Jessy awoke early and after phoning to check if Freya was OK, immediately dialled Emma’s number. ‘Oh my god! I don’t believe it,’ Emma exclaimed. ‘What on earth are you going to do?’
‘I’m going to do nothing, Em, absolutely nothing. There is no way he is going to walk right back into my life after all these years.’
‘But how do you feel about him now, Jess? It must be really strange to see him again.’
‘I still fancy the arse off of him. He still excites me. He still makes me laugh. It’s as if he’s never been away, but I can’t play at life anymore, Em. I’ve got to think clearly about where I see my life heading. It’s not a bloody dress rehearsal anymore. At my age I’m not prepared to go into anything lightly and make a mistake.’
‘And how are you feeling about, Sam?’
‘Oh, Em, I don’t know. I do love him, but having this time out and seeing Dan again has made me realise that my relationship is actually quite dead.’
Emma’s sensible voice soothed Jess. ‘But, you could make the decision that Sam isn’t who you want to spend the rest of your life with, and not find anyone else who offers you the passion you are craving?’
‘I’ve thought about that too, but I’m not prepared to accept a life of mediocrity I want more.’
‘Oh, Jess, I hope you are making the right decision. I really think you should take some more time to decide. And if you do leave him, what about Freya?’
‘She will come with me of course.’
‘Oh, Jess, that will break Sam’s heart and Freya’s for that matter.’
‘Em, don’t even go there, I feel all confused again now.’
Emma swiftly changed the subject. ‘So is Dan going home today?’
‘I’ve got no idea; he fell asleep before we discussed that.’
‘And, Jess, what if he hadn’t fallen asleep, do you think you’d honestly be in bed alone now?’ Jess went silent for a minute. ‘Oh, I don’t know. I’m so glad he did fall asleep. I have to resist him, Em. I have to.’
The friends said their goodbyes, just as Dan came bounding up the stairs. He knocked on the door and Jess pulled the covers up to her neck. ‘Enter,’ she said humorously.
Dan poked his head around the door and grinned. ‘Morning, Mrs Robinson, can I take a shower?’