10km N of Bindoon (L) or 41km S of New Norcia (L)
Just off the highway among a few trees. On both sides of the highway.
GPS: S31 19.503 E116 09.249 | MAP: C3, C6 |
25km N of Bindoon (L) or 26km S of New Norcia (R)
Just off the highway behind a few trees.
GPS: S31 11.992 E116 10.568 | MAP: C3, C6 |
At New Norcia
Open grassed area among a few trees. Located well off the highway next to a monastery. Inquire at the visitor centre.
GPS: S30 58.404 E116 12.885 | MAP: C2, C6 |
At Walebing
Just off the highway under a few trees. Opposite the roadhouse.
GPS: S30 41.857 E116 12.712 | MAP: C2, C6 |
76km N of New Norcia (R) or 42km S of Dalwallinu (L)
Just off the highway behind a few trees.
GPS: S30 27.862 E116 25.217 | MAP: C1, C5 |
At Dalwallinu
In the main street opposite the post office.
GPS: S30 16.667 E116 39.750 | MAP: D1, C5 |
At Wubin
Adjacent to the highway at the Wheatbin Museum.
GPS: S30 06.424 E116 37.908 | MAP: C5 |
7km N of Wubin (R) or 147km S of Paynes Find (L)
Just off the highway among a few trees.
GPS: S30 04.137 E116 40.877 | MAP: C5 |
23km N of Wubin (R) or 131km S of Paynes Find (L)
Secluded area in scrub well off the highway.
GPS: S30 00.251 E116 49.271 | MAP: C5 |
47km N of Wubin (L) or 107km S of Paynes Find (R)
Just off the highway among a few trees.
GPS: S29 50.167 E116 56.750 | MAP: C4 |
79km N of Wubin (L) or 75km S of Paynes Find (R)
Just off the highway behind some trees.
GPS: S29 36.568 E117 08.517 | MAP: D4 |
133km N of Wubin (R) or 21km S of Paynes Find (L)
Secluded area well off the highway in the scrub opposite the parking bay.
GPS: S29 17.192 E117 28.875 | MAP: H12, D3 |
57km N of Paynes Find (L) or 87km S of Mt Magnet (R)
In the scrub just behind the parking bay.
GPS: S28 48.119 E117 50.270 | MAP: H12, D3 |
T/O 84km N of Paynes Find (R) or 60km S of Mt Magnet (L)
At the homestead 500m (unsealed) east of the highway. Camp kitchen and some powered sites available.
GPS: S28 33.250 E117 46.600 | MAP: H11, D2 |
96km N of Paynes Find (L) or 48km S of Mt Magnet (R)
Just off the highway in the bush behind the parking bay.
GPS: S28 28.572 E117 48.822 | MAP: H11, D2, D12 |
118km N of Paynes Find (R) or 26km S of Mt Magnet (L)
Well off the highway surrounded by scrub.
GPS: S28 16.979 E117 51.602 | MAP: H11, D2, D12 |
At Mt Magnet
Adjacent to the highway and opposite the caravan park.
GPS: S28 03.717 E117 50.933 | MAP: H11, D2, D12 |
T/O 6km N of Mt Magnet (R) or 74km S of Cue (L)
Well off the highway among unusual rock formations.
GPS: S28 00.333 E117 51.300 | MAP: H11, D2, D12 |
T/O 11km N of Mt Magnet (L) or 69km S of Cue (R)
Secluded area 1km west of the highway at an old town site.
GPS: S27 58.313 E117 50.132 | MAP: H11, D2, D12 |
21km N of Mt Magnet (L) or 59km S of Cue (R)
Well off the highway in the scrub behind the parking bay.
GPS: S27 53.636 E117 51.632 | MAP: H10, D1, D12 |
74km N of Mt Magnet (L) or 6km S of Cue (R)
Well off the highway in the scrub behind the parking bay.
GPS: S27 31.939 E117 54.209 | MAP: H10, D1, D11 |
At Cue
Adjacent to the highway and opposite the police station.
GPS: S27 30.017 E117 53.783 | MAP: H10, D1, D11 |
T/O 12km N of Cue (R) or 104km S of Meekatharra (L)
Around the homestead 3km (unsealed) east of the highway. Camp kitchen and some powered sites available.
GPS: S27 18.950 E117 58.333 | MAP: H10, D1, D11 |
21km N of Cue (R) or 95km S of Meekatharra (L)
Well off the highway and overlooking the lake.
GPS: S27 15.759 E117 59.094 | MAP: H10, D1, D11 |
20km N of Cue (R) or 96km S of Meekatharra (L)
Just off the highway and overlooking the lake.
GPS: S27 15.450 E117 58.949 | MAP: H10, D1, D11 |
T/O 79km N of Cue (R) or 37km S of Meekatharra (L)
At an old town site 800m east of the highway.
GPS: S26 53.512 E118 20.319 | MAP: H9, D10 |
At Meekatharra
Adjacent to the highway and opposite a motel.
GPS: S26 35.567 E118 29.717 | MAP: H9, D10 |
40km N of Meekatharra (L) or 216km S of Kumarina (R)
Well off the highway in scrub at an old well site.
GPS: S26 15.900 E118 39.501 | MAP: H8, E9 |
At Karalundi
Oasis in the outback with all caravan park facilities. Well off the highway.
GPS: S26 07.701 E118 41.182 | MAP: H8, E9 |
T/O 65km N of Meekatharra (L) or 191km S of Kumarina (R)
Under shady trees at the waterhole 14km (unsealed) west of the highway via Ashburton Downs Rd.
GPS: S25 54.302 E118 39.758 | MAP: H8, E9 |
111km N of Meekatharra (L) or 145km S of Kumarina (R)
Well off the highway in the scrub behind the parking bay.
GPS: S25 51.178 E119 04.687 | MAP: E9 |
146km N of Meekatharra (L) or 110km S of Kumarina (R)
Well off the highway among trees. Located near a billabong behind the parking bay.
GPS: S25 34.734 E119 14.251 | MAP: E8 |
191km N of Meekatharra (L) or 65km S of Kumarina (R)
Several sites under shady trees up to 500m west of the highway. On the north bank of the river.
GPS: S25 12.165 E119 20.139 | MAP: E8 |
214km N of Meekatharra (R) or 42km S of Kumarina (L)
Well off the highway in the scrub behind the parking bay.
GPS: S25 00.983 E119 24.601 | MAP: E7 |
30km N of Kumarina (L) or 134km S of Newman (R)
Well off the highway in the scrub.
GPS: S24 27.485 E119 40.260 | MAP: E7 |
52km N of Kumarina (R) or 112km S of Newman (L)
Just off the highway behind the truck bay.
GPS: S24 16.518 E119 42.203 | MAP: E6 |
At Newman
At the information bay at the turn-off into town.
GPS: S23 21.632 E119 45.220 | MAP: E5 |
38km W of Newman (L) or 165km SE of Munjina (R)
Well off the highway among a few small trees.
GPS: S23 12.230 E119 27.868 | MAP: E5 |
55km W of Newman (R) or 139km SE of Munjina (L)
Well off the highway in the scrub behind the truck bay.
GPS: S23 08.306 E119 18.856 | MAP: E5 |
107km NW of Newman (R) or 87km SE of Munjina (L)
Well off the highway at the entrance to a small gorge.
GPS: S23 02.567 E118 50.950 | MAP: H4, D5 |
T/O 178km N of Newman (R) or 16km S of Munjina (L)
At a lookout 1.5km east of the highway with spectacular views of a gorge.
GPS: S22 29.388 E118 44.391 | MAP: H3, D4 |
44km N of Munjina (L) or 206km S of South Hedland (R)
Secluded off the highway alongside a creek.
GPS: S22 00.600 E118 48.933 | MAP: H2, D3 |
79km E of South Hedland (R) or 71km SW of Pardoo (L)
Just off the highway under trees on the riverbank.
GPS: S20 18.458 E119 15.127 | MAP: D1, D11 |
T/O at Pardoo
Scattered sites along the foreshore 14km (unsealed) northwest of the highway.
GPS: S19 57.614 E119 46.129 | MAP: E11 |
107km NE of Sandfire (R) or 179km SW of Roebuck (L)
Secluded area in scrub well off the highway.
GPS: S19 02.583 E121 39.781 | MAP: G9 |
166km NE of Sandfire (L) or 120km SW of Roebuck (R)
Secluded area surrounded by scrub well off the highway.
GPS: S18 36.232 E121 57.941 | MAP: G9 |
72km E of Roebuck (L) or 60km W of Willare Bridge (R)
Secluded area surrounded by scrub just off the highway.
GPS: S17 39.358 E123 08.039 | MAP: I7 |
76km E of Willare Bridge (L) or 156km NW of Fitzroy Crossing (R)
Just off the highway around a very large boab tree.
GPS: S17 49.462 E124 14.015 | MAP: J7 |
145km E of Willare Bridge (R) or 87km W of Fitzroy Crossing (L)
Just off the highway with good views over the surrounding countryside.
GPS: S17 57.672 E124 50.138 | MAP: K7 |
97km SE of Fitzroy Crossing (R) or 192km SW of Halls Creek (L)
Well off the highway with good views of the surrounding countryside.
GPS: S18 44.940 E126 06.782 | MAP: L8 |
181km SE of Fitzroy Crossing (R) or 108km SW of Halls Creek (L)
Secluded area well off the highway on the banks of the Mary River.
GPS: S18 43.595 E126 52.367 | MAP: M8 |
47km N of Halls Creek (R) or 117km S of Warmun (L)
Just off the highway on an old road.
GPS: S17 52.518 E127 49.890 | MAP: N7 |
101km N of Halls Creek (R) or 63km S of Warmun (L)
Just off the highway via an old road.
GPS: S17 29.005 E127 56.979 | MAP: N6 |
108km N of Halls Creek (L) or 56km S of Warmun (R)
Under shady trees on the banks of the creek.
GPS: S17 25.931 E127 59.380 | MAP: N6 |
122km N of Halls Creek (R) or 42km S of Warmun (L)
Surrounded by scrub at Fletchers Creek.
GPS: S17 20.309 E128 03.149 | MAP: N6 |
117km N of Warmun (L) or 94km SW of Wyndham (R)
Just off the highway under a couple of trees at the Dunham River.
GPS: S16 07.906 E128 22.853 | MAP: 04 |
152km N of Warmun (L) or 59km S of Wyndham (R)
Just off the highway at the junction with the Victoria Hwy.
GPS: S15 52.124 E128 22.320 | MAP: 04 |
177km N of Warmun (L) or 34km S of Wyndham (R)
Just off the highway among a few trees.
GPS: S15 40.714 E128 14.843 | MAP: N4 |
Traveller’s Tip
PLAN YOUR TRIP thoroughly and have a good road atlas or maps on hand. A GPS unit is very useful, especially when navigating through capital cities and major regional centres, but don’t leave it in plain view when leaving the car.