
Abigail Adams, 252

A. D. Club, Harvard, 42, 44, 45, 49

Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 136

Advertising, JPM in, 56, 58

Africa, JPM’s trip to, 293

The African Queen, 252

Agassiz, Louis, 43

America First Committee, 134–36, 148, 170, 186; Adelaide in, 134–36, 166, 242; anti-Semitism in, 135; Lindbergh in, 135, 136

American Association of Manufacturers, 103

American Bridge Company, 32

Anna (housekeeper at Kent’s Island), 18

Anti-Semitism, 135, 164, 166, 186, 242

Argonne, 55

Artichoke River, 35, 40, 119

Aspen, Colo., 19, 20, 127, 154, 157, 177, 209, 252

Atchley, Dana, 118, 246, 278

Athenaeum, Boston, 87, 155

Athens, 211

Atlantic Monthly, 52, 61, 124, 155, 216

Auchincloss, Louis, 253

Austen, Jane, 88, 180, 185; Pride and Prejudice, 88, 90, 180

Bacall, Lauren, 265

Bahamas, 19, 23, 127; see also Treasure Island

Barry, Philip, 27, 186

Basso, Hamilton, The View from Pompey’s Head, 218

Battery A, Massachusetts Field Artillery, 52–54, 72–73, 162

Baumgarten, Bernice, 96, 98, 134, 161

Beach, Sylvia, 66

Belmont, Mrs. August, 253

Benchley, Robert, 56, 181

Bermuda, JPM with Brandts in, 81

Berry, Mr. (caretaker at Kent’s Island), 254–55

Bessie, Aunt, see Marquand, Elizabeth

The Best Short Stories of 1927, 71

Best Short Stories of the War, 71

B. F.’s Daughter, 195, 198–200, 282; motion picture, 199, 263; sales, 199

Birmingham, Stephen, JPM’s advice on manuscript, 9–11

Blaustein, Julian, 267

Bobbs-Merrill (publishers), 245

Bogart, Humphrey, 265

Book-of-the-Month Club, 203, 215, 221, 242, 277; H. M. Pulham, Esquire in, 150; JPM as judge, 177–82, 200, 219, 255–57, 287–88, 293

Bosshard, Walter, 269

Boston: Athenaeum, 87, 155; Beacon Hill, 19, 46, 61, 87, 142, 154; 206 Beacon Street, Fiske’s apartment, 62, 87, 90; Charles Street, JPM’s room, 62; Chilton Club, 87; Common, 19; Commonwealth Avenue, 47; H. M. Pulham, Esquire banned in, 149; Holland Wine Company bar, 48; JPM’s article on, for Holiday, 233–38, 259; JPM’s attachment to, 18–19; The Late George Apley as novel of, 19, 81, 90, 98–99, 122; Louisburg Square, 19, 154; 2 Mount Vernon Square, Christina’s house, 162; New Riding Club, 53; Pinckney Street, 32; Public Garden, 19; Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 20–21, 23–24; social life, 46–47; Somerset Club, 19, 87, 116, 154, 220, 238; Somerset Hotel, 47; 43 West Cedar Street, “Gift Horse,” 61, 64

Boston Symphony, 46

Boston Transcript, 50, 52, 235–36

Botticelli, Sandro, 180

Bowes, Major, 241

Bowles, Chester, 134

Brady, Charles A., Fifty Years of the American Novel, 216

Brandt, Carl, 80, 85, 106, 110, 115, 133, 136–37, 139, 171, 243, 252; in Bermuda, 81; and Carol’s love affair with JPM, 145–47, 157–58, 176–77, 184–85; character, 76–78, 137; children, 137, 176, 184, 276; and Conney Fiske’s article on JPM, 128–31; death, 275, 281; drinking problem, 136, 138, 274–75; early life, 77; and Holiday article, 234–37; illness, 226, 229, 276; JPM in Bronxville with, 79; JPM reads manuscripts for him, 9–10; and JPM’s divorce from Christina, 82; on JPM’s heart attack, telegram, 248; at Kent’s Island, 247; and The Late George Apley, 96–98; letters to Carol, 146–47, 274–75; literary agent for Drew Hill and Carol, 68, 74; literary agent for JPM, 58–63, 160–61, 185, 228, 234–38, 264, 267, 269; marriage, 78; marriage problems, 136–38, 274–76; at Reservoir Street house, 17, 18, 20–24, 253

Brandt, Carl, Jr., 137, 176–77, 184, 276, 296; in Europe, 268–71; at Kent’s Island, 279; at Pinehurst, 242, 291

Brandt, Carol (Mrs. Carl Brandt), 9–10, 17, 80, 85, 107, 110, 115, 151–52, 171, 178, 182, 228, 229, 243, 252, 265, 282, 288, 293; in Bermuda, 81; in Brandt & Brandt firm, 272, 279, 285, 298–99; children, 137, 176, 184, 276; engagement ring for Adelaide, 107; in Europe with JPM, 268–72; JPM dictates to, 70–71, 75, 79, 174–75; JPM in Bronxville with, 79; and JPM’s death, 296; and JPM’s divorce from Adelaide, 277–79; and JPM’s divorce from Christina, 81; and JPM’s trip to Europe, 211; Kent’s Island decorations, 254–55; and The Late George Apley, 96; letters from Carl, 146–47, 274–75; love affair with JPM, 139, 141, 145–47, 153–54, 158, 163, 167, 174–77, 184–85, 242, 246–47, 257, 279–81; marriage, 78; marriage problems, 136–38, 274–76; as Marvin Myles in H. M. Pulham, Esquire, 23, 141, 158; as Mrs. Drew Hill, see Hill, Carol; at Pinehurst, 279, 291; and Pinehurst housekeeping, 285; at Reservoir Street house, 17, 20–24, 253; in So Little Time, 168; third marriage, 296, 298–99; and Timothy Dexter book, 287

Brandt, Erd, 77, 136

Brandt, Vicki, 137, 176, 184, 276, 296

Bronxville, N.Y., JPM with Brandts in, 79

Brookline, Mass., 53

Brooks, Hazel, 225

Brooks, Van Wyck, 125

Brown, John Mason, 293; on JPM’s book criticism, 255

Bucks County, Pa., 165

Bush, Vannevar, 162

Callaway, Harold, 240–41

Cambridge, Mass., 34; 7 Linden Street (rooming house), 47, 48; Mount Auburn Street (Gold Coast), 42, 47; 1 Reservoir Street (Adelaide’s house), 17–24, 251, 253–55, 283, 297–98

Canby, Henry Seidel: in Book-of-the-Month Club, 177, 255–56; at Treasure Island, 222

Canfield, Cass, 44, 203

Canfield, Dorothy, 177

Carroll, Leo G., 187, 188

Carson City, Nev., 278

Cather, Willa, 216, 218

Century Club, New York, 202, 265

C’Est la Guerre: Best Short Stories of the World War, 71

Channing, William Ellery, 38

Chaplin, Charles, 155

Chapman, John Jay, 43

Chelmsford, Hookers’ estate, 104–6, 166

China, JPM in, 79, 102–3, 108–10, 269

Codman, Charley, 115

Collier’s, 161, 228

Collins, Joan, 272

Colman, Ronald, 99

Colony Club, New York, 22

Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, 135

Commonweal, 289

Conant, James Bryant, 48, 150

Concord, Mass., 32, 75

Connecticut River, 76

Connelly, James J., 209

Conrad, Joseph, 179

The Constant Nymph, 125

Coonley, Mrs. Avery, 103–4

Copeland, Charles Townsend, 47, 125

Corinne (servant at Treasure Island), 221

Cosmopolitan, 59, 61, 67, 123, 129, 155, 188

Cosmopolitan Club, New York, 104

Country Life, 34

Cozzens, James Gould, 96

Crowther, Bosley, 99

Curzon, Mary (Great-Aunt Mary), 37–38; in Wickford Point, 37, 119

Curzon, Samuel, 35

Curzon’s Mill, 35–41, 59, 73, 77, 117, 126, 142, 291, 299; Aunt Greta’s bequest, 203; furniture, JPM and Adelaide take, 126–27, 204, 205; JPM buried near, 295; JPM offers to buy Hales’ share, 204–6; JPM’s early life at, 35–41, 59, 73, 77; lawsuit, Hales versus JPM, 20, 206–12; Mill House, 126, 204, 205, 210; Philip Marquand at, 113, 114; Red Brick House, 35, 113, 126, 204, 205, 210; in Wickford Point, 36, 37, 119, 130; Yellow House, 35–39, 40, 126, 203, 205, 210

Dallas Morning News, 284

Davenport, Basil, 293

Davenport, Marcia, 268

Davis, Marjorie, 241, 243, 292; in Africa, 292; hopes to marry JPM, 296; at Treasure Island, 221, 224–25

Davis, Murray, 206

Day, John (publishers), 69

“The Day the General Returns” (unidentified story), 264

Dearborn Independent, 135

Delphic Club, Harvard, 42, 43

Del Rio, Dolores, 155, 225

Dexter, Lord Timothy, 286–87, 293

Dodge, L. P., 45, 258–59

Douglas, Kirk, 265

Drury, Allen, Advise and Consent, 256

Eastman School of Music, Rochester, N.Y., 104

Edge Moor Iron Works, 45

Edmonds, Walter, Drums Along the Mohawk, 133, 252

Ellery, Uncle, see Sedgwick, Ellery

El Paso, Tex., 54

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 38, 185

“The End Game,” 191–94, 260

England, Society modeled on, 33–34, 43, 47

Eric (servant at Treasure Island), 221, 225

Eton, 34

Europe: JPM with Carol in, 269–72; JPM’s trip to, with Adelaide, 211

Everett, Edward, 39

Fadiman, Clifton: in Book-of-the-Month Club, 177, 186, 255, 256, 293; Thirty Years, introduction and suggestions for, 258–59

Famous Artists, 263, 266

Far East, see Orient, JPM in

Faulkner, William, 179, 244; “Mississippi,” 233

Federal Security Agency, 161

Fêng-shui, 109, 294

Ferber, Edna, 228; Giant, 256; JPM’s interview with, 257

Fielding, Henry, 180, 185

Fifty Best American Stories, 71

Finletter, Thomas K., 253

Fiske, Andrew, 88, 98; in The Late George Apley, 90

Fiske, Constance Morss (Conney, Mrs. Gardiner H. Fiske), 27, 28, 62, 78, 79, 85–88, 106, 110, 112, 139, 163, 220, 242, 243, 278, 292; Adelaide’s attitude toward, 226, 242–43; character, 85–88; death of her husband, 271; JPM gives her a Chinese cricket cage, 294; JPM proposes to her, 291; and The Late George Apley, 90, 96, 98–100, 187–88; as literary critic for JPM, 85, 89, 90, 91–92, 115, 188, 189, 215–16; profile of JPM in Saturday Review, 128–31, 159; relationship with JPM, 298–99; at Treasure Island, 221, 224–25; in Washington, 162

Fiske, Gardiner H., 27, 28, 62, 78, 79, 106, 188, 201, 220, 242, 243, 298; character, 88; death, 271; at Harvard, 47; illness, 226, 242, 275, 292; and The Late George Apley, 98, 99, 187; Somerset Club membership for JPM, 116; at Treasure Island, 221, 224–25; in World War I, 88

Fiske, Gertrude, 88

Fiske family, 88

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 66, 244

Flaubert, Gustave, Madame Bovary, 180

Florida, 177; see also Hobe Sound

Fly Club, Harvard, 42

Fonda, Henry, 217

Forbes, F. Murray, Jr., 209

Ford, Ford Madox, 66

Ford, Henry, 134–35

Forman, Henry James, 178

Fort Bliss, Tex., 54

Fort Devens, Mass., 55, 163

Fort Greene, N.C., 55

Framingham, Mass., 53, 86

Freedman, Harold, 164, 165

Freud, Sigmund, 175

Fuller, Margaret (Marchioness Ossoli), 32

Fuller, R. Buckminster, 32, 276

Gardiner family, 88

Gardiner’s Island, N.Y., 88

Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, 299

Geismar, Maxwell: review of Melville Goodwin, U.S.A., 244–45; review of Point of No Return, 217–18

George Washington (brig), 38

Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. Cedric, 27; at Treasure Island, 225

Gibbs, Wolcott, 181; parody of H. M. Pulham, Esquire, 141

Gish, Lillian, 135

Glasgow, Ellen, In This Our Life, Pulitzer Prize, 151

Gobi Desert, 109

Good Housekeeping, 129, 188, 194, 228

“Good Morning, Major,” 70–71, 162

Goodwin, Eddie, 295

Gordon, Max, 186

Gould, Beatrice, 228, 288

Gould, Bruce, 228, 233, 288

Gould, Edwin, 181

Gould, Jay, 181

Greene, Col. Joseph I., advice on Melville Goodwin, U.S.A., 230–33

Greenwich, Conn.: Chelmsford (Hookers’ estate), 104–6, 166

Greta, Aunt, see Oakman, Margaret Marquand

Groton, 34, 45, 48

Guernsey, Isle of, 30

Gwathmey, Father, 77

Haggard, Edith, 189

Hale, Dudley, 39, 41, 56; interview on JPM, 207; in Wickford Point, 119, 207

Hale, Edward Everett, 39, 40, 210; in Wickford Point, 120, 125

Hale, Herbert Dudley, 39

Hale, Mrs. Herbert Dudley, see Oakman, Margaret Marquand

Hale, Laura, 119, 210; interview on JPM, 207–8

Hale, Nathan, 39

Hale, Robert B.: interviews on JPM, 207, 267–68; in Wickford Point, 119

Hale, Russell, 40, 41

Hale, Thomas Shaw, 205–6, 208, 210

Hale family (JPM’s cousins), 39–40, 44–45, 56, 106, 107, 113, 117–18, 299; Adelaide and, 126–27, 208, 210, 212; and Curzon’s Mill estate, 203–4; furniture, quarrel about, 126–27, 204, 205; JPM offers to buy their share of Curzon’s Mill, 204–6; lawsuit on Curzon’s Mill, 20, 206–12; in Wickford Point, 119–27, 130, 204, 207–8, 266–68

Hamburger, Philip, 297; J. P. Marquand, Esquire, profile in New Yorker, 28, 245

Hammersley, Gordon, 52–53

Happy Knoll series, 283–85

Harper & Row, 268

Harper’s Magazine, 284

Harrow, 34

Hartford, Conn., 103

Harvard, 34; Board of Overseers, JPM on, 283; Jews at, 242; JPM at, 44–49, 72, 73; JPM’s gift to, 291; JPM’s honorary degree, 247; JPM’s manuscripts requested for library, 150–51; Philip Marquand at, 30

Harvard, clubs of: A.D., 42, 44, 45, 49; Delphic, 42, 43; Fly, 42; Owl, 42, 43; Porcellian, 42–45, 49; Spee, 42–44, 49; Sphinx, 44

Harvard Club, New York, 202–3, 265

Harvard Club, Newburyport, 45, 259

Harvard Lampoon, 47, 88

Haven’s End, 89

Hawley, Cameron: Cash McCall, 262; Executive Suite, 218, 262

Hellman, Lillian, on Marquands in Reservoir Street house, 253–54

Hemingway, Ernest, 66, 125, 244, 260; JPM’s opinion of, 179; Tunney’s story of, 222–23

Hersey, John, 179

Hibbs, Ben, 228

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 38, 125

Highet, Gilbert, 293

Hill, Carol (Mrs. Drew Hill, later Mrs. Carl Brandt), 66, 68–70, 71; JPM dictates to her, 70–71, 75; marriage problems, 74–76; marries Brandt, 78; Wild, novel, 68, 69, 74, 76; see also Brandt, Carol

Hill, Drew, 66, 68–69, 138; death, 76; marriage problems, 74–76

H. M. Pulham, Esquire, 141–45, 149–51, 159, 160, 168, 188, 238, 282, 292; Babbitt compared with, 144–45; banned in Boston, 150; Harvard asks for manuscript, 150–51; joint copyright, JPM and Adelaide, 149; JPM as character, 141; Marvin Myles, 23, 122, 141–44, 158; motion picture, 154, 156, 157, 263; in North of Grand Central, 183; sales, 149–50; title, 149

Hobe Sound, Fla., 19, 127, 186, 254; anti-Semitism, 186; coconuts in fireplace, 27

Holicong, Pa., 165

Holiday, JPM’s article on Boston, 233–38, 259

Hollywood, JPM in, 154–57

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 43

Hooker, Adelaide, see Marquand, Adelaide Ferry Hooker

Hooker, Barbara, 102

Hooker, Elon Huntington, 103, 201

Hooker, Mrs. Elon Huntington (Blanche), 103–4, 113, 134, 148

Hooker, Thomas, 22, 103

Hot Springs, Va., 171; Homestead Hotel, 77

Howard, Sidney, 125

Howe, Helen, 46, 110; We Happy Few, satire on JPM, 110

Howe, Quincy, 130

Ipswich, Mass., 112

Jamaica, 113

James, Sidney, 284

Johnson, Gen. Hugh S., 134

Johnston, Richard, 284

Jones, James, From Here to Eternity, 180

Josephas (caretaker at Treasure Island), 221, 224–26

Joyce, James, 66; Ulysses, 293

J. Walter Thompson advertising agency, 56, 58, 59

Kahler, Hugh McNair, 228

Kaufman, George S., 151, 164–65, 167, 188, 253; The Late George Apley, play, 164, 165

Kaufman, Mrs. George S. (Beatrice), 165–67

Keats, John C., The Crack in the Picture Window, 218

Kennedy, John F., 248

Kent’s Island, Newburyport, 18–19, 105, 126, 174, 271, 291; Adelaide’s decorating and remodeling, 111; Adelaide’s last visit, 279; Carl Brandt at clambake, 247; Carol’s decorations, 254; furniture from Curzon’s Mill, 127, 204; JPM at, 131, 153, 185, 251–53, 282, 293–94; JPM buys, 28; JPM’s children inherit, 297, 298; JPM’s death at, 294; after JPM’s funeral, 295; Philip Marquand at, 114

Keyes, Frances Parkinson, 23–24

Kidder, Peabody & Company, 78

Knickerbocker Club, New York, 265, 293

Korean War, 227

Kramer, Stanley, 264

Ladies’ Home Journal, 60, 121, 123, 129, 285; Melville Goodwin, U.S.A. as serial, 228, 232–33, 263; Sincerely, Willis Wayde as serial, 260–61; Women and Thomas Harrow as serial, 288

Lake Como, 268, 269

Lamarr, Hedy, 156

Lamson, Peggy, 297–98

Lamson, Roy, 297–98

Larsen, Roy, 283

Last Laugh, Mr. Moto (or Mercator Island), 161

The Late George Apley, 92–100, 106, 109, 110, 111, 130, 142, 151, 168, 182, 238; error on Athenaeum, 155; Harvard asks for manuscript, 150–51; Horatio Willing as narrator, 92–95; McIntyre’s correspondence with JPM on, 97; Mary Monahan episode, 93–95, 97, 99; motion picture, 99, 199–200, 263; in North of Grand Central, 183; O’Reilly episode and lawsuit, 100–1, 122, 125, 140–41; plans for, 81, 90; play, 99, 164, 165, 187–88; on Porcellian Club, 43; publication, reactions to, 98–99; Pulitzer Prize, 99, 131, 134; sales, 131; setting, 19; writing, style and form, 92–93

Lawrence, D. H., 178

Lawrence, Gertrude, 107

Lawrence Bishop William, 88

Lewis, Sinclair, 74, 125; Arrowsmith, (motion picture), 182; Babbitt, 144–45; JPM with, 183; Main Street, 182; Mayes and, 189

Lewis, Mrs. Sinclair (Dorothy Thompson), 183

Lexington, Mass., 75

Life, 206, 209

Life at Happy Knoll, 283–85

Lindbergh, Charles A., 166, 167, 186; in America First Committee, 135, 136; at Treasure Island, 221, 223

Lindbergh, Mrs. Charles A. (Anne Morrow), 165–66, 186; at Treasure Island, 223

Lineth (servant at Treasure Island), 221

Little Boar’s Head, N.H., 32

Little, Brown & Company, 63, 133, 161, 183, 185, 197, 230, 245, 258, 268, 287, 293; and H. M. Pulham, Esquire, 149; joint copyright agreement, 149, 185; JPM proposes himself as director, 238; end The Late George Apley, 96–98, 100; O’Reilly lawsuit settled, 141; and So Little Time, 168, 171–73; Wickford Point, advertisement, 133

London: Brown’s Hotel, 87; Claridge’s Hotel, 211, 270; JPM and Carol in, 270–72

Long, Ray, 59, 79

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 125

Lord Timothy Dexter of Newburyport, Mass., 286–87

Lorimer, George Horace, 58, 59, 79, 98, 188, 194, 272; in Tarkington’s story, 189–90

Lorre, Peter, 90

Loveman, Amy, 186, 255

Lowell, James Russell, 168

Luce, Clare Boothe, Pilot’s Wife, 157

MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 229

McCall’s, 149

McIntyre, Alfred, 96–98, 115, 121–22, 134, 149, 160, 195, 197, 200, 230; JPM’s correspondence with, on The Late George Apley, 97; Saturday Evening Post offended by advertisement, 133–34; and So Little Time, 168, 172, 173; and Wickford Point, 131–33

McIntyre, Helen, 115

McWilliams, Joe, 135

Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 180

Maine, University of, 247

Malquinn, Miss (nurse), 18

Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 99

Markel, Lester, 189

Marquand, Adelaide Ferry Hooker (JPM’s second wife), 27, 102–7, 126–27, 139, 162, 163, 199, 220, 241, 246, 265, 288; in America First Committee, 134–36, 166, 242; in Aspen, 20, 154, 252; in B. F.’s Daughter, 198; buys houses, 17–19, 21–24, 127, 154, 156–57; character, 20–22, 104–6; children born, 135, 161, 171; Christina compared with, 106, 110; collaboration in JPM’s writing, 115, 148–49, 160, 171, 184–85, 282; and Conney Fiske, 226, 242; Curzon’s Mill estate and lawsuit, 210; death, 298; divorce, 277–79; drinking habits, 152, 242; engagement and wedding, 105–7; European trip with JPM, 211; family connections, 17–18, 103–4; Hale family and, 126–27, 208, 209, 212; at Hobe Sound, 185–86; interior decoration, taste in, 254–55; JPM imitates her, 21–22; after JPM’s death, 297; at JPM’s funeral, 295; and JPM’s love affair with Carol Brandt, 145–46, 158, 174–77, 183–85, 242–45; and Kaufmans, 165–67; at Kent’s Island, 247, 279; and Lindberghs, 165–67; meets JPM, 102; in Melville Goodwin, U.S.A., 229, 232; in Point of No Return, 213; relationship with JPM, 19–22, 110–11, 151–53, 158, 167, 177–78, 240, 242–43, 251, 253–55, 268, 276, 282–83; in Reno, 277; Reservoir Street house, 17–19, 21–24, 251, 253–55; at Rogue River, 156; in So Little Time, 169, 170; at Treasure Island, 223–24; in Washington, 161–62

Marquand, Christina (Tina, JPM’s daughter), 81, 162, 247, 252; birth, 62; illness, 63; in JPM’s will, 296–97; wedding, 238

Marquand, Christina Sedgwick (JPM’s first wife), 25, 50–52, 54, 56, 57, 69, 75, 90, 145, 152, 163, 273, 289; Adelaide compared with, 106, 110; character, 50–51, 61–64; children born, 61, 62; children live with her, 162; death, 251; divorce, 81, 105; divorce settlement, 27–28, 90; in Europe, 60, 67; JPM ridicules her, 67–68, 74; JPM’s courtship, 50–52, 55–56; marriage, 60, 107; married life, 61–64, 67–68, 74, 78–81, 103; in Point of No Return, 214; second marriage, 214; separated from JPM, 68; in So Little Time, 169

Marquand, Daniel, 30

Marquand, Elizabeth (Aunt Bessie), 31, 35, 37–39, 40, 205

Marquand, Elon Huntington Hooker (Lonnie, JPM’s son), 171, 247; and JPM’s death, 294

Marquand, Ferry (Blanche Ferry, JPM’s daughter), 18, 186, 247, 254; birth, 134; JPM’s relationship with, 252, 254

Marquand, John, Jr. (JPM’s son), 64, 81, 162, 247; birth, 61; in JPM’s will, 296–97; The Second Happiest Day, 268; trip to Orient with JPM, 268–69; in World War II, 163

Marquand, John Phillips (JPM)

in advertising, 56, 58

in Africa, 293

appearance in youth, 46

birth, 32

as Book-of-the-Month Club judge, 177–82, 199, 219, 255–57, 286–88, 293; reviews quoted, 178–79, 180–82; verbal reviews, 255

Boston, attachment to, 18–19

childhood, 32–34

children, attitude toward, 162, 252, 278

in China, 79, 102–3, 108–10, 269

Chinese soothsayer’s advice to, 108–9

conversation: anecdotes, telling, 72–74, 222; book reviews, 255; explosions of rage, 28; imitations of people, 21, 113; manner and style of, 10, 21; parodies, verbal, 10, 21

at Curzon’s Mill, 35–41, 59, 73, 77

Curzon’s Mill and Hale family quarrel, 203–12; lawsuit, 20, 206–12

death and funeral, 294–95

drinking habits, 153

earnings, 28, 79, 106, 173, 187, 219, 228, 245

family background, 30–31

golf, 240–41

at Harvard, 44–48, 72, 73

health, worries about, 220, 245

heart attack, 18, 20, 248, 251–53

in Hollywood, 154–57

honorary degrees: from Harvard, 247; from other universities, 247

horse named for him, 219–20

income tax, 291

as lonely wanderer, 109, 142

love affair with Carol Brandt, 139, 145–47, 153–54, 158, 163, 167, 174–77, 183–85, 242, 246–47, 257, 279–81

marriage with Adelaide Hooker: engagement and wedding, 105–7; first meeting, 102; relationship in marriage, 19–22, 110–11, 151–53, 158, 167, 177–78, 240, 242–43, 251, 253–55, 268, 276–77, 282–83; Reno confrontation and divorce, 277–78

marriage with Christina Sedgwick: courtship, 50–52, 55–56; divorce, 82, 105; divorce settlement, 27–28, 90; engagement and wedding, 60, 107; married life, 61–64, 67–68, 74, 78–82, 103; separation, 68

military service, 52–55

money, attitude toward, 26–29, 106, 129, 177, 265

O’Reilly lawsuit, 100–1, 122, 125, 140–41

as poor social outcast, 47–49, 51, 105–6, 168

poverty in early life, 26, 31, 35, 40, 45, 47

property and possessions, desire for, 127

Pulitzer Prize, 99, 131, 134, 151, 168

self-dramatization, 130–31

speech and voice, 73

in sports, 46, 241

thrift, 20, 26–27

at Treasure Island, 220–26

will, 295–96

World War I service, 53–55, 162–63

in World War II, 161–63, 167

writers, likes and dislikes, 179–80, 186

writing: Adelaide’s collaboration, 115, 148–49, 160, 171, 184, 282; advice from collaborators, 188, 201–3, 230–32; chronological list, 301–10; development shown in Thirty Years, 258–59; dictates to Carol, 70–71, 75, 79, 269–70; first published story, 57; flashback technique, 89, 125, 290; Harvard asks for manuscripts, 150–51; last novel, work on, 292; as revenge for the past, 123–24; sales figures, preoccupation with, 131, 133–34; style, 89, 91–92, 260; two types of fiction, 128–29, 159–60, 168; wants to write one great novel, 71, 90, 168; see also separate titles

Marquand, John Phillips (JPM’s grandfather), 31

Marquand, Joseph (JPM’s ancestor), 30–31

Marquand, Joseph (JPM’s uncle), 31

Marquand, Margaret (JPM’s aunt), see Oakman, Margaret Marquand

Marquand, Margaret Curzon (Mrs. John Phillips Marquand, JPM’s grandmother), 31

Marquand, Margaret Fuller (Mrs. Philip Marquand, JPM’s mother), 33, 55, 106, 114; character, 32, 35; death, 113; family background, 32; travels with her husband, 35, 45

Marquand, Mary (Aunt Mollie), 31, 35, 37, 38, 40, 205

Marquand, Philip (JPM’s father), 26, 29–35, 220; in California, 35; and Curzon’s Mill estate, 203, 205; gambling craze, 31–32, 113; gambling debts, 28; at Hale lawsuit hearing, 209; JPM’s attitude toward, 29; JPM’s responsibility for, 113–14; loses his inheritance, 31; old age, 114; in Panama Canal Zone, 45; in panic of 1907, 34–35; in Wilmington, 32, 45, 55

Marquand, Russell (JPM’s uncle), 31

Marquand, Timothy Fuller (JPM’s son), 161, 247

Marquand family, 30–31

Marshall, Gen. George, 243

Mary, Great-Aunt, see Curzon, Mary

Massachusetts Field Artillery, Battery A, 52–55, 72–73, 162

Matthiessen, F. O., book on New England renaissance, 297–98

Maugham, W. Somerset, 178, 179, 185, 228; Mayes and, 188–89; “A Woman of Fifty,” 189

Maule, France, 69, 71, 268

Mayer, Louis B., 22, 152

Mayes, Herbert R., 188–91, 228, 252; and JPM’s stories, 190–91, 194–95; and Lewis, 189–90; and Maugham, 188–89

Mayes, Mrs. Herbert R. (Grace), 189

Melville Goodwin, U.S.A., 227–32, 244–45, 260, 282; Geismar’s review, 244; Greene’s advice on, 230–32; motion picture, 263–65; as serial, 228, 232–33, 263

Mercator Island (Last Laugh, Mr. Moto), 161

Merck, George, 59, 73, 161, 186, 201

Merrimack River, 35

Metcalf, K. D., 150

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 22, 152, 154, 156, 264

Mexico, American troops in, 53

Michener, James, 179; Hawaii, 179

Middlesex School, 45

Miller, Arthur, Death of a Salesman, 203

Milo Junction story, 73–74

Milton, John, 180

Minton, Balch (publishers), 286

Miss Chapin’s School, 166

Miss Spence’s School, 104

Mr. Moto Is So Sorry, 129

M.I.T., 32, 35

Mizener, Arthur, On Women and Thomas Harrow, 290

Mollie, Aunt, see Marquand, Mary

Mooney, Miss, rooming house, 47, 48

Moore County Hunt, 87

Morley, Christopher, 177, 255, 256

Morris, John, 284

Morristown School for Boys, 41

Morton, Charles, on Geismar’s review of Point of No Return, 217–18

Moto, Mr., stories about, 79–80, 90, 103, 129, 159–61, 219, 263, 268, 270–73

Myopia Hunt Club, 284

Myrtis (servant at Treasure Island), 221

Nassau, 222; see also Treasure Island

Nathan, Robert, 48

National Industrial Conference Board, 103

New Hope, Pa., 165

New South Wales, reformatory in, 265

New York: 1 Beekman Place, JPM’s apartment, 107, 111, 126, 152, 174, 254; Century Club, 202, 265; Colony Club, 22; Cosmopolitan Club, 104; Harvard Club, 202–3, 265; JPM in, 19, 55, 59, 62, 75, 80, 105, 107, 111, 138; JPM’s parents in, 32; Knickerbocker Club, 265, 293; Plaza Hotel, 176; St. Regis Hotel, 175, 191, 257; Stork Club, 189

New York Herald, 56

New York Herald-Tribune, 131, 278

New York Junior League, 104

New York Times, 99, 107, 178, 216, 273

New York World-Telegram, 206

New York World’s Fair (1939–40), 154

The New Yorker: Gibbs’s parody Of H. M. Pulham, Esquire, 141; Hamburger’s profile of JPM, 28, 245; JPM’s opinion Of, 181; obituary tribute to JPM, 99; Women and Thomas Harrow reviewed, 289–90

Newburyport, Mass., 30, 35, 41, 89, 114, 118, 120, 142, 168, 177, 278, 293; Anna Jacques Hospital, 248; Harvard Club, 45, 259; High School, 35, 41, 45, 48, 106; JPM’s funeral, 295; Lord Timothy Dexter in, 286–87; Tuesday Night Club, JPM’s papers, 258, 269; see also Curzon’s Mill; Kent’s Island

No Hero, 79

Norris, Kathleen, 134

North of Grand Central, 97n, 183

North Shore, 112

Northeastern University, 247

Oakman, John, 40, 117; in Wickford Point, 119–20

Oakman, Margaret Marquand (Aunt Greta, Mrs. Herbert Dudley Hale, Mrs. John Oakman), 31, 40, 117, 126, 127, 208; death and will, 203, 207; JPM asks her for settlement of Curzon’s Mill property, 204–5; in Wickford Point, 119, 207

Oakman, Renée, 40, 117–18; and Curzon’s Mill estate, 203; interview on JPM, 208; in Wickford Point, 119

Oliver, Edna May, 126

O’Malley, Ernie, 102

O’Malley, Helen Hooker (Adelaide’s sister), 102, 166

O’Neill, Eugene, 151

O’Reilly, Peter M., lawsuit, 100–1, 122, 125, 140–41

Orient, JPM in, 79, 102–3, 108–10, 268–69

Osborn, Paul, Point of No Return dramatization, 217

Ostrom, John, 243

Ostrom, Mrs. John (Kitty), 243

Otis, William, 73

Owl Club, Harvard, 42, 43

Paris, JPM in, 66–71

Parker, Dorothy, 181

Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Donald, 243

Patrick, Ted, 233, 234

Pearl Harbor attack, 138

Peking, JPM in, 102, 108

Pentagon, 230–31

Pepys, Samuel, Diary, 38, 119

Perkins, Maxwell, 194

Pershing, Gen. John J., 53

Pete (JPM’s Filipino servant), 105

Phelan, Judge, 209, 210

Pinehurst, N.C.: architecture, 241; Carol at, 280, 291; Carol supervises housekeeping, 285; JPM at, 240–43, 256, 281, 283, 284, 287, 291, 293; Nandina Cottage, 241, 243, 299

Plato, Republic, 185

Plattsburg, N.Y., Officers’ Training Camp, 54

Pleasants, Miss, 243, 285, 286

Point of No Return, 203, 213–19, 228, 243–44, 262, 296; background studies, 201–3; Geismar’s review, 216–17; play, 217, 264; title, 201

Porcellian Club, Harvard, 42–45, 48

Potter, Brooks, 238, 276, 295

Powel, Harford, 214

Powers, John Robert, 118

Prescott, Orville, 273

“The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” 135

Pulitzer Prize, 100, 131, 134, 151, 168, 179

Pusey, Mrs, Nathan M. (Anne), 297, 298

Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, The Yearling (motion picture), 156

Ray, Floyd, 243, 294

Ray, Julia, 243, 279, 294

Reed, John, 125, 126

Reed, Mrs. Joseph Verner, 186

Reno, Nev.: Adelaide in, 277; JPM in, 277–79

Repent in Haste, 195–200, 282

Research Corporation, 103

Resor, Stanley, 58

Richard (servant at Treasure Island), 221, 224

Rickenbacker, Edward, 135

Ricker, Mr. and Mrs., at Kent’s Island, 247

Riesman, David, The Lonely Crowd, 218

Roberts, Kenneth, 97n, 125, 183

Robinson, Robert (“Hard Rock”), 241, 243

Rochester, University of, 247

Rockefeller, John D., III, 105; search for summer house, 111–12

Rockefeller, Mrs. John D., III (Blanchette, Adelaide’s sister), 18, 22, 28, 102, 105

Rockingham Park race track, 113

Rogue River, Ore., 156

Rome, 60, 211

Roosevelt, Archibald, 48

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 99, 103

Roosevelt, T. R. (father of Theodore), 43

Roosevelt, Theodore, 103

Rose, Stuart, 133, 268, 270

Rose Island, Bahamas, 222

Rosenwald, Lessing J., 135

Russell, Rosalind, 155

Rye, N.Y., JPM’s childhood in, 32

Ryerson, Edward L., Jr., 135

St. Mark’s School, 45

St. Mihiel, 55

St. Paul’s School, 45

Salem, Mass., Hale lawsuit in, 209

Salmen, Stanley, 230, 232, 251, 259, 260, 287

San Francisco, 279

Saturday Evening Post, 58–59, 61, 63, 67, 121, 123, 129, 159, 188, 228; JPM’s first story, 57; and JPM’s trips to Orient, 79, 268; The Late George Apley serialized, 98; Little, Brown advertisement offends, 133–34; and Stopover: Tokyo, 268, 272–73; Wickford Point serialized, 131–33

Saturday Review of Literature: Conney Fiske’s profile of JPM, 128–31; JPM’s article, “Do You Know the Brills?” 126

Scaife, Roger, 132

Scherman, Harry, 186, 255, 287

Schneider, Anne Kaufman, 164

Scott, Sir Walter, 37

Scribner’s, Charles, Sons, 60, 63

Seal Harbor, Me., 112

Sears, Mr., 116

Sedgwick, A. C., Jr., 80

Sedgwick, Mrs. Alexander C., 51, 60–62, 67, 78–80

Sedgwick, Christina, see Marquand, Christina Sedgwick

Sedgwick, Ellery (Uncle Ellery), 52, 61, 71, 90, 123, 124, 160, 239

Sedgwick Minturn, 78–79

Sedgwick, Judge Theodore, 51–52

Sedgwick, the Rev. Theodore, 238

Sedgwick family, 43, 51–52, 60–63, 67, 68, 78, 87, 106, 123

Sedgwick House, Stockbridge, Mass., 38–39, 60, 79, 299; dog cemetery, 80, 239

Shady Hill School, Cambridge, 18

Shakespeare, William, 37, 185

Shattuck, Henry, 150

Shearwood, George, 243; in Africa with JPM, 292

Siegel, Sol, 267

Silver Hill Sanitarium, 138, 275

Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, 243

Sincerely, Willis Wayde, 243, 245, 261–63; as serial, 260

Sions, Harry, and JPM’s Holiday article, 233–37, 259

Smith, William James, 289

So Little Time, 167–73, 195, 197, 200; characters taken from life, 169; sales, 173; title, 172

Social Register, Boston, 283

Somerset Club, Boston, 19, 87, 154, 220, 238; JPM’s membership in, 116

Southern Pines, N.C., 86, 242, 298

Spee Club, Harvard, 42–44, 49

Sphinx Club, Harvard, 44

Sports Illustrated, 283, 284, 292

Stark, Ray, 263

Steegmuller, Francis, translation of Madame Bovary, 179–80

Stein, Gertrude, 66

Stevens, George, 128; letter from Brandt, 129–30

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 179; Treasure Island, 223

Stockbridge, Mass.: Christina Marquand’s wedding, 238; Sedgwick House, 38–39, 60, 79, 239, 299

Stopover: Tokyo, 270–73; moving picture, 272

Streeter, Edward, 188, 245, 248, 295–96; advises JPM on Point of No Return, 201–3, 213; Daily Except Sunday, 201; Dere Mabel, 201; Father of the Bride, 203

Stribling, T. S., The Store, Pulitzer Prize, 151

Stuart, R. Douglas, Jr., 134

Sulzberger, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hays, 186

“Sun, Sea, and Sand,” 189

Swanberg, W. A., Jim Fiske, 180

Swanson, Gloria, 241

Sweeting, Captain, of Windrift, 221

Tacitus, 185

Tarkington, Booth, 189–90

Tarrytown, N.Y., 105, 112

Think Fast, Mr. Moto, 129

Thirty Years, 194, 245, 258–59

Thomas, Norman, 134

Thompson, Dorothy, 183

Thompson, J. Walter, advertising agency, 56, 58, 59

Thoreau, Henry David, 38, 75, 185

Thornhill, Arthur, Sr., 238

Thucydides, 185

Thurber, James, 180

Time, 212, 219

Timothy Dexter, Revisited, 293, 294

Top Secret Affair (film version of Melville Goodwin, U.S.A.), 265

Treasure Island, Bahamas, 220–26, 235

Tuckerman, Bayard, 219

Tuckerman, Mr. and Mrs. John, 243

Tufts, James W., 241

Tunney, Gene, story of Hemingway, 222

Twain, Mark, JPM mistaken for, 111

Twentieth Century-Fox, 272

The Unspeakable Gentleman, 59–60, 293

Vassar College, 104

Versailles, 68; JPM and Carol in, 268–70

Vesle River, 55

Vidor, King, 154–57; in Aspen, 157; in Boston, 154–55

Villa, Pancho, 53

Wagner, Robert, 272

Walden Pond, 75–76, 246

Warning Hill, 63, 89

Warren, Robert Penn, 179

Washington, D.C., 161; Pentagon, 230–31

Watkins, Ann, 76

Weeks, Edward, 263; JPM’s attitude toward, 124; The Open Heart, 97n

Welch, Richard E., 238

Welch & Forbes, 148, 149

Wells (Conney Fiske’s uncle), 98

West, Benjamin, 297

West Point graduates, 231

Weston, Mass., 75, 79

Wharton, Edith, 88

White, Andy, 181

White, E. B., 233, 235

White, William Allen, 177; Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, 135

Whitehill, Walter Muir, 155

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 37, 125

Whyte, William H., The Organization Man, 218

Wickford Point, 118–26, 141, 149, 151, 168, 196, 292; advertisement and controversy with Saturday Evening Post, 132–33; Curzon’s Mill in, 37, 119; Hale family in, 119–25, 129–30, 204, 206–7, 266–68; JPM in, as narrator, 123–25; JPM’s article on identification of characters, 125; motion picture proposed, 266–68; sales, 131–32; serialization, 131–33, 159

Williams, Alexander, 287

Williamsburg, Va., 112

Wilmington, Del., 32, 45, 55

Wilson, Sloan, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, 218

Windrift, yawl, 221, 226

Wister, Owen, 43

Wolfe, Thomas, 218, 244

Woman’s Home Companion, 228

Women and Thomas Harrow, 24, 291

Wood, Grant, “Parson Weems’ Fable,” 111

Wood, Meredith, 255, 288

Wood, Gen. Robert E., 135

Woollcott, Alexander, 182

World War I: Gardiner Fiske in, 88; JPM’s service in, 54–55, 162–63

World War II, 160; JPM in, 161–63, 167; JPM’s novels of, 195–200; Pearl Harbor attack, 138

Wouk, Herman, The Caine Mutiny, 180

Yale, 33; honorary degree for JPM, 247; JPM’s manuscripts in library, 151

The Yearling (film), 156

Young, Robert, 156

Zanuck, Darryl, 264