- ‘Gaia’ hypothesis 1
- Galilee, Sea of 1
- gannets 1, 2, 3
- Garnier, Charles G. T. 1
- geodetic points 1
- Gaddafi, Col. 1
- ghost net 1, 2
- giant squid 1
- glaciation 1
- GLORIA Ch. 1 passim, 1, 2
- gold 1, 2
- Golding, William 1
- Goode, G. Brown 1 n
- Gosse, Edmund 1 n, 2
- Gosse, Philip 1, 2, 3, 4
- Gould, Stephen Jay 1 n, 2 n
- GPS (Global Positioning System) 1, 2, 3
- gravimeter 1, 2
- Gray, Edwyn 1 n
- ‘Green’ movement 1
- Gulf of Sirte 1