
There are many of you who have helped me along the way of this, my first book.

A big thank you to my publisher Lisa Ydring, who accepted my idea and who supported and encouraged me throughout the undertaking. Thanks Kai Ristilä for a lovely design and my editor Cecilia Bengtsson, who tirelessly challenged the text and helped me refine it.

But without my beloved family, this task would have been impossible. Thank you for all the help and support. Kjell, your photos and help with the sketches has been invaluable. Sofia, thank you for the wonderful illustrations of the tools.

Adrian and Rebecka, thank you for always being willing to stand in front of or behind the camera when my own two hands are not sufficient.

Last but not least a big thank you to my sister Monica, my neighbors, and my friends. Monica, Martin Fagerlind, and Solveig Rotbring, you have all helped with material. Torsten and Anne Margret Pihl lent their garden and Krister Lööf their plants to photography. Thank you Cecilia Byström and Eva Rönnblom. Cilla, you thought all the time about my idea and got me to dare to invest. Eva, your wisdom and your enthusiasm has helped me very much along the way.

