GOD OFTEN BRINGS HIS CHILDREN TOGETHER in the most unusual ways to accomplish His unique purposes. The way in which we were drawn together leaves us humbled. The seeds of this novel were planted in each of our hearts independently at least a full year before our paths crossed.
From the beginning, our intent extended beyond telling a good story. Good stories, although hard enough to come by these days, don’t necessarily trumpet the truth. More than weaving a worthy tale, we wanted to write about the mysteries which lay beyond the skin of this world—to bring into focus that truth which is precious to us who believe in Christ’s power and captivating to those who, as of yet, do not.
With this purpose firmly under our belts, we set out to honor the Holy Spirit with an unapologetic rendering of His power, to draw a grand portrait of our God across the canvas of our world, an offering for His pleasure, rather than one for the pleasure of man.
Doing so requires a vivid story of God’s power in our world. It requires a clear message, and it requires a canvas on which to paint our portrait. It was in this context that our collaboration was born.
The story and the writing are primarily Ted’s; the heart of the message and the canvas, if you will, are primarily Bill’s. A thirty-eight-year-old novelist and an eighty-year-old church father; a hand and an arm, members of one body, each gifted for the edification of the other, brought together for His purpose.
We sincerely pray that your short walk through Caleb’s world will encourage you to consider the kingdom of heaven in new and maybe even challenging ways. We pray it will spur you on to earnestly seek Him, and above all we pray this journey will fill you with hope. The hope for the true treasures of this life—may you seek and find them quickly. The hope of the glory which awaits us in the life to come. May it come soon.
We would both like to thank the many friends who encouraged us to write from our hearts rather than from good political senses; their names would be too many to mention here. But there is one man whose insight, brilliance, and diligence cannot be overlooked. Thank you, Helmut Teichert, for your unwavering work and inspiration on this project. You have the heart of a champion.