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Aaron, 9
Abdon, 3
Abelard, Peter, 21
Abinoam, 7
Abraham, 1, 6
Achilles, 22
Achior of the Ammonites, 12
Acre, battle of, 277
Adams, John, 122
Admirable Crichton, The (Barrie), xiv
Aeneid (Virgil), xvi, 40–41, 156
Aeschylus, 22
Agincourt, battle of, 65–66, 69, 77, 138
Agnes, St., 57
Agricola (Tacitus), 50–51
Albert, Prince Consort, 55
Alençon, Duke of, 71–72
Alexander the Great, xiv, 3, 27–39, 41–42, 44, 46, 56, 112, 133, 223
Algeria, 229, 232
Allen, Gordon, 225
Allende, Salvador, 279
Alouette, L’ (Anouilh), 75
American Revolution, 117, 119–23
Amin, Idi, 276
Amundsen, Roald, xvi
Annalen der Naturphilosophie, 189
Annales (Tacitus), 50–51
Anna, 7
Anouilh, Jean, 75
Antiquities of the Jews (Josephus), 20–21
Antony, 46–47, 199
Apelles, 30, 39
Apocrypha, 11
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 180
Arbuthnot, Harriet, 141
Argaum, battle of, 133
Aristobolus, 29, 39
Aristotle, 28–29, 31, 34, 36, 46, 180
Arrian, 30
Arthur, king of England, 58
Arundel, Lord, 110
Ascham, Roger, 85
Ashburton, Lady, 149, 152
Asquith, Cyril, 215
Assaye, battle of, 133, 138
Astaire, Fred and Adèle, 236
Atatürk, Kemal, 276
Ataxerxes Ochus, 11
Athanasius, 21
Atlantic Monthly, 158
Attlee, Clement, 223
Aubrey, John, 108–9
Auden, W. H., 202
Augustine, St., 188, 194
Augustus (Octavian), emperor of Rome, 39
Austen, Jane, 71, 83, 123–24, 158, 251
Ayala, General, 142
Aylmer, Rev. John, bishop of London, 85
Babe Gordon (West), 239
Babington Conspiracy, 95
Bach, Anna Magdalena, 144
Bacon, Francis, 108, 109, 110
Baker, Gladys Monroe, 245
Baker, James, 256
Baker, Josephine, 202
Baldwin, Stanley, xv–xvi, 202, 208
Balfour, A. J., Earl, 218, 224
Balogh, Tommy, 211–12
Barak, 3, 7–9, 15
Barbara, St., 57
Barnard, Edward, 54
Barney, Natalie, 200
Barrie, J. M., xiv
Bathsheba, 25
Beaton, Cardinal David, 88
Beaufort, Cardinal Henry, 66–68, 75
Beaverbrook, Lord, 202, 210
Becket, St. Thomas à, 272
Bedford, John, Duke of, 67
Bedingfield, Sir Henry, 103
Belle of the Nineties (film), 240
“Beppo” (Byron), xiv
Berlin, Isaiah, 197
Berry, Lady Pamela (Lady Hartwell), 204–5, 209–14
Berry, Michael, 210
Bethunia, siege of, 12–14
Bevan, Aneurin, 223
Bible, 1–27, 153–54. See also specific books and personages
Birkenhead, Earl. See Smith, F. E.
Bismarck, Otto von, 166 Black Mask, The (magazine), 187
“Black Prince,” 63, 76
blacks, 168–69, 171, 177
Blake, Admiral, 113
Bleckermann, orderly, 137
Blücher, Field Marshal Gebhard von, 137–38
Blue Book (Wittgenstein), 191–92, 195
Boccaccio, 21
Bodvoc, Gloucester magnate, 54
Boece, Hector, 54
Boileau, Nicolas, 200
Bokassa, Jean-Bédel, 276
Boleyn, Anne, 81, 100
Bolivar, Simón, 276
Bolton, Edmund, 54
Bonaparte, Joseph, 140
Borodino, battle of, 139
Bossuet, Bishop, 200
Bothwell, Earls of. See Hepburn
Boudica (Boadicea), xiv, 49–55
Bouduca (Fletcher), 54
Bousquet, Marie-Louise, 200
Bowles, Samuel, 158, 161
Bowra, Maurice, 212
Brahms, Johannes, 187
Brando, Marlon, 244
Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk, 81, 84
Brandon, Frances, Duchess of Suffolk, 84
Brandt, Willy, 267
Brezhnev, Leonid, 271
Brideshead Revisted (Waugh), 202
Bridges, Sir Edward, 224
Bristol, siege of, 113
Britain, Battle of, 34
Britain, xii, xv, 22, 58–75, 79–81, 87–90, 123–31, 201
election of 1906, 206
elections of 1945, 223
empire and, 117
English civil war, 93, 113
unwritten constitution, 55, 221
British Parliament, 55, 61, 63, 66–67, 79–80, 95, 100, 105–6, 226, 277
House of Commons, 67, 108–9, 206–7, 210, 217, 221–23, 265, 268
House of Lords, 67, 210, 217
British Royal Academy, 121
British Royal Navy, 117, 123–31
British Royal Society, 107
Britten, Benjamin, 54
Bronowski, Jacob, 212
Brontë, Charlotte, 158
Brontë, Emily, 164
Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan, 277
Brooke, Rupert, xv
Brown, John, 176
Brown Book (Wittgenstein), 191–92, 194
Brutus, 40–41
Buffett, Warren, 278
Bullard, Asa, 154
Bull Run, battle of, 177
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 202
Bulwer-Lytton, Lady, 152
Burdett-Coutts, Mrs. Angela, 142
Burghley, Lord. See Cecil, William
Bush, George H. W. (Sr.), 270
Bush, George W., 173
Byron, Lord George Gordon, xiv–xv, 87, 128, 207
Caesar, Julius, xiv, 9, 27, 39–48, 121, 133, 223, 278
Calais, march to, 63–65
Calixtus II, Pope, 70
Callaghan, Leonard James, 268
Callisthenes, 29, 36–37
Calvin, 80
Calvinism, 153
Cambridge University, 184–85, 189, 191–93, 195
Camden, William, 54, 99
Camrose, Lord, 210, 224
Canaanites, 3–5, 10
Cannon, Lou, 257
Canova, Antonio, 142
Canterbury, Archbishop of, 81
Caradoc (Caractacus), 49, 54
Caravaggio, 16–17, 25
Carberry Hill, battle of, 92
Carlos, Don (son of Philip II of Spain), 91, 94
Carlyle, Jane Baillie Welsh, 144–53
Carlyle, John, 146
Carlyle, Thomas, 114, 145–53, 170, 277–78
Carnegie, Andrew, 278
Carter, Jimmy, 254–55, 260
Carter, Robert “King,” 175
Carter, Lady Violet Bonham, 215, 222
Cassandra, 22
Castlereagh, Viscount (Robert Stewart), 136
Castro, Fidel, 276
Catherine, St., 57, 71
Catherine, queen of England and France, 68
Catherine of Aragon, 99–100
Catherine Was Great (West), 240
Catholic Church, 66–67, 73–74, 78–84, 88–96, 102–3, 108, 100, 220, 272–73
Catholic emancipation, 140–41
Catholic restoration, 86
Cauchon, Pierrre, bishop of Beauvais, 73
Cecil, Lord David, 203
Cecil, Sir William, Lord Burghley, 93–94, 97–98, 104
Chamberlain, Neville, 202, 223
Chancellorsville, battle of, 177
Chandler, Raymond, 187
Chapelain, Jean, 74–75
Chaplin, Charlie, 181, 239
Charlemagne, king of the Franks, 58
Charles VI, king of France, 63, 68
Charles VII, king of France, 68–70, 74, 75
Charles XII, king of Sweden, 112
Charles, Prince of Wales, 59–60
Charlie, Bonnie Prince, 77–78
Chaucer, xii, 21, 67
Chester, Earl of, 61
Chesterton, G. K., 249
Chile, 279
China, 267, 276
Christianity, xv, 2, 16, 21–22, 56–58, 188. See also Catholic Church; Protestants
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 186
Chronicle of Scotland (Boece), 54
Chronicles, Book 1, 23
Chronicles (Froissart), 144
Churchill, Clementine, 223
Churchill, Lady Randolph, 218
Churchill, Randolph, 211, 218
Churchill, Winston, 9, 34, 200, 207, 213, 215–27, 230–31, 233, 270, 277
Church of England, 100, 220
Cicero, 40, 47
Clarendon, Hal, 235
Claudel, Paul, 75
Claudius, emperor of Rome, 49, 52
Clean Beds (West), 240
Cleitarchus, 29, 30
Cleitus “the Black,” 36
Clement, 21
Clement VII, Pope, 100
Cleopatra, 41, 45–47, 199
Clift, Montgomery, 244
Clive, Robert, xvi
Clovis I, king of the Franks, xiii
Cocteau, Jean, 181
Colefax, Lady Sybil, 202–3
Coleman, Ronald, 244
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 212
Collins, Wilkie, 202
Come on Up (West), 240
Commentarii de Bello Civili (Civil War, Caesar), 40, 223
Commentarii de Bello Gallico (Gallic War, Caesar), 40, 133, 223, 278
Communism, 173, 253–54, 270–71, 279
Comprehensive, Impartial and Complete History of England (Barnard), 54
Concord, battle of, 116
Confederacy, 172, 173–79
Confessions (Augustine), 188, 194
Connolly, Cyril, 212
Conservative Party, British (Tories), 201, 206–7, 217, 220, 263
Constantine, emperor of Rome, 57
Constant Sinner, The (West), 239
Contes, Louis de, 72
Continental Army, 116
Continental Congress, First, 174
Cooper, Diana, 212
Cooper, Duff, 212
Cooper, John, 181
Corinthians, 49
Corneille, Pierre, 200
Corn Laws, repeal of (1846), 140
Cornuel, Anne-Marie, xiv, 200
Cornwall, Duke of, 61
Cortez, Hernando, xvi
Cowper, William, 156
Creators, xvi
Creighton, Bishop Manell, 94
Crimean War, 55
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 223
Croker, John Wilson, 277
Crome Yellow (Huxley), 204
Cromwell, Oliver, 114, 121, 278
Cromwell, Thomas, 81
Crosby, Bing, 241
Crosland, Anthony, 212
Crossman, R. H. S. “Dick,” 211, 218
Cunard, Lady Emerald, 202–3
Curtis, Quintus, 30
Curtis, Tony, 252
Curzon, Lord, 260
Custer, General George, 165
Cymbeline (Shakespeare), 49
Daily News (New York), 242
Daily Telegraph, 210, 214, 224–25 Daniel, 21
Dardanelles disaster, 217, 221
Darius, king of Persia, 32
Dark Ages, 40
Darling, Grace, 277
Darnley, Lord (Henry Stuart), 91–94
Darwin, Charles, xii, 152
David, King, 21, 23–27, 56
Davis, Jefferson, 173, 177
Davison, William, 97–98
Davy, Humphry, 277
Dawkins, Richard, 195
Deakin, Bill, 225–26
Deborah, 3, 6–11, 15, 17, 19, 22
Declaration of Independence, 169
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon), 217
Dee, Dr. John, 107, 108
Deffand, Marie du, 200
de Gaulle, Charles, 73, 227–33
de Havilland, Olivia, 246
de la Mare, Walter, 203
Delbanco, Andrew, 170
Delilah, 19–22
Denmark, 91–92
Descartes, 197
Desert Storm, Operation, 270
Deuteronomy, 7, 100
De Warranto Speciali pro Decollatione Walteri Raleigh (Bacon), 110
Diamond Lil (West), 239–40
Diana, Princess of Wales, 59–60
Dickens, Charles, 151, 166, 186, 202, 240
Dickinson, Edward (father, 155–56, 159, 163
Dickinson, Emily, 153–64
Dickinson, Lavinia, 155
Dietrich, Marlene, 241, 248
Digest of Humour, 243
DiMaggio, Joe, 250
Dio, Cassius, 51–54
Diocletian, emperor of Rome, 260
Diodatus, 37
Diodorus of Sicily, 30
Disraeli, Benjamin, 166, 206
Doe, Samuel K., 258
Donatello, 23
Dougherty, James, 246
Douglas, Lord Alfred, 217
Douglas, Stephen, 170, 174
Dracula, 165
Drag, The (West), 239
Drake, Sir Francis, 106
Driberg, Tom, 212
Druids, 50, 54
Drury, Henry, xiv
Dryden, 112
Duckworth, Rear Admiral, 124
Dudley, Edmund, 85
Dudley, Guilford, 84–86
Dudley, John, Duke of Northumberland, 84–86, 102
Ecbatana, 32
Eden, Anthony, 212, 221
Edison, Thomas, 277
Edward I, king of England, 59, 143
Edward II, king of England, 59
Edward III, king of England, 58–59, 63, 144
Edward IV, king of England, 59, 85–86
Edward V, king of England, 59
Edward VI, king of England, 84, 102
Edward VIII, king of England, abdication of, 202, 217
Edward the Confessor, king of England, xii
Edwards, Jonathan, 154
Egmont, Count, 94
Egypt, xii, 1–5, 29, 31–32, 34–35, 45–46
Ehud, 3
Einstein, Albert, 244
Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 255, 277
Eleanor of Aquitaine, xii
Eleanor of Castile, 143–44
Eliot, George, 152
Eliot, Sir John, 110
Eliot, T. S., 202–3, 225
Elisha, 153
Elizabeth I, queen of England, 87, 90–109, 174
Elizabeth II, queen of England, 221–22
Elon, 3
Emerson, 278
Emma (Austen), 251
English Review, 146
Epirus, 28
Erasmus, xvi
Essex, Earl of, 104
Eumenes, 37
Euripides, 22
European Union, 230–31, 233
Every Day’s a Holiday (film), 240
Exodus, 7, 9
Eylau, battle of, 139
Falklands War, 269, 270
Falstaff, 63 feminists, 55, 263
Ferdinand VII, king of Spain, 140
Ferrara, Duke of, 91
Fielding, Kenneth J., 148, 152
Fields, W. C., 236, 239–41 Fil de l’epée, Le (Edge of the Sword, de Gaulle), 229
Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, 81–82, 100, 102
Fleming, Annie, 212
Fleming, Ian, 212
Fletcher, John, 54
Fletcher (valet), xiv
Flodden, battle of, 87
Floyd, Mr., 167–168
Flynn, Errol, 244
Folies Bergère (musical), 236
Ford, Henry, 278
Ford, Jerry, 254–55
Forster, John, 146
Foudroyant (ship), 129–30
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, 115
France, xii, 58–59, 63–66, 68–75, 87–91, 94, 104–5, 117, 120, 128, 135–36, 174, 199–201, 227–33, 275–76
Assemblée Nationale, 200
constitution, 227
Fifth Republic, 232
Fourth Republic, 232
revolution, xii
Third Republic, 74, 232
France, Anatole, 75
Francis, Clare, 279
Franco, General, xiii
François I, king of France, 87–88
François II, king of France, 89
Frankenstein, 165
Franklin, Benjamin, 243
Frederick, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 132
Fredericksburg, battle of, 177, 178
Frederick the Great (Carlyle), 148, 151, 278
Free French movement, 231–32
Freemasons, 120
Frege, Gottlieb, 183, 189
French Revolution, The (Carlyle), 148
Fresneda, Father de, 101
Freud, Sigmund, 249
Friedman, Milton, 269
Frisco Kate (West), 239, 240
Froissart, Jean, 144
Froude, James Anthony, 145–47, 149
Fry, C. B., 205
Fuller, Thomas, 84
Gable, Clark, 251
Gadhafi, Muammar, 276
Galbraith, Kenneth, 228
Gale, George, 267
Garland, Judy, 246
Garrick, David, 241
Gascoigne, William, 63
Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth, 152
Gates, Bill, 278
Gaugamela, battle of, 32
Gaul, 40, 43–45
Généreux (ship), 129–31
Genesis, 6
Genghis Khan, xv
Gentileschi, Artemisia, 16–17
Gentileschi, Orazio, 16
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (film), 248
George, St., 57
George II, king of England, 119
George III, king of England, 119, 121
George IV, king of England, 141
Germany, xiii, 223, 276
Gettysburg, battle of, 178–79
Gettysburg Address, 169, 259
Gibbon, Edward, 217
Gideon, 3
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 107
Gildas, 53–54
Gladstone, William, 55, 134, 166, 217
Glendower, Owen, 60–62
Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 67
Glover, Gen. John, 116
Goethe, 29, 47
Goin’ to Town (film), 240
Goldsmith, Jimmy, 279
Goliath, 23, 25, 56
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 270
Go West, Young Man (film), 240
Goya, Francisco de, 142
Grable, Betty, 246
Granicus, battle of, 32
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 165–66, 277
Greece, ancient, xii, xv, 2–3, 5, 10, 17–18, 22, 28–39, 42, 169
Greek language, 41, 43, 85, 89, 182
Greene, Graham, 212
Gresham, Sir Thomas, 104
Grey, Henry, Marquess of Dorset and Duke of Suffolk, 84
Grey, Lady Jane, 84–87, 102–3
Grimms’ Fairy Tales, 186
Grouchy, Marquis de, 132, 138
Guise, Duke of, 94
Hahn, Michael, 168–69
Haig, Field Marshal, 277
Haig, Gen. Alexander “Al,” 211, 261
Hall, Thomas, 63
Hamilton, Lady Emma, 129, 142, 234
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 102
Hammett, Dashiell, 187
Harapha, 22
Hardy, Lady, 129
Hardy, Oliver, 239
Harlow, Jean, 248
Harriot, Thomas, 107
Harris, Frank, 146–47
Hathaway, Anne, 144
Havana Cruise (West), 240
Haydn, 115
Hayek, “Fritz,” 269
Healey, Denis, 258
Hearst, William Randolph, 241
Heath, Ted, 212, 268
Heat Is On, The (film), 240
Heber the Kenite, 9
Hebrews, 1–26
Hegel, 180
Heidegger, Martin, 180
Henri II, king of France, 88
Henry I, king of England, 59
Henry II, king of England, xii, 59
Henry III, king of England, 59
Henry IV, king of England, 59–63, 67
Henry IV parts 1 and 2 (Shakespeare), 62–63
Henry V, king of England (Henry of Monmouth), 34, 58, 60–70, 74–75, 99
Henry V (Shakespeare), 34, 63–64
Henry VI, Holy Roman emperor, xii
Henry VI, king of England, 59, 70, 73
Henry VII, king of England (Henry Tudor), 51, 85, 87, 91, 104–5
Henry VIII, king of England, 67, 77–78, 80–82, 84–85, 87, 99–101, 104
Henry, Patrick, 175
Hepburn, James, 4th Earl of Bothwell, Duke of Orkney, 92–93
Hepburn, Patrick, 3rd Earl of Bothwell, 88
Herakles (Hercules), 17, 30–31, 33
Herod, xv
Herod Antipas, 199
Herodias, 199
heroes, heroines, and heroism. See also specific individuals
actresses as, 234–52
American Civil War and, 165–79
American Revolution and, 114–24, 141–42
biblical, 1–26
Christian knighthood and, 57–58
defeat of Communism and, 253–73
defined, xi–xvii
female warriors as, 49–55
future of, 275–80
Greco-Roman conquerors as, 27–48
hostesses as, 199–214
Hundred Years War and, 58–75
Napoleonic Wars and, 124–42
philosopher as, 180–98
poet as woman in man’s world, 153–65
political leaders of WWII as, 199–214
16th-century England and, 76–112
tombs of, xi–xiii
wives of famous men as, 143–53
Hertford, Earl of, 84
Higginson, T. W., 158
Hinge of Fate, The (Churchill), 226
Hirtius, 40
History of Carlyle’s Life in London (Froude), 146
History of the First Forty Years of Carlyle’s Life, A (Froude)
History of the World (Ralegh), 77, 109
Hitler, Adolf, 181–82, 186, 226, 276
Ho Chi Minh, 276
Holbein, Hans the Younger, 78
Holden, William, 244
Holinshed, Raphael, 63
Holland, Dr. J. G., 158
Holland, Lady, 201
Holmes, Sherlock, 165
Holofernes, 11–14
Homer, xii, xvi, 3, 10, 30–31, 112, 114
Honegger, Arthur, 75
Honfleur, siege of, 64
Hood, Lord, 123
Hoorne, Count, 94
Houdini, 239
Howard, Katherine, 81
Hugo, Victor, xiii
Huguenots, 106
Huldah, 7
Hulton, Sir Edward, 202
Human Events (magazine), 257
Hundred Years War, 58–75
Hungerford, Sir Walter, 64
Hussein, Saddam, 270, 276
Hussy, The (West), 239
“Hutch” (singer-pianist), 202
Huxley, Aldous, 203–4
Hydaspes, battle of
Ibsen, Henrik, 29
Ibzan, 3
Iliad (Homer), xvi, 22
I’m No Angel (film), 240
In Command of History (Reynolds), 224
India, xvi, 32, 35, 117, 133–34, 208–9, 218, 223
Innocent III, Pope, 271
Iran, shah of, 33
Iraq, 1, 270
Ireland, 105, 107, 132
Ireland, Mrs. Alexander, 147
Isabella, queen of England, xii
Ish-bosheth, king of Israel, 24
Israel, ancient, 3, 6–20, 23–24, 56
Issus, battle of, 32
Italy, xv, 42, 185, 276
It Takes Love (West), 240
Jabez, king of Canaan, 6
Jabin, King, 8
Jackson, Andrew, 144, 258
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 158, 163
Jael, 8–11, 15–17
Jain, 3
James I, king of England (VI of Scotland), 54, 87, 92, 95, 98–99, 109–10
James II, king of England, 103
James IV, king of Scotland, 87
James V, king of Scotland, 87–88
Jane Eyre (Brontë), 158
Jeanne au bûcher (Claudel), 75
Jeans, James, 195
Jeeves, xiv
Jephthah, 3
Jerome, St., 272
Jesus Christ, 17, 21, 25, 57
Jews, xv, 11–26, 56, 181, 189
Jewsbury, Geraldine, 147
Joan of Arc, xiv, 58–59, 69–75
John, king of England, xii, 59
John II, king of France, 76
John XXIII, Pope, 272
John, Augustus, 203
John of Gaunt, 60, 67
John Paul II, Pope, 253, 271–73
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, xi, xii, xvi, 112–13, 142, 201, 230, 234, 278
John the Baptist, St., 199
Jonathan, 23
Jones, Tom, xv
Jordan, Mrs., 234
Joseph, Keith, 268
Josephus, 20–21
Joshua, 2
Journey to the Western Islands, A (Johnson), xi
Judges, 2–4, 6, 9, 15, 17, 22
Judith, 11–17
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 169
Kant, Immanuel, 180
Kapital, Das (Marx), 189
Kavanagh (Longfellow), 158
Kaye, Danny, 212
Keaton, Buster, 239
Kelly, Denis, 226
Kennedy, Edward, 252
Kennedy, John F., 228, 252
Kennedy, Robert, 252
Kentucky, 173–74
Keynes, John Maynard, 196, 208
Keynesianism, 269
KGB, 279
Kings, Book of, 7
King’s Council (England), 61, 63
Kipling, Rudyard, 225
Klenze, Leo von, xiii
Klondike Annie (film), 240
knights, 57–58, 62
Knox, John, 88–89, 90
Kopechne, Mary Jo, 252
Korean War, 220–21
Kuwait, 270
Labour Party, British, 220
Ladd, Alan, 244
Lafayette, Marquis de, 115
Lamb, Charles, 201, 212, 234, 278
Lamb, Henry, 203
Lancaster, Burt, 244
Langside, battle of, 92
“language-game” approach, 194–95
Lappidoth, 6
La Rochefoucauld, Duc François de, 200
Laski, Harold, 218
Lassois, Durand, 72
Latimer, Bishop Hugh, 101
Latin language, 40, 50, 67, 85, 89, 156, 182
Latrobe, Benjamin, 122–23
Laurel, Stan, 239
Law, Bonar, 206
Lawrence, St., 57
Lawrence, D. H., 203–4
Lawrence, T. E., of Arabia, xvi
League of Nations, 207–8
Leander, xiv–xv
Leavis, F. R., 182
Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and Religious Belief (Wittgenstein), 193
Lee, Ann Carter, 175
Lee, “Black Horse Harry,” 176
Lee, Henry, III “Light Horse Harry,” 175–76
Lee, Mildred, 179
Lee, Robert E., 172–79
Lee, William, 116
Lehár, Franz, 186
Leipzig, battle of, 139
Lemaistre, Jean, 73
Lennox, Earl of, 91
Lespinasse, Mademoiselle de, 200
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, 145–46, 151–52
Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, The (Carlyle), 114
Letters (Dickinson), 164
Lever, William, Lord Leverhulme, 206
Lexington, battle of, 116
Leyser, Karl, 181
Liberty (magazine), 242
Life of Queen Elizabeth (Creghton), 94
Life of the Divine Julius Caesar (Suetonius), 41
Life on the Mississippi (Twain), 176
Lincoln, Abraham, xiii, xvi, 165–73, 177, 179, 220, 258–59
Lincoln-Douglas debates, 174, 258
Lincoln Papers, 166
Lincoln’s Melancholy (Shenk), 170
Lindemann, Professor, Lord Cherwell, 216
Livingstone, Dr. David, xvi, 277
Lloyd George, David, 207, 209, 217
Londonderry, Lady, 202
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 158
Longford, Frank, Earl of, 143
Longford, Lady, 143
Longstreet, Gen. James, 178
Loose Women (West), 240
Loren, Sophia, 248
Lorraine, cardinal of, 89
Louis XIV, king of France, “Sun King,” xii, 231, 277
Louis XV, king of France, xiii
Louvish, Simon, 236, 242
Lovat, Lord (Simon Fraser), 77–78
Luce, Henry, 202
Luce, Clare, 212
Luther, Martin, 80
Lyautey, Marshal Hubert, xvi
Lysippos, 30
MacArthur, General, 276
Macbeth, Lady, 17
Maccabees, 56
Macdonald, Flora, xvii
MacDonald, Ramsay, 202
Macedonia, 28–30, 34–35, 41–42
Machiavelli, 93–94
Madison’s Budget, 243
Magdalene, queen of Scotland, 87–88
Mahler, Gustav, 186
Making of the Misfits, The (book), 251
Malaya war, 115
Malherbe, François de, 200
Mallalieu, Joseph “Curly,” 217–18
Malraux, André, 212, 230, 233
Manifest Destiny, 119
Manningham-Buller, Sir Reginald, 221
Manoah, 17
Mao Tse-tung, 48, 276
Marblehead Regiment, 116
Margaret, princess of England, 212
Margaret, princess of France, 89
Margaret, queen of Scotland, 87
Margaret, St., 71
Mark, St., 49
Marlborough, Duke of, 277
Marshall, John, 175
Martyrdom of Man, The (Reade), 219–20
martyrs, 56–58, 69–75, 79, 143
Marx, Chico, 239
Marx, Groucho, 236, 239
Marx, Gummo, 236
Marx, Harpo, 239
Marx, Karl, 189
Mary, Virgin, 17, 57
Mary, queen of England (May of Teck), 235
Mary, queen of Scots (Mary Stuart), 87–99
Mary I, queen of England and Spain (Mary Tudor), 86–87, 90, 101–4
Mary of Guise, queen of Scotland, 88
Mason, James, 244
Massachusetts, 174
Massacre of the Innocents, xv
mass murder, 39, 44, 48
McClellan, Gen. George B., 166
McKee, Grace, 245, 246
McNally’s Bulletin, 243
McPherson, Aimee Semple, 241
Meaux, battle of, 67
Medea, xiii–xiv
Medici, Catherine de’, 90
Medinet Habu (Egyptian temple), 5
Medius, officer, 37
Menasses, 12
Meredith, George, 145
Merry Widow, The (operetta), 186
“Mest, Jane,” 239–40. See also West, Mae
Method acting, 249–51 Mexico, 105
Michael, St., 71
Michelangelo, 271
Michelet, Jules, 75
Middle Ages, 40, 49, 57–59, 199–200
Miller, Arthur, 212, 244, 250–51
Milton, John, 22, 156
Mind (journal), 181
Miriam, 7, 9
Misfits, The (film), 251
Mitchum, Robert, 244
Mitford, Nancy, 86–87, 212
Modern Times, 197
Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 200
Mommsen, Theodore, 225
Monk, Ray, 198
Monmouth, Duke of, 102–3
Monroe, Marilyn (Norma Jean Mortenson or Baker), 235, 244–52
Monstrelet, 62–63
Montgomery, General Bernard, 42
Moore, G. E., 184, 191, 196
Moran, Lord (Charles Wilson), 215
More, Dame Alice, 82
More, Sir Thomas, 78–84, 100, 102
Mornington, Earl of (Garret Wesley), 132
Mornington, Lady, 218
Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 203–4
Morrell, Philip, 203
Morton, Thomas, Cardinal, 79–80
Moses, 2, 7, 8–10, 19, 21, 23, 153
Mount Rushmore, xiii, 142
Mozart, Maria Anna “Nannerl,” 144
Muggeridge, Malcolm, 228
Munda, battle of, 46
Munster Revolt, 107
Muslims, 57–58
Mussolini, 223, 226, 276
My Early Life (Churchill), 218–20
My Fair Lady (musical), 261
My Life and Loves (Harris), 146
My Little Chickadee (film), 240
Myra Breckinridge (film), 242
Mysterious Universe, The (Jeans), 195
My Wars Are Laid Away in Books (Habegger), 164
Napoleon Bonaparte, 31, 34, 42, 47–48, 87, 114, 117, 121, 128, 132–33, 135–40, 165, 200, 275–76
Napoleonic Wars, 127–29, 275
Napoleon III, 227, 275–76
Nasser, 276
Naunton, Robert, 106, 107
Nazirite sect, 17, 18
Nazis, 200–201
Nearchus, Admiral, 29
Nebuchadnezzar, 11
Nelson, Adm. Horatio, 114–15, 123–31, 133, 142
Nelson: Love and Fame (Vincent), 130
Nero, emperor of Rome, 49, 50
New Orleans, battle of, 137
New Statesman, 217
Newton, Benjamin F., 158
Newton, Isaac, 107
New York Times, 225
Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens), 186, 240
Nicomedes, king of Bithynia, 44
Night After Night (film), 240
Nightingale, Florence, 277
Night Thoughts (Young), 156
Nile, battle of the, 128, 130
1984 (Orwell), 78
Nixon, Richard, 254
Nobel Prize for Literature, 225
“No Coward Soul Is Mine” (Brontë), 164
“Noon on Saturday” (Dickinson), 157
Nore mutiny, 126
Norfolk, 3rd Duke of, 81
Norfolk, 4th Duke of, 94–95
Northumberland, Duke of. See Dudley, John
Northumberland (ship), 130 Numbers, 7, 100
Oates, Captain Lawrence, xvi
Oberon, Merle, 248
Of Heroes and Hero Worship (Carlyle), 114, 170
Ogden, C. K., 190
Oliver, Sarah Churchill, 223
Oliver, Vic, 223
Olivier, Laurence, 212, 248, 250–51
Olympia of Epirus, 28
Omaha World-Herald, 238
Onassis, Aristotle, 215
“On Boldness” (Bacon), 108
Open Society and Its Enemies, The (Popper), 196
Origin of Species (Darwin), 152
Orleans, Charles, Duke of, 76–77
Orleans, Louis d’, 88
Orleans, siege of, 70
Orthez, battle of, 138
Orwell, George, 78
Othniel, 3
Ottoman Empire, 276
Otto the Great, king of Germany, 58
Oxford University, 67–68, 113–14, 181, 195, 197, 205, 264, 278
Oxyontes, Lord, 38
Ozias, 12
Pallas, xiii
Palmerston, Lady, 201–2
Paradise Lost (Milton), 22, 156
Paris Commune, 75, 276
Parker, Dorothy, 164
Parmenion, General, 36
Parr, Catherine, 84, 101
Parsons, Lieutenant, 129
Patay, battle of, 72
Paul, St., 49, 57
Paul VI, Pope, 272
Paulinus, General Suetonius, 50–51
Peale, Charles William, 115–16
Peary, Robert, xvi
Peel, Lady, 201
Peel, Sir Robert, 140–41, 216
Péguy, Charles, 75
Peninsular War, 135–36, 140
Pentateuch, 2–7
Percy, Sir Henry “Hotspur,” 61
Peron, Juan, 276
Perrers, Alice, 144
Persia, 3, 28, 31–32, 35–36, 38, 44
Persuasion (Austen), 124
Pétain, Marshal Philippe, 228, 229
Peter, St., 56–57
Phaedo (Plato), 85
Pharnaces of Bosphorus, 46
Philip II, king of Macedon, 28, 31, 33
Philip II, king of Spain, 90, 94, 101, 104–5
Philippa of Hainault, 144
Philistines, 4–5, 18–20, 21, 23
Philosophical Investigations (Wittgenstein), 189, 191, 197
Philotas, 36
Phoenicians, 4, 24, 32
Pickett’s charge, 178
Pinochet, General, 279
Piozzi, Mrs., 142
Pitt, William, 135, 201, 216
Pius V, Pope, 94
Pizarro, Francisco, xvi
Plato, 28, 85, 180
Pleasure Man, The (West), 239–40
Pliny the Elder, 47
Plutarch, 30, 41, 46–47
Poitiers, battle of, 76
Poland, 253, 271
Pollaiuolo brothers, 57 Polizzi, Olga, 271
Pol Pot, 276
Pompey, 45, 47
Pope, Alexander, 112
Pope, Sir Thomas, 83
Popper, Dr. Karl, 196–97, 218–19, 269
Portes, Madame de, 200
Portland, Duke of, 203
Portugal, 136
Powell, Carla, 264
Powell, Charles, 264
Powell, Gen. Colin, 257
Pownall, Henry, 225
Prasutagus, king of the Iceni, 50
Prince, The (Machiavelli), 93
Prince and the Showgirl, The (film), 248, 250–51
Principia Mathematica (Russell), 183 Pritchard, Joseph, 197
Protestants, 88, 90–96, 100–104
Proust, Marcel, 190, 200
Prussia, 137–38, 276
Psalms, 25, 56
Ptolemy I, king of Egypt, 29, 46
Ptolemy XIII, king of Egypt, 45
Pucelle, La (Chapelain), 74–75
Pucelle, La (Voltaire), 75
Pym, John, 110
Quain, Dr. Richard, 147
Racine, 200
Raft, George, 249
Ralegh, Sir Walter, 77, 106–11, 174
Ralegh, Wat, 110
Ramsey, F. P., 190
Randolph, Edmund, 175
Randolph, Peyton, 174
Randolph, Thomas, 91
Ravel, Maurice, 186
Reade, Winwood, 219–20
Reagan, Nancy, 261
Reagan, Ronald, 173, 253–63, 265–67, 269–70
Reeves, Emery, 225
Reith, Lord John, 228
Rembrandt, 21–22
Reminiscences (Carlyle), 146
Reynaud, Paul, 200
Reynolds, David, 224
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 144
Rhodes, Cecil, xvi
Rich, Sir Richard, 81
Richard I, king of England “the Lionheart,” xii, 59
Richard II, king of England, 59–61
Richard III, king of England, 51, 59, 79–80
Richardson, Samuel, xvi
Richelieu, Cardinal, 75
Rizzio, David, 91
Robeson, Paul, 202
Rockefeller, John D., 278
Rogers, John F. W., 255
Rogers, Samuel, 152
Roland, Madame, 200
Rome, ancient, xv, 38–55, 169
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 173, 226, 258
Roosevelt, Selwa “Lucky,” 261
Roosevelt, Theodore, 216, 278
Roper, Margaret More, 82–83
Rothermere, Viscount (Harold Harm-sworth), 202
Rouen, siege of, 68
Rousseau, Jean–Jacques, 204
Rowse, A. L., 109
Roxane “Little Star” (wife of Alexander), 37–38
Rubens, Peter Paul, 21
Ruby King, The (West), 239
Rupert, Prince, 113–14
Ruskin, Effie, 147, 152
Ruskin, John, 147, 152, 166
Russell, Bertrand, 183–85, 191, 196, 203–4, 208
Russell, Jane, 249
Russia, 136, 185. See also Soviet Union
Ruth, 11
Ryle, Gilbert, 181
Safety Bill (1585), 95
St. George, Melesina, 129
Saint Joan (Shaw), 75
Saint Vincent, Lord, 124
Salamanca, battle of, 138
Salazar, 181
Salome, 199
Salomon, Solomon, 22
Samson, 3, 17–22
Samson Agonistes (Milton), 22
Samuel, prophet, 3, 21, 23
Samuel, Books 1 and 2, 23, 25
Sarah, 6
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 230
Sassoon, Siegfried, 203
Saul, King, 23–24
Schlesinger, Arthur, 212
Schubert, Johannes, 187
Scott, John, 127
Scott, Robert F., xvi
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 175
Sdapeze, Longinus, 54
Sebastian, St., 57
Sedan, battle of, 276
Seneca, 52
Servilia, 40–41
Seven Year Itch, The (film), 248–49
Seven Years War, 114, 117
Seward, William H., 172
Sextette (film), 242
Sex (West), 239, 241
Seymour, Edward, Lord Protector, Duke of Somerset, 101–2 Shakespeare, William, 29, 34, 49, 62–65, 74, 79, 97, 102, 106, 144, 169, 235, 240
Shamgar, 3
Sharp, Clifford, 217
Shaw, George Bernard, 75, 225
She Done Him Wrong (film), 240
Shelley, Lady, 139, 142
Shenk, Joshua Wolf, 170
Sherman, General William T., 166
Shrewsbury, 6th Earl of, 92
Shrewsbury, battle of, 61
Sidney, Sir Philip, 106
Simon, John, 205, 207
Sisera, 6–10, 15
slavery, 118, 120, 171–72, 174, 176–77
Sloane, Alfred P., 241
Smeaton, Mark, 100–101
Smith, Adam, 211
Smith, F. E., 1st Earl of Birkenhead, 205–10, 213
Smith, Freddie, 2nd Earl of Birkenhead, 209
Smith, Adm. Sir Sydney, 277 Socrates, 28, 180
Solway Moss, battle of, 88
Some Like It Hot (film), 251–52
Somerset, Duke of, 84
Something’s Got to Give (film), 252
Sons and Lovers (Lawrence), 204
Sophocles, 22
Sorensen, David R., 148, 152
Sound of Music, The (film), 256
Soustelle, Jacques, 229
Soviet Union, xv, 173, 226, 253, 256–57, 270–1, 276, 279. See also Russia
Spain, xiii, 42, 46, 94–95, 99, 105, 108, 110, 120, 135–36, 140, 174
Spanish Armada, 99
Spears, General, 228
Spencer, Lavinia, 124
Staël, Madame de, 200, 201
Stalin, Joseph, 226, 271, 276
Stanley, Sir Henry, xvi, 277
Stephen, St., 56
Stevens, Alfred, 142
Stevenson, Adlai, 212
Stoppard, Tom, 145
Strachey, Lytton, 203, 204, 208
Sturm, Johannes, 85
Suckling, Capt. Maurice, 123
Suetonius, 41, 46
Suffolk, Duke of. See Brandon, Charles; Grey, Henry
Sukarno, 276
Susa, 32
Sweden, 91
Swift, Jonathan, xvi, 112
Tacitus, 49–53
Talavera, battle of, 135, 138
Tale of a Tub (Swift), 112
“Talks with Carlyle” (Harris), 146
Talmud, 2–3
Task, The (Cowper), 156
Tassi, Agostino, 16–17
Taunton, battle of, 113
Templar, Sir Gerald, 115
Teresa, Mother, 279–80
Thackeray, William M., 202
Thapsus, battle of, 46
Thatcher, Margaret, 49, 253, 262–71, 273
Thomas, Dylan, 244
Thomas, Gen. George H., 175
Thornycroft, Thomas, 55
Thrale, Queenie, 113
Throckmorton, Elizabeth, 109
Thucydides, 169
Tiptoft, John, 68
Tola, 3
Tolstoy, Leo, 29, 114, 166, 186
Toulouse, battle of, 137
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus or Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung (Wittgenstein), 189–91, 194–95
Trafalgar, battle of, 125, 127–29
Tressant, John, 73
Trinobantes, 50
Trojan War, 3
Trollope, Anthony, 202
Tromp, Maarten, 113
Troy, 22
Troyes, Treaty of, 68, 69
Truman, Harry S., 173, 276
Turkey, 32, 42, 277
Twain, Mark, 176
Tyndale, William, 80
Tyrwhitt, Sir Thomas, 101
Uncommercial Traveller, The (Dickens), 186
United States, xiii, 121, 253–62, 270. See also American Revolution
Civil War, 161, 165–79
U.S. Congress, 155, 254, 256
U.S. Constitution, 80, 169, 172
U.S. Supreme Court, 175
Utopia (More), 78–79
Uxbridge, Lord, 137–39
Van Eyck, 140
Vatican Council, Second, 272
Velazquez, Diego, 140
Vera Violetta (play), 236
Vercingetorix, 44
Vergil, Polydor, 54
Verocchio, Andrea del, 23
Vers l’Armée de métier (Toward a Professional Army) (De Gaulle), 230
Victoria, queen of England, 55
Vidal, Gore, 242
Vienna, Congress of, 136, 277
Vile Bodies (Waugh), 202
Vilmorin, Louise de, 212
Vincent, Edgar, 130
Virgil, xvi, 40
Virginia, 117–18, 173–75
Vitoria, battle of, 137, 140
Vivonne, Catherine de, Marquise de Ramboullet, 200
Voltaire, 47, 75
Wadsworth, Rev. Charles, 158
Wagner, Richard, 204
Walesa, Lech, 271
Wallace, Frank, 236
Walpole, Robert, 216
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 95
Waring, Joanna, 69
War Memoirs (Churchill), 224–27
Warnock, Mary, 197
War of 1812, 137
Wars of the Roses, 79
Washington, George, xiii, 114–24, 141–42, 165, 167, 172, 175, 224, 255, 276
Waste Land, The (Eliot), 202
Waterloo, Battle of, 132, 137–41
Waugh, Evelyn, 202, 211
Wayburns, Ned, 235
Webster, Graham, 54
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 42, 114–15, 122, 125, 126, 131–42, 218, 275, 276–77
Wellington, Kitty Pakenham, Duchess of, 141
Wells, H. G., 207
West, “Battling Jack,” 235
West, Benjamin, 121
West, Mae (“Jane Mest”), 216, 235–44, 259
West, Tilly, 235
Westminster, “Bendor,” 2nd Duke of, 202
Westmoreland, General William, 212
Whiskey Rebellion, 172
Whitehall Diaries (Jones), xv–xvi Whitman, Walt, 166
Whittle, Sir Frank, 182
Wicked Act, The (West), 239
Wilde, Oscar, 209
Wilder, Billy, 251–52
Wilkie, Sir David, 141
William I, king of England, “the Conqueror,” 59, 76
William II, king of England, “Rufus,” 59
William IV, king of England, 123, 234
William the Silent, prince of Orange, 94
Wilson, Earl, 238
Wilson, Harold, 267–68
Wilson, Woodrow, xvi, 173
Winchelsea, Earl of, 140–41
Winsome Widow, A (play), 236
Winston Churchill As I Knew Him (Carter), 215
Winston Churchill: The Struggle for Survival (Moran), 215
Winters, Shelley, 244–45, 249
Winterton, Nicholas, 217
Wittgenstein, Hermine, 181
Wittgenstein, Karl, 181
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 180–98
Wodehouse, P. G., xiv
Woolf, Virginia, 196, 203
Worcester, 1st Earl of (Thomas Percy), 61
Wordsworth, William, 44 World War I, xv, 40, 173, 184–85, 194, 224, 229, 276–77
World War II, 173, 182–83, 187, 192, 195, 200, 217, 221, 223–27, 231–32, 277
Worthies (Fuller), 84
Wren, Christopher, 107
Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 86, 102–3
Wyatt, Woodrow, 263
Yeats, W. B., 203
York, Duke of. See Frederick, Prince, Duke of York and Albany
Yorktown, battle of, 119
Young, Edward, 156
Zanuck, Darryl, 246, 249
Zela, battle of, 46
Zeus, 33