Finding the right tools
It helps to have your own little toolbox that holds a tape measure and the most common tools. The more expensive equipment that appears in this book, as well as those that you’d only need to use once or twice, can be rented rather than bought. Sometimes it may seem tricky to pair the name of a tool with its appearance, therefore most of the tools and equipment that I use in the book’s projects are illustrated in this chapter.
1. Round-nose pliers
2. Needle-nose pliers
3. Cutting pliers, large
4. Cutting pliers, small
5. Pliers
6. Pincers
7. Pipe wrench
8. Bolt cutter
9. Hand riveter
10. Awl
11. Split needles
12. Shears
13. Round file
14. Flat file
15. Ratchet
16. Adjustable wrench
17. Wrench
18. Hacksaw
19. Axe
20. Chisel
21. Utility knife
22. Saw
23. Miter box
24. Sledge hammer, small
25. Sledge hammer, large
26. Hammer
27. Crowbar
28. Glue clamp
29. Bending machine
30. Quick clamp
31. Clamp
32. Iron stake
33. Spirit level, long
34. Spirit level, short
35. Drill driver
36. Circular saw
37. Angle grinder
38. Jigsaw
1:5 scale
1:10 scale
39. Lopper
40. Pruning shears
41. Pruning saw
42. Soil compactor
43. Mason’s hammer
44. Chisel
45. Concrete mixer
46. Concrete mixing paddle
47. Rubber mallet
48. Notched trowel
49. Joint filler tool
50. Bricklaying trowel
51. Caulking trowel
52. Mosaic pliers
53. Welding machine
54. Welding clamp (C-clamp)
55. Magnetic holder
56. Welding/chipping hammer
57. Glass cutter
58. Glass breaking pliers
59. Glass breaking pliers, small
60. Security bar
61. Soldering iron
62. Glass sander
63. Kiln
64. Breathing protection
65. Goggles
66. Hearing protection
67. Extraction fan
68. Welding helmet
1:5 Scale
1:10 Scale
1:20 Scale