
Marla inspects a lavender bush

potted on the patio.

I watch from the window in the shed.

Peggy is behind her in the kitchen, busy.

Marla mutters something.

Peggy shouts. What? What did you say?

When’s Mary coming? Marla shouts,

much louder than she needs to.

I need to get some bits in –

at least make up a few sandwiches.

She was like one of those skateboarders

last time she was here.

You’d give her a penny.

I smile, not completely understanding

Marla’s expressions,

knowing Peggy probably won’t either.

Marla rubs the lavender

between thumb and forefinger,

brings the scent to her nose.

She looks towards the shed.

I freeze.

Peggy steps outside.

Eggs, she announces,

guiding Marla away from the plant

without a hint of interest

in anything Marla has just said.

A wasp follows them into the house.