskin

Lippard, George, 149

L'Or de Rennes, 92, 93, 95

Louis ix, 94, 175

Luce, Henry, 237

Luchese, Gaetano (Thomas), 191

Luciano, Charles (Lucky), 189, 190

Ludlum, Robert, 255, 256

Luther, Martin, 139, 140


MacArthur, Douglas, 61

Madonna, 135, 135, 136

Mafia, 16, 158

and Camorra, 184–85

code of silence, 173, 179, 195, 196

decline in status, 173

and drug trade, 170

effect of, 253

influence, 179

initiation, 181–82

membership, 181–82

and ’Ndrangheta, 180–81

origins, 173–179

structure, 168, 178, 179–80

survival in Italy, 194

in the United States, 185–97, 194

Magus, Simon, 113–16, 114

Malikis, 25

Manichaeism, 117

Mao Tse-Tung, 165, 269

Marshall, George C., 61

Marshall, Thurgood, 61, 74

Martin, Dean, 191

Martino, Al, 191

Mary Magdalen, 78, 79, 80, 84, 85, 91, 92

Masons. See Freemasons

Massino, Joseph (Big Joey), 173, 187, 194, 196

Mathilde of York, 80

Matthiessen, F.O., 232

Maxim of Tyre, 102

McCain, John, 232–33

Meroveus, 79, 261

Merovingian dynasty, 79

Mohammed, 23, 27

Mongols, 40, 41

Moore, Demi, 135

Morgan, William, 70–71, 76

Mormon Church, 71

Mosley, Oswald, 97

Muhammad iii, 41

Murray, Margaret, 226

Muslims. See also Islam Christian killing of, 50–51

and Hospitaliers, 50, 51

Mohammed and, 23

Mussolini, Benito, 186, 241


National Criminal Intelligence Service (Britain), 170

National Security Council (NSC), 287

Nazi Party, 238, 239, 240, 242, 244

Nazis, 77, 89, 90


and Mafia, 180–81

secrecy, 182

size, 182

structure, 181, 187

Nero, 115

Newton, Isaac, 77, 79, 141

Nicholas ii (Russian czar), 263

Nixon, Richard M., 244, 288, 293

Nizam-al-Mulk, 30, 38, 39

Nizaris, 24


Oddfellows, 72

Omar Khayyam, 29, 30

Ophites, 112–13

Opus Dei, 266–67

Order of the Skull & Bones. See Skull & Bones

Order of the Solar Temple, 272–76

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 254


Palermo, Vincent (Vinnie Ocean), 194

Pelat, Roger-Patrice, 96, 97

Pepys, Samuel, 141

Pershing, John J., 61

Persico, Alphonse (Allie Boy), 188

Persico, Carmine, 188

Peter iii of Aragon, 176

Plantard, Pierre, 89, 89–90, 93, 95, 96–97, 98, 261

Pliny the Elder, 102, 103

Poe, Edgar Allan, 149, 254

Polo, Marco, 34, 34, 36

Priory of Sion, 67, 91, 91, 97, 262, 267

influence, 77

origin, 77, 81, 90, 92, 93

reputed founder, 98

Profaci, Joe, 187

Prohibition, 186, 187

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 97, 262–66, 268, 292


Queze, Didier, 275


Racusin, M.J., 244

Raft, George, 191

Rand, Ayn, 255

Randolph, Paschal Beverly, 150, 150–51

Raymond, Comte de Tripoli, 54

Red Eyebrows, 160, 171–72

Rennes-le-Chateau, 81, 82–88, 86, 88, 93, 94, 95, 258

Retcliffe, John, 263

Retinger, Joseph H., 281–83, 282, 285

Revere, Paul, 66

Richard the Lion-Hearted, 19

Romero, Phillip, 232

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 235

Rosenkreuz, Christian, 139, 140–41, 145, 146, 147

Rosicrucianism, 16, 67

anonymity of members, 153

Brotherhood of the Union, 149

and Catholic Church, 141

in Europe, 141

and Freemasonry, 148, 152, 154

growth of, 148–49

and Kabbalah, 131, 140

offshoots, 151–52

origins, 139, 145, 146–47

spread of, 147–48

symbols, 140

in United States, 149–51

Rosslyn Chapel, 60

Rotary Club, 74

Rothschild, Mayer, 278

The Royal Society, 141

RTA Incorporated, 247

Russell, William Huntington, 233, 234, 235, 238

Russell Trust Association, 247, 248, 286. See also Skull & Bones


Sacra Coronna Unita, 185

Sagan, Carl, 296–97

Saint Wilfrid, 80

Saladin, 38

Saunière, Francois Berenger, 81–88, 82, 91, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99–100, 258

September 11, 2001, 42, 293

Seveners, 24

Seymour, Edward, 163

Shakespeare, William, 142–44, 278

Shiite Muslims, 20, 23–24, 25, 31, 32, 41, 42

Shriners, 72, 75, 153

Shroud of Turin, 59

Sigisbert, 80

Sigisbert vi, 261

Simonians, 114

Sinatra, Frank, 191, 191

Skull & Bones, 16, 286

characteristics of Bonemen, 247

critics of, 250

financial links, 246

and Freemasons, 229

Geronimo's bones, 232, 233

human bones, 231–32

and Illuminati, 229, 234

influence of, 251

initiation rites, 230, 236–37, 251

meetings, 229

membership, 229–30

negative reaction to, 237–38

number 322, 231, 231

political links, 246

prominent members, 236

selection process, 236

The Tomb, 229, 230–31, 232, 233, 251

women admitted, 251

Smith, Joseph, 71

Smith, Walter Bedell, 283

Soskin, Henry (Henry Lincoln), 258, 261


influence on Sicily, 176–77

Spears, Britney, 135

Spielberg, Steven, 256, 284

St. John the Divine, 123

St. Sulpice, 90

Stalin, Josef, 241

Stein, Walter Johannes, 98

Stewart, Potter, 237

Stonehenge, 102, 108, 108, 109

Streisand, Barbra, 135

Sultan Abbas, 54

Sunni Muslims, 23–24, 25, 31, 38, 41, 42

Sun Yat-sen, 164


Tabachnik, Michel, 275

Taft, Alphonso, 234, 235

Taft, William Howard, 235

Taiping Rebellion, 163

Taylor, Elizabeth, 135, 136

Templars. See Knights Templar

Thyssen, August, 239

Thyssen, Fritz, 239, 239, 240

tongs, 158–59

in China, 159

in United States, 159–60

Treaty of Nanking, 235


in Australia, 170

Boxer Society, 163, 164, 164

in Britain, 170

compared to Cosa Nostra, 167–68

and drug trade, 170–71

effect of, 253

effect of British rule on, 162–63, 165

Five Ancestors, 162

14K, 165, 171

future of, 171

Green Gang/Three Harmonies Society, 165

in Hong Kong, 165, 169–70

influence, 170–71

initiation practices, 165–67

leader, 167

origins, 157, 161–62

Society of God Worshippers, 163

structure, 167, 168

Vietnamese gangs’ threat, 171

Truman, Harry S., 43, 43, 287

Twelvers, 24


Umayyads, 24

Urban ii, Pope, 47, 48


Valachi, Joe, 196

Van Rijckenborgh, J., 152

Vario, Paul, 191

Verne, Jules, 77

Villa, Pancho, 233

Villa Madgalena Tower, 86, 98, 100

Voight, John, 256

Vuarnet, Jean, 275


Walker, George Herbert, 238–39, 240, 241

Wang Mang, 160

Warren, Earl, 61

Washington, D.C., street plan, 69, 70

Washington, George, 43, 43, 66, 69

Washington Monument, 69

Weaver, Howard, 248

Webb, Thomas Smith, 62

Webster, Nesta H., 128, 268–69, 269, 278, 279

Weishaupt, Adam, 67, 68, 234, 277, 277

Welch, Robert, 278, 278, 279–80

Wesley, John, 212

White Lotus Society, 161, 162

Wicca, 16. See also Witchcraft

beliefs, 217–19, 223–24

customs, 223–24

gods, 217–19

The Great Goddess, 217–18, 225

Horned God, 218–19, 225

hostility toward, 216

initiation, 220

Law of Three, 217

The Magickal Circle, 221–23, 222

meaning of word, 216

membership, 220

origins, 215

as re-emergence of witchcraft, 215–16

secrecy, 219–20, 228

and shamanism, 215–16

Williams, Rowan, 73

witchcraft. See also Wicca

and Catholic Church, 211–12

and Christianity, 210–11

and Druidism, 209, 211

in Europe, 214

evidence proving, 213–14

history, 209

in United States, 214

Wooley, Knight, 240, 242

World Trade Center, 42

Wren, Christopher, 141


Yakuza, 158, 168

clothing, 204

drugs, 206

effect of, 253

extortion, 206–7

initiation, 205

lessening influence, 207

methods of punishment, 200, 203–4

name derivation, 203

origins, 200–203

preferred automobiles, 205

prostitution rings, 206

size, 206

smuggling, 206

structure, 205

tattoos, 204

Yeats, William Butler, 109–10, 131