7km E of Norseman (R) or 184km W of Balladonia (L)
At the base of the hill among a few trees behind the parking bay.
GPS: S32 08.828 E121 48.694 | MAP: I7 |
17km E of Norseman (L) or 174km W of Balladonia (R)
Secluded in scrub behind the parking bay.
GPS: S32 06.591 E121 54.101 | MAP: I7 |
47km E of Norseman (L) or 144km W of Balladonia (R)
Just off the highway among a few trees.
GPS: S32 03.684 E122 12.933 | MAP: I7 |
80km E of Norseman (L) or 111km W of Balladonia (R)
Sheltered among trees well off the highway.
GPS: S32 04.063 E122 33.572 | MAP: I7 |
83km E of Norseman (R) or 108km W of Balladonia (L)
Among a few trees just off the highway.
GPS: S32 04.403 E122 35.568 | MAP: J7 |
T/O 103km E of Norseman (R) or 88km W of Balladonia (L)
Homestead camping area with all caravan park facilities. Located 1.5km (unsealed) south of the highway.
GPS: S32 01.675 E122 47.708 | MAP: J7 |
109km E of Norseman (L) or 82km W of Balladonia (R)
Secluded in the bush behind the parking bay.
GPS: S32 01.324 E122 50.758 | MAP: J6 |
T/O 141km E of Norseman (L) or 50km W of Balladonia (R)
Secluded in scrub 700m (unsealed) north of the highway.
GPS: S32 06.975 E123 10.086 | MAP: J7 |
164km E of Norseman (L) or 27km W of Balladonia (R)
Sheltered among trees just off the highway.
GPS: S32 13.514 E123 22.621 | MAP: J7 |
5km E of Balladonia (L) or 176km W of Caiguna (R)
Well off the highway behind the parking bay.
GPS: S32 22.711 E123 39.953 | MAP: K7 |
50km E of Balladonia (R) or 131km W of Caiguna (L)
Secluded in scrub behind the parking bay.
GPS: S32 26.218 E124 06.275 | MAP: K7 |
85km E of Balladonia (R) or 96km W of Caiguna (L)
Among trees behind the parking bay.
GPS: S32 23.674 E124 28.296 | MAP: K7 |
114km E of Balladonia (R) or 67km W of Caiguna (L)
Secluded among trees just off the highway.
GPS: S32 21.424 E124 47.202 | MAP: L7 |
141km E of Balladonia (R) or 40km W of Caiguna (L)
Surrounded by low scrub at a tank site well off the highway.
GPS: S32 19.265 E125 04.496 | MAP: L7 |
21km E of Caiguna (R) or 44km W of Cocklebiddy (L)
Sheltered by low scrub behind the parking bay.
GPS: S32 10.450 E125 40.419 | MAP: M6 |
17km E of Cocklebiddy (L) or 74km W of Madura (L)
Secluded in scrub behind the parking bays (on both sides).
GPS: S32 00.146 E126 16.653 | MAP: M6 |
44km E of Cocklebiddy (R) or 47km W of Madura (L)
Secluded in scrub well off the highway.
GPS: S31 59.376 E126 32.830 | MAP: N6 |
67km E of Cocklebiddy (L) or 24km W of Madura (R)
Well off the highway surrounded by scrub.
GPS: S31 55.720 E126 46.714 | MAP: N6 |
89km E of Cocklebiddy (L) or 1km W of Madura (R)
Well off the highway at a lookout.
GPS: S31 53.573 E127 00.230 | MAP: N6 |
25km E of Madura (L) or 90km W of Mundrabilla (R)
Well off the highway in the scrub at the base of the plateau.
GPS: S31 54.601 E127 17.228 | MAP: N6 |
47km E of Madura (R) or 68km W of Mundrabilla (L)
Well off the highway behind the parking bay.
GPS: S31 55.224 E127 31.175 | MAP: O6 |
61km E of Madura (R) or 54km W of Mundrabilla (L)
Well off the highway among trees.
GPS: S31 53.534 E127 39.746 | MAP: O6 |
106km E of Madura (L) or 9km W of Mundrabilla (R)
Secluded in scrub well off the highway.
GPS: S31 50.386 E128 07.814 | MAP: O6 |
113km E of Madura (R) or 2km W of Mundrabilla (L)
Well off the highway at a tank site.
GPS: S31 49.914 E128 11.725 | MAP: D10, A1, O6, A12 |
29km E of Mundrabilla (R) or 37km W of Eucla (L)
Secluded in scrub well off the highway.
GPS: S31 46.034 E128 31.720 | MAP: P6 |
37km E of Mundrabilla (L) or 29km W of Eucla (R)
Just off the highway among a few trees.
GPS: S31 44.758 E128 36.035 | MAP: P6 |
Traveller’s Tip
EXTRA CARE IS required in the outback when overtaking road trains, which can be up to 50m in length. Ensure the road ahead is clear for a sufficient distance, and before you start to overtake give the truck driver every opportunity to see you in their mirror by flashing your headlights a couple of times as you pull out from behind them. Complete the manoeuvre as quickly and safely as possible and make sure you are completely clear of the truck before moving back to the left.