Chapter One

Terminal one, Heathrow airport was its usual chaotic self. Jess picked up some Euros and rushed to the toilet. She could feel the blood coming out of her. Her stomach was cramping. Sitting on the toilet, changing her mammoth sanitary towel, she wished she were anywhere else but here. She was flying to Barcelona to check set up on a big event she’d been arranging. As she was the sole event organiser, she had no choice but to go. She had had the operation a week ago and thought she’d be fine to fly. Evidently it was quite common to bleed like a suckling pig for days afterwards and tampons were a big no-no in case of infection.

Dan had been a complete angel throughout her ordeal. He had met her from the clinic with a huge bunch of yellow roses. Her favourite, and had held her gently that night as she sobbed herself to sleep.

‘Don’t go to Barcelona,’ he’d urged that morning.

‘I have to. I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.’

She was just about to board when her phoned beeped.

I think you’re grand x

Jess knew at the moment this was the nearest she’d get to an ‘I love you’ from Dan and she smiled. They had become closer than ever over the past two weeks which made Jess realise she had definitely made the right decision. She comforted herself in the thought that in a year or so, when their relationship was even more solid, she would broach the subject of a family again, things would be different then – she was sure of it.

The four day event in Barcelona went without incident. Dan called her without fail every morning and evening and by the time she was due to come home she actually felt much better. She had given Dan a key, so that he could stay at her house on Evie-free nights. She paid the taxi driver and went to put the key in the door. Dan opened it, grabbed her round the waist and kissed her full on the lips. ‘God I’ve missed you. How are you feeling?’

‘Bit tired after travelling but generally so much better, bleeding has stopped too.’

‘That’s a bonus,’ Dan smiled. ‘Right, well I’ve run you a nice hot bath and thought we’d get a take-away later.’

‘Bloody hell, what’s happened to you? I must go away more often.’ Jess laughed ‘Glass of wine by my bath would be good too, while you’re looking after me.’

‘I got you a present Jess, here.’ He handed her a Jack Johnson CD.

Dan left Jess to relax, and as she was drying herself, she heard the click of the CD player.

‘Are you listening Mrs Robinson?’ Dan shouted up the stairs as Jack poured out the melody of ‘Better Together’.

Her eyes filled with tears at his romantic notion. Dan walked up the stairs. She dropped her towel and hugged him tightly. ‘I love you, Daniel Harris.’

‘And I think you’re grand Jessica Morley.’