
Chapter 14



BRIDGETTE WAS PULLING weeds in the front flowerbed when she heard, “Hey lady, what are you doing?"

Startled, Bridgette turned to see who was talking to her.  She let out a happy cry when she saw Haley walking toward her.  Bridgette broke into a run to greet her best friend.  "Oh, my...!  What are you doing here?"

Giving Bridgette a huge hug, "I felt so bad for missing your parents' funeral, that I had to come see you.  I wanted to make sure that you are okay.

Tingling from shock and pleasure, Bridgette stated, "You did not have to come all this way, you could have called.”  Giving her friend a hug, "But I am so glad to see you.  I have missed talking face-to-face with you.”  Brushing off the dirt from her pants, Bridgette told her friend, "Let's go inside, get something to drink and catch up."

"I can't wait to see the house and talk to you.  I want to hear everything that is going on in your life.”  Giving her another hug, “And, girl, you look beautiful.  The fresh air must be doing you a lot of good.”

“I look good?  You need glasses.”  Flipping Haley’s hair, “But you look gorgeous.  I love the new do.”  Haley was always the fashionista between the friends.  It was evident in the clothes she wore, her makeup and the way she carried herself.  Where Bridgette did not worry with which designer made her clothes, Haley had her favorite designers. 

Blowing her friend a kiss, “Thank you.  I was ready for something new.”

"Bridgette, are you really doing okay?”  Haley asked.

"Some days are harder than others, but overall, yes, I am fine,”  Bridgette stated.  "How long can you stay for?”  she asked.

"Unfortunately, not long.  Rick has me meeting a new author in New Orleans.  But I wanted to check on you beforehand."

In the kitchen, Bridgette poured them each a glass of sweet tea and brought it to the back porch where they could talk and visit.  "I am so glad you did, even if it is for a short while."

Laughing, Haley confessed, "Besides, I’m not certain that I am ready to sleep in a haunted house."

Bridgette chuckled, “I would have told the ghosts to leave you alone.  After all, we would not want them running you off on your very first night.  I usually wait until someone has outstayed their welcome before I ask the ghosts to scare them off."

"Oh, well, I see how it is.  You use them for your own manipulative ways."

Shaking her head while giggling, Bridgette confessed, "I wish it was that easy.  I never know when the ghosts will make an appearance.”

Bridgette and Haley visited for several hours.  Haley looked down at her watch and sighed, "Well, if I am going to make it to New Orleans before nightfall, I best get on the road.  It was great seeing you again.  I promise I will be back and next time I will spend the night."

Bridgette hugged her friend goodbye, and stated, "I have missed you so much.  Thank you for stopping by.  You made my day."