
Chapter 8:  Mookookie Rising


Elizabeth and Burt stood in one of the farming domes on the former Insenium capital planet, now once again the domain of the Mookookie.  Before them were assembled former slaves and their new compatriots, the Mookookie, thousands of them.

The newly released slaves had erected a platform for them to stand on, so they could look out on the crowd and they were easily seen.  Earlier that day they had met with the leaders of this town as they had been doing across the face of the planet.  Things were changing, and rapidly.  There had been some disputes of how to handle the newfound freedom and many of the slaves, those who were able, had returned to their home worlds. 

Now, the newly formed community had all opted to continue in the domes where they had started, the difference being that they could now travel freely from dome to dome.  The transportation network that had been put into place by the Insenium was going to have to be expanded, as commerce and trade began to happen in this new economy. 

Elizabeth had explained to the main leaders the Daringi economic model of exchanging hours instead of currency, and they had agreed that this would be a good plan, but infrastructure had to be put into place to make that possible.

In the meantime, they had agreed to simple barter for the time being.  Now Elizabeth and Burt were going from dome to dome to aid in uniting the various beings now represented by the new government.  They had been chosen mainly because of their bonding with two Mookookie, BaaGah and Noony, and Elizabeth’s ability to transport them easily between the Alliance and the Mookookie planet, which they called Krim. 

This was the last stop on their tour.  Jenny had checked in just this morning with the news about the turnaround of the Groga, and they were very encouraged.  One of the goals Burt, Jenny, and Elizabeth had discussed before the revolution was the idea that taking the Groga completely out of the fight would hamper their enemies in a major way.  Or at least, that was their hope.  It had been a bit of a conspiracy just between the three of them, as none of them had told the rest of the Alliance agents or Guardians about their idea.  At the time they were worried about security and the fear that the enemy would catch on too early and they would prevent them from getting to the Groga.

It had definitely come off better than they had hoped, but they had no illusions that the easy part was behind them.  They knew things were about to heat up in ways they couldn’t possibly anticipate.  This made them all nervous, but, as the youngest of all of the representatives of the Alliance, they also knew they were fortunate that, in retrospect, their elders had not only approved their plan, but applauded it. 

Now, the next step involved the Mookookie and the Daringi.  Mookookie who had been unwittingly transported by Gall’s minions to their various planetary and potentially dimensional holdings were able to communicate through the spaces with their fellows on Krim.  Burt and Elizabeth, with the help of BaaGah and Noony, had organized a group of Mookookie to act as relays with these new Alliance agents.  Slowly they were creating a map of coordinates of the holdings of the Insenium, and it was looking pretty grim.

Burt sent to the assembled Krimians, “Elizabeth and I must leave you soon.  You have the basic building blocks now of a great society if you will choose to use them.  You have elected wise leaders.  Trust them, but also hold them accountable. 

Your continued freedom will require diligence and vigilance.  Your planet and that freedom are still in danger.  Leaders of the Daringi, Elizabeth’s people, will be coming to help you prepare to defend yourselves.  The struggle isn’t over yet, but it will be, and unity will be vital to your success. 

Our hope is that we will triumph over this threat that is over all of us and when that is done, all will be free to live their lives according to the dictates of their desires and their public conscience.  None of us need to do this alone and our people have committed to make any sacrifice to do this.  Are you with us?”

The response was deafening.  The Mookookie had sprouted legs and arms and were doing the most amazing little dance.  Elizabeth had the biggest grin on her face, and Burt once again appreciated the beauty of the Daringi people. 

Burt was amazed at the reception they had been given in every dome, by every group.  But he realized when he had initially toured the domes, only the Inseni were their enemies, not any of these people. 

None of them had bought into the Inseni idea that this was all for their own good.  They had never considered themselves anything but unwilling slaves, so when Burt, Jenny and Elizabeth had begun stirring the fire, they were ready tinder for the spark that had been set to them.

They stepped off of the podium and were swarmed by the crowd, pats on the back, hand-shaking and hugging.  Noony and BaaGah were enjoying all of the attention.  Most of their Mookookie friends continued the energetic dance, and some joined in with enthusiasm and delight on both sides. 

Let them celebrate, thought Burt with a sigh.  It’s about to get really hard and they’ll need every bit of that positive energy. 

He wished, as he had so many times before, that somehow, he could wave a wand and make it all better.  But he knew it didn’t help him or anyone else to think that way.  Elizabeth had been such a help and fired by her intense loyalty to Jenny, he knew he could count on her to do whatever it took to give the Alliance the edge they needed.  Tarafau and Amenia had given her a strong work ethic and the desire to maintain freedom for all beings.  And, in spite of the huge difference in their ages, Elizabeth was emotionally and mentally a match for Burt and Jenny.  In her culture, she was considered very much the same stage as the ‘twenty-somethings” of Earth.

They made their way through the crowd to their vehicle.  BaaGah and Noony had retracted their limbs and blended into Burt and Elizabeth’s clothing and rode along.  Once inside the vehicle, the villagers made a path to allow them to pass through to the dome entrance. 

As they exited, Elizabeth let out a long sigh.  “I had no idea how much work this would be.  I don’t know what I thought we would be doing, but all of this educating and rallying and endless meetings to attend is exhausting.  How do you do it?”

Burt grinned.  “I like people and I like helping.  This is the best part of my job, interacting with amazing new cultures and different beings with all their diversity.  And seeing this culture changing and developing right before my eyes is exhilarating.”

At that instant, as Elizabeth nodded, they both heard Jenny’s mind voice, “Burt?  Elizabeth?  How is it going?”

“You weren’t riding along?” Burt asked, somewhat disappointed.  “It’s going great.  Better than expected, which makes me a little worried.  I keep waiting for someone to throw a monkey wrench into the works.”

“They will.  Count on it.  But for now, we can shore up the defenses.  A contingency of Tarafau’s troops has already arrived at the capitol dome and will be deployed in units to each of the outlying domes, to set up the training camps.  I did let the Mookookie know that they can stop multiplying for now, but we may decide to do more of that later.  They are very helpful. 

Have you distributed that map of coordinates to Tarafau’s people yet?  Thanks to Bob’s MDP research, we have a plan that will allow them to transport troops in large numbers when we are ready to begin the coordinated assault.”

“I sent the list of coordinates to my dad earlier today.  He should have distributed the list to all of the commanders of the Daringi forces by now.  Glad to hear your voice.  Wish you were here with us,” said Elizabeth wistfully.

“Me too, but for now, we all need to be where we are.  All of the rest of the team are working long hours to begin to bring a plan together.  The Linklings are also deploying, some here to the Groga home world and the rest to the various coordinates we have received.  Due to their abilities to read minds, we should be able to get plenty of intel without putting them in any danger, as they will go in with their reflections turned off.”

Burt had loved Jenny’s explanation for Chidwi’s abilities to be invisible.  As it turned out the Linklings were all of a mind to aid the Dimensional Alliance in every way possible, short of actual violence on their part.  They were still incensed at the attack of Miriha’s town and that their relatives were potentially killed or at the very least shut off from the gate system by the sealing of the gate there.  It turned out they were better allies than he would have previously imagined. 

“So, what are your next steps, Jenny?” Burt asked.  “I know you are doing a lot of rallying of the Groga.  How does that work, really?  Are you experiencing any resistance?”

“Only at first, but the Groga leaders are behind the plan and were convinced surprisingly easily.  They are going to concentrate their efforts on defenses.  Their top military minds are gathering to discuss ways to fortify their cities against the Norgoth and the Inseni.  Meanwhile, the general populace is just digging in and getting to work, stockpiling supplies, and setting some really interesting booby traps.  They won’t be caught unaware or unprepared. 

They seem to be clear about the risk they are taking.  So far the Norgoth, the Fleistians and the Inseni don’t seem to realize just how far this rebellion has reached.  When they discover the Groga are no longer theirs to command, however, it could get pretty nasty.  I have been completely honest with them.  I didn’t want them making these commitments blindly, just because of whatever pull I seem to have with them.”

“Then we’re good for now.  We have a lot of different troops from different dimensions, all preparing to support the effort.  It will be easier when we know more about this enemy and exactly what we’re up against.  I’d just as soon not have any more nasty surprises.  The last ones were enough for me to go on with,” Burt agreed.

“Very good.  Now, where are you two off to this time?”

“We’re headed to the capital.  I think the two of us are stuck here for a little while yet, while we try to get all of this mess sorted out and everyone prepared.  We know the Inseni won’t leave this situation as is, the nasty bug-eyed, baby-faced, shark-toothed, jerks that they are; not to mention their slime-eating, cyclops friends, the Norgoth.”

“You’re absolutely right,” said Jenny.  “It looks like the Groga are going to agree to accept some Daringi consultants to help them do their preparations.  I have the General of the Groga armies, the ultimate Groga-ha with me pretty much constantly now, but Tarafau says ‘the girls’ are anxious to get back to me, so I will have them here soon as well.  Try as I might not to have an entourage, it looks like I’m stuck with it.”

Elizabeth cut in, “And a good thing too.  The only thing I regret is that I’m not right there with you.  I feel so much like I’ve let you down...”

“Don’t you EVER say or think that again, Elizabeth!  You’re always there for me when I need you, and I promise I’ll let out a holler when I need your assistance.”

“A lot of good that did for you during the revolt,” Elizabeth said, her face sulky and her eyes downcast.  “We all thought you were dead.  The one thing about those abilities of yours that always gave me comfort was that you would be able to ask for help no matter what happened and then you got yourself knocked on the head...”

“OK, OK, I get it.  But it all worked out and what’s the likelihood that will happen again?”

“Hello?” Burt chimed in, “isn’t this YOU we’re talking about?  You went from mild-mannered blog writer to superhero in less than a year.  Do you have any clue about how important you are to us?” he hesitated for a moment, “to me?”

“That’s a discussion for another time, but I get it and I’m sorry for the scare I gave everyone, but not for what I did.  It needed to be done.”

“That didn’t make it any easier.  All I’m saying is that I’m good with you having as big an entourage as possible if you can still get the job done, OK?”  Burt knew he sounded a bit pugnacious, but darn it all, he didn’t know what he would do if he lost Jenny, not that she had yet mentioned his final words before disappearing with a flash of light.  He was pretty sure she had been saddened by his apparent death too.  What a pair they made.

“Let’s not argue, folks,” chimed in Elizabeth, holding up both hands.  “We’ve got enough opposition to be going on with here already.  Let’s save it for the ‘bad guys’ as Burt would put it.”

Burt realized he was flushed, and his fists were balled up like he was ready to punch something.  He relaxed them and said, “Elizabeth’s right.  Truce?” and he grinned his most charming grin into space, as Jenny still hadn’t learned how to make a physical representation of herself during these communications unless it was in his dreams.  His dreams.  He didn’t want to think about that at the moment.

“Truce,” Jenny agreed.  “And with that, I have to run.  I have a session with the Alliance Council yet and a meeting with their version of the Joint Chiefs of Staff later today and I haven’t prepared anything yet.”

“Goodbye, Jenny.  Be safe.” Elizabeth said, blowing a kiss into the air before her.

“Bye, Jenny.  Keep me posted.” Burt said with a wave and a grin which faded when she didn’t reply.  She had obviously already moved on.

Elizabeth looked at Burt with bright eyes.  “You love her as much as I do, don’t you?”

“I don’t have words big enough, but I’m not sure she sees me as more than a friend or teammate.  And I don’t know if she ever will.”