Abyla and Calpe, see Gibraltar, strait of

aether 17, 20, 26, 32, 398

Albergotti, Ulisse 72, 406

Ammannati, Giulia, see Galilei family

Antichthons 188, 415 Anti-Tycho 173–4, 179–80, 414

Apelles (pseudonym of Christoph Scheiner) xvii, 33–47

Aquinas, Thomas, Saint: Commentary on Job 81, 407

Archimedes viii, 71, 74, 406

On the Spirals 247, 417

Archytas 228, 416

Ariosto, Ludovico: Orlando furioso 115, 245, 341, 411, 422

Aristarchus of Samos 71, 97, 308

Aristotle 62;

held heavens to be incorruptible vii–viii, 48–51, 127, 133, 208–10, 403;

and elemental world subject to generation and corruption 50–1, 158–65, 168–71, 180–3;

gave primacy to evidence of the senses 152, 172, 177;

would modify his view if he had the benefit of more recent observations 51–2, 171;

reputed to have drowned himself in despair at his inability to explain the tides 326, 341, 421;

WORKS: On Generation and Corruption 161, 414;

On the Heavens 71, 97, 127, 405, 412, 413, 414, 419;

Metaphysics 418;

Meteorology 400;

Physics 413;

Mechanics (Mechanical Questions) attributed by G to Aristotle 240, 314, 417; see also motion

Arrighetti, Niccolò 55, 403

Aselli (stars) 27, 400

assertions, handbook of, see Clementi, Clemente

Augustine of Hippo, Saint: On the Literal Meaning of Genesis 61–2, 69–70, 76, 79–80, 84–7, 90, 113, 404;

Letter to Marcellinus 405

Avila, Bishop of, see Tostado, Alfonso

Badouère, Jacques 8, 397

Barberini, Maffeo, Cardinal, see Urban VIII, Pope

Baronio, Cesare, Cardinal xviii, 70, 405

Bellarmine, Robert, Cardinal xix, xx, 365–8, 408, 410, 423–4;

letter to Foscarini 94–6, 366;

statement given to G (May 1616) 367, 370, 373–5

Bible xviii, xx, 55–61, 61–94, 108–10, 184;

compatible with Copernican theory but not with Ptolemaic 60–1, 90–3;

see also Hezekiah, Joshua, Moses, Solomon

Black Sea 329

Boethius 74, 406

Borgia, Gaspare, Cardinal xxv, xxvi

Borro, Girolamo 420

Bosphorus 329

Brahe, Tycho xi, 115, 173, 254, 266, 396, 400, 409, 414

Caccini, Tommaso xviii, 404

Caesar, Julius 3, 394

Cajetan (Thomas de Vio) 93, 408

Capra, Baldassare xi

Capua, Cardinal of, see Nikolaus von Schönberg

Castelli, Benedetto xviii, 47, 55, 402, 403

Cecco di Ronchitti (pseudonym of G) xi

Cesi, Federico, Prince xvi, 402, 408; see also Lincean Academy

Chiaramonti, Scipione (author of Anti-Tycho) 414

Christina of Lorraine, see Medici family

Ciampoli, Giovanni xviii, xxiv–xxvi

Cicero 71;

Academica 406;

Letters to his Friends 371, 424

Clavius, Christopher viii, 400, 406

Clementi, Clemente: An Encyclopedia Explained and Defended . . . (‘handbook of assertions’) 257, 418

Cleomedes 216, 416

clouds 213–14;

not found on the Moon 225;

sunspots similar to 40–3

colure, solstitial 352, 422

comets xxi, 4, 117, 173

conclusions, book of, see Locher, Johann Georg

Congregation of the Index xx, xxix, 110, 124, 366, 374, 407, 411

Copernican theory: abjured by G 375–8;

compatible with miracle of Joshua 58–61;

endorsed by G x, xvii, xxiii, 62, 394;

declared erroneous by the Holy Office xix–xx, 361, 370;

evidence in favour 31, 54, 77, 115–16, 125, 356–7;

as a hypothesis xix, 94, 97, 99–107, 124–5, 361, 366

Copernicus, Nicolaus xiii, xvii, xviii, 37, 60, 63, 71, 82, 89, 96–107, 110–14, 115, 122–3, 306–8, 346, 349, 355, 357;

On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres x, xx, 64–5, 266, 406, 407, 409, 410;

placed on Index of Proscribed Books xx, 124, 411;

unsigned preface (by Andreas Osiander) 105–7, 410

Councils of the Church 65, 83, 89;

Council of Trent 84, 95, 110, 111, 407, 410

Cremonini, Cesare 164, 412, 419

Dante Alighieri 417;

G’s lectures on geography of Inferno viii

de Dominis, Marcantonio 420

deferents 40, 396–7, 421

delle Colombe, Ludovico xiv, 406

del Monte, Francesco Maria, Cardinal xvi

del Monte, Guidobaldo, Marchese viii

Demosthenes 175, 414

Didachus of Stunica (Diego de Zuñiga): Commentaries on Job 83, 407

Dionysius the Areopagite 84, 90, 407, 408;

On the Divine Names 91, 408

Dog Star, see Sirius

Dominican order xviii, xxiv, xxvii, 360, 367, 372, 402, 404

Earth: combined daily and annual motions as cause of tides 319–24, 338–54;

as observed from a great distance 41;

from the Moon 187;

reflects light from the Sun xii, 41;

partakes in annual revolution of planets around the Sun 306–7;

rotates daily on its axis 307

eccentrics and epicycles 40, 94, 102, 104, 110, 349, 397, 402, 421

eclipses 21, 191, 216–19, 350

ecliptic 22, 347, 350–2, 399, 401, 421;

declination of 103, 409

Ecphantus of Syracuse 97, 409

elements (earth, air, fire, water) 133, 337, 413; see also Aristotle

Elsevier, Louis xxviii

equants 40, 402

Euclid 74

Fabricius, Johann 402

Fathers of the Church xx, 64, 68, 74, 75, 78–87, 89, 95, 109–10, 111–13

Ferrari, Antonio (Galateo) 420

Foscarini, Paolo Antonio xix, xx, 94, 408

Fossombrone, Bishop of, see Paul van Middelburg

François de Aguilon 416

Galaxy, see Milky Way

Galen 74, 406

Galilei family: Giulia Ammannati (mother of GG) vii;

children of GG xi;

Marina Gamba (common-law wife of GG) xi;

siblings of GG ix;

Vincenzio (father of GG) vii, ix

Galilei, Galileo: birth vii;

enrolment at Pisa University viii;

lecturer in mathematics at Pisa viii;

chair of mathematics at Padua ix;

military and geometrical compass xi;

telescopes xii;

projected works (1610) xiii;

mathematician and philosopher to Grand Duke of Tuscany, and tutor to Cosimo de’ Medici xiii–xiv, 4;

trial xxvi–xxviii, 360–78;

blindness xxix;

death xxix;

WORKS: Little Balance viii;

essay on motion ix;

Sidereal Message vii, xii, xiv, 1–32, 393, 395–6, 404, 410, 418;

Letters on the Sunspots xvii, 33–55, 91, 176, 194, 404, 410, 411, 415;

Letter to Benedetto Castelli xviii, 55–61;

Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina xviii, 61–94;

Observations on the Copernican Theory 96–114;

Discourse on Comets (published under name of Mario Guiducci) xxi;

Assayer xxi, 115–21, 194, 337, 415;

Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems xix, xxii–xxvi, 21, 23, 32, 122–359, 396, 401;

and circumstances of printing xxiv–xxvi, 360–4, 368–9, 411, 423;

and earlier provisional titles (System of the World, Discourse or Dialogue on the Tides) xix, 398, 412;

Two New Sciences xxviii–xxix, 247, 285, 359, 379–92, 417; see also Lincean Academician

Gamba, Marina, see Galilei family

Gibraltar, strait of 170, 316–17, 414

Giese, Tiedeman (Bishop of Kulm) 64, 101, 405, 409

Gilbert, William: On the Magnet 97–8, 409

Giordano, Paolo 55

Gonzaga, Ferdinando, Cardinal xvi

Grassi, Orazio: Astronomical and Philosophical Balance xxi, 411; see also Sarsi

Guiducci, Mario xxi, 115, 411

heavens, held to be incorruptible, see Aristotle

Henry IV, King of France xv, 394

Heraclides of Pontus 71, 97, 397

Hercules 3

Hezekiah: miracle of sundial 84, 407

Hicetas 71, 97, 406

Hipparchus 399

Holy Office (Inquisition) xix, xxvi–xxviii, 360–1;

injunction forbidding G to promote Copernican theory (February 1616) 361, 363–4, 367–9, 373, 423–4

Homer 296;

Iliad 115

Horace: Odes 394;

Ars poetica 296, 418

Horky, Martin xiv, 406, 416

horned argument (‘liar’s paradox’) 162, 414

horoscopes 97, 409;

of Grand Duke Cosimo II 4, 395

Huygens, Christian xv

Inchofer, Melchior xxvi

Index of Proscribed Books, see Congregation of the Index

Inquisition, see Holy Office

Jerome, Saint: Letter to Paulinus 73, 406;

On Jeremiah 81, 407

Jesus, Society of (Jesuits) viii, xvi–xvii, xxi, 402, 405

Josephus 84

Joshua: miraculous halting of Sun’s motion 55, 58–61, 84, 89–93, 403, 404

Jupiter 3, 140, 305, 394, 395;

satellites (‘Medicean stars’) xiii, xx, 4, 8, 27–32, 44, 72, 104, 346, 397, 400, 401, 410

Kepler, Johann x, xiv, 98, 356, 409;

on orbit of Mars 422;

Cosmographic Mystery x;

Astronomia Nova 401, 410, 422

Kulm, Bishop of, see Giese, Tiedeman

Lactantius 65, 405

Leo X, Pope, 63

Leonardo da Vinci 155

light: irradiation 199–200;

reflection 195–207;

visual rays 205–7, 415

Lincean Academy xvi, xvii, 357;

Lincean Academician (G) 139, 148, 188, 247, 346, 359, 385, 413

Locher, Johann Georg: A Mathematical Discourse . . . (‘book of conclusions’) 216, 416

longitude xx

Lorini, Niccolò xvii, xviii

Macrobius 216, 416;

Saturnalia 412

Maculano, Vincenzo xxvii, 364, 372, 423–4

Madagascar 327

Magalhães, Cosme de 93, 408

Magellan strait 328, 330

Magini, Giovanni Antonio viii, xiv

Malapert, Karl 395

Mars 3;

orbit 304–5;

not fully understood 349, 422;

variations in apparent size 77, 104, 115, 301–2

Marsili, Cesare 357, 422–3

Master of the Sacred Palace see Riccardi, Niccolò

Mayr, Simon xi

Medicean stars, see Jupiter, satellites

Medici family: Don Antonio 55, 403;

Christina of Lorraine, Grand Duchess, later Dowager Grand Duchess (‘Madame’) xviii, 55, 61, 403;

Cosimo I, Grand Duke 393, 394;

Cosimo II, Grand Duke xi, xiii, xvi, 3, 55, 393, 403;

Ferdinand I, Grand Duke xiii, 393, 403;

Ferdinand II, Grand Duke 122, 411;

Giuliano, Tuscan Ambassador in Prague xv, xvi;

Maria (Marie de Médicis), Queen of France xv, 394;

Maria Maddalena, Archduchess 55

Mercury 3, 8, 34, 36, 38–40, 45–6, 50, 104, 304, 396

Messina, strait of 312, 327, 329–30, 335, 420

Michelangelo Buonarroti 227, 230, 416

Milky Way (also Galaxy) xii, 7, 26, 400

mirrors, see light

Moletti, Giuseppe viii

Moon: daily revolution 60, 404;

epicycle 188, 415;

influence on the tides x, 311, 339, 348, 356, 420;

orbit around Earth 302, 305, 346;

not fully understood 349, 422;

possible inhabitants xviii;

markings compared to sunspots 35;

mountains and valleys on xii, 7, 10–19, 210–11, 220–5;

moonlight reflected from Earth 20–3, 187–91;

phases 36;

as a planet 39;

similarities to and differences from Earth 183–95, 210–26

Morandi, Orazio xxiv

Moses 113

motion: acceleration 138–41;

as cause of heat 119;

circular, rectilinear and mixed, 133, 138–9, 151–2;

Aristotle on 137;

Plato on 139–40, 148, 413;

extrusion caused by Earth’s rotation 273–84;

of birds in flight 250–1, 267–71;

of cannon shots fired horizontally 251–4, 262–7;

vertically 258–62;

of freely falling bodies ix, xi, xxviii, 141–8, 235–9, 244–50, 284–93, 382–92;

of pendulums 233, 289–90, 293–5, 322, 343–5, 386–8;

of projectiles 231–5, 239–44;

of water 317–19, 321–3, 420;

on board ship 255–7, 271–3

nature, book of 67, 115, 122

nebulae 26–7, 400

Newton, Isaac xxviii

Niccolini, Francesco xxvi, 423

Nicetas, see Hicetas

Nikolaus von Schönberg (Cardinal of Capua) 64, 101, 405, 409

‘odd number’ rule 389–92, 425

Oreggi, Agostino xxvi

Origanus (David Tost): Ephemerides 98, 409

Orion (constellation) 24–6

Osiander, Andreas 410

Ovid: Metamorphoses 394

parallax 35, 39, 173, 402, 422

Paul III, Pope 64, 100

Paul V, Pope xx

Paul of Burgos 84, 407

Paul van Middelburg (Bishop of Fossombrone) 63, 404

Pereira, Benedetto, 405, 406

Peter Lombard: Sentences 405

Philolaus 71, 97

Piccolomini, Ascanio, Archbishop of Siena xxviii

Pisa, Tower of ix, xxviii

planets (‘wandering stars’) xvii, 4, 48, 104, 167, 349, 393, 396, 411;

orbits 149, 301–5;

see also Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn

Plato 71, 97, 129, 148;

on recollection 130, 276, 412; see also motion

Pleiades (constellation) 25–6, 400

Pliny: Natural History xvii

Plutarch: Life of Numa Pompilius 71, 405

Porta, Malatesta 398

Primum Mobile 59, 90, 103, 404, 408

Propertius: Elegies 393–4

Ptolemy, Claudius xviii, 38, 62, 74, 102–4, 115, 122–3, 254, 273, 395, 406;

Almagest 396, 400, 410, 418;

Optics 399

Pythagoras, Pythagoreans 13, 37, 71, 97, 124, 307, 412;

on science of numbers 128–9;

theorem 172

Raphael 230

Red Sea 326–7

Reinhold, Erasmus: Prutenic Tables, 405

Riccardi, Niccolò (Master of the Sacred Palace) xxiv–xxvi, 360–4, 368–9, 373–4, 411

Ricci, Ostilio viii

Rudolph II, Emperor xv, 396, 409

Sagredo, Giovan Francesco xiv, xxii, 125, 397, 412, 424

Salviati, Filippo xxii, 125, 412, 424

Santucci, Antonio 76, 406

Sarpi, Paolo ix, xi

Sarsi (pseudonym of Orazio Grassi) 115, 118, 411

Saturn 50, 305;

rings (held by G to be satellites) xv, 44–5, 52–4, 403

scaling 379–81

Scheiner, Christoph xvi–xvii, 284, 402, 418; see also Apelles

Scripture, see Bible

Scylla and Charybdis, see Messina, strait of

Sea of Marmara 329

Seleucus 71, 97, 356, 406

Seneca: On Comets (Natural Questions) 71, 97, 406, 409

senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight) 119–21

Simplicio, imaginary character xxii, xxvii, 126, 412, 424

Simplicius, commentator on Aristotle 126, 412

Sinceri, Carlo xxvii, 364, 423

Sirius (Dog Star) 24, 200, 399

Sizzi, Francesco xiv, 406

Socrates 227, 239, 417

Solomon 95, 113

sorites 162, 414

sounds, how produced 116–17

‘squared times’ law, see ‘odd number’ rule

stars, fixed 23–7, 48, 306, 357

stars, wandering, see planets

Stefani, Giacinto 360, 362, 369

Suetonius: Lives of the Caesars 394

Suidas (Suda) 118, 411

Sun: annual and daily motions 59;

centre around which planets revolve 153, 301–5;

motion miraculously halted, see Joshua;

revolves on its axis 38, 45, 60, 91, 404;

at rest 306;

source of light and motion 91

sunspots xvi–xvii, 34–6, 38–50, 173–7, 180, 357;

observations 41–2

supernovae xi, 173, 414

Tarde, Jean 395

Tasso, Torquato: Gerusalemme liberata 331, 417, 421

Taurus (constellation) 25

telescope xii, 7–10, 107, 116, 173, 200, 396, 397, 398, 399, 419, 422

Telesio, Bernardino 420

Tertullian: Against Marcion 67, 405

Themistius 405

tickling 120

tides: as evidence for mobility of the Earth x, xix, xxiii–xxiv, 125, 309–24, 419–21;

various explanations of their cause 311–14; see also Earth, Moon, Venice

Titian 230

Torricelli, Evangelista xxix

Tostado, Alfonso (Bishop of Avila) 84, 90, 407, 408

Tuscany, Grand Dukes of, see Medici family

Urban VIII, Pope (Maffeo Barberini) xvi, xviii, xxi, xxii, xxiv, xxvii, 358, 423

Venice: Arsenal 379, 424;

tides at 310, 311, 313, 316, 327, 355

Venus 8, 20–1, 23, 34, 35, 38–40, 396;

mentioned in Bible as Lucifer 68;

phases prove its orbit around the Sun xv, 36–8, 77, 104, 107, 115, 301–4, 404, 410

Vinta, Belisario xiii, 394

Virgil: Aeneid 408–9, 425

Visconti, Raffaello xxiv, 360, 361, 368

Vitellio 216, 416

Viviani, Vincenzio ix, xxix

Wedderburn, John xiv

Welser, Mark xvii, 33, 176, 402

wind 232, 234, 269, 329–31;

prevailing wind in tropics 332–3, 335–6;

in Mediterranean 334, 421

writing, invention of 230

Zollern, Frederic Eutel, Cardinal xxii