


“Wait in here please, Detective Lewis.” Tran showed Winston into Jonathan’s lounge the next day. “Can I get you anything?”

“No, thanks.” Winston observed the magnificent space highlighted with bright orange and green furniture that offset the beige walls. “Jonathan loves color it seems.” He walked across the gold and red spiral rug to the limestone fireplace. “It’s beautiful. Bet he had the best decorator in the world.”

“Many people had a hand in decorating and building this place.”

“It’s something.” Winston sat on the orange couch, checking out the lime-green drapes on the ceiling-to-floor windows. “Is he coming out soon because I need to get back to the station.”

“Oh, I’m sorry if there was a misunderstanding, but you won’t be speaking to Jonathan. He’s rather busy. Mistress Shauna will see to your needs.”


“Mistress Shauna.” Tran clasped his hands. “She’s swimming with the others in the pool. I’ll let her know you’re here.”

“I don’t care about any Mistress Shauna or whoever. I wanna speak to Jonathan.” Winston put his feet on the black coffee table. “And, I’m not leaving until I do.”

Tran cleared his throat, glaring at Winston’s feet.

Winston took them off the table. “I didn’t come here for games.”

“Why did you come here, Detective? Is this about a case?” Tran snickered. “Or about Detective Quarter?”

“It’s none of your business. Now, you said on the phone Jonathan would see me—”

“I told you we’d be happy to have you stop by. I did not say you could speak to Jonathan.”

“Well, I’d better speak to Jonathan.” Winston stood, grabbing his waist, underneath the tails of his blazer. “You made me leave my gun outside but trust me, I’m every bit as dangerous even without it.”

“Is that a threat?” Tran’s face got stiffer. “I don’t take kindly to such treatment.”

“And, I don’t take kindly to men who push up on my woman.”

“Excuse me?”

“Get Jonathan.” Winston moved closer to him, towering over the petite man. “Now.”

A gorgeous woman with long, black hair sauntered inside the lounge in a white bikini and cover up that pulled Winston’s eyes to her bountiful bosom and voluptuous hips.

“Hello.” She glided her tall frame toward Winston, her breasts jiggling with each movement. “My, my.” Her eyes widened as she looked upon him. “You must be Detective Winston Lewis.”

He shifted his gaze from her demanding curves. “I am.”

“I’m Mistress Shauna.” She held out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

He took her soft hand but didn’t speak.

The small, backless heels she wore made her as tall as Winston. “You seem distressed, Detective.” She batted her eyes in a flirtatious manner.

“I was telling Tran that I didn’t come an hour from Baltimore to be played for a fool. I expected to see Jonathan, and that’s what I’m gonna do.”

“Jonathan’s busy in his lab.” Shauna tilted her head toward Tran. “But, it isn’t fair that Detective Lewis drove all this way for nothing.” She smiled at Tran, her gaze locked on Winston. “Go get him.”

Tran sighed, bowing. “Yes, Ma’am.” He left.

Shauna rocked, bringing more attention to her breasts. “You came to see Jonathan, but I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

Winston gave her another once-over. “I don’t mean to be rude but this doesn’t concern you.”

“I run interference for Jonathan.” She gestured to the couch. “Please sit down.”

He did.

She glided to the refrigerator by the grandfather clock, her cover up hugging her ass. “Would you like something to drink?”

“I’m on duty.”

“I didn’t mean alcohol. We don’t drink alcohol here or do drugs. Everything we consume is natural.” She held up a glass bottle of dark juice. “Grape juice we’ve made ourselves. You want some?”

“No thank you.”

With her glass of juice, she floated back to the couch and stood in front of Winston. “I was taking a swim. It’s so hot today.”

“Yes.” Winston switched his eyes from her toned thighs. “It is.”

“It’s amazing how humid it can get, huh?” She massaged her neck, her damp hair glistening. “I can’t stand humidity and feeling all sweaty. Do you swim, Detective?”

He tapped his foot, avoiding her gaze. “Sometimes.”

“What times?” She sat on the table in front of him. “You’ve got beautiful eyes.”

He sighed, rolling them.

“Don’t think I’ve ever seen eyes so blue.” She wrapped her lips around the rim of the glass. “I bet they come in handy in your line of work.”

The corner of his mouth lifted. “Why?”

“Because if they have the same effect on others they have on me, I bet the suspects spill all their secrets.”

He shrugged, stretching his arm along the back of the couch.

“See, all someone has to do is gaze into them and they’re hooked. Makes someone wanna tell you everything.” She smiled. “Detective Quarter has taste.”

“What is this?” He took a deep breath. “This game you’re playing? All of you are playing?”

“I’m not playing any games.” She crossed her lengthy legs, her cover up sliding off her shoulder. “You’re just a very handsome man, Detective. Don’t tell me I’m the first person to tell you that.”

“I don’t know if Jonathan sent you here as a distraction or—”

“So I am one?” She raised an eyebrow. “A distraction for you?”

“No.” He grimaced. “I came here to find out why Jonathan’s been flirting with Dee and nothing more.”

“She’s been doing a little flirting herself.”


“Did she say it was one-sided?” Shauna chuckled. “Why do you think she keeps coming over here when it has nothing to do with the case?”

“Because he’s manipulating her like he did you and all the other women in this place.”

“You’re wrong.”

“I don’t think so.”

She grinned into her glass as she sipped.

“What’s so funny?”

“You’re from Philly?”

“How did you know?”

“That accent. I’m from Philly and could spot it a mile away.”

He pushed his back into the pillows. “You’re from Philly?”

“Born and raised until I turned twenty and came to Maryland. That was thirteen years ago.” She touched his thigh. “Small world isn’t it?”

He gripped her wrist, snatching her hand from his leg. “Too small.”

Jonathan walked in wearing a black, crew-neck T-shirt and slim-fitting black slacks. “Am I interrupting something?”

“No.” Shauna jumped, rushing to him. “How are you, darling?” She kissed his cheek. “This is Detective Winston Lewis.”

“We finally meet.” Jonathan’s silver-gray eyes danced. “I’m Jonathan Wild. Welcome to my home.”

“Thanks.” Winston kept a stiff tone. “Stay away from Dee.”

Jonathan grinned, glancing at Shauna. “He’s forward like me. I like that, Winston.”

“Don’t make me repeat myself.” He squinted. “Stay away.”

Jonathan patted Shauna’s cheek. “Give us a moment.”

Shauna smiled at Winston, his gaze following her out the room.

“You like what you see?” Jonathan stood next to Winston. “Shauna I mean?”

Winston broke his stare from the door.

“Don’t feel guilty. She’s a beautiful woman. She had me speechless the first time I met her.”

“I have no interest in anyone here. What you’re doing to Dee, it’s not happening, Jonathan. I’m not standing by while you manipulate her.”

“Are we talking about the same woman?” His brows met his forehead. “Because the Deidra Quarter I know wouldn’t let anyone manipulate her.”

“You don’t know a damn thing about her.”

“Did Tran offer you any refreshments—”

“I’m not playing with you.” Winston stood chest-to-chest with him. “Dee’s my woman, and I’m not letting any man take her away from me.”

“Does she realize you think of her as property?” Jonathan sauntered across the stone floor. “I’m flattered to see I threaten you.”

“Kiss my ass. I’m not threatened but you will be if you don’t leave Dee alone.”

“What am I doing to her?” Jonathan stood by the chimney with his arm propped on the mantel. “She’s the one who keeps coming by even when it has nothing to do with the case. You should have this conversation with her.”

“I’m having it with you.” Winston lifted his chin. “You don’t wanna go there with me. I will do whatever I have to, to protect my relationship.”

“Well.” Jonathan made a fist, mocking. “Deidra brings out the animal in you, huh? She’s a grown woman who makes her own decisions. If she wants to see me, then she’ll see me and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Why am I getting so worked up?” Winston chuckled. “It’s obvious you’re the killer and doing this to throw Dee off her case.”

“Oh, no.” Jonathan rubbed his buzz cut. “I’m a lover, not a killer. My interest in Deidra has nothing to do with the investigation.”

“I’m warning you.” Winston rushed toward him. “Stay the hell out of our lives.”

“Does Deidra love you?”

Winston gaped, wondering what his angle was for the question. “Of course.”

“Then why so upset?”

“Because you can make her believe anything. That’s what you do with women isn’t it, Jonathan? You got self-esteem issues or something? Think a woman won’t want you unless you manipulate her and lock her in your compound?”

He lowered his head, smirking. “These women beg for my attention.”

“Yeah, because they’re brainwashed and can’t tell if they’re coming or going.”

Jonathan passed a dirty look. “Most times they’re coming.”

Winston grimaced at the lewd punch line. “That’s all women are to you? Just objects to keep for your pleasure?”

“I love these women. I give them everything and I’m the only one who they can depend on. We’re a family.”

“It’s a crock of shit.”

“You don’t understand me at all do you, Detective? Let me show you something.” Jonathan went to the door. “Come on.”

Winston followed Jonathan through the coral-pink hall enclosed in Victorian-style portraits, antique mirrors and garish fixtures.

They turned a corner, the sound of women laughing and water splashing filled the hallway.

Jonathan stopped at glass double-doors that led to the indoor pool.

Winston pressed his hand to the glass, mesmerized by the oasis of feminine beauty.

At least fifteen, stunning women of various races in white bikinis, splashed around in the square-shaped pool, a grand atrium above them.

A black woman with braids laughed as she doused water onto two blonde women.

Another group of women played with a beach ball at the other end of the pool.

“It’s a sight, isn’t it?” Jonathan put his arm around Winston’s shoulders. “Every man’s dream, right?”

Winston’s member throbbed as the women wrestled with each other, pulling at each other’s bathing suits.

“I get to wake up to this view every single day,” Jonathan said. “They’re some of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen, aren’t they?”

Winston’s face muscles clenched, and he removed his hand from the glass.

“Hey, it’s okay to be honest. What man wouldn’t want all the women he could have for himself?” Jonathan gestured toward the window. “Winston, they could be yours too.”

“Get off me.” He knocked down Jonathan’s arm. “You’re sick.”

“And, you’re hard.” He pointed to Winston’s crotch.

“Dee’s the only woman I want.”

“I’m just saying.” Jonathan looked at the women. “If you’re interested, I can make it happen. They do whatever I say, Winston. Look at them.”

Winston kept his head low.

“Don’t want to? Afraid you won’t be able to control yourself if one looked back at you?”

One-by-one the women took notice of the stranger and abandoned their games.

“Uh-oh.” Jonathan laughed. “Looks like they’ve noticed you. I should introduce you.”

“Don’t bother and you’re wasting your time.” Winston stepped back. “This won’t work on me. You can’t manipulate everyone, Jonathan.”

“You could have any one of them you want. Or all of them if you choose to and it would be between us.”

Winston straightened the collar of his blazer. “Some men have scruples.”

“Drop the martyr act. You’d fuck them if you were sure Deidra wouldn’t find out.”

“No, you want me to do that so you can cause trouble between me and Dee, but it’s not gonna work.”

“Hm.” Jonathan twiddled his fingers. “Tits and ass, tits and ass, tits and ass—”

“Keep your women because I doubt they’d be able to handle me, anyway.”

Jonathan cackled. “You might be wrong about that, Detective.”

“It’s over, Jonathan.” Winston stabbed his finger at him. “Put your hands on Dee again and you’re going to see how far I’ll go.” He headed out the hall, bumping into Shauna.

“Detective, leaving so soon?” She stuck out her bosom. “I was hoping you’d join us for a swim.”

He scoffed, continuing on his way.