Heidegger made a distinction between space and place, and in this respect philosophy has followed him ever since. Place is an already inhabited space, made to fit its inhabitant, imprinted with history, personality, and cultural particularity. The postmodern philosophers defined a number of impersonal places, such as large shopping centers or airports, as non-places, spaces that are identical regardless of the culture or location in which you find them. Which is why Kenny, on the run from the Canadian authorities, has been living in Singapore International Airport for the last four years. Lacking documentation, and tired of being shunted from country to country, he decided to stay put in what was legally a non-place, belonging to no particular country or state: a legal black hole that benefited him greatly. He goes up and down pushing his one or two personal possessions along in a metal cart. The people who work in the restaurants know him by now, as do the staff in the shops, the cybercafé, the stationers, and the cleaners, which means he can get his hands on everything he needs to survive—an airport’s copious daily leftovers more than suffice. So he’s carefree now, his boxer physique has faded, and he takes a certain amount of pleasure in observing the season-to-season changes in the shop windows. Once he stood on his own watching TV, and a news item came up on the International Fox channel: a fire was sweeping the state of Nevada, USA, laying waste to vegetation and forcing the evacuation of a place named Carson City. At the end of the news item, the girl working in duty-free said it was sad, the fire, and that that was why she lived in a place built of glass, steel, and cement. A little under a year ago the Singaporean government, making use of certain extraordinary measures, offered citizenship to Kenny, but he said he didn’t want it anymore, that at 57 years of age he was tired of running around the world and he had all he needed. The ascetic, shifting up through the endless unrest that surrounded him, becoming mystic, addressed the official who had brought him the news, saying: In this caravel, I shall be the light. Removing a number of coins from a number of pouches hanging one inside the other, he offered to buy the official breakfast at Burger King. The official declined. As an inhabitant of a truly frontier space, it means he’s now eligible to be a member of the Kingdom of Elgaland-Vargaland (http://elgaland-vargaland.org). He’s been put forward as prospective Ambassador of the Kingdom of Airport Terminals.