Boxing Day

His energy is in the lift.

I can feel it on my way up.

And there he is by her bedside,

berating her.

Do you have to make that

noise through your mouth?

I interrupt.

Do you mean her breathing?

Would you like her to stop?

I laugh. It is fake.

Donal does a double take,

lifts his chin.

He has fluff in his beard.

Hey, Marla!

I got you a bag of strawberry laces.

They’ll rot your dentures.

Who are you? Donal demands.

Me? I’m Allison.

And I know all about you, Donal.

Lovely to meet you.

I do not think he can tell I am a teenager.

Perhaps my tone

suggests social worker.

He stands. Downs something

from a polystyrene cup.

Money is up on my parking.

I’ll be back in a few days, he says.

See you later, Mum.

Marla watches him walk away.

Your son, I remind her,

is a bit of a bastard.