‘Darling girl!’ Hope greeted Jess at her front door in miniscule shorts and a boob tube. She ushered her straight through to the garden.
‘No Freya today then?’
‘No, she’s spending the weekend with Charlie.’
‘Wine?’ Hope offered.
‘It would be rude not to.’ Jess winked as they settled at the garden table. ‘Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials, Ms Adams. I’m not even going to ask if you’re sure after such a short time. Bloody impressive rock though.’
Hope waved her hand in the air so that her huge diamond engagement ring sparkled in the sunshine. ‘Darling, you know I don’t work in time, but in carats!’ Hope took a slug of wine and continued. ‘Seriously though, he is such a sweetheart, Jess. I can actually see me staying with this one. Surely, there are only so many men a girl can sleep with and I’m running out of options.’
Jess laughed. ‘Umm, I’ve heard that three times from you before, but you go, girl.’
‘Pretty in pink I’ve decided,’ Hope continued. ‘Seen a gorgeous little designer number in the boutique in Swift Street. I’m so excited, Jess.’
‘And where and when exactly are you consummating this one?’
‘Well obviously it has to be a registry office. Have pulled some strings and found a smart one in Mayfair who can take us. I’ve booked it for September 13th. We want to have the reception at The Soho Hotel, was hoping you may be able to pull some strings in getting me a good deal. I’m only inviting fifty people, so hope they’ll have the space.’
‘You’re cutting it fine, Hope Adams, and not sure if it’s the same management at the hotel, but let me make a call for you. You should be OK though, as it’s a Sunday and a small affair.’
‘Talking of affairs, have you told Charlie yet about you and Dan seeing each other?’
‘Well first, dear friend, I’ve actually got some big news for you too.’
‘Dan proposed to me in Cornwall?’
‘No!’ Hope exclaimed. ‘And what did you say?’
‘I said yes.’
‘Well you don’t sound too happy about it?’
‘I am, I am,’ Jess said.
‘So was it a romantic proposal? He’s usually spot-on in that department.’
‘Well yes and no.’
Jess relayed the storm story and Hope listened in horror. ‘Jesus, I’d have asked you to marry me too after all that,’ Hope exclaimed. Jess laughed.
‘Congratulations to you though, Jess. I’m so happy you’re happy again. I love the ring too!’
‘I’m sure people will think it’s just too soon after Sam dying but to be honest I don’t care. My lack of respect for him since finding out about the affairs has really helped for me to get over grieving for him anymore.’
‘So tell me, what did Charlie say?’
‘I fronted it this morning when she came to pick up Freya. I told her the whole story from ten years ago actually.’
‘Wow, and how did she react to you sleeping with him the day of the funeral?’ Hope asked.
Jess grimaced. ‘Well, OK I wasn’t that honest. I said we were together ten years ago and we didn’t realise we still had feelings for each other until after she and Dan had split up.’
‘I think that’s fine, Jess. Sometimes it is more hurtful to tell the complete truth and she knows how it is now at least.’
Thoughts of Dan and Evie ran immediately through Jess’s head. She brushed them aside and continued. ‘She is an amazing girl. She’s coming to the wedding, so she must have been being genuine about being happy for us.’
‘So have you set a date yet?’
‘Not yet, there’s no hurry.’
‘Jess, are you sure you’re OK?’
‘Oh, Hope, I do love him and Freya adores him and Evie, but if I’m honest I am worried myself about the age gap now. I mean when I’m sixty, he will still only be forty-four. Looking back I was so young and vibrant at that age. I’m worried he may decide to swap me for a younger model.’
‘Jess, don’t be so ridiculous. You are still young and vibrant now, in fact you will be until you are one hundred and five! He loves you , Jessica Morley. The wonderful, kind, generous, sexy, loving person that you are.’
‘Bless you, Hope, you’re so sweet. I really hope so,’ Jess replied, not utterly convinced.
‘And anyway by the time you’re sixty, I’m sure they’ll be able to lift boobs and botox fannies on finance!’
Jess nearly choked on her wine. ‘Hope Adams, you are unbelievable!’
‘But oh-so gorgeous.’ Hope smirked. ‘Right now let’s finish this bottle and get another one open, we have reason to celebrate!’